
The Mighty Traveler

When a man wakes up to his world destroyed and left alone, he is met with a voice asking for his wishes. But how can one think realizing you are alone, your home gone, your life erased and your expectations vanished. Paul Egon Esteban, a man from earth that has been able to unite all nations and started to develop into the space faring age around the middle of the 21st century. Is a patient of a rare disease that has no cure currently has been placed into a state of the art research facility that would place him and many other of people with similar situations into cryostasis sleep until cures for their sickness had been discovered. But one day he was awoken suddenly as his cryopod has lost all functionality with only a tattered nurse droid taking care of him. Confused, Dizzy and totally Discombobulated, Paul walked out only to find the facility he has been on is now decrepit and destroyed. It wasn't until checking the droid did he find out he was now in the last years of the 22nd century nearly entering the 23rd. Shocked and scared he tried going out of the place only to find out a dry wasteland that was Earth. Mind blanked and shocked, he trudged the land as he realized he was all alone. A former city full of wonder and people turned to dust. It wasn't until his dazed state lingered for a bit did he get a few seconds of semblance of the thing in his eyes. {Was that all you wished for?} Not understanding what it was and why it was there, Paul agreed on something he forgot that he wanted. Light swallowed him and now took him into another world for another chance in life. (A/N: I transferred my fanfic here because the one where I first posted it was a reused dropped novel, which means the setting of the book is still a novel so I might get flagged for copyright or something. So I transferred the whole thing as well as editing the stuff that I might find correcting or adding details.)

Bottomlanefeeder27 · Filme
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115 Chs

114 The Main Character(2)....

[Beyond the Wall]


"I can feel the winds of magic are starting to rekindle…" said an old man, tied to many roots of a tree under the earth. He then looked at the few small statured beings around him, they were the Children of the Forrest and now they huddle in hiding out of fear towards the one thing they had created.


"It would seem I can no longer see as much as I should be Leaf, it might be wise to send someone to see what caused all of these changes in the future that should have been set in stone." The old man looked at a red eyed member of these small beings who looked worried for the old man.


"Then what about the Night King? He still threatens the living, I cannot have anyone leave when I cannot assure safety of anyone from the hands of men." Leaf said as she looked worried for her brethren.


"Then it must be you, you are the only skilled enough to evade the Night King's eyes and wary enough of the nature of Men." The old man looked gently at Leaf like she was a daughter of his, he did not want to send her away but to know more of what is happening down south of the wall then someone had to be sent forth to investigate.


"I shall do my best, Three Eyed Raven…" Leaf looked at her fellow brethren and conveyed her farewells as she steeled herself to venture south.




"Are we going to ignore the calls of the believers high Priest? Many say that the Blood Lord is the Lord of Light in flesh present in the mortal world to guide the lost into warmth of his embrace." A deep booming voice sounded out from a tall dark man six feet tall and wide as two men.


"Moqorro, the flames have told us not to get in the path of the Sanguine Lord. His path is not of the Lord's will and the Lord had shown me that it is not time for us to spread his words. Only when the prince that was promised appears then we may try to enlighten the masses of his Lord's mercy upon us." A tall thin man with face full of tattoos was watching the flames in a brazier show him scenes of what has come to pass.


"I too see in the flames something disconcerting, the Lord of Light does not want us to antagonize the Blood Lord. Maybe the masses are right, he is a god walking among mortals but he is not our God…" the tall dark man frowned as he too looked into the flames and saw something that of which that vexed him.





Rohanne received reports of various scenes happening all over the world in response to understand what is the development of the plan Paul had set in motion.


All the Subordinates of Paul were busy one way or another as they also develop ahead of the times as they experienced the fruit of Paul's labors after all the years of building this thriving civilization in between the Green Hell.


This included items from daily livelihood up to weapons of the common soldier within the only City within Green Hell, tribes of various kinds from Beastmen to Brindlemen have finally accepted the hegemony of Titanus within the Green Hell.


Though many were still ambitious, created larger tribes up to 10 thousand in size but could grow more due to their lack of understanding things like agriculture and creating a stable food supply.


The largest by far were a mixed tribe of brindled men and beastmen that number around 13-14 thousand and live a semi nomadic life by transferring homes between 4 places within the south of the large forest.


They were rather active also in trading with Yeen and the nearby towns ruled by the Great Warriors. The City of Yeen on the other hand had reach around 800,000 thousand in population with a garrison of 10 elite soldiers guarding the peace of the City.


There are also 9 large towns ruled by the great warriors with at least 1 thousand soldiers in garrison.


Other than the Garrison, Paul could mobilized up to 25 elite infantry(Pike and Shields), 10 thousand Archers(Longbow with short sword and buckler), 5 thousand Heavy cavalry(Boars & Glaives), 8 thousand heavy Cavalry(Zorses with Swords, Shield and Lances), 500 Elephants, 5 Thousand mounted Archers(Short Bow with lance and buckler), 150 Wyvern Knights, 200 Wyvern Tamers, 500 Beast tamers(Walking Lizards, Basilisks & Shield Lizards), 500 Sea Horse Knights, 30 Giant Crabs, 500 Pouch Tiger Riders( Blades and Bows), 3 Thousand Spear Throwers(Atlatl), 5000 Heavy Infantry(Tower Shields with Hammers or Axes), 100 Giant Walking Lizards(similar to mid-sized Carnivorous Dinos), 500 various sorcerers, 1000 battleships with 20 thousand sailors, 8 thousand Unsullied(with one ball each) and 6 thousand various cripples with prosthetic limbs.



