
The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn

The story revolves around Wei Wuxian, a former hero who falls from grace due to his controversial practices of cultivating demonic arts. After being betrayed and killed by those he once trusted, he unexpectedly reawakens years later in a younger form, possessing only fragments of his past memories. Wei Wuxian embarks on a journey to unravel the mysteries surrounding his past and the events that led to his downfall. Along the way, he reunites with his old friend Lan Wangji, a dignified and unwavering disciple of the Cloud Recesses sect. Together, they delve into a complex web of intrigue and deception, piecing together clues and revelations that gradually reveal the truth behind Wei Wuxian's fate. The narrative alternates between Wei Wuxian's present-day adventures and flashbacks to his past life, providing insights into his character development and the relationships he forged with various characters. The story is filled with emotional highs and lows, ranging from intense battles and suspenseful mysteries to tender moments of camaraderie and romance. The novel's writing style is engaging and humorous, making it a captivating read. The intricate plot, rich characters, and emotional depth of the story contribute to its popularity and enduring appeal. The worldbuilding is also impressive, creating a vivid and immersive fantasy setting that readers can easily envision. In addition to the original novel, "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn" has also been adapted into an animated series and a live-action drama series titled "The Untamed" (Chenqing Ling), both of which have garnered immense popularity among viewers. These adaptations further expand the story's reach and allow more people to experience the magic and wonder of "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn."

Levi37 · Fantasie
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119 Chs

Sleep soundly-II

Wei Wuxian picked it up like crazy and was so greedy that there was almost no place to stay on the ferry. The three of them were sitting on the green lotus mountain. Tear open the green skin, and you will find the tender green lotus seeds hidden in the fluffy brown clothes. Pick them out one by one and peel them off. The lotus seeds are white and delicate, and are extremely sweet and refreshing. The lotus heart is also a watery light blue color, without any bitter. Wen Ning sat on the bow of the boat and kept peeling lotus pods. Lan Wangji peeled two and ate them without doing anything else. Seeing Wen Ning handing them the peeled lotus seeds, he shook his head and asked him to give them to Wei Wuxian. Wei Wuxian killed a whole boat by himself and drifted along the current for an hour or two before they arrived at the dock of Yunping City.

The shallow water of the pier was crowded with small fishing boats, and women gathered on the stone steps facing the water to pound their clothes. Some shirtless teenagers with wheat-colored skin swam around the river, and suddenly saw a ferry coming leisurely. , the person at the stern of the boat lowered his head, but the two young men in the boat both had outstanding looks. The man in white sitting at the front is dressed in plain clothes and looks like snow. He has an outstanding bearing. The smiling young man next to him is also an extremely beautiful face. It is rare to see such a person in normal times. He couldn't help but widen his eyes and look at this with all his strength. Look around. Several young people swimming by the river gathered together like fish, with seven or eight heads floating beside the ferry. Wei Wuxian said, "Excuse me, is this Yunping City?"

A girl washing clothes by the river blushed and said, "This is Yunping City."

Wei Wuxian said, "We're here, let's get ashore."

When the ferry docked, Lan Wangji stood up first, stepped onto the shore, and turned around to pull Wei Wuxian. They both went to the pier, but Wen Ning was still on the boat, unable to move. The group of swimming teenagers saw that his complexion was pale, and there were strange lines on his neck and cheeks. He lowered his head and remained silent, looking strange, and they didn't feel scared. Instead, it was fun. A dozen hands were holding on to the side of the boat, shaking it so hard that Wen Ning could hardly stand still. Wei Wuxian looked back and said, "Hey! What are you doing? Don't bully him."

Wen Ning said hurriedly: "Sir, I can't get off."

Just as he was asking for help, two more teenagers slapped the water with their hands and splashed him with water. Wen Ning smiled bitterly and was helpless. If these teenagers knew that the "person" they were fooling around could easily tear them into bloody pieces and crush their bones to pieces with bare hands, how could they dare to have fun like this? Wei Wuxian threw the few remaining lotus pods over and said, "Go on!" The young men immediately dispersed and grabbed the lotus pods. Wen Ning then jumped ashore in embarrassment and patted the wet hem of his clothes.

