
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime und Comics
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325 Chs

Now, Salagadoola Meens

/Frank POV/



Well then, I guess that they really wanted to survive the things that were about to get thrown at them. (Congratulations, you guys are one step closer to surviving this sort of situation. The only thing that I need left is a bunch of people to send to Mars alongside the people that I want there.) I said as I then patted the kid's back and then made them follow me. (Now the best way to describe what I need you guys for an be summed up to one thing: You are the group that's going to be helping the Orks keep the atmosphere there. Now you won't be on the initial flights due to the fact that they're the bait/material flights. That's the job for the Orks to do. Your duty, should you choose to accept it, is to ensure the survival factor of the planet AFTER the atmosphere has been properly made.) I said to them as I then walked them into an elevator that led underground.

Don't worry, this isn't connected to the Domain, after that we then walked to other spots and then finally settled in a lounge that wasn't in use just yet. (I think we'll just have you take flight six for safety sake. Three of you will go with the flight for the initial test and then the rest will follow on the seventh flight for good measure. Now, I'm going to have to leave you be with the Orks, now don't worry since they're not going to kill you. They don't have the permission to do so just yet.) I said as I then cleared up my throat and then got close to the door. (If you guys need any food, try to ask the Orks for anything that's somewhat edible for humans. I know how they get, so yeah.) I finished off as I then teleported back to the 100th floor and there I saw the gods already there for the meeting.

(Now that's a fast time for meeting, alright, food stores on the planet will have to be brought, so seeds and soil are a necessity. The Orks can provide the water themselves I believe. And there are going to have to be multiple flights for your safety and the Xenos' safety.) I said as the gods then nodded, until Take then raised his hand. (Wait how are you still here Take? I thought you would have gone to the surface and reported to the government what my plans were?) I asked as I then put my feet on the table. Now I was still wearing shoes, tactical ones. I know, not quite the match for something like a tux but they're good for fighting.

(Well Franku-san, some of us actually have some responsibility for what we're doi-) he said as I the raised my finger and stopped him from talking (Shut the fuck up for a moment and listen to me you tone-deaf fuck. I am trying to help the Xenos AND your children, and yet you still think that you have the right to talk to me, as if I'm some sort of mortal enemy to you. Dude, grow the fuck up already.) I said as he then slammed down his hands. Or he would have if I didn't have my Disintegration Quirk on and then removed his little bit of the table.

(Quit having a tantrum. I don't care what you think about any of this. Don't act like you have the moral high ground, we're all stuck in this pile of shit, and I'm thinking of shoving you into the soul gen. Don't tell me that you grew a conscience after making a deal of safety with me asshole. This is my way of finishing the fucking deal. Once this is done yo can go and kindly fuck off.) I said as he then growled at me and then walked off in a fury. I then sighed and cleared my throat and then looked back at the others. (Sorry about that, should we go on or should I make it quick?) I asked them and they said that they wanted it simpler and quicker. I then quickly gave them the gist of the situation and then finished the meeting. Well, time skip buds.



/Time Skip to the sixth launch/



Here we are lads! We're here for the final launch and than fucking god that none of the fucking countries decided to shoot their anti air. Like, that's really good since the atmosphere was properly made now. Well, it was good for everyone since it was oxygen but that's not what matters at the moment. The nitrogen is good there, there's still a big disparity in the strength of gravity. That's fine since they can live in places that have grav shit in them to simulate Earth's level of gravity.

And now, we're packing in the Xenos to one of the ships. There's going to be multiple ships taking their launches at the same time to ensure that nobody important dies. The Orks are fine with dying, cuz that's their deal, and the adventurers tht were once living in the dungeon are now working their ways into one of the ships as I speak. Everything is going well, and once we're done, there's the cleanup for the people down here, and a group of Orks who'll manage the base as long as they could go on for.

This is by far one of the most odd things that I've done so far. I'm starting a fucking space program to populate Mars, and I really have to wonder how the fuck have I gotten this far. Like, it started with me in an alleyway, and now I'm helping an entire race to live on a different planet. Things got way out of proportion real fucking fast. Sure it was a good amount of years but let's be fair, years aren't that long for people like us at this point.

