
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime & Comics
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And Mechicka Booleroo

/Frank POV/



Well, the date went less than stellar due to that little fuckhead trying Todo something as retarded as touching Eresh, but don't worry, we went to an arcade and then we played there a bunch before I then decided to cheat it and get a fumo for her. It's actually pretty well made, good quality of materials were used for it, and from what I could tell she loves it.

Well enough of that, it's time for the final day. I suppose that I have to give a bit final speech for the world that I plan to leave behind. (Domain, have you finally made the preparations?) I asked as I then hung up my clothes since they weren't all that dirty, I could use them again at some other time. \Yes Master! And all the other gods are ready to leave as well!\ she said as I then nodded.

I don't think that I need to remind everyone about how much I loathe cultivators, so I'll just make it simple for you. No matter what "realm" or "step" they are, if they choose violence, then I'll retaliate with violence, only mine being a lot worse than theirs.

(A/N: On a more literal note, I have absolutely no clue whatever the fuck do any of their levels mean. Plus I never memorized them, so yeah, that's something.)

(Well then, I guess we have nothing else to do aside from wait for the final announcement to the people.) I said as I then went and wore something a bit more formal, well, it's just my suit so yeah, I have to look good one last time. (Start up the stream Domain, I have their final verdict in mind.) I said as I the readied my suit and fixed my mask.

\And you're live Master!\ she said as I then bowed in front of the screen.



/3rd POV/



The people of the world were still licking the wound that they have been inflicted from the past of them getting hunted down by the monsters that were born from the dungeon. And now, they saw the golden screens one more time. They feared for the worst, and prayed that the damage that the dungeon master was about to bring upon them was minimal, but what they heard, it confused and shocked.

(Well then, I believe that this is going to be the last time that I'll be doing this in this world. My time as your great enemy has finally come to an end of my volition.) he said as the people were shocked and still trying to process what exactly he said. Was he dying? Was he leaving? (And the reason for me to leave is that I have been exposed to the boredom that is trying to hurt you all. Pain is fun until I lose that what makes the pain good, which in this case is my anger to your society. Do not fret, I am sure that the monsters that I'm leaving you with will ensure that all of you will still remember the deaths, the screams, the tears, and the blood. But for now, this is goodbye.) he said as he then made a grandiose final bow.

(May we never meet again, oh Terra.) he said as the golden screens disappeared one last time as he then disappeared from the view of the people. He got bored of killing them, he got bored of seeing the suffering that he had wrought upon them. This was by far one of the most vexing things that he could have ever said to them, and yet they felt sad. They felt sad about the fact that their tormenter was going to disappear from them. This didn't feel like a victory won from hardship and sacrifice. This was only the other side saying that they've lost interest in them and decided to just give up on their thoughts of slaughter for no reason.

It hurt for them, and it made them even more mad to thin that they were so weak to not be able to go against the will of a madman, the will of the dungeon.



/Frank POV/



I then cracked my neck and moaned a little when I felt it pop. That was really really stressful for a final message wasn't it? I mean like, I could almost feel their fucking tension as they just looked at me with worry and fear, and whatever the fuck that they were feeling in that moment. Well, nothing left for me to really think about aside from what I was going to do on that next planet. What was it called again? Blue Pole Star or something? Never understood why Chinese words were so damned difficult to try and translate. Oh wait, that may be due to the fact that there are a lot of fucking symbols in their language and they each have their own meanings and pronunciations, it's obviously not that, no certainly not!

No no no, I don't want to try and get to know the people that I'm going to be having talks with at a normal rate, absolutely fucking not right? *sarcasm ensues to an undesirably large degree*

Sorry about my racism getting out. I'm probably gonna make a government where cultivators aren't going to be welcomed, that's probably the best thing that I could ever try to go for in that world. I mean sure there'll be fucking diplomacy and all that jazz but come on! Of course I'm going to be the bad guy and give them gutter place level of hospitality. Their taxation? Sky fucking high! And their pays? Fucking below rock bottom, and when I mean below, I'm talking about a fucking basement to rock bottom.

Well, I mean, I still gotta make it and teach the other "mortals" in the world that cultivators are just strong manchildren who can't seem to do anything without having a scroll to shove their asses with so that they could go and wipe planets out for no good reason. Yeah, I hate them that much, that I might as well plan a full on universal crusade against them all! Isn't that just a grand idea? Their ships aren't metal, they're fucking wood and yet they can supposedly fly them through the fucking vacuum of the void. Wow, as if I never heard of bullshit before.

Well, I guess I'll just be transmigrated since it'll be easier to just get a random body instead of someone who's possibly influential to their world like one of the princes of that empire that Yue girl is from and is the princess of. Oh wait, which Yue girl you ask? I'm sorry I don't remember most of the names of the women since the author of that book had way too many girls named that way.

