
The Mighty Traveler

When a man wakes up to his world destroyed and left alone, he is met with a voice asking for his wishes. But how can one think realizing you are alone, your home gone, your life erased and your expectations vanished. Paul Egon Esteban, a man from earth that has been able to unite all nations and started to develop into the space faring age around the middle of the 21st century. Is a patient of a rare disease that has no cure currently has been placed into a state of the art research facility that would place him and many other of people with similar situations into cryostasis sleep until cures for their sickness had been discovered. But one day he was awoken suddenly as his cryopod has lost all functionality with only a tattered nurse droid taking care of him. Confused, Dizzy and totally Discombobulated, Paul walked out only to find the facility he has been on is now decrepit and destroyed. It wasn't until checking the droid did he find out he was now in the last years of the 22nd century nearly entering the 23rd. Shocked and scared he tried going out of the place only to find out a dry wasteland that was Earth. Mind blanked and shocked, he trudged the land as he realized he was all alone. A former city full of wonder and people turned to dust. It wasn't until his dazed state lingered for a bit did he get a few seconds of semblance of the thing in his eyes. {Was that all you wished for?} Not understanding what it was and why it was there, Paul agreed on something he forgot that he wanted. Light swallowed him and now took him into another world for another chance in life. (A/N: I transferred my fanfic here because the one where I first posted it was a reused dropped novel, which means the setting of the book is still a novel so I might get flagged for copyright or something. So I transferred the whole thing as well as editing the stuff that I might find correcting or adding details.)

Bottomlanefeeder27 · Filme
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115 Chs

Chp. 27 Iron Tide (2)

Paul knew next year in summer a band of thirteen dwarves, a wizard and a hobbit shall go on an unexpected journey. Now he is cooped up in the workshop he made and found some discoveries that he think he can use even in Marvel Universe, the trolls he captured had changed.


Paul had routinely used his precise minute control of telepathic powers to rid the trolls of the darkness that was within them. They now started to show signs of intelligence similar to a ten year old, but the fact that they still can't walk in sunlight exist.


It was more to the fact that their genetics somehow is very sensitive to UV light that it causes their cells to combust on contact and become petrified as their cell structure ruptures and releases large amounts of heat within. Thus making turning their flesh dry and hard in moments, so Paul went to research many herbs and poultices that might be able to affect them and make something that could alter them to the genetic level.


Thank god Paul has knowledge copied from Charles and Hank McCoy, both great in the field of genetics and biology. One thing Paul does not forget to pack was a mini laboratory that could be base anywhere in storage rings he owns.


The one he carries could fit in an amount of 1 cubic km, and large amount of ores now lie within since he can take them from the earth very easily if he focuses long enough. Even the dwarves were curious where Paul gets all these metal and gold that funded this group for months lavishly.


Now even the Great Rams were armed to the last inch with high quality castle forged steel, dwarves loved it now that many of their kin also helped after getting new feet and hands. But since his research is currently at an impasse, he let one of his clones back in the man-cave ponder over this while his clone here shall try to see if there are indeed dragons in the grey mountains.


The next day he looked over the training field and saw hundreds more of new recruits being trained and drilled with discipline. Good thing his food stores were full and many are still hidden in case there are jealous people that wanted to sabotage him.


And some indeed tried, many mercenaries were disgruntled when the famous 'Chained Dragon Adventurer group' took the best jobs out there and completed with effective measures. They did not know even from afar Paul gave instructions that would render success in many jobs.


Taking out monsters, killing orc bands nearby, ridding the area of trolls and even help villages in their problems, but since he could not be everywhere all at once he had trained some men who had great eyesight and insight in the way creatures behave like hunters.


And at least a dozen of these were former rogue silvan elves, who also sought the rumor of men with arms made of steel and could shoot arrows from within their arms. They were from forest burned and destroyed by orcs and dark creatures and roamed the lands trying to survive.