Paul wondered how fast he could conquer Westeros with all his soldiers equipped with the best armors and weapons there is to find and now he plans to build a special force of 500 for now equipped with armors and weapons with runes and magic enchanted in them.


A unit made to oppose the White Walkers, in Paul's deduction each of the white Walker would be at least super soldier strong physically. Thus he felt that each walker should be faced with special elite warriors equipped with the best magic armor and weapons he currently can make.


They were the ones currently stationed in the Gift, the elite force the stopped the raiding of cannibalistic wildings through the small hamlets and villages are the best of the elites. Twenty of them could tie down a Great Warrior, the enhanced warriors through the super soldier program and also wore the best personalized armor within all of Titanus.


Leading these armies are the best commanders trained and selected amongst the most loyal subjects that Paul has, with Ser Duncan the Tall leading as Lord Commander of the whole armed forces.


There seems to be no force that would dare to hinder the path of Titanus now but what happened to Paul was not something even he could predict, an odd meeting with a rather old rose.






"So tell me Blood Lord, how long have you been fucking my daughter-in-law?" said a woman looking like she was in her 40s but Paul knew this was the Thorny Rose of Highgarden, Lady Olenna Tyrell, mother of the Lord Paramount Mace Tyrell.


"Quite some time…" Pul answered nonchalantly as he seemed a bit confused for a moment then had a look of realization, he then looked at the veiled Lady Olenna who seemed to be hiding her face but if was of no use to Paul.


"I see that you have realized what is happening, who would have thought that the rather boring wife of my son had this side of her? I would not have known had I not drank that wine she so dearly hides." Lady Olenna took of her veil and showed her rather annoyed face, Paul looked at her passively as he glanced at the side to the rather meek Lady Alerie.


"Hmmm… so that was why you like it if I came there, you squeeze what you can and mix it with wine. I don't know how you came to conclusion like that but somehow it worked…" Paul muttered to himself but it was loud enough for Lady Olenna to hear making frown a bit more since she had realized what she had drank and was reminded of it again.


"As much as you would like to admire the thoughtless wit my daughter-in-law had performed, the affront to my family's honor is what we should be discussing." Olenna looked rather dignified as she sternly stared at Paul with gravitas in her eyes.


"Honor? Though there is honor to be affronted, it is not mine that shall be damaged Lady Olenna. This affair was a secret indeed but she was not the only one, should you release this matter then many noble houses would have their names dragged to the mud. Not that I care for that anyways, but since you are here then you must want something and that something I can only provide." His words made Olenna flinch a bit as his piercing eyes made the Queen of Thorns feel like her thoughts had been seen through.


She did not like this one bit but she had to push through, there are things that needed to be addressed but she had to try and get the upper hand, she had taken a long time trying to have this daughter-in-law of hers to confess where she got the wine and it irked her she had drunk the fluids of another man.


And seeing the results of her regaining a youthful appearance, the man involved might not be someone simple. She had thought that maybe it was the special mixture of the wine but from what she had tasted it was nothing more than their very own wine, hippocras.


And hearing the only other thing mixed in was the cream of another human organ then she assumed the man responsible to be rather unique, and only one fit the criteria as many rumors of his exploits had graced the ears of many.


It was not that hard for Olenna to deduce who this man Alerie was having an affair with, not that Paul was hiding it at all. He showed his face many times to his paramours but only to those chosen by Gemma were able to see him at all.


Still what is important is that she must resolve this conundrum she is in and the only one who can help with that would be the very source of the 'youth potion' she had ingested.


"You even risked coming to this secret place using Alerie, it seems she fears you greatly enough to tell you about this but that does not matter me at all. You are just using this as an excuse to seek an audience with me, your real goal is something else isn't it Lady Olenna?" Paul stood up from the bed he was sitting on letting the sheets that covered him fall down.


"I-ugkh…uhmm… h-how do I… hide the changes of my body?" Lady Olenna flinched as she saw the naked body of Paul up close, she was then shocked as she saw him raise a hand and a closet nearby opened on its own with a robe flying towards his body to cover him.


"Hmm, is that all? I can feel there is something else you want to ask of me." Paul smirked as he looked at the rather displeased but blushing Lady Olenna.


"I would have but as you said it would mean nothing to you then I would have to settle for what I can get, if I could even get anything from you. I know nothing on what you might need from me, anything I have you can get, even the wife of my son…" Olenna sighed as she knew there was nothing much she can offer, surely not her body as she felt she was too old for trysts like these.


"Now don't be downcast Lady Redwyne, Alerie was quite a catch for me so I'll help you a little bit with your problems. But that is you can keep this meeting of ours a secret and of course give Alerie a bit more freedom, your son does need to focus on his realm more…" Paul didn't care if this little group Gemma made would be known but that would be a bit of a hassle since this was his fun time, he rather not have to wait a few more months till Gemma makes another one.