Looking at the whole Yunmeng, Yunping City is not a small place, it is very prosperous. When the three of them walked into the city, people were coming and going along the road, and the shops were dazzling. Wen Ning didn't like the place where there were many people, and he disappeared silently after a while. Wei Wuxian asked along the way based on the address he saw in his memory, but when they finally found the destination and the two of them confirmed what they saw, they were both slightly startled.

Looking at the extraordinary and popular building in front of him, Wei Wuxian said, "This is... the Guanyin Temple?"

Lan Wangji said: "Yeah."

Jin Guangyao didn't look like a religious man. The two of them looked at each other and walked through the endless stream of pilgrims, crossed the high threshold, and entered the temple. The third time I entered the temple, there was smoke and the sound of wooden fish everywhere. It didn't take too long to complete the circle. The last room was the Guanyin Master's Hall. After the two of them stood at the door for a while, a monk came over to salute him with his hands clasped together. The two of them returned the salute. Wei Wuxian exchanged a few pleasantries. He asked casually: "Ordinary temples are built in mountains, but those in cities are rare."

The monk smiled and said: "People in the city are busy working all day long. Don't they need such a Guanyin Temple to pray for blessings and seek inner peace?"

Wei Wuxian also smiled and said, "Wouldn't the hustle and bustle of popularity disturb Master Guanyin?"

The monk said: "A great master saves all sentient beings, how can he be disturbed by others?"

Wei WuXian asked, "Does this temple only worship Guanyin?"

The monk said: "Not bad."

The two of them walked around the Guanyin Temple for a few times and already knew it by heart. After leaving the temple, Wei Wuxian took Lan Wangji to an alley, picked up a branch, drew a few square formations on the ground, and threw them to On the other hand, he said: "Jin Guangyao is such a great artist."

Lan Wangji picked up the branch he threw away and added a few strokes on the square. The outline became more and more obvious. It was the aerial view of the Guanyin just now. Wei Wuxian took the branch from his hand again and said, "There is a big formation inside the Guanyin Temple, and something is pressed down." He pointed at a place and said, "This formation is a bit complicated, but it's quite safe. , but as long as this formation is broken, the things being restrained will come out."

Lan Wangji stood up and said, "Break the formation at night when no one is around. Find a place to settle down and repair first, and then make plans."

I don't know how powerful the evil spirits in Guanyin Temple are, so naturally I can't act rashly during the day when there are many people. Wei WuXian said, "I wonder how long it will take to carry the things from the Guanyin Temple. Will I have time to go to Lanling? Will it delay my trip?"

Lan Wangji said: "Your physical condition is unknown, so don't force yourself."

During the battle at the Mass Grave, Wei Wuxian consumed too much energy and energy, and his mind and body remained tense for a long time. A few hours ago, Jiang Cheng was so angry that almost all his orifices bled, and it took him a while to recover. Although he feels that there is nothing serious now, if there is something wrong and he doesn't find it, and he reluctantly rushes to Lanling, there is no guarantee that an accident will not happen at the critical moment, which will turn out to be bad. And he wasn't the only one who was consuming energy these past two days, Lan Wangji didn't stop for a moment either. Thinking that even if he didn't need to rest, Lan Wangji also needed to rest. Wei Wuxian said, "Okay, let's find a place to rest first."

Wei Wuxian himself can live anywhere. If he has money, he sleeps in a luxurious house, but if he doesn't, he sleeps under the roots of a tree. But Lan Wangji was by his side at this moment, and he could never imagine Lan Wangji lying under a tree, or huddled in a dirty small room, so the two walked for a long time, and finally ended up in another part of Yunping City. On the other hand, I picked a decent and stylish inn. The landlady rushed out enthusiastically and almost dragged them inside. The inn is kept in an orderly and clean manner, and the first floor is almost full of guests, which shows that the person running it is a capable person. Most of the people who work in the store are women, ranging from the pretty teenage sweeper girl to the fat and round cook aunt. When they saw two young men walking through the door, their eyes lit up. A girl who was filling water for the guests even saw that Lan Wangji didn't notice that the spout of the teapot was crooked. The landlady shouted twice and asked them to be careful. She personally led Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji upstairs to view the rooms. As they walked, she asked, "How many rooms do you two young masters want?"

Upon hearing this, Wei Wuxian's heart suddenly jumped up and he glanced at Lan Wangji calmly.

