
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime & Comics
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In Terms of Human to Pokemon Compatibility?

(Oompa loompa doopity doo, what in the nine fucking hells are you idiots up to?)

I couldn't really help it. I had the bright idea of making those specific words my very own password. Yes, for my Workshop. Would any of you trust me with the lives of your families if this is what I do for my password?

I thought so! And I am also certain that you guys don't trust me, then the other humans on this shithole won't.

{Well, what do I wanna bring into the good New World to really get them all traumatized? The Titan Walkers are too much, since most of the humiez'll get their shit squeezed out of them first before they even get the chance to be traumatized.}

I could feel Shalltear actually holding onto one of the spikes on my back. I didn't really complain, considering the sort of shit that I end up actually making in this place, it's a fairly reasonable response for her to do this.

After all, I was experimenting the efficacy of the Eversor procedure on different races. I had to account for some biological and outright psychological differences between a regular human and a fucking elf, but it was decent, well, by my standards are the very least.

These guys are more or less more than ready to try and become living time bombs.

{But then again, these ARE Eversors. They're often just the overkill. Now then, I think I'll just ask Shalltear for her opinion on this. It should make the load of thought a lot less if she gave her own.}

(Little one, allow me to ask you a question. What would you believe is strong enough in this workshop of mine to be capable of upturning this world, but also simultaneously weak enough to not do it in a single fell swoop?)

Shalltear froze as she was immediately put on the spot from my question.

(M-my lord! I cannot say for certain! There are many things that could easily bring this world to it's knees, but for your second request my lord, it's....ummm-)

I chuckled at her as I pat her head.

(You need not worry about it, little one. It is understandable. My purpose within the Guild was to destroy everything that was not of the Guild. With the most destructive methods at my employ. There is no truly right or wrong answer to my question.

But to be more frank, I suppose that I could just do it myself. Ah yes! If I recall correctly my dear, me and Ainz will be giving you some fresh orders soon.

You'll be working alongside Sebas and Solution. Something about reconnaissance? A bit of minor subterfuge. But, just for you, allow me to give you some extra orders.)

She literally fucking lit up when I said that I was giving her personal orders to follow. Damn, these NPCs really out here thinking that we really are their gods.

(There is something new within this world. They call it something akin to Martial Arts? I am familiar with the concept of such, since we Supreme Beings also personally have our versions of them, but these ones, they don't have all that many restrictions aside from the fact most of the time the people that perform them are warriors.

Ainz will give you orders to find some that are capable of them, and some regular, viler versions of humans that could be capable of them. What I will do, is give you the safety net.

Your duty, allow most of it to the other vampires underneath you. And the moment you find the strongest one out of any of them, incapacitate. Do not play, playing is for food, and that one is an asset, understood little one?

You are invaluable in comparison to some fancy human that can swing their sword in a fancy way, understood? DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DO ANYTHING PECULIAR. If you feel as if there was something else afoot, contact me immediately.

Precaution will be a good friend of yours while I'm the one giving you the extra shots.)

She took a moment for her to really get that all in her head, but otherwise she seemed to be happy that she could serve. And then she started to blush.

(I-I'm invaluable, my lord?)

She even had bated breath. Oh my fucking. No, I need to set the boundaries.

(Child, calm thyself and thy undercarriage. Your duty is to serve, not to "serve". And even if you think you have a chance, little one. Please recall that I, I'm happily wedded to a beautiful woman with my own beautiful children.)

She froze again. Oh no, oh boy that's a real red flag right there.

(F-forgive me my lord! I did not-)

(It is fine child, you have not done anything regrettable just yet. All that you did was express your desire for me. Which, in essence is very flattering, however, you are the daughter of the one man that I am more than certain would enjoy this.

That man is a menace to society in more ways than whatever I could formulate and apply. But I'm more the certain that he'd say yes. Sadly for him, I'm a devout monogamist.)