"I guess I'll have to thank her then, normally a scandal like this is too dangerous to be left alone but my predicament would bring untold dangers towards my house." Olenna had wanted to extort Paul in this meeting but seeing his nonchalant face and amused expression means he does not care much for honor or reputation.


She also wanted to talk to the man that pushed the developments of all the Seven Kingdoms. The books revolutionized everyday of living and she had wanted to make a connection much stronger than an affair to this man.


Yet no matter what she can think off there is nothing of value she could provide since the other party is said to be richer than all of Westeros all by himself.


"I know what you wanted to do but since I feel a bit gracious today then I shall give you something to allay your problems. Take this…" Paul conjured a bracelet out of thin air making Olenna raise a brow in surprise.


"This is a bracelet with a Glamor spell inscribed, just think of what you wanted to look like and it will do the rest. Though those magically inclined would be able to tell something is wrong, there would be no problem for you in Highgarden since only Grandson Willas and your granddaughter are somewhat able to perceive magic…" Paul then went to the side and opened an ornate box where a few beautifully made bottles could be seen.


"…also take this, have your Grandson drink this and it will heal the problems in his body. He might not be a good as he was last but with a few years of care and exercise then he might be able to ride a horse and fight knights if he wants to." Paul placed a small vial in front of Olenna as she stared wide eyed at Paul then to the vial, Alerie also walked in front looking heatedly at the vial.


She too was worried about her son and as a mother she still loved them hoping that the eldest would be able to walk again normally.


"Thank you Lord Paul!" Alerie was overjoyed she went to give Paul a tight hug while he looked at the reaction of Lady Olenna.


"A warning though, the process of healing would hurt and if the patient takes in any other substances a day before and after drinking the potion might affect the outcome of his recovery." Paul warned as he knew this was a rather generalized effect potion.


It would heal every wounds, sickness and ailments but it was rather invasive and painful so that the effect would be thorough.


The Queen of Thorns did not tarry as she took the bracelet and the vial leaving Alerie in Paul's hands as he started to knead the wife of the Lord of Highgarden into his liking.


Lady Olenna was escorted by Swan into the secret passage which only members of this secret club were allowed access. But she first went on an inn own by their family to test the bracelet and she found that it worked wonders as she herself could now disguise into another with just a thought.


Though she did not get what she had wanted, she got something that she truly needed at the moment. A way to ensure their family's future, this would be enough to place back-up plans on things she had feared in case her plans for Loras would go down the drain.


This meeting was but one of many that started to deviate the fates that were meant to be to the millions of lives not just in Westeros but also in Essos and lands farther as the Age of Magic finally descended upon everybody.


And this era brought greatness all over, talents bloomed as many discovered their hidden gifts. But not all of these talents meant it was good for the world, for they grew ambition too large to contain.



[Realm of Jhogwin]





On a wide cliff near a hidden valley in the mountains, a resounding crack was heard as the cliff wall broke into pieces revealing the hidden cave within as loud thumping steps reverberated throughout the valley.


"Raagh!!" a giant about 18 feet tall with two heads roared as it finally was able to see sunlight for the first time in itslife.


Behind him followed other giants about 15-17 feet tall but they only had one head, wearing nothing but ragged leather strips and armor made up of bones.


They held in their hands clubs and maces made up of leg bones with large stones of different shapes tied at the ends.


They were the long thought extinct Jhogwin, or stone Giants in the language of the Dothraki.


The Bone mountains a mountainous region that spans from the south end to the north end is a region that separates Essos from the mystical far east, the north most part was once inhabited by the Jhogwin, thought to have been gone for thousands of years but now a tribe survived after living within a hidden area.


Now that small place cannot handle the ever growing population, the new chief got the urge to seek out new lands and something had guided him into finding the lost path their ancestors had used to escape the hunts of the Jogos Nhai.


This Chief breathing in the fresh air felt the revival of magic within the world, now his eyes instinctively look into the forest of the Woodwalkers north of the Dothraki Sea.


"Find the Woodwalkers, we need their help…" the Chief though brutish looking was rather levelheaded and looked at old allies passed on through tales of their elders, thus 300+ stone giants marched down the mountain with their elderly and young to seek the Ifequevron.


Old mysterious beings started to come out of hiding as magic started to flow through the world again, but it was mostly outside of Westeros as their magic still perturbed by the suction of the Wall.


Yet a few still appear now and then as many started speaking of sightings of magical beings thought to have been long gone.


Even in the Mountains between Braavos and Norvos there were sightings of so called Stone Goblins, small diminutive beings that have grey skin and wield makeshift weapons attacking caravans of merchants and hunters in the mountain paths.


Some Dothraki riders were said to have witnessed Stone giants walking into the forest of the Ifequevron, which they do not dare to trespass in fear of the magic that the woodwalkers might cast upon them.


Even in Westeros talks about merlings and squishers came rampant as sailors came to shore with fear in their eyes and villages near the shore were attacked by beings that looked human but bore webbed feet that squish as they walk.


Paul had received such reports from Rohanne that it piqued him a little but he did not take action as he rather focus on things he liked to do.