Most had ailments that made them shunned by their kind that valued appearances greatly. Some elven lords tried assuaging such problems but society will always have problems from within, it was not easy for Paul to have the dwarves make things for the elves but ultimately he was able to make the two sides work together.


Elves were great craftsmen too and thus increased Paul's revenue when jewelries of great beauty stirred the attention of many. Some rumors came that also lit the curiosity of many but they cannot see for themselves due to how hard it is to sneak in the mountain side fortress with no entrances.


The only way in was a flat winding road that is open of attack from the keep above. No one knew how it came to be, there were no builders nor were there any signs until one day a man with great strength called upon many men who were in the deep dark recess of society and made them into strong warriors.


They always wore mask and donned full armor that they were thought to have been knights yet they rode Great Rams in the fields and forest bringing with them fury like no other. Many were tempted hearing rumors of halls filled with gold yet no one dared as they waited for someone to become the first victim.


But winter came and no one stepped forward to test the waters, Paul made sure they come and go like the wind and that they did making their name more fearsome. Many nobles of men tried reaching out and offering a price but all they got was a dagger placed besides their bed the morning they woke scaring them to their wits.


They tried magic yet not one worked since they did not know Paul already placed a protective formation within the mountain. Now they will wait in spring and see if this place that spreads its name in fame, bring justice to its name as the 'Iron Tide'.


Paul was amazed his group got a nickname since they arrive in surprise like an Iron tide and leave behind desiccated corpses of orcs and goblins as well as many foul creatures that roamed the lands.


Other than trolls, Paul also experimented with many creatures and tried taming some large beast. Orcs were useless since the darkness has seeped very deep inside of them, goblins not so much change happens other than becoming cowards and weaker than the others.


The Wargs were similar to wolves but they were somehow a mishmash of many beasts DNA. How they bred these creatures to be baffled Paul as he could not understand how the interspecies bred with each other.


He did take some blood from elves and dwarves saying he needed them for something. Him introducing small needles to draw blood and many different medical practices did amaze the elves since they too have advancements in medicine but not like the way Paul showed.


He had tried splicing DNA of other creatures to see if they can curb the weakness of trolls and even make them into a better and stronger breed. Thankfully there were no one here that could see what he was doing or else they might mistake him for an evil scientist or worse a mad wizard.


But he did find that somehow the DNA if Dwarves, Humans and Elves were closely related. But the difference is obvious with the physical appearances, dwarves develop more muscle mass yet stunted, elves were strong too but more flexible and long lived since their cell activity were very slow thus the long age.


Humans shine in the regard of fertility and adapting, Dwarves were built to consume more food and crave more protein, Elves prefer warmer and calm climates yet humans were present everywhere.


But that was for later since Paul is currently in a snow covered mountain in the Grey Mountains and sought to get some creatures he heard was many in these peaks.




[T.A. 2941, spring]


It was almost the end of winter and spring was on its way, the many curious eyes of middle earth were drawn to another rumor that masked the fame of Paul's adventurers. It was the rumor of Erebor's prophecy, the return of the King under the mountain so Paul knew it was time.


He stood in a balcony looking over a thousand and five hundred heavy cavalry in strengthened Great Rams.


Paul was able to isolate the factor of the Troll's resilience in its DNA and made a serum that enabled him to make other stronger, even animals.


His men were given small quantities in their drinks and food unbeknownst to them making them gain more muscle and appeared more like a bunch of Orcs than the orcs, but hairier.


'Mwuahahaha!! Powah of science baby!!' Paul cackled like a madman inside but he was giddy since he had prepared to make Smaug under his control. The past winter had proven great for him since he found many drakes within the mountain and was able to subjugate many.


But he found himself clueless as to what to do with the dragons since this clone of his has now artifact that could store them like his mini-worlds.


But then a part of Might Guy's knowledge was remembered, he then took out a large scroll in his storage ring.


The scroll made Paul's eyes shine as he remembered that being a ninja, Might Guy knows sealing techniques and he could use it here.


Even with a clone he was able to successfully seal the dragons inside the scrolls.


