
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime und Comics
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325 Chs

My Homage to the One True Blood God

/Frank POV/



Well, it appears that shit has finally hit the fan. Because from what I've gathered from the meeting that seems to be going on, and yes, I'm in the meeting as well, they're talking about earthquakes getting nearer to Japan.

Now I'm no geologist or whatever the ist job is, but I can recall that the system said that my Domain was already trying it's best to dig it's way into the bedrock of Japan.

Now bedrock in the real world is very hard, but not the hardest thing. The problem is, if you fuck up one of the levels of the soil, things don't exactly end all that well!

Thankfully the damned girl ensured that there won't be anything wrong with the stability of the ground beneath. How do I know this, it's because she's been screaming into my ear for the last damned hours about how she missed me for THREE FUCKING YEARS!

I don't know about you but three damned years seems to be quite the long wait. And the fact that she's been handling all of the shit that's been going on, while continuously trying to get more power, that's pretty damn impressive.

So I did the only logical thing and mentally pat it's head. JK, I ain't capable of doing shit without getting caught by the family. Albeit she tried to hug me, I told her not to do it since there were too many witnesses.

And in obvious fashion of watching me too many times, she asked if I wanted everyone dead. Thankfully she asked me since I really didn't want my family to be killed right now.

So she pouted at me mentally as I chuckled in my head, I really need to go and get more experience in life. Well, there's no telling what they would be saying about the dungeon since it's no even out of the fucking ground yet.

But if there's the slight chance that they do know that the dungeon exists, then I'd do either two of these. A: I would allow them to do some adventuring and kill off a couple of them in obvious dungeon master fashion.

Albeit I would need to still be with my parents to endure that there isn't any suspicion towards me. And option B, well, option B is something else. I would play the role of friendly guy. This assures that I won't get absolutely killed just because I was the dungeon master all this time.

Well, honestly speaking, there are better choices but I wanna go with these ones. Reason why? Because I want to do it, plus these are the ones that I've thought up on the spot. There are other good things and bad things about both of the choices but I won't go too deep into them.

What I do wanna do is see why am I even in an alternate body anyways. I guess reincarnation is a really hard process but am I capable of splitting my consciousness into both bodies?

I mean, I've read My Multiverse Adventure by Ryan_Colman but he did his method via soul splitting. I wanna do this where I'm still in complete control, but they are capable of taking the driver's seat if shit hits the fan.

Now there's some big problems with this. The first being the how. How would I accomplish this you ask? Simple, the system would deal with that. And numero dos would be the mental fatigue that come with that.

Now that one is sort of fixed already, how is it fixed? Simple, the Slayer. The guy went and wiped about more than 80% of hell, without rest. One of his titles is literally "He Who Never Rests". That makes a lot of sense, I guess.

But I'll have to put a pin in that for now since I seemed to be seeing a couple of people that I recognize. And well, it's a l very interesting sight. I see two adults holding another baby and for their kid well, it has this bloodthirsty look in its eyes.

Oh boy, well, didn't expect someone like her to be here. She's a cute girl who had shitty parents, and I can definitely tell that her parents are a bunch of hypocritical cunts.

{Now I understand why so many people hate her parents, they're asshats who only think of vanity and all the shit with it.} I thought as I made a mental note to get rid of them after more years have passed.

{Wait a minute, how many souls has she been accumulating? How long has she been here?!} I thought in wonder as I then contacted her. {Domain, how many souls do you have right now?!} I asked her with fervor as it was of utmost importance.

Yes my Luck counter is of utmost importance since I get to Gacha with it. But there's something else I need from it, more monsters in the dungeon.

With more monsters that means that my dungeon would attract more powerful people, which means that I can get better souls. Thank the fact that I can take any souls as long as I killed the damned thing, or if something I have command over does!

\Master! I've already gotten 182,432,300 souls! I've been here for three years already! And I had to kill one of the gods to make an example for the others who kept on bullying the two Familias that made a deal with you!\

The word she spoke at the beginning made me happy but the test was a pain in the ass. Of course cunts like him won't go and stay silent, they'll always try to find a way to piss somebody off huh? Fucking assholes can't give me a break anytime soon.

{Well, you did good Domain. Making an example of that one god was a good plan even though you really didn't have one. Plus, it's better to have a small group that's loyal, I don't really plan to keep things big all the time!} I thought to the Domain with absolute certainty, there's no fucking way that this could go wrong!