Which were his women, creating new tools, building cool things, other's women and many more. The fate of the world is already in shambles as he saw it and it is enough to take care of that thing beyond the wall.


By 295 AC the whole world became aware of the mystical beings present in the world, an unknown stone fort appeared northwest of the bone Mountains, said to be the place of Stone Giants and Woodwalkers as they seemed to have built an alliance.


Dothraki ever so fearful with great distaste to magic did not want to face these woodwalkers but another thought this fort was a challenge as hordes of Jhogos Nhai rode through and tried to attack the Stone Giants.


But the fort was deemed impregnable as it was situated in a very defensible area, yet these Eastern horde of riders stayed trying to starve out the Stone Giants in hope of getting a skull for a trophy.


Yet the Jhogos Nhai did not expect facing a horde of Dothraki behind them as a young Khal named Drogo son of Barbo found it an offence to the Dothraki that foreigners dared to ride through their plains.


When the battle ended, the young Khal was given a special Arakh made of Valyrian steel by the Woodwalkers and also a few fine breed of horses raised with great care by the mystical beings.


Though some may connect the Woodwalkers to the Children of the Forest, they are indeed close but inherently different as the woodwalkers had learned over the years in hiding the art of forging metals from hermit Qohoric smiths.


And they also had secret stash of Valyrian steel somehow, this made the Dothraki more wary of this fort since in recent times being able to work Valyrian steel is related to two things, Qohor or the Blood Lord.


And they know how Qohor is very secretive in their art of remaking Valyrian Steel, so they connected these group of mystical beings to be the minions of the Blood Lord, though it was indeed from Qohor the Woodwalkers learned their craft.


Still Paul heard of this from Rohanne who had already sent a few envoys to reach out to this new force hiding in the Bone Mountains.


Leviathan was sent with Duncan to sail to Lesser Ib where an outpost was built by a small scout puppet with three Golden Eagles to relay messages.


Duncan even brought his Mounts and a few sorcerers to ensure their path is scouted properly.


Betha went to inspect each shop with a boat installed with a steam engine and paddles to go to places much faster than any ship, her crew consist of 100 elite sailors and 20 strong female Pouch tiger riders from Great Warrior Ruka's tribe.


Shiera went on an expedition to the far East to investigate the situation with 50 elite warriors led by Great Warrior Okkun.


Arthur Dayne and Gerold Hightower was sent to the Thousand Islands to explore along with a few sorcerers who were tasked to investigate the situation of the Islands.


The one left to handle the army in Yeen was Donut who had become a Vice Commander due to his merits and talents.


With his side is Great Warrior White Lizard who guards him and helps in fighting dangerous beasts or opponents they might face.


They also started to rebuild and cleanse the ruins of Zametar and the surrounding Islands.


An expedition to clear out pirates that took root in Gogossos and the Basilisk Isles, there was no need to hide anymore as Titanus finally showed its fangs to the world.






"It would seem your teacher is not sitting quietly anymore, Lord Tyrion." Varys said as he sat in front of the infamous Imp.


"It would seem so, but that does not bother me. What I want to know is if any of the scouts we sent to help the Night's Watch seek any clues of the Night King returned?" Tyrion drank wine as he looked at his ledgers and books while doing his duty to ease the crown of its costly activities.


"Hmm, I'm afraid there is none. Contact was ceased after reports of them coming through the fist of the first men. Though they did mention that a new King beyond the wall had risen, a former man of the Watch." Varys had been rather watchful of people that would ensure the realm is peaceful and the one in front of him is a very good candidate.


"We did ask for help from Lord Stark haven't we? Surely he would have sent some of his men as well?" Tyrion's fingers did not stop writing down on the book as he also used his abacus to calculate more and more.


"He did, that's why it bothers me as well. I have spoken to the King of this matter already and his majesty said that we need the help of someone and that someone must be contacted by you." The spider looked at Tyrion who put down his quill and a thoughtful look came to his face.


"You have your little birds Varys, why not have some of them fly and whisper to Lord Paul's ears that we need his help. I might have been a page and squire to him but I owe too much a favor that I cannot give what the King asks for." Tyrion got down his seat to get something from a desk nearby.


"You've been coming to my office more often that lately nowadays lord Varys, people nowadays come to me to ask for money or make stuff for them but you, you always come here to talk." Tyrion got back to his seat holding a small plate with runic inscriptions visible on its surface.


"I find our conversations to be rather pleasing Lord Tyrion, I've only found a few I can talk to on a level that I find very useful for the realm. But only you are the one I find intriguing as your vision seems to differ than many, though may I ask a presumptuous question Lord Tyrion?" Varys was looking at the plate with interest but he seemed to not be able to identify what its uses were.


"Presumptuous you say? You've been treating my office like your own home already what more could you say that needed such caution?" Tyrion had found the Master of Whisperers have been rather close to him for the past years and he really liked his conversations with him.


"If possible, I would like to have a meeting with Lord Esteban. Such is why I am rather unwilling but the King has ordered me to seek him out in person, we are indeed preparing for the worst but if the worst we had assumed is not what the Blood Lord thinks then I am afraid what we are doing is nothing more than shooting blind in the dark." Varys words made Tyrion put down his wine and look at the eunuch seriously.