I shook my head at the idea of the bastard calling my children, the little ones that I personally raised for fucking centuries, a "lolicon harem", and my wife the "cuckqueen".

If he did say that, I would have, and I have no doubt or regret doing this, broken his neck so that he'd be paralyzed from the neck down.

(O-oh, so you don't want me because of Peroroncino-sama?)

I shook my head and lowered myself down to her level.

(No, little one. Pero, while as much of a character he is, is not the innate reason. I love my wife. She was the second person that I bore my heart and soul to, and her to me, little one.

To even entertain the thought that I'd do something like that to her, it makes me sick.)

She was a little shellshocked at the thought that I wasn't a fucking pervert beyond their mortal comprehension.

(My lord, what do you mean the second? What of the fi-)

(She lost her memories, and she never recovered them. There wasn't much that I would have been able to do, and I don't intend to reopen old wounds when she's happy with who use loves, and I'm happy with who I love. There proves no reasonable excuse to open Pandora's box.)

Shalltear was even more shellshocked, that someone could have forgotten about the one that they loved.

(Circumstances were terrible back then, and I was a foolish young man. Time does things to people. And yet for some insane reason, my beloved wife, the second one that I bore myself to, stayed with me, for over ten thousand years, even more.

She's still with me to this day. Not only will I find a way back to her, little one, I will make sure that go explain everything that happened here. Do you want to know why?)

(W-why my lord? Why would need to explain what happens within this world? You're one of the Supreme Beings! There holds no true reason for you to-)

(Because I trust her, and she trusts me.)


She didn't even say anything anymore, and I continued to peruse the sort of units that I could make use of in this world. There could be some of the smaller builds, but their sheer agility is already a pain for US of all people to deal with.

Needless to say, that if these things got out, the world is very very fucked. So you know what?

(I might as well just get the rest of my bodies.)

Shalltear awoke to those words, and immediately went off into a tirade.

(M-my lord! Your other bodies?! They're far too valuable and grand for those filthy mortals to even be allowed to view upon them! Please! Allow me to send out-)

(Send out what, little one? Allow me to savor the usage of multiple forms. Multiple forms of pure control and destruction, forms that are capable of throwing away the very concept of hope for these mortals.

I barely even have the time to use them in the first place. They'd just be here in this workshop of mine, collecting dust for eternity. I'd rather they be christened in blood, mud and fire, rather than in gold, wine, and mineral oil.)

I looked at the slab of slate that was in front of me. The wirings in this place was an aesthetic that took far too long to properly get right, and I intend to make things right for me.

So I readied my hand, and broke right through it, pulling out the access pad for the room that held my bodies.

(Now, little one. Gaze. Gaze upon the numerous forms that I have been using ever since the very beginning of Yggdrasil. Gaze upon the forms of Mekhaine, the First Heteromorphic Calamity.)

And when I tapped on the access pad, a hiss made itself apparent and I was looking at the pillar that was making itself shown. Ah yes, did I ever say that this place was about half the height of the throne room?

And that there were far too many builds that I wanted to have, so I actually found out that my race can inhabit different metallic bodies?

And since I was pretty horrifyingly bullshit in my powers, that also meant that I can also handle all of them at the same time, with them using different skills each and every moment, with a different strategy to make things even worse for the other side?

I love being bullshit, because nobody wants to step on me when they see me. And if they don't see me, they're going to be the most inconvenienced as they possibly could be.

(Now do you see what I can do, little one? What the strings of fate try to fight against? To wrap up? They cannot do such, little one. They're never going to be able to see, because sadly for them.)

I widened my arms around to all of the pillars that held every single metal body that I had immediate access. They all crawled, creaked, hissed and fell down to the floor, yet they never broke, only having some minor scuffs and bumps here and there.

That was never really a problem for me, if anything they just made themselves look even more terrifying for the sad saps that were going to get their shit kicked all the way in.

