
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime und Comics
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Vaporeon Is One Of The *heavy gunfire ensues* NO MORE, I'M TIRED OF THE INSANITY

(Nyem Nyem.) Do you know what that means? No, no you don't, and you never really will, since you never quite know why the origins of that specific words actually entail to.

I'm just shitting with you, I was buying some of the local drinks here, which is pretty difficult, considering that I'm not exactly an alcohol fan.

I know, I know, it's rather peculiar that one of the weirdest motherfuckers in the Guild doesn't actually like a bevvy in their hand. It's not my kinda bev is all. Root beer, sweet, something fizzy. That's the bev that a man like me enjoys the best.

And I can really understand why the place only really sells some weird ass shit that smells like fucking drain cleaner and tastes like turpentine.

After all, if you're the kinda sonuvabitch that goes up against trolls on the daily, then work hard and play hard is that name of the game. I meant the enemy trolls, the guys that have bullshit regen, not the dipshit that's from 4chan or 2chan.

{Oh boy, what a real shame that they don't rally have anything good for the younger bloods. Though it's reasonable.}

So I just asked for a large tankard of water, intending to figure out what the hell I'm supposed to do with that, since there isn't any way in hell that I'm going to just sit there, have no good conversations with anyone.

My getup do be a little sketchy, but come on, it can't be that bad right? I guess that I could head to a gambling den. There isn't anything that really comes to my mind right now. So I just drink the tankard, thank the waiter for the water, and give him a good tip.

(Now then, where can a man mind find a good place to lose some coin?)



/Frank in the Sword POV/



(Hey, are you still awake? I did say that I'm not actually gonna be able to do shit for you, you know that right?) I tried my damnedest to give this chick the idea that I'm actually fucking helpless within her sword as it stands.

Sadly however-

(Do no even begin to tempt me you foul demon!)

(Hey, I'll have you know that I'm technically a half-demon, and something else that I'm not actually at the liberty to speak about, but that's very racist, my dad loved my mother, even fucking sacrificed himself and betrayed his people just to try and protect mankind.

Mom always saw some sort of good with you guys. But right now I see someone very aggressively trying to gaslight me into being something that I'm not.)

She barely even heard my words as she continued to talk down on me, trying to "bend me to her will". Thankfully, Gagaran is a lot more respectable to beings like me.

(Oi Lakyus, loosen up your grip on your sword will you? It's like you're trying to get it to take your mind over. I can almost feel the strength that it's capable of.

Oi, blade, try not to get too pissed at this young little leader of ours will you? She means well most of the time, plus you're not exactly all that innocent, as you said.)

(First off, my name is Frank. Second, sure there was a demon in here, but only really remnants of the energy that it could have left here. It was pretty empty, and well, I decided to clean up in here because I'm going to be an inhabitant for a very long time, so it seems.

Third, yes, I'm not exactly innocent. People use me, after all. Whether human or not, they used me for my intended purpose. To cut, to poke and to slice. Parrying is optional, more or less dependent on skill.)

Gagaran didn't really say much else aside from laughing a little bit and taking another good swig from her barrel of alcohol that she bought.

(Hmm, so what exactly is your story, Frank the Sword?)

I hear someone's specific voice. Oh wait, it's that one.

(Okay Miss-)


(Evileye, yeah. Listen, much like most of you, I had some shit on me. I was a half-demon, but I preferred a quieter life. I'm not really into the whole "enslave, slaughter, and manipulate" schtick that most of the fullerblooded members of my species normally enjoy.

The earth is a beautiful thing, I liked cultivating it. Plus veggies taste nice when you have an entire family's repository of recipes related to known and unknown ingredients.)

(Huh? How does that make sense? How do you know how to cook unknown ingredients if you never even knew them in the first place?)

(Oh that's easy, I observe. I try it raw, see if it gave me food poisoning, realize that it's likely meant to be cooked in a specific method, and then figure out a good recipe for it.)

(You would willingly give yourself pain, just to figure out what sort of food goes well?)

Evileye was kinda confused from what I could tell. So were the other members of the Blue Roses.

(I mean, yeah, lots of people, and I don't just mean my father's people, are pretty similar to me. They go to great lengths to achieve things that may concern others, but in their eyes, it would always be more than worth it.)

(That doesn't make any sense at a-)

(Imagine this, an artist that's gaunt from not eating food releases a masterpiece, which costed him some of his health to properly try to comprehend a good method to make their art.

A fashion designer, spending late nights and sometimes not even sleeping, going off and making the next bed piece that the monarch of their kingdome would wear.

What is the underlying principle that drives them to do such things?)

