
The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn

The story revolves around Wei Wuxian, a former hero who falls from grace due to his controversial practices of cultivating demonic arts. After being betrayed and killed by those he once trusted, he unexpectedly reawakens years later in a younger form, possessing only fragments of his past memories. Wei Wuxian embarks on a journey to unravel the mysteries surrounding his past and the events that led to his downfall. Along the way, he reunites with his old friend Lan Wangji, a dignified and unwavering disciple of the Cloud Recesses sect. Together, they delve into a complex web of intrigue and deception, piecing together clues and revelations that gradually reveal the truth behind Wei Wuxian's fate. The narrative alternates between Wei Wuxian's present-day adventures and flashbacks to his past life, providing insights into his character development and the relationships he forged with various characters. The story is filled with emotional highs and lows, ranging from intense battles and suspenseful mysteries to tender moments of camaraderie and romance. The novel's writing style is engaging and humorous, making it a captivating read. The intricate plot, rich characters, and emotional depth of the story contribute to its popularity and enduring appeal. The worldbuilding is also impressive, creating a vivid and immersive fantasy setting that readers can easily envision. In addition to the original novel, "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn" has also been adapted into an animated series and a live-action drama series titled "The Untamed" (Chenqing Ling), both of which have garnered immense popularity among viewers. These adaptations further expand the story's reach and allow more people to experience the magic and wonder of "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn."

Levi37 · Fantasie
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119 Chs


Lan Wangji turned around, but his eyes were still slightly sideways. Seeing this, Wei Wuxian blinked, feeling inexplicably wanting to cause trouble. Just as he was about to make a joke, there was a sudden sound of breaking from the table.

They both stood up and looked. I saw the teacup and teapot shattered on the floor, and a sealing evil universe bag lying among the white porcelain pieces and the flowing tea. The surface of the bag was stirring, as if something was trapped inside and eager to get out.

Although this Evil Sealing Universe Bag seems to be only the size of a palm, it can be used for storage. The inside and outside layers are embroidered with complex incantations, blessing several layers of seals. Lan Wangji originally sealed the arm in a bag and pressed it under the tea cup on the table. Now that he saw it moving restlessly, he remembered that it was time to play "Rest in Peace" together. Without their brief soothing song every night, no matter how strong the suppression power of the Evil Sealing Universe Bag was, it alone would not be able to trap the ghost hand.

Wei Wuxian reached out to touch the bamboo flute at his waist, but found nothing. Turning around to look, it turned out that the bamboo flute was already in Lan Wangji's hand. He lowered his head slightly and concentrated on carving on the bamboo flute for a while before handing it back. Wei Wuxian took it back and took a look. The rough details of the bamboo flute that he had repaired, such as the flute hole, were much more refined.

Lan Wangji said: "Blow well."

Thinking of the miserable time they had spent in the underworld, where they had to listen to the chorus that woke Lan Qiren alive from his coma and then vomited blood and continued to coma, Wei Wuxian almost fell to the ground laughing, thinking to himself: "It's hard for him to tolerate me for so long. ." Now he stopped deliberately doing evil and put the bamboo flute to his lips in a serious manner. Unexpectedly, after blowing a few words, the Qiankun bag suddenly swelled several times in size and stood up!

Wei Wuxian blew out a note and said, "Why, he's used to hearing ugly tunes, and he doesn't like it if I play it nicer?"

As if in response to him, the Evil-Sealing Universe Bag suddenly flew towards Wei Wuxian. The melody suddenly changed under Lan Wangji's finger, and with one stroke, the seven strings vibrated together, making a roar like a landslide. The Feng Evil Universe Bag was scolded angrily by Qin Yin and fell back to where it was. Wei Wuxian continued to play as if nothing had happened, and Lan Wangji's wrist softened, and he continued the tune of "Rest in Peace", turning into a quiet and peaceful tune, and slowly began to harmonize.

After the song was played, the Evil-Sealing Universe Bag finally retracted to its original shape and lay still. Wei Wuxian put back the flute and said, "These days it has never been as impatient as it is today, as if it was stimulated by something."

Lan Wangji nodded slightly, turned to him, and said, "Besides, it's something you have on your body."

Wei Wuxian immediately lowered his head and looked at himself. There was only one extra thing on his body today - the evil curse mark transferred from Jin Ling's body.

The evil curse mark on Jin Ling's body was left at the stone castle on Xinglu Ridge. Ghost Hands reacted strongly to this evil curse mark. Does this mean...

Wei WuXian asked, "You mean, there might be other parts of its body in the walls of the Nie Family Sacrifice Hall?"

In the early morning of the next day, the two set off together and returned to Xinglu Ridge.