"Though I do not know where the notion that I can call Lord Paul personally at my whim come from but I am afraid that I have no means to ask for such demands."


"Yet you can call someone close, pass on the message that King Robert would like to talk with the Lord of Titanus, as what his sailors would call him if my birds sing true." Varys might not be able to get much but he could get enough to be able to paint a picture.


"That is why I brought this out, you may disdain magic but like a knife it has its uses. You can kill people with it but you can also use it to prepare a good meal, so don't close doors towards it since the good things with it are very handy." Tyrion placed a bluish marble unto a slot within the runic plate and pressed a few parts of the device as it started.


"Good thing my friend and I still keep touch…" Tyrion said as his device whirred with rhythmic noises, then it stopped.


"So what was it supposed to do?" Varys looked confused because other than the blinking lights and sounds he saw nothing else of interest.


"This Varys, is a device gifted to me on my nameday by my teacher and my close friend. It can send messages from here to the other side of the world in a flash to who I have in my contacts. But for now I only have three registered within, yet it is enough to send it to him since last we talked he became vice-commander of the Lord's Army." Tyrion looked proud as he showcased his device to Varys who stood still and thought about thousands of things when he realized what this device can do.


"I can see what you're thinking Varys but don't get your hopes up, only the Blood Lord could make this for now and there is a limited number present of these devices." The Lannister looked proud as he felt good having something that the Spider does not know about.


"Still I'll owe you a favor Lord Tyrion, Lannisters are not the only ones that pay their debts and one day I will do what I can to help you back in the right path." Varys said as he smiled cryptically while Tyrion just smirked in amusement.


He might have been the infamous imp but using the things he had learned back when he was a page and a squire he was able to build his own circle of influence, but that is a tale for another time.


[Bear Island]


"My Lord, Vice Commander Don(A/N: short for Donut) has received information from your former squire Tyrion Lannister that King Robert Baratheon I has asked for a meeting with you personally." Swan reported to Paul who sat on a chair in a small pavilion built atop the highest peak in Bear Island.


"Hmm, tell them I'll be there in two months. It seems my main research here in this Island is almost over, but still tell the sorcerers they can still conduct their experiments and research as long as it is within the boundaries I have placed." Paul held an orb made up of various gears with runic inscriptions within scanning it with his spells to see if there is any flaw in the design.


"As you will it sire, I shall send an eagle to deliver the message to Tyrion Lannister this moment." Swan bowed then left in a brisk manner.


Meanwhile Paul walked to the side and stood in front of a gigantic Structure sitting by the side, Ogap was there too looking intently at the thing his lord had made.


Paul pressed a part of the 'thing' and a compartment opened on its chest area, slowly placing the runic mechanical orb within his hand on an indent where the orb fit perfectly.






Mechanical sounds started to echo the lonely peak as something ignited within the thing that started to awaken the 'thing' from its 'slumber'.


"It's Alive!! It's Alive!!!" Paul cackled as he saw what he built slowly stand up and come to life, Ogap and Kaash on the side looked at their lord worried something was wrong in his head.


"Ahem… just wanted to say it at least once…" Paul unashamedly composed himself like what happened earlier did not occur.


"Master!" a deep booming voice sounded out from the construct which blew out steam within it's back, this was the research that Paul had painstakingly taken 9 months to complete. A sentient steam engine Golem powered by an artificial mana core created from a hundred thousand purified soul power.


It could indefinitely exist as long as it is not broken, Paul used Titanus Bronze, a metal created by Paul using what he learned from Valyrian Steel. Titanus Bronze is not as strong and durable as Valyrian Steel, it better that most metals and one of the best magic conductors Paul discovered over the past few years.


Though the outer plating is Valyrian Steel, made using a longer but safe method other than Blood Magic to ensure the best defense he could give.


Taking caution from what he knew what might become of artificial intelligence if you gave it too much knowledge from the start, he only placed basic necessities like language and logic to the Golem.


It was more of a blank slate, like a child which still needed to learn and experience stuff. Though this is a golem, Paul placed some mimicry of nerves and musculature inside so it would have its own sense of 'touch'.


But since it has a large body the power used to move its limbs does not come from the core but rather the Steam Engine inside, half-tech and half-magic creation. The Core mostly only compromises the thinking and controlling of its body.


The engine is its 'heart' with a plate inscribed with 'heat' runes which the core provides with mana to boil the water inside which is gathered using 'water condensation' runes thus gives the whole body mechanical energy to move.


This was the limit which he could make before the bracelet identifies the tech beyond the steam age, with a little touch of magic the Golem was finally created.


It stood about 23 feet or 7 meters in height weighing around 70 tons of heavy sturdy metal. But now that Paul looks at it the Golem appeared similar to a certain bulky walking metal tank of a certain Franchise that sets its plot 40 thousand years into the future.


(A/N: The Golem would look like a Contempor-Galatus Dreadnought without the etchings and design as well as the gold color but rather dark blue with gold outlines. But it has the gigantic sword and shield but without the designs yet since the golem is still being tested.


"Hmm, you'll be called… Truck-kun, cause you'll be sending people to the other world soon. Okay Truck-kun mark 1 let us go test your capabilities." Paul smiled as he let Truck, Ogap and Kaash to a teleportation circle nearby.