He did not leave them in chains under his workshop, some people might notice especially the dwarves. Most he captured were small ones about 20-30 feet in length and have about 80 feet in wingspan or none as some were even wingless cold drakes.


But it did prove he can still use his Ninja techniques here, maybe pass it off as magic once he found a time to use it. The past three months he also experiments using Dragon DNA and tried them on trolls.


It took a lot of time but he was able to successfully rid the trolls of their weakness to the sun, the only sideeffect is that they now have scales for skin.


For the many jobs they did catching them in the Ettenmoors, Paul now has about dozens of trolls secretly turned into some sort of Dragon trolls.


They are bigger, smarter, and more resilient since the Cold Drake's DNA seemed very compatible with the Troll's.


And now they looked more like metallic giants with steel colored scales and grew horns thus appearing more like demons from hell.


Paul felt that even Sauron would be jealous if he knew he was able to make a creature much stronger than the average troll


Now they were deeply loyal to Paul but he does not have any discomfort since these trolls used to pillage villages and eat people. So why not use them for good and bring about something positive in this world.


For the whole winter he has toiled to make things develop faster as he might have a long journey to bring them all where he plans them to be. All his soldiers were mounted but they have different designations depending on their expertise.


Mounted Archers made up of a hundred elves and humans. They were given heavy longbows meant for very long ranged sniping; he created a pseudo-scope that improved their accuracy.


50 Heavy Ram drawn Chariots manned by Dwarven Warriors. 20 were mounted with Hwachas for AOE, 15 balistea damage and 15 repeating crossbows for accuracy.


500 mounted lancers who could be turned into shielded pike men if they dismount.


500 mounted swordsmen who were meant to target the long range groups of the enemy. They were given sabers and also were semi ranged with the small bows installed in their gauntlets.


Warbeast, made up of tamed monsters that were captured over the past years. They are about 200 in total including the handlers, Paul was even lucky to find time to get Oliphaunts but they were not here but on the northern side of the Grey Mountains hidden in a valley near withier heath.


They were all tied to a large fortress that could be drawn by the beasts, he found them when he wandered during winter time. He has more in the scrolls sealed but he only needed ten to pull the large metal fortress he made.


Six months of nights spent on making it and training the beasts, he was able to make a small fort that has a large amount of wheels made of iron. Also he made sure that the mobile fort could hold all five thousand people in his command.


He could now even ne considered a small warlord with the force that he has. Taking a deep breath Paul was taken out of his thoughts as he realized the people waiting down the training fields were all present already. He had called for a completed cut-off from the outside world as he had them train for the past winter in preparation.


"I know many of you are curious as to why I am building this much force in secrecy from the eyes of the other people but trust me this is for the better of the people of middle Earth. I cannot say exactly why but I will all need you to trust me on this part…" Paul looked at the curious eyes staring at him below.


"…so by the end of the week all of us must be ready to leave this place…" as soon as his words fell many murmurs were hear but he just raised his hand to silence them.


"…let me speak a bit first before any of you speak your thoughts, this place here is just temporary. I have thought of a place where you can call home and I hope you follow me there so everybody here can settle live there together. One day you'll understand but for now please prepare, and do not be worried. I have already prepared the path for us to go where I had planned…" Paul then pulled a rope beside him and the gate which leads to his workshop opened.


Jumping down he landed instantly on the ground but his weight did not seem to be heavy even with all the armor he wore. This made the eyes of many widened at the control and finesse Paul just showed but the leaders of each race followed behind him to the mysterious workshop.


"For the past year I have toiled to make this passage, the tunnels here lead below the Misty Mountains then pass through the Grey Mountains some out of a valley near in Withered Heath near the Iron Hills." Paul pulled torched on the side and lit a side of the wall which ignited and lighted the path in front.


Paul had already taken the items and things he was experimenting here and was left with a large passage with a series of train tracks in it. The people behind him could see the depth and length of the tracks as the fire went to the distance.