Welp, there goes the ships. They have enough guns on them to make sure that nothing gets them. No Quirked motherfuckers, no nukes, no ICBMs. Just them and the infinite fucking void until they reach the now red-greenish planet. I don't really have a clue as to how things are gonna go, but they'll manage is really well, I know that much. {Well then, I guess it's time for us to pack up as well. I wonder how different it'll be for the next time.} I thought as I then walked away from the site and then noticed some blips in the distance.

I was confused until a missile soon came right at me. I quickly grabbed it and it looked like it was about to explode, and it sure as hell was. It blew up in my hand, and once again, my fucking TUX WAS SHREDDED APART. I need to enchant this shit with unbreaking or something. (Okay, you guys are just late to the fucking party.) I said to myself as I then pulled out my Bolter and then made sure that it's velocity was massive. I pulled the trigger and shot at the multiple things in the distance.

I didn't see them anymore, that's all I'm going to have say about that. {Motherrfuckers really thought that they could pull a fast one on me one last time huh?} I thought as I then spat on the ground and then continued to walk until I got covered up by white light once again and then shit was normal once again. (I'm back again everyone!) I said as I then heard the collective pitter patter of three little monkeys coming to greet me once again. Abby, Eri, and finally 191 or should I just call her Lilac? Of course I was going to name her, but you wanna know something that warmed up my heart? She chose her name by herself.

(There's my little monkeys!) I said out loud as they then started to try and climb me. I grabbed Eri and Lilac as Abby then kept running circles around me as they were just sitting on my arms. I played with them for a little bit before I then saw Haru and then told her the news that we were going to have to prepare for another jump to a new world.

(A/N: Imma be real with you lads, the AtG arc is going to be a fat one, and I mean fucking fat as shit.)

She nodded and then patted her belly as I congratulated her once again. Well, the guy that she'd been seeing already knocked her up and is taking responsibility. Plus the little boy that was Lilac's friend was still hanging around with them, but not as often as I'd expect him to. Well, to each their own. After I said my little bit to Haru I then bid her farewell once more before I opened the door.

And Eresh was sitting on the bed reading extremely kinky hentai. I swear to shit, I am not making this up. Well, it's still within reasonable parameters. (Hey babe.) I said as I then jumped onto the bed next to her as she squealed a little as I then hugged her. She then chuckled a bit as she pecked my cheek and then rested her head on my shoulder. (We're going to go to the next world soon. I want to get the dungeon really really strong and ready for the things that are about to come.) I said as she then hummed to my words as she then looked at the room and then spoke (So what's goin to happen to the Xenos that are going to stay on the other planet? They're just going to get left behind here?) she said as I just tole her that it was what they wanted. They wanted to see the surface and they get to see the surface, except it's the surface of another planet entirely.

(Don't worry, we can always come back if you wanna watch over them.) I said as I smiled and took a deep breath of her hair as we just sat on the bed and slowly fell asleep. I couldn't have asked for anything better than this I can say that much. Once we woke up, I then asked if she wanted to go for one last date in this world before we leave and she said yes. She then got up to dress for this little date of ours, so I suggest that you all, you know *scooches the camera to the side for changing*.

And now, I am beautiful. I am wearing a really dumb suit, which is saying something since it's Italian leather, but I digress this shit is just saddening. You know what? Fuck it, Easter bunny onesie which also has eggs drooping from the fucking crotch. And I'm talking about Easter eggs here.

Ereshkigal on the other hand, was actually wearing rabbit ears until she saw what I was putting on. She laughed so hard that there were some tears about to go from her eyes. She wiped them away as she then shook her head and then grabbed my hand. See this lads? You know you got the right one when she laughs at your bullshit and is also willing to go on a date with you while wearing that.

I then changed out of the onesie since society would just start to stare at her and me, I just out on some casual clothes and then went for pizza with her. Nothing bad happened (This is a lie.) and we even got some spaget. But somebody toucha ma spaghet! And then they tried to grab Eresh, and then they accidentally had twelve of their bones get spontaneously turned into cracked something. No seriously I have no fucking clue as to how that happened *whistles as King Crimson: Act Alpha just stands behind me menacingly*

2002 words. Well, next chapter, it's time nerds. We're fucking up the cultivators! Hell fuckin yeah bitches! Anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dark side of the moon! Peace out everybody! Goodbye~

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