

/Domain POV/



It had already been three years since my Master had brought me into this unknown world. The being that helps my master said that in order for my master to have an easier time for him to take power in this world I would be sent earlier than him.

I do not truly trust this being, but, it does things for the food of my master, and I consider that one of my highest duties. To protect my master, I will take my time to ensure that he will be as comfortable as one would be while taking this world as well.

{But to think that guy would send me back so far!} I thought to myself as I bit my nail in frustration. It had been far too long since I had seen him. I wonder what would he be doing now?

[Hello again Domain. I am here to announce that my Host has been successfully brought into this world. Your duties may start whenever he wishes to contact you.] a screen was right in front of me as I felt happiness go into my body.

My master is back! And he would be able to finally take over this stupid stupid no good world!

\Finally! Why weren't you here trying to help master come quicker huh?! Are you trying to do something bad to him huh? If you are, I'm gonna kick you really hard!\ I said to the damned screen as it didn't answer me. I really don't trust this thing at all!

[Please note Domain that should you try and do something that may cause the failure of what my Host wishes to do, I will personally see to it that you will be disposed of, permanently.] it said to me as I simply scoffed at it's words.

As if anything is capable of killing me, as long as Master is with me, I'm invincible! But now, I guess I should think over what I've done over the years.



/Three Years Ago/



/3rd POV/



{It was dark. Too dark. I don't like this! It's too dark, and it's so stifling to my growth! I need to go down!} were the thoughts of the Domain as it started to do it's duty and burrow down into the oceanic crust of the planet.

Despite it being exposed to extreme pressure, the Domain is designed to handle any environment that it is brought into. Pressure is but a simple thing that Domains are capable of getting used to. In some other cases, the Domains are capable of using said pressure on those that dare to trespass in their walls.

However, the Domain that our dear protagonist has so gladly decided to take over was one that was more inclined towards regular ground. It wasn't quite used to burrowing to hard soil instantly from the get-go.

But nonetheless, it will be able to handle such things as long as it had enough time to do so, and time is something that it has in abundance. And thus, starts the three year journey of the domain.



/2 Years, 6 Months Ago/



It had been six months since the Domain had seen it's Master. Abigail, her playmate was already asking as to where they were. The Domain tried to give her an answer before she was rudely interrupted by a being that was not born from her walls.

It called itself Hestia, and said that it was a god. The Domain already had a bad impression since it had interrupted her, but now, it was just livid. It didn't want to kill the deity since that would mean that her Master would be angry at her, so she didn't.

Instead, she opted to listen to it's pleas, thinking that doing so would garner favor to her master. The conversation went as so:

\Very well deity, what do you wish to speak about? You better make it quick, or else I'm going to get my Master right here and get rid of you right now!\ the Domain was very much angry right now due to the fact that it was a god that she was talking to.

(I-i just wanted to know where we are right now. I need to talk to your Mas-) the god said before feeling a great pressure cover her entire sense of being.

\You are not allowed to see my Master right now! He is busy with things that interest him!\ she answered to the now suffering goddess as she threw Hestia away. This, was not looking good.



/2 Years, 3 Months Ago/



Another three months have passed since she had damaged the goddess. The other divine beings that her Master had brought over were trying to find ways to leave the Domain as soon as possible.

Our little Domain however, was still pumping out massive amounts of souls to ensure that there were no beings that were capable of harming them.

She had willingly used up many of the souls to constantly create more and more monsters. She mainly took inspiration from the three monsters that her Master had created.

She even asked Abigail about some monsters that she could make for her new monsters. Abigail being the little child that she technically was, didn't really know much about the other SCPs aside from the ones that she could feel were there.

The Domain was shocked to know that there were more monsters that her Master had left that she grabbed Abigail by the shoulders and asked her with extreme fervor where they were at.

Abigail, being the dear little girl that tries to help people, brought the Domain to where she felt the presence of the other two anomalies. Namely, SCPs 096 and 173, two that are polar opposites of one another. Abigail don't know how she felt them, she only knew that they were here, and their object names.

The Domain was reasonably sceptical of the things that Abigail said. Sure she was one of the beings that her Master brought to her from some strange place, but how loyal was Abigail? That was answered as quickly as she thought of the question, as Abigail had come through and showed the Domain the other monsters.

She was elated to see that one of them was capable of replicating themselves, and the other seemed to be very strong as well. Well, it seemed to be strong from what she saw.