\T-thank you Master! I aim to please!\ she said to me with some weird ass stutter at the start. What the shit is going on with these girls nowadays? Why the shit are they all looking l- aaaahhhh they're starting to develop infatuation with me!

Oh no, that's not good, that's really not good. I don't have any experience whenever things come to love! Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck this is a fucking nightmare.

I am NOT ready for relationships! It's the one thing that I fear! Aside from doggos dying, doggos dying is an absolute no go. But going back to the main thing here, I've seen one person that's relevant to plot so far but not my supposed "fiance" for some reason.

{I guess use would be off sleeping in some highly secured hotel right? I mean she is the heir to the Yaoyorozu fortune and name. She had to be tightly secured right?} I thought as I shrugged off my initial scepticism and decided to focus as much as I could on the meeting that the adults are going through.

And it went something like this:



/3rd POV/



Random Politician: (Good day to you all my friends and acquaintances, I am here right now due to the annual meeting that we will be having.)

The rest of the people in said meeting were all prestigious in their own little ways. But near to none of them were celebrities, and the reason is just as obvious as you'd expect it to be. This meeting was about the country as a whole and the many groups that help in controlling the world.

Whether it be political strength, which the Ricci and Yaoyorozu families were very strong in. And the physical aspect, the people who keep the masses in check, the heroes and villains. Because why the fuck aren't they also involved with anything political? It's unrealistic if they aren't.

Random Politician: (The first thing that I'd like to address is the recent updates about the earthquakes that have been occurring a lot more. Personally speaking, I thought of these to be normal like any other time, but some surveillance had revealed that this is something unnatural.)

After he spoke a projector which seems to be a lot more different than others rised from the table and started to play something. Strangely enough the projector is just as fancy as Frank would have thought it to be, because it was holographic.

Well, as holographic as it possibly could get for a society that stagnates in technology and politically. Albeit the technology thing isn't that bad yet, since there's I-Island that continues to innovate.

Thankfully the meeting was going faster than Frank anticipated.

Random Politician: (We've just discovered a strange brick like wall at the bedrock of the ocean as of recently. We have reason to believe that someone has built a hidden military base. The only real problem is that we are unable to break into it. We have absolutely no idea as to what may be inside, and we're stumped by the fact that our technology hasn't been able to breach it yet.)

After he spoke he sat down an wiped the excessive sweat from his ugly ass mug. Bitch looks like a damned horny uncle, probably is one if I'm being honest.

(But who and why would they do such a thing *insert commonplace politician name*? It doesn't seem like the thing that any military would do unless they wanted to start a war.) golden boy Ass-Tight said as his immaculate smile almost radiated like the fucking sum in their eyes.

(Let's be honest here AllMight, what are the chances for other countries to have their own personal agendas?) Nezu the roasting god said as AllMight then went silent after he spoke.

(There's nothing wrong with assuming that people are good AllMight, it's just that it's not how the world works nowadays.) Frank's dear father spoke as Toshinori Yagi then regained his energy from the words from a good friend.

(Even though we don't know who decided to build a base in the bottom of the ocean, it's still encroaching on Japanese waters, and I plan to send a petition to the Prime Minister to have it seized and controlled.) our annoying politician said as he had a disgustingly ugly smile on his face.

(I really don't think that's a good idea *insert commonplace politician name*-san. Whatever group that was eve able to make a base here might be paid well. If they're able to make a base in the bedrock of the ocean, then what kind of technology is it that enables them to do so?) Yaoyorozu Jun spoke out as a large group of the people agreed with his words.

(I understand your worries Yaoyorozu-san but there's no need to worry about it at all! We have enough people willing to go down there and raid whatever it is that's there! There isn't anything bad that gonna happen!) the politician said as Jun was reasonably worried.

Almost everyone that was here was a decent acquaintance of his, and there was his friend from childhood, who had married into the Ricci family. He hasn't wrong to want to keep them alive.

But there was nothing that he could do for now aside from give his share of the funding for some quality gear. (I understand, I'll be giving ¥400 million for the funding. All I ask is that you use it as much as you could for decent gear for the people investigating it.)

The politician was initially surprised about the offer but soon his face morphed into a fake mask of happiness. (Thank you Yaoyorozu-san! We'll make good use of the month that you've so generously donated to us!)

The other people had different expressions to what Jun did. Some of them snickered at him for being this naive, others simply blessed his heart for being so kind to just about everyone.

2037 words, as of writing this chapter the power is going to go out in our neighborhood the day after tomorrow, I'm gonna write until I can't anymore. Anyways as always, I'll see you guys, on the dark side of the moon! Peace!

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