If it were two months ago, there would be no need to ask this question. When he first came back, in order to get out as soon as possible, he tried his best to disgust Lan Wangji. Lan Wangji also noticed this, so he just wanted one room from now on. No matter how many rooms he wanted, Wei Wuxian would be the one in the end. Will get entangled in his bed.

Not only that, because no one knew who he was at the time, Wei Wuxian dared to do anything embarrassing. On the first night of Xiayun Shenzhen, he couldn't wait to get into Lan Wangji's bed first. Lan Wangji pushed the door open and saw him rolling on the bed. He stood expressionless for a while and then went to the next door to see him. Booked another room. How could Wei Wuxian let him go so easily? He chased after him and shouted that he wanted to sleep with him. After climbing into bed, he threw a pillow out of the window and insisted on sharing the same bed with Lan Wangji. He also asked Lan Wangji why he was sleeping with his clothes on, and forced him to help him undress and take off his belt. Sleeping until midnight, he suddenly put his cold feet into Lan Wangji's quilt, grabbed his hand and forced it to his heart, "Listen to my heartbeat, Hanguang-kun!", no matter how innocent and affectionate Staring into his eyes... Finally, he was slapped lightly by Lan Wangji, making his whole body stiff and unable to move anymore, and then he calmed down.

Looking back on the past, Wei Wuxian was shocked for the first time by his shamelessness.

At the third glance, Lan Wangji still lowered his eyes and said nothing, and his expression could not be clearly seen. Seeing that he didn't answer, Wei Wuxian began to think wildly: "Lan Zhan always asked for one room before, why didn't he talk today? If he wants two rooms this time, it means he really cares. But if He still wants a room, which doesn't mean he doesn't mind, maybe just to make himself look like he doesn't mind so that I don't mind either..."

If you don't mind, the landlady answered decisively, and said loudly and forcefully: "One room, right? One room is enough! My room is comfortable for two people. The bed is not crowded."

After waiting for a moment, Lan Wangji didn't object. Wei Wuxian's heart and feet finally stopped wandering and settled down for the time being.

The landlady opened a door and took them in. It was indeed big enough. She said, "Hey, do you two want to eat? Our cook is very good at cooking. Can we serve it to you when it's ready?"

Wei WuXian said, "I want it. But I don't need it now. I'll send it over later."

The landlady agreed and went out. She walked on the front foot, and just as Wei Wuxian was about to close the door on the back foot, he suddenly chased after her and said, "Lady Boss!"

The landlady said: "What orders do you have, Master?"

Wei Wuxian seemed to have made up his mind, and whispered: "Please bring some wine when we serve dinner tonight... The more energetic the better."

The landlady smiled and said: "That's natural!"

After he finished explaining, he returned to his room as if nothing had happened, closed the door, and sat down at the table. Lan Wangji stretched out his hand and pressed his pulse. Although he knew that he was just checking his physical condition, when the two slender white fingers moved up his wrist and slowly kneaded it, Wei Wuxian placed his other hand under the table. , or curled up his fingers slightly.

After spending nearly half an hour checking his body, Lan Wangji said, "It's nothing serious."

Wei Wuxian stretched out and said with a smile, "Thank you." Seeing Lan Wangji's solemn expression and uneven eyebrows, he said, "Hanguang-Jun, are you worried about Zewu-Jun? I think Jin Guangyao is worried about Zewu." You still have some respect for me, and Zewu Lord is higher in cultivation than him, and you are already prepared for him, so you may not fall into his tricks. We cracked the formation of Guanyin Temple as soon as possible and try to continue tomorrow On our way."

Lan Wangji said, "This is strange."

Wei Wuxian said, "What?"

Lan Wangji said: "My brother has been friends with Jin Guangyao for several years. Jin Guangyao is not an impulsive and murderous person, and he never takes action rashly."

Wei WuXian said, "Well, I have the same impression of him. It's not that Jin Guangyao isn't ruthless, but he should try not to offend those who can."

Lan Wangji said: "This incident at the mass grave was extravagant and impatient, which is not in line with his style of doing things."

Wei Wuxian thought for a while and said, "The scene at the mass grave is done. If it is exposed, it will force hundreds of Xuanmen to become his enemies. The risk is quite high."

Lan Wangji said: "Maybe there are more hidden things that need to be explored."