The group was silent while they tried their best to get a good answer to give me. It's kinda understandable that they're all that concerned about where this is going. It might even sound like heresy in their eyes.

(Passion. They do it because they have passion for what they do.)

(And us demons, we're just more in tune with our personal passions. Can you fault a man for trying to not end up failing in life, to for them to seek what they love to do? For whom they care for, whether they have enough love for a family, or enough for themselves?

I can see that some of my people, they're called monsters in your eyes. But in truth, they're just, far too passionate. And that goes for the Seven Sins as well.

For Wrath, there comes a time when the anger in your very bones must be unleashed to either protect or avenge what was once behind you.

Envy makes you strive for greater levels, and if it is tempered, then it is more along the lines of ambition. Gluttony teaches you that you never truly know your last meal, and that stubbornness does nothing truly good for you in relation to food.

Lust, an attraction for the mortal form. Pride, is never going to be terrible, lest you let it consume you. And for Greed and Sloth?

Sloth is nothing more than what teaches you that there comes a time where rest is a good option. Greed, similar to Envy, but it teaches you all of the wealths attainable in the mortal world.

The Seven Sins, in some facsimile to what they truly are, are more or less seen in every single person. It's only really when someone doesn't know how to properly temper them, control them, see the rationality with letting them get just a little taste and no more than it, can they find out what being a demons is.)

(And then what? Huh? You're going to try and turn us into demons as well?)

(No, of course not! That lies upon the actions that you would do. Let me give you some advice, Miss Lakyus.)

She held me up, with my blade right in front of her face.

(The road to hell, is one laden with good intentions. No matter how much you try to justify a tragedy, it does not hide or excuse the fact that it is a tragedy in the first place. I give this advice as a sign of good faith. Also as a sign for you to please clean this Beastman blood off of me.

I may be able to heal you with some of the blood, but as it stands you're not actually fighting anything that could harm you. I can't really heal anything for you, if you have nothing to heal.

That, and I also can't make you temporarily stronger, not just because I'm not allowed to do so, but also because I subscribe to the belief of waste not want not.

Lakyus was just getting more annoyed until she finally relented, getting out her whetstone and oiled rag.

(Ah yes, now that's how you a sword right. This is going to feel immaculate.)

(Stop making it sound like I'm trying to perverted things to you, you weird sword!)

She just swung me around again for the umpteenth time, always misconstruing my words for the worst possible definition.

(For the last time, I do not want to stick myself up your cunt, you insane woman! Why am I being wielded by a bloody woman with the mindset of a child, of all people!)

The other members just laughed at the antics that we were getting up to, until Lakyus finally decided to just chill the fuck down.

(Thank you! It was already a right pain just to have you do all of this shit to me!)

She just groaned while looking at the others, who were more or less having some good chats about life and such.

(Hey sword-)

(Again, my name is Frank. If you're going to be the one that's wielding me, I ask for you to call me by name, for the literal minimum.)

(Well, FRANK. I have to know, who put you in the sword.)

(A man that could only truly be described as evil.)

That got her gasping. Oh boy, wait until I make that shit sound even worse.

(Remember what I said about my father betraying the demons and then subsequently sacrificing himself for the good of humanity?)

(Well, it wasn't quite in that order Frank the Sword, but do go on.)

(Thank you ma'am, the man that locked me in this blase, took the swords that my father personally made, killed me and slapped my soul into this sword. He was sitting amongst the crowd, when he saw you and your entire group pass by.)


Lakyus went and shouted so hard that the other members of the group just stopped in their track as well and went silent.

(It's true. One of the most dangerous beings that I could ever possibly try to imagine, was sitting amongst humans, having food when he decided that he wanted to try and change the course of fate in this world.)

(Now that, that right there sounds like a whole load of horse shit!)

(And as much as it may seem like that, it really isn't. Remember the start of the Six Gods that the Slane Theocracy worship, and the Eight Greed Kings? All of them, each and every single one of those gods that could change the very shape of the world by will alone?

They weren't the strongest possible beings that come from their world. They're more or less around the midpoint of power that someone from their world could actually have.

There are currently two of the strongest feasible beings that for from their world, and one of them decided to just fuck with you guys because he wanted to.)

(W-wait, if that's the case, then doesn't that mean that you're an enchantment from a god? A being that governs so many other beings?!)

(Lakyus please, absolutely none of them are gods.)

She just seemed to deflate in relief to that question, that is, until I continued my words.

(They've already killed them all.)

And that right there children, is how you can get them to panic from the sort of things that the Tomb of Nazarick could pull off if they so pleased, considering what sort of things that I've done in the Guild as well.

But I do wonder why did the bigger me actually slap me into this sword? I guess he wanted them to have a taste of freedom, a chance in their eyes, from what I could tell.