The lone 096 was up against dozens of not hundreds of 173 instances. And yes, they still shat out blood and shit, because that's how they reproduce asexually!😀

(A/N: Yeah, this version of 173 is just plain freaky and OP. Asexual reproduction, a hive mind that gets smarter every time there's more of them, and the fact they could travel hundreds of meters within the blink of an eye. Luckily, they aren't indestructible, so that means enough firepower could take out enough to be able to contain them again.)

The Domain was pleased, she had new things that she could command. Or so she thought, as she tried to get closer, one of the 173 instances noticed her and tried to crunch.(A/N: If you know, you know.)She felt as if she was on the brink of death until she was saved by Abigail, who simply touched the anomaly that was off the peripheral vision of the physical body.

She noticed that she was nearly at the brush of death, that is, until she remembered that she was immortal as long as her Master was alive. So she did the only natural thin to do in this sort of situation. She crushed the instance via some manipulation of the ground beneath it's excuse of feet.

She huffed at the fact that something so primal was so close to attacking her and destroying her physical body. It was not pleasing to her in the slightest. She was going to have to deal with many of them, luckily Abigail learned something about them.

Their one single weakness, they can't move whenever someone stares at them. If they aren't looked at, people would be dead due to broken necks. So she used her pseudo-omniscience and kept an eye on all of them as she destroyed as many as she could.

She didn't want to let her Master's monster go without proper training, or numbers, and unfortunately, the SCP was incapable of being trained. So she opted to cull the numbers every once in a while.



/1 Year, 3 Months Ago/



One more year had passed for the Domain. The people that her Master had "saved" were currently and constantly training. They were annoying her from all of their excessive sweating and groaning from harming one another.

Their gods seems to be proud of them as they nodded at them occasionally. But when they looked at the Hestia and Takemizakuchi Familias they usually had cold or scared eyes.

She asked the two Familias as to why they were being treated this way, their answers were seemed to be illogical, but she still listened to them.

(The reason why they don't really like us is that we made a deal with your Master.) they said as the Domain looked at the other gods with a scorn-filled gaze.

\Listen up the rest of you! I have been told that you are discriminating your other surface dwellers since they made a deal with my Master. I see this as an insult, and one that I will not take kindly to! If you wish to live, cast away your hatred to them just be3cause they had something to offer. Instead, look in yourselves and see if you have anything good to offer to my Master!\

Her words seemed to have made the other adventurers confused since they knew tha5 the other two Familias made a deal with the dungeon master, but they technically did as well. Because they went and brought their own gods to Frank, they basically completed their side of the deal, which was to live. They were in the same boat here, and they were confused as to why they were being scolded about it. (Domain! It's not them that are in the wrong, it's the gods that they worship!) a very specific Renard came up and told her.

It had been a year and nine months since she had been brought along to this new and strange world. She grew more mature and ladylike over the year, but deep inside, there laid the same knight loving maiden, and boy oh boy, do people hate that trope.

\What do you mean by that Haru-nee? Do these stupid gods really think that they can go against the will of Master?! Do they think that they can just give their opinions whenever they want? They're our prisoners! They aren't going to have any freedom a sling ad they walk there hallows grounds!\ little Domain-chan sais as she then goes and disappears right in front of them.

The god who was constantly trying to sow the seeds of distrust in the dungeon was minding his own business, well not really since he was trying to make the other gods see reason that they could take over the dungeon since they were right on the 100th floor.

Which by all means was one of the most downright idiotic thing that someone could do against a sentient super compound capable of summoning as many monsters as it wants.

{I just need more time is all, yes, all I need is the time to make sure that the plan doesn't fail!} the poor "powerful" being was once again letting his delusions take the best of him when suddenly, he was brought before the rest of his Familia.

He didn't know what was going on until he saw the Domain right in front of him. \Foul deity! You have beeb accused of sowing dissent into my Master's land, how do you plead?\

The god then looked at the Domain and tried to open his mouth but was shocked to notice that he couldn't, since there was vegetation covering it, he tried to pry it off, but it only got worse and worse until her was completely and utterly covered in flowers.

This was one of the worst possible deaths that the poor sap could have gotten. And unfortunately, the Falna that the damned being made had disappeared from the backs of his children.

The Domain didn't think much of this and only wished that she could meet her master sooner.

2095 words, Webnovel made the big wtf again and deleted 500+ words from the ending of this chapter. It was suppose to be different but I guess see can't have nice things. Anyways an as always, I'll see you guys, on the dark side of the moon! Peace!

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