"Haaish, I really miss my Jeagers. If I could have I would have just brought them here and step on the Night King and be done with this but just had to be held hostage at gunpoint…" Paul ranted as he felt his years here made him bored, yes bored because being turned into a powerful being out of nowhere does wonders on a man's psyche.


"It seems I have been looking for a challenge, a thrilling experience to tell me that I am not dreaming and that I am alive. That place has those things, so I need to end this earlier than I should." Paul knew his presence changed things here and felt that it had changed enough, all the tasks are almost over and he just have to give a little push.


Days passed by as Paul travelled from various places like the Thousand Isles to the Jade Sea and even further south of Sothoryos. Paul gathered every unique fauna and flora he could to expand his repertoire of collected items before his time to leave.


His people did have a few Skirmishes from many places, the locals of the Thousand island was rather unwelcoming and rather xenophobic that they attacked the base camp where Arthur Dayne and Gerold Hightower rested because they wanted to sacrifice them to their gods.


But they were met with a cruel fate as the former Kingsguard had regained their prime and became better than they ever were, the primitive islanders of the Thousand Isles were given a wake-up call of steel and blood as hundreds tried to ambush the few dozen soldiers of the expedition but met their end at the swords of their visitors.


The ones that attacked were once the tyrant of the area thinking they could do whatever they could to others but meeting the group of visitors made many realize there was more to the world than the islands they live in.


Some smaller tribes came to the expedition camp to ask for help, some for trade while some came with dishonest reasons but after a few times of trying to scheme they stopped after seeing swathes of dead bodies and pools of blood graced their eyes.


Thus the camp welcomed a time of peace as the reinforcement had arrived with 5 wyvern knights and 10 sorcerers that placed fear in the hearts of the natives.

Thus exploration and discovery of dozens of new things came to Paul as the expedition gathered various things for his collections.


The other expeditions bore fruit in different areas as well as new spices were found coming from Yi Ti and Leng, news from the grey waste also arrived as hordes of raiders tried to break through the Five Forts.


Word got out about how the Lion of the Night had awoken and the demons have stirred again to bring the Long Night all over the world.


Even the rather grim place like Mossovy far north east was tense as eerie and dark things come out of the woodworks.


Even in the Summer Isle, old tales of beings mystical and obscure were being whispered in caution as signs and sightings have been appearing which brought the whole world into a state of uncertainty.


Time and time again many news came to Paul which further solidified that this world is far different from what he had known and thus sent more parties to explore the world as much as they could, even further south of the Green Hell where he had landed first.


The endless sand and heat were trekked by specialized platoon of puppets that would occasionally report their discovery every day to Rohanne.


All this happened as Paul brought the Floating Island towards Kingslanding in stealth using the long way on the Sunset Sea, they even passed by Lonely Light, the westmost island known to all.


For now he did not send any ships beyond west to explore as that if for these people to discover, he just needed to improve their chances of doing so.


The progress Bar slowly but surely increased as the world adapted to the changes in real time, more and more gifted people appeared that showed promise and earned glory or became a local tyrant.


Some of these people were oddly scouted out by King Robert himself when he went to kill bandits just to use his warhammer and some new magic he had learned.


Oddly the supposed to be scheming and cowardly Petyr Bealish became a close confidant as he had found a tome that enabled him to study magic and his gifts lied in water magic.


As he was influenced with the nature of his powers, his ambition mellowed down and he became a rather respectable man from what the spies could tell.


So Paul had to investigate personally in secret and found that since his initial plan to use the infatuation of the young Lysa Arryn had gone to dust, the man known as little finger experienced hardship in his time to try to bring a good life to himself in his small fief at the fingers.


Desperation took hold and some moments of self-retrospect changed the man. His luck in finding a tome and learning from it which made him wanted to be accepted even by the few people in his lands.


But trouble came knocking, a few bandits heard of his talents and wanted to coerce him into servitude despite his reluctance, so he served their selfish reasons as the bandit leader also elarned magic and it was more in making his body stronger.


Thus Petyr's magic was not able to defeat him, he had gained the trust of his people and the experienced made him want to protect them so he complied for the moment until Robert came in crushing the outlaws and capturing Petyr at the same time.


His willing surrender and thankful attitude towards the King for helping his people be free from bandits made him swear fealty to Robert on the spot, his wit also earned the King's favor thus became the man he is today.


His changed has been partly Paul's fault as well as he did place a small puppet to stop the young Tully girls, mostly Lysa from gaining feelings to Petyr and for Petyr to not fall in love to Catelyn to the point of obsession.


Even the challenge for the young Catelyn's hand did not happen as intended as Paul recalls it, then after his time as ward came to an end Petyr got back to the Flint Tower of house Bealish.


This time he did not get the help of Lysa as she had begun to love her old husband thus forgot about him and made him experience his trying time in his lands.


But now his business acumen had shone again as he helped the crown slowly pay their debts to the Lannisters, along with Tyrion the Royal family is close to being debt free in a few years if this goes on.