"By my beard, what in Durin's name is this? How come I never saw you take out even one bucket of rocks as well as a crate of nails inside yet you were able to make this?" Buri said in awe.


"Shall we?" Paul did not answer as he pulled the others to the side that revealed the thing that'll take them from point A to point B. It was a train but it was manually driven like a handcar or trolley and it needed about 25 pairs in places to wind the levers.


Paul did not want to introduce engines yet, Dwarves might discover it in the future but this is just too early for industrialization. The craftsmen eyes the construct in curiosity and mumbled to themselves as they inspected it.


"I will leave some to take care of this place to keep up appearance so no one would suspect we are all gone. So if you could then prepare the items you need to bring with you, no need to dismantle the forge since there is a workshop in the last three cabins." Paul then left them to prepare as he went to his room and lied down for a rest.


The tunnel he made spanned for miles straight towards the destinations. He did collapse some a few times but being a powerful telepath then it was easy for him to do so, it was just that the body of the clone still felt the strain of working non-stop.


He rested the body for days until a knock came by the door, it opened and came in Buri, Ruben and Saphire, a sylvan elf who he recruited after learning he helped her brother gain another pair of legs.


"Sire, the people are ready." Sapphire said as she looked at the sleeping figure of their leader.


"Hmm… okay." Paul stretched out and went to put on a shirt and his armor quickly. He then went to the training field and found everybody ready to get in the cabins as to leave.


They had already come to accept the fact that if they follow Paul then prosperity followed.


They too had noticed how he went for days without sleep and felt that they were lucky to be in the care of someone strong and kind as Paul.


"I know this might be a sudden thing I ordered but have I ever meant any of you harm in what I do?" Paul asked as he looked over the people.


"None sire!" a child said instantly making the adults smile and feel that they can trust Paul with their lives.


"We trust you sire!" more voices sounded out as they cheered for Paul in the balcony.


"Then follow me, I shall show you how side the world is and become a great part in it!" Paul then led them to the tunnels that were dug up by the Builder robots and him. The Robots now numbered up to a hundred, enough to keep appearances for now.


They will stay here and maintain the Keep as well as their activity as Adventurers. It took a whole day to load up all of them into the cabins and took off to the long tunnels. Slowly and surely the men in front weresweating as they turned the levers to slowly accelerate.


"Sire we have picked up speed!" Buri said as his eyes shone along with the dwarves watching the train move.


"Change gears Buri!" Paul said as he sat in a command room like cabin. The size of each cabin was 5m tall, 6m wide and 20m long. It each has enough space for thirty families each and it totaled to about 40 cabins with all the animals and things they have.


Even the Rams were inside it as they were placed a hundred in a cabin with special pens.

10 were for the people

10 for the rams, five for food

5 for other livestock

2 for the 'engine'

3 for the workshops

And 5 for various resources


Paul was able to make a crude gear shift in the train head, he was able to made the train travel up to 60kmph at maximum. He could help but that would take the fun out of it, the dwarves helped too and changed shifts with the hundred men every two hours.


So they went on the long underground tunnel that was dug for months and made sure by Paul that no other tunnels connect to this tunnel by compacting the earth to the walls making them hard even for the Great Earth eaters, were-worms.


Paul found them when looking for dragons in the Grey Mountains, but he did not take some of them because he has no use as he could not seem to find sentience on these large worms. Only some dark connection deep within their minds could communicate with them.


Or more likely direct them since they were simpleminded, so he focused on the dragons that seemed intelligent and could be taught to learn things. Largest he found was a wingless drake twenty feet tall and sixty feet long, it was like a large horned komodo dragon with very pronounced muscles but all it can do is breath fire and growl.


Maybe Smaug was just an exception being able to speak, maybe only great Dragons can. But they are intelligent and could understand words, but Paul feels that maybe these dragons were just lesser kind compared to Smaug.


Since he was deemed to be the last of the Great Dragons of middle Earth, since the rest were not as large and varied in appearance and size. He even have three that were serpent like amongst them, they were slender but faster that the bulky one he has.


