
The Merc with a Mouth in DC (Rewriting)

This is a book about Deadpool in DC Universe. Want to know what would happen? Come and read at your own risk! Note: I am not that adept with the happenings in either DC or Marvel Comic Series as I have never read the comics continuously before. But this book would have a combination of what I know in DCEU and comics that I found in youtube. So it's a little bit of an AU, but still DC... With Deadpool that is. Tags: Action, Wade x Harley, R-18, Mature, Comedy, Drama, DCEU x Comics, No Harém, Romance, MCU x Comics The love interest is on the Cover. Aren't they lovely? Disclaimer: I do not own DC or Marvel in any ways, obviously. This is but a fanfiction about them. I also do not own the cover, so if you're the owner and want it down, just tell me. Join my Discord Server so we could talk about various ideas for the fic. [[https://discord.gg/tvXhVAepMT]]

FanfictionLover2 · Filme
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18 Chs

Chapter 11

[[Congratulations! You passed the little test, you would be now given a chance to become an entertainment for us.]]

"Entertainment?" Deadpool strangely stared at the formed sentence in front of him, his white eyes that could be seen on his mask, squinted a little.

Deadpool remained dead silent despite the clear offensive message the letters had formed in front of him, he looks like he's too busy contemplating on something rather than minding the message.

He just silently stared at the sentence in front of him for a minute, until realization finally hit him.

He was about to say something, when the letters suddenly disassembled themselves without warning and formed a new sentence.

[[Apologies, let me rephrase that. Congratulations! You were chosen to be given a special second chance!]]

But Deadpool did not reply.

He remained very silent, which is a very strange and rare thing to see on Deadpool. In fact, this could be a record, a record on how long he had his mouth shut in situations such as this.

The sentence didn't reformed or disassembled themselves immediately this time as it looks like it was waiting for Deadpool's reply.

While Deadpool on the other hand, who had remained silent for quite a while, finally spoke. "You are one of them".

Deadpool said with certainty in his voice.

The letters disassembled and formed into something again, which could be read as.


Deadpool lowly laughed as he stared at the floating letters and sentence in front of him.

"You are one of them. Author's or creators, whatever... Right?" Deadpool said with a smile under his mask.

The letters once again disassembled themselves and slowly formed another sentence, or word, rather.


Deadpool was back to his usual self as he asked the floating letters with his usual playful tone.

"So? What is this second chance thingy you were talking about?"

The words disassembled once again and immediately reformed into a new sentence, but this time, it's a question.

[[You wouldn't ask about the entertainment part?]]

Reading the sentence that was formed in front of him, Deadpool burst out with uncontrollable laughter as he collapsed on the misty floor and held his stomach with the both of his hands.


The words disassembled and formed into a [[....]] instead.

Deadpool laughed, and laughed some more. He was even smashing the misty floor with his fist repeatedly as though he had just heard the funniest joke that was ever created in the entire Multiverse.

Deadpool rolled into the misty floor as he laughed uncontrollably, until he finally stopped and slowly stood up while coughing.

Apparently, he choked on his own spit.



"That was... Pfft...!!! That was a good one there! Why don't I fucking ask the entertainment part? Hahahahaha... Ahem... Hahahaha".

The letters disassembled themselves and formed another sentence.

[[What is so funny?]]

Deadpool, seeing that, laughed once again. He tried stopping himself from laughing but he just can't, the being in front of him, or rather the responsible person who dragged him here, is just too funny!

"Hahahahaha, what is so funny indeed. Hahahahaha".

[[You better give me a proper answer now, or I could throw you outside once again and let you experience all of those pain. But this time, without reverting yourself back as it is.]]

But after reading that another sentence, instead of stopping, Deadpool just laughed once again.


"Hahahaha fine fine!" Deadpool finally stopped himself from laughing, but his shoulders were still visibly trembling from time to time.

Seemingly pissed off, a letter suddenly shot Deadpool in the head, faster than the speed of light itself.


Deadpool's head exploded.

But something weird happened instead. Seeing this, the letters formed into another [[Hmm?]]

As in front of it, instead of forming into another set of letters. Deadpool's body remained standing, while his missing head was already regrowing back to its place in a speed, visible to the naked eye.

His mask was obliterated, thus his heavily scarred face was bare for all to see when it had regrown back. But thankfully, no one was there aside from the mystery being.

Because if anyone could see Deadpool's facial expression now, they would definitely feel like staring at Death itself.

Not the gentle Death that Deadpool know, but the kind of Death that would chase anyone even if one is already dead. A true Death it is.

Deadpool's heavily scarred face was still missing some of its parts, but his eyes, those newly formed eyes stared at the being in front of it without any signs of fear.

Instead, it was full of provocation.

As though he was asking the being to repeat that kind of move once again while supporting a somewhat broken grin at the same time.

Though he could not see the being that was responsible for this, he knew that he was there, he just knew it.

The strange glint that had momentarily appeared on Deadpool's eyes made the being falter, which is easy and visible to know as all the letters lost control for a moment.

It had just lost control for a moment, as before Deadpool knew it, the letters already became steady once again, but as though it realized something, its letters immediately formed another sentence.

[[So that was why you were rolling on the floor, to prevent yourself from becoming a letter by applying the misty floor's substance into your body.]]

"Stating the obvious?" Deadpool playfully asked. He was now fully healed, but his mask was still obliterated.

The being did not attacked anymore as its letters once again disassembled and formed another sentece.

[[Now, would you tell me what is so funny earlier?]]

Deadpool mockingly smirked as he loudly asked while pointing at himself.

"You fucking kidding me? Look at me! How was I fucking created again?! Oh! Let me tell you, by ripping off a character from another studio. And what for? ENTERTAINMENT!"

The letters didn't formed another sentence as it remained into a [[...]] instead.

"What are you congratulating me for again? On becoming your entertainment?

Well I have to break it onto you, but I have always been an entertainment in my entire life.

My whole purpose was to fuckin' entertain! I was created for entertainment!!! Now, I'll ask you, why did I laugh earlier?"


(A/N: Would probably be editing this tomorrow. Late chapter cause I suddenly had a headache after waking up, which really affected my writing.

But I still have to post a chapter as promised, so please bear with this one. I would just make it up to you all the next time. I need to sleep now, Adios.)

Join my Discord Server so we could talk about various ideas for the fic. [[https://discord.gg/tvXhVAepMT]]