Another notable recruit of the King was a stout fat man named Ser Dontos Hollard, last living member off house Hollard. He is still Dontos the Red but this time the meaning changed as he somehow awoken a gift, he would get stronger and tougher the drunker he gets.


His face Red in battle as he raged between enemies not minding the blades and arrows the fly towards him, he wore a very thick set of armor crudely made but tough to breach.


Others were the bastard children of the King, which the Queen looked in distaste but relented when her son Ormund convinced her that they have to swear an oath to protect their family as retainers and would not be legally acknowledged as children of the King.


Robert had wanted to bring his children to court as well but Jon Arryn had advised him to follow the suggestion of the young Prince Ormund.


Now the bastard children led by Mya Stone and Edric Storm now served as a force meant to protect the royal children by their side, with Ormund at the lead the Princes and princess played with their siblings from time to time.


Even the rather sadistic Joffrey mellowed as well and went on hunts with his older brother and his siblings, they too showed talents in various aspects.


Cersei was rather angry but she placed her mind in trying to protect her family, thus she got rid of those she found annoying like Melara Heatherspoon who still hoped to sleep and bed any of her brothers, even Tyrion. Her ambitious attempts finally irked Cersei thus she convinced Robert to wed her to Petyr Bealish as a reward to the rather talented subject.


Other Lord Paramounts as well have been searching their own talents to hire and put into their service, The Reach boasted a high concentration of people gifted with Earth and plant magic which brought them more harvest than they ever had in history.


The Lady Redwyne had been rather silent but the background moves were quite obvious as the Tyrells are gathering more and more talents in their lands.


Even Tywin was no exception as he hired using his wealth from all over the world, and what flourished in the lands of the Warden of the West were alchemist and people gifted with talents related to metal.


The Riverlands, boasted the most number of people gifted with Water and communing with beasts of the rivers.


The Vale experienced varied results as besides the Valemen, the mountain tribes also gained their gifted people.


Dorne was blessed with people gifted with Water as well and the deserts are the more thankful for giving them such respite to the arid air of Dorne.


Stormsend was rather varied but not falling behind in getting gifted people into their service.


The North on the other hand had a resurgence of the powers of the Old Gods, from skinchangers to elemental control, the North slowly rekindled the glory of their ancestors.


If the magically lacking Westeros had this much change, the situation in Essos and beyond are far from ideal as many rose in arms from slaves to ambitious merchants wanting to carve a place in the world.


Only a few areas are not that much affected like the Dothraki Sea where the fearsome riders till bring terror into the hearts of many.


And anything related to Paul were not challenged as the world knew everything they now wield is also available to every man and woman in Paul's influence.




From the Mud Gate to the ends of Rosby Road near the capital, thousands were in anticipation as they awaited the arrival of the Blood Lord.


All over the world had heard of his arrival in the Capital and many sent their people with plans of their own to see if they can get something within the gathering of many influential people.


Even Lord Commander Mormont arrived in the Capital to finally meet their sponsor that had helped the Night's Watch repair and develop many lacking properties the Watch was in need of.


Robert even announced a Tourney with the champion of each category able to earn a title and 100,000 gold dragons, economy of the capital had never been so thriving.


The King and the Royal family awaits by the Winch Towers at the mouth of Blackwater Rush, there they await with the Small Council, Kingsguard along with some talents recruited and 200 mounted knights in full armor.


"Though I have not met the Blood Lord yet, it seems to me that the welcome party is oddly numerous is it not?" Renly looked rather dashing in his ornamental armor atop his silver-manned steed.


"I did Lord Renly and trust me when I say that Lord Paul always likes a great entrance. A dramatic and memorable way to appear that would strike awe and fear to many just by his presence alone." Jon Arryn had been around long even from the time of King Aegon V and had heard the way Paul had arrived in many instances.


"Vain and cruel, as such he is. His actions had brought terror into the realm and having this amount of knights to protect us is natural. Who knows what horrible things he plans to do with us if we show any vulnerability." Pycelle scoffed as he showed his disapproval towards Paul in broad daylight.


"The best victory won is when there is no blood spilt, he announces himself as such to have people time to surrender Grandmeaster. And if he wanted to hurt anyone present here, no number of knights could stop him if he wanted to kill you. His people regard him as a God, the Beast God to be precise, he can command hordes of beast alone that could topple an army to heel." Tyrion spoke as he looked at Pycell with mock in his eyes.


"Wyverns, as much as they are inferior to dragons he still rides one like a pet. And I hear he is not the only that rides such beast, he might be a god or a man but one thing is certain. He is dangerous." Stannis looked at the Blackwater where the Royal Navy can be seen patrolling the waters.


It was then a rider arrived reporting that they spotted something in the horizon, soon the people waiting could see it as well as something large crept in the horizon slowly coming near.


Their breath were still as they saw an Island come close to the capital, even the commoners watching from the walls could see the seas split as a behemoth of a vessel arrived in the Black Water.


The distinctive sigil of Titanus can be seen from afar as flags hundred meters in length waved in the air as the Island finally stopped half a league from shore, it then slowly turned as chains could be seen being pulled by something in the water connected to the Island.


There they saw the gigantic gates on the back of the Island which slowly opened as well, a deafening horn sounded as the Leviathan could be seen coming out of the gates.