Took some time for him to also tame them using some beast taming technique he has learned. And then he got them contracted to be summons like Manda or Gamabunta in Naruto.


It would be cool if he landed in the middle of the battlefield and bam! A dragon appears…


Paul smiled as he thought about that but he stood up and went to his room in the train.


"Buri, you make sure speed is constant, if this keeps up then two weeks later we might already be in our destination." Paul knew how long it'll take but good thing he made the tunnel straight and not turns since whatever was blocking he deleted out of existence.


[Shire border]


"Wait!" Bilbo Baggins shouted towards the company of dwarves and a wizard walking beyond the borders of his home. Unbeknownst to him his home is now inhabited by a builder robot Paul made to make sure no one auctions Bilbo's items if people think he is gone.


He did copy the thought and memories of Bilbo then putting them on the robot's head. Good thing he has a computer and tech to make more robots but it was a slow process.


"Wait!!' This time Bilbo's shout caught the attention of the company.


"Whoa, whoa!" the ponies neighed as they stopped on the road. The dwarves looked at Bilbo running towards them, Thorin Oakenshield looked surprised as well as others in the group.


"I signed it." Bilbo raised a long parchment showing the company the contract they left him.


"Here." Bilbo panted as he gave the contract to Balin, the old dwarf with white set of hair and a balding head. Balin looked at the papers then to Bilbo and raised his left hand holding a monocle like thing with two sets of glass aligned.


"Everything appears to be in order." Balin said to the company as Bilbo looked at Gandalf smiling towards him.


"Welcome, Master Baggins to the company of Thorin Oakenshield." Balin winked at Bilbo as he said that while the other dwarves laughed.


"Hey hey!"




The dwarves laughed in glee while Thorin also smirked in amusement as he looked at their new member, the supposed to be 'Burglar' the wizard said they needed.


"Give him a pony." Thorin said then urged his ride to trot forward.


"No, no, that won't be necessary." Bilbo said in panic with small amount of fear in his eyes. "Thank you. I'm sure I can keep up on foot."


"I-I've done my fair share of walking holidays you know? Even got as far as Frogmorton once-Hurghh!!" Bilbo was then carried by two dwarves to be placed in a pony. Moments later he sat on one with an unsure face of what to do as the pony neighed.


"Come on, Nori. Pay up!" Oin said which was answered with a coin pouched tossed to his way.


"Heughehe!!" Oin laughed.


"One more!" then pouches of coins were passed among the dwarves


"Thanks lad!"


Bilbo looked at them in curiosity and asked the wizard beside him who was smiling happily. "What's that about?"


"Ohh, they took wagers on whether or not you'd turn up. Most of them bet that you wouldn't." Gandalf said calmly as Bilbo looked at the old wizard.


"And what did you think?"


"Well…" Gandalf exhaled looking at Bilbo then raised his hand to catch a coin pouch flying towards his way and weighed in by tossing it twice in the air. "*Chuckle* My dear fellow, I never doubted you for a second."


"*Achoo*! Ughh! It's Horse hair.*sniffle* Having a reaction*sniffle* Ughh…" Bilbo looked for his handkerchief but it seemed his pockets were empty.


"No, wait, wait, stop! Stop we have to turn around!" Bilbo made the company paused for a bit.


"What on earth is the matter?" Gandalf asked.


"I forgot my handkerchief." Bilbo said.


"Here!" Bofur said as he ripped apart a piece of his coat then throwing it to Bilbo. "Use this!"


Bilbo looked at the cloth and sniffed a bit garnering laughs from the other dwarves.


"Move on." Thorin said and went on the way, the company followed which Bilbo looked at the cloth in his hand then putting it in his pockets to follow behind.


"You'll have to manage without pocket handkerchiefs and a good many other things, Bilbo Baggins before we reach our journey's end." Gandalf said as they journeyed on.


"You were born to the rolling hills and little rivers of the Shire. But home is now behind you, the world is ahead."