Alright, I gotta just quit complaining and just go in and fuck as much as I could possibly ever do. (System, I'm ready for the passthrough.) I said as I then removed my suit and wore something casual for the possibility of me being in a bad spot. [Very well Host, will this be a reincarnation? Or a transmigration?] it said as I then quickly picked transmigration.

[Do you prefer it to be an exact replica of the original? Y/N] it gave the options as I then weighed them. Yes or No? If I choose yes, I get somebody to torment for as long as I'd please. But that means that there'll be more bloodshed caused by that battlehungry fuck. If I choose no, then there's the possibility of me being able to save the actual Xiao Che and ensuring that he ends up in a good life.

I don't think that my immortality would cause that much of an uproar to the cultivators. I mean, sure you could go really fast, but that's because you're getting supplemented with that energy, I can go that and further without the use of the same energy that makes me stronger.

Well, I guess I could just go and stay in Blue Pole for a couple years and then let things go by as much as possible. (I'd like to choose no, I want Yun dead, no fucking exceptions since I don't fucking trust any of the people there to actually kill that fucking cockroach.) I said to the system as I then walked around before it started the process and then decided to bring me to the world.



/3rd POV/



Soon enough, we cut to a cliff side where a grave with a single flower was placed on. It was quite the odd place for someone to choose to be buried there, but it matters not, for the grave soon started to break open. It was simply in the dirt and soon a person came up, sputtering the dirt that was in his mouth. This was our dear dear protagonist, Frank. And for all of you to understand who's grave this was. We have to see the current affairs of the world. It was at least a couple decades before the timeline began and the dungeon master was still trying to get out of the dirt.

And now, his reactions.



/Frank POV/



(ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? A DEAD FUCKING BODY? I COULD HAVE BEEN FINE WITH ANOTHER HOBO IN AN ALLEYWAY BUT COME ON SYSTEM! I DON'T WANNA DESECRATE THOSE WHO HAVE GONE BEFORE YOU FUCKING DUMBASS!) I said as I then climbed my way out of the dirt and realized that the area was just a cliff overseeing a forest. {Well fuck.} I thought as I then got up and looked around and saw that there weren't too many things that were happening in the moment. I mean, at least there weren't any wild animals.

(Alright system, how far back did you transmigrate me now huh? Seven years? Twelve? Sixteen?!) I asked with anger as I was just shown a fucking number. I was stuck in the past and have to wait for SIXTY FUCKING YEARS. Dude! Even those fucking fairies are probably still kids at the moment! {Okay okay okay, let's just do our best and try to understand who the fuck did I tr-} I was thinking to myself until I eventually got an influx of memories from the dead body that I was in.

It was, some old dude. That was talking to someone important? I'm saying important since it was just this lady who was smiling at him. There were still a bunch of other people like some guys with beards. I don't understand why people have a thing for beards here but okay, and the old guy seemed to be on his deathbed. I mean, I could just guess who this guy was getting visited b- Wait a fucking minute. She's got ice powers. Oh no, oh fuck. Why did I have get such weird memories? Oh no no no, it's that fucking bitch who runs that sect that Qingyue goes to. Oh fucking no. Frozen Asgard huh? Oh boy, let's see this, I guess these guys are important. One of them seems to have a strong sword on his person so I'll have to put a pin on him, since he might be from that sword place that's connected to that other "Sacred Ground"? I thin that's how they call them.

Then there's also another dude who seems to be a bit sad that the guy was dying or something like that. There wasn't anything for me to go off of, since I don't know much about this world. Oh well, I guess I just gotta learn further and further. [Host, this body was, in a sense, a you that existed within this world to change it to whatever it is for you. It is but a shard of your existence sent earlier than you and given the task to "spice things up" if you were to describe it. All that the earlier version experienced, you will gain.] the system said as I then sighed and decided to stay away from the grave for now.

(As much as I hate the cultivators, I gotta leave now since they might have some sort of fucking ward on the place to try and keep an eye on the other me's body, which I technically am since it is me. Bah, let's just get there fuck outta here for now.) I said to myself as I just jumped down the cliff and let Silver Chariot slow my fall by coating me and then I just fucking booked it. If I want to set up a safe place for myself in here, I gotta keep it on the down low for now.

Now all I gotta do is just try to get a grasp on these memories and understand what the fuck happened to past me.

2155 words. Oh boy, yeah, this is it lads, this is how this fic is going to go down to the shitter. I didn't read up on the wiki for AtG as much as I needed and now I'm going to be making a completely different idea for this place. I don't think that they've ever seen a goblin in their world yet have they? Hehehehehe. Anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dark side of the moon! Peace out everybody! Goodbye~

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