(Have some of your servants bring in the containment units for these bodies of mine. They look similar to coffins, and they're quite heavy, so ensure to enlist some strong individuals for it. I'll carry some of them myself, if the manpower is inadequate.)

She immediately went and waved her hands around like a madman, seeing as I wanted to try and lift some of the bodies myself.

(My lord! You need not worry yourself with carrying your blessed bodies! I have more than enough servants tht are willing to break themselves to carry your blessed forms!)

(And that would be waseful. They could serve better in ways that they're better accustomed for. All beings in the Tomb have a duty, and we made sure that everything is precise enough to accomodate others for this. If anything, I suppose you could oversee the golems that would be carrying my bodies.)

She nodded as she then ran off with her umbrella in hand. She wasn't sad anymore, and now I was more than certain that she was beginning to feel things for me.

That complicates my connections in this world. She would be better off with Ainz. It would make things far easier for everyone involved. That, and I'm not exactly pining for new women in my life.

In any case, after that little fiasco, I bade my adieus to the perverted vampire and walked around the Tomb, touring around it while I whistled the Third Season Ending Music for the anime.

Yes, that ending song. I quite like the ending songs for the first three seasons, but the fourth's opening has a particular slap to it that makes me want to fistfight God in a way that I never really knew was possible.

And when I finally hit the Ninth Floor, I decided upon returning back to the surface for the time being. I could stay, with some basic recon. Some of the bodies were more or less really good at stealth, so I made damn sure that those ones in particular got sent over.

{Now then, which ones could I need? This body is pretty good, but it's not the best ones. It's pretty much the oldest one that has like one special perk to it, but the sheer issues that the thing suffers from just barely makes it a net positive.

The others? Quite literally builds that I make just for occasions. Normally, I was nerfed to extreme degrees due to the problem of me not being able to bring any more than five at any given time outside of the Tomb.

But now that the Tomb wasn't like that? That it was more or less expandable? Now that we weren't in Yggdrasil anymore? The very thing that made me weak was gone. Removed. Returned to atoms. Vaporized. Now, the bullshit can begin and, and I intend to be able to make things even more terrible than whatever anyone ever asked for.

{Now then, which one of you is going to get the first spin?}



/Ainz POV/



{Haaaaah, all this paperwork! It makes me think that it wasn't actually a good idea to make myself the leader of the Tomb! I could have just given it to Mekhaine-san immediately and left for work!}

Ainz was right in his office, with Albedo beside him, speaking to him about something supposedly important. Saying something along the lines of "power" and "subjects".

That is, until he started to reflect upon the thoughts that he was having.

{Oi oi oi, why did I think that I should give up the role of the Guild Leader? Sure, it may be bad now, but this isn't the sort of thoughts that a proper CEO should have with his employees! I'm not going to be like my old boss's boss's boss! That's not the right way that one should delegate responsibility!}

He then looked above at the ceiling, with the beautiful art being put right in his face.

{And besides, he's been handling everything that's physical up above. He's very good at many situations, mainly due to him being a more hands-on kind of boss. It only makes him even more effective now that he has his avatar's body.

He can handle many of the things above, spreading the name of our guild in a way that doesn't compromise us at the same time. Overall, he's been a good friend, back from then, all the way up until now.}

He then looked to Albedo, who smiled at him with love.

{Don't worry Mekhaine-san. I'll handle things if you need the support, but for now, I can wait for the adventure that we so crave for.}

He promised to himself as he grabbed another piece of paper, happy to be capable of reading them thanks to Mekhaine gaining access to this world's different languages.

2597 words. Hmm, hmmm, hmmmm. I feel like making a different fic. I've read far too much Chinese fiction recently, and I wanna smack all of that mumbo jumbo down a heavy notch, so what do you guys think about a RimWorld fanfic? With lots, and lots of mods. Don't worry, I'll do my best to research whenever I can (that's a complete and utter lie, you'll get the crack I give out as always). Anyways and always, I'll see you guys, on the dank side of the moon! Peace out everybody! Goodbye~

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