If they trust me too much then things aren't going to end too well for them.

(Each and every single of of these beings, these "Players" are a threat to everything that you know and love. And I was placed in this body by someone that is one of the strongest ones.

I never want to even think about the things that they've managed to kill. And here's the worst part, these Players? They can't die, not permanently at the very minimum.)

(What do you mean that they can't die? They can resurrect? But wouldn't that weaken the-)

(Lakyus, you may be mistaken. The people in this world? They've only truly known and seen magic up to the 8th Tier, and that's counting the current peak amongst the great warriors.

They STRUGGLE at the 6TH TIER ALONE. There's still five more tiers and World Items, and if you add in the capabilities of the dragons with their sort of madness that they can do, it's a shitstorm.)

That little revelation about the current ceiling of power within their world really made them fall to the ground at the thought of them being that weak.

(You're joking us right now? There can't really be any other explanation. You're lying or making a joke at our expense.)

(Ninja girl, I'm going to be honest with you. The friend of the man that placed me into this sword is capable of summoning Death Knights as easy as it takes for you to breathe.

Not to mention, they have subordinates that are considerable bad as well.)

They all had their eyes going wide open to those words as well. I really am placing the despair into them all.

(Listen, as long as I'm here, I can tell you all how to survive, and maybe even take some potshots at the guy. But if you all want to try your luck at defeating these guys, then you're all going to have to get even stronger.

Evileye, from what I could tell, she's the best caster amongst you all. She can buy time for us to make a plan. But for the time being, we need to meet with someone very very important to this plan.)

(Who exactly do we need to meet to be able to fight against these monsters? What sort of god are you trying to bring to our side to try and defeat these enemies? These enemies to the World?)

I couldn't help but laugh at that idea that she called the two of them World Enemies.

(Oi! Why are you laughing at what we called them? They're threats to this very world, you've said it yourself!)

(I'm sorry Evileye, it's just that they've fought against beings that were quite literally acknowledged by their World as enemies that all Players, regardless of their karmic value, have to fight to continue in their World.

The worst was something along the lines of a being that intended to eat the entirety of Yggdrasil, the World Tree. A tree that held reality and unreality, with creatures that you would never even begin to imagine.)

I took a moment for them to just take that all in, and continued on.

(These two? They're more than capable. They've been personally done it by themselves, to kill the beast, that is. Fear is a thing that you are going to experience whenever someone battle with them.)

The silence was deafening, and I didn't really like it when things were quiet.

(Look, I can do a couple stuff for you. But you have to get stronger if you want to be able to use these abilities with the most efficiency, otherwise you're going to immediately die when the guy that can summon Death Knights stops time.)

They looked at me, as if I was the crazy one there.

(Yeah, I know. How do you expect us to kill something that can stop time? Well that's the fun part, we need to lock away as many of his spells and abilities as possible. We need to fight on our terms.)

(Oi, Frank, if that actually is your name!)

Gagaran spoke out, with the palest face that I've ever been made to see.


(If we really do kill these beings, what's in it for us?)

(Nigh-unlimited treasures that even your fifth generation would never be able to run out even if they were the most pompous bastards in the land, weapons that could easily kill gods, and power beyond your current imagination.

You know, the sort of things you find in a fairy tale. The fun part, or the scary part, depending on your way of seeing things, is that we're living in one. And right now, I'm certain that we're being monitored.)

They immediately jumped up with their weapons as I couldn't help but laugh my ass off.

(Okay okay okay, that part was a joke. The rest is actually true. We need to get out of here, immediately. Like, as fast as feasibly possible. As in-)


They immediately scurried to pack everything and head back to the capital, which makes this plan of main me slightly altered, but then again, they don't really give that much of a shit if the plan goes to hell. Because Plan Zeta is really simple, scorched earth.

It always works. (Oh yeah, I forgot to say, we need to enlist the current strongest caster in the world right now. And it's not Paradyne, it's the older one, the girl? I wasn't aware of her name.)

They didn't even care about what was coming out of my mouth, only that they were focusing on leaving quickly. This was slightly out of expectations, but otherwise, it's relatively workable.

Now all I need to do is hope that main me doesn't fuck this up. I really do intend to pray that it doesn't.

3097 words. Wassup you beautiful bastards. I don't want to try and fuck with all of you, but umm, I realized that I haven't went and change the current status of this fic yet. Also, WN is more of a CN WN site rather than a WN site, almost every single fic that's here is either bullshit or horny. Seriously, thousands of harems books and almost all of them were OOC as shit, heavily as shit. Anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dank side of the moon! Peace out everybody! Goodbye~

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