A Dozen Wyverns could be seen taking off from the Island as it followed behind Leviathan that closed in the Winch Towers.


Then the water in front of the notable flagship parted as a head that resembled something rather draconic graced the eyes of those present, pulling Leviathan to shore was the largest Old man of the River Paul has.


One that looked like an alligator snapping Turtle, its presence made the horses of the knights agitated with some even buckling over. The King and the others looked in awe as the turtle just stopped two hundred paces from their position.


The Leviathan then opened a few doors on its sides as Paul finally showed himself atop Grey Hill, following behind were Ogap atop his giant Boar, Kaash atop a fine Steed and White Lizard on his albino Zorse.


The Wyverns in the sky landed and people finally got to see that there were riders atop each flying beast.


Many were in fear as they saw such display of forces but Paul was undeterred as he sat atop Grey Hill which trudged slowly without haste towards the welcoming party.


Only a few were able to remain calm like Tyrion and Varys somehow, others felt something different like excitement as Jaime looked bright eyed at the Wyvern Knights looking for a good spar and his eyes landed on White Lizard and a few others.


Barristan Selmy looked alert and ready to defend the King but the king himself was also excited as he was eyeing the turtle that lied down in rest seemingly not wanted to be bothered.


"His Majesty King Robert Bara…" the court herald was about to announce in a shaky voice but Robert raised his hand to stop him.


"Don't bother with longwinded shit and that stuff, I'll greet him myself." Robert did not care as he urged his steed, a wild boar seemingly not smaller than the one Ogap is riding.


"Your Majesty…" Ser Barristan and the rest of the Kingsguard went forward as they calmed their own horses to follow behind the King. The members of the Small council also moved as they wanted to get a close look at the various beasts that lay before their eyes.


As the resounding trumpet of Grey Hill rang the two groups stopped a few meters away from each other, Paul was in a black hanfu with gold outlining and some filigree ornate which gave him a regal appearance.


He stood up atop Grey Hill and walked forward as the giant pachyderm made a path with its nose for Paul to walk down from.


The three great warriors behind him also got down their steeds and stood behind Paul as he walked towards Robert Baratheon until they were two meters apart.


"Your Majesty." Paul gave a small bow as he greeted the robust King Robert Baratheon, he was not like when he was in the show. Fat, drunken and incompetent, the discovery of being able to use magic made him active again in fighting thus kept him still strong even in his age.


"Lord Paul, or should I call you as Majesty as well since I hear you have a kingdom that you rule over?" Robert looked at the tall handsome man in front of him and wondered how young looking he is even when he is known to be older than any people present.


"I believe you have something to say to me but I guess we could address that after we go with your plans for today." Soon Paul and the others were in the tourney grounds watching some bouts between young knights.


The two were seated in the centermost with everybody able to see them, from south to the far north great lords and ladies attended just to get a glimpse of Paul's face.


Even the Queen of Thorns arrived with her veil and disguise on just to confirm things with her eyes.


"Jon talked to me, very extensively, on how we could turn this chaos that you caused to our benefit. That is why we invited you, just as a show. Don't know why but they insisted, one of my people said something that we have less gifted than those beyond the Seven Kingdoms." Robert grunted as he explained to Paul while feeling disappointed that he could not join the tourney himself.


"Hmmm, you are right. The seven kingdoms have fewer people able to awaken their gifts and I think your council had told you what is causing it." Paul did not mind placing everything in line now as the characters the bracelet wanted to be born can now run and frolic.


"The Wall so they say, so I ask you the questions that have been in our minds. Why are you keeping it there? Isn't the Night King a tale made to scare children in bedtime?" even now the King did not want to accept such tales of a being able to live thousands of years.


"Am I a tale you Majesty? People in many places already call me a god, not just this world. Me being here is nothing more than a passing glance but I assure you there is no smoke without fire, the Night King is real and he will march south." Looking at Robert with a rather grave tone, Paul then smiled like it was nothing as a winner had appeared in the joust thus clapped like he was enjoying the festivities.


Soon after a banquet, nobles and the members of court now gather at the Gardens of the Red Keep where it can hold the numerous nobles and ladies present.


But in all of this hustle and bustle within the merry celebration, one person caught the eye of Paul as he looked at the curious eyes that had been watching from the sides.


And all he gave the boy watching was a cryptic smile only the boy could understand…


{Ormund POV]


'Holy shit! Holy shit! He knows! Damn it why have I been isekai'd to this kind of world, though many things were much different than I thought it is in the show!'


The young prince was panicking inside as he saw the perpetrator of the major change within the show he used to love and watch look at him with his knowing smile like everything about him was seen through.


'Fuck me…' thought the young prince.

(A/N: Well took me long enough to post, it's just been a hard time since I broke both my phone and laptop where I had saved my chapters. Also the two super typhoons passing by did cause much trouble that I did not have time to write, but here it is with 18K+ words in two chapters.

Also after the first hour I lost the NNN challenge, everywhere I turn there is just hentai in the corner waiting to be watched and read as many great works have been appearing like Oda Non, Aoin and many Webtoon like Fitness and Secret World of Martial arts.

Daym, just typing part this made me realize I need to touch not just grass but a whole garden...)