Nie Huaisang was caught in action yesterday and revealed all his culprits. He summoned his close disciples at home overnight to clean up the mess left by the intruders. When Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji walked up, he had just ordered people to fill in the wall where Wei Wuxian dug out Jin Ling, put a new corpse in, and watched the white bricks being laid neatly layer by layer. , wiping sweat continuously. Unexpectedly, when he turned around, his soles softened, and he said with a smile: "Hanguang-Jun... and this..."

Wei Wuxian waved his hand and said with a smile, "Sect Master Nie, where are you building the wall?"

Nie Huaisang wiped the sweat with a hand towel, almost wiping off a layer of skin on his forehead: "Yes, yes..."

Wei Wuxian was very sympathetic and said shyly, "I'm sorry. I might have to trouble you to do it again later."

Nie Huaisang: "Yes, yes...ah?! Wait!"

Before he finished speaking, Bichen came out of his sheath. Nie Huaisang watched helplessly as the stone brick wall he had just repaired cracked again.

It is always easier to destroy than to build. Wei Wuxian demolished the bricks very quickly, countless times faster than they could lay the bricks. Nie Huaisang held the folding fan and shivered, feeling so aggrieved that tears almost burst into his eyes. However, Hanguang Jun stood beside him, showing nothing, and he did not dare to say anything. Lan Wangji told him the cause and effect in a concise and concise manner, and he immediately pointed to the sky and swore: "No! Absolutely not! The corpses used in our family's sacrificial knife hall are all with intact limbs, and there are absolutely no corpses of men with missing arms. If you don't believe it, I will dismantle them together. The bricks prove your innocence, but you must fill them back in immediately after they are demolished. You cannot wait too long. This is my ancestral tomb..."

Several Nie family disciples joined in, and when someone was working, Wei Wuxian withdrew and waited to see the results. Half an hour later, most of the stone bricks on the wall where Jin Ling had been buried had been removed. Some of the students pulled up their masks, and some took secret red pills to prevent breathing and anger from inducing corpse transformation. In the black soil, a pale hand or a foot with bulging veins occasionally appeared, as well as black hair full of tangled dirt. All the male corpses were roughly cleaned and laid flat on the ground in rows.

Some of these corpses have turned into white bones, some are in the process of decay, and some are still very fresh and appear in various shapes, but all of them have complete limbs. The body of a man without his left arm was not found.

Nie Huaisang said cautiously: "Is it enough to just demolish this wall? Do you want to demolish it again? No need."

It is indeed enough. The evil curse mark on Jin Ling's body was extremely dark, and the thing that left it must have been buried very close to him at the time, and would never have gone beyond the scope of this wall. Wei Wuxian squatted down next to a row of corpses. After thinking for a moment, Lan Wangji said, "Take the Evil-Sealing Universe Bag?"

It would be a good idea to take out the left hand from the bag that sealed the world of evil and let it identify it on its own. However, if you get too close to other parts of its body, there is no guarantee that it will not be excited and lead to a more dangerous situation. And this place is very special, full of yin and dangerous, so they carefully choose to come during the day. Wei Wuxian shook his head and pondered: "Doesn't this arm belong to a man? No, I can tell a man's hand is a woman's hand just by looking at it... Does it mean that its owner has three arms?!"

Just as he was amused by his idea, Lan Wangji said again: "Legs."

After he mentioned it, Wei Wuxian remembered that he had actually overlooked that the curse mark only covered his legs, and he hurriedly said: "Take off your pants! Take off your pants!"

Nie Huaisang was extremely horrified: "Why do you say such shameful words in front of Lord Hanguang!"

Wei WuXian said, "What's there to be ashamed of? We're all men. Do me a favor and take off all the corpse's pants. There's no need for female corpses, just take off the male corpses!" As he spoke, he touched the waistband of the corpse on the ground. Stretch out your claws. Poor Nie Huaisang didn't expect that he had to take off the trousers of a corpse in the ancestor's sacrificial knife hall, and it was a male corpse. He only thought that after getting down to the ground, he would definitely be killed by one of the ancestors of the Nie family in Qinghe. A big boss was so rude that he would be a destitute person in his next life. He couldn't help but burst into tears. Fortunately, Wei Wuxian's movement was intercepted by Lan Wangji. Nie Huaisang was just about to say that he was worthy of being Lord Hanguang when he heard him say, "I'll do it."

Wei Wuxian said, "Are you coming? Do you really want to do such a thing?"

The corners of Lan Wangji's eyebrows seemed to be twitching faintly, as if he was enduring something, and repeated: "Don't move. I'll do it."

Of all the shocks Nie Huaisang suffered today, this moment was the worst.

Of course, Lan Wangji would not actually pull off the corpse's pants. He would just use Bichen's sword energy to gently cut through the corpse's clothes, exposing the skin underneath. Some clothes don't need to be scratched, they are already in tatters. After a moment, he said: "Found it."

Everyone hurriedly looked towards the ground. The body next to Lan Wangji's white boots had a faint coil on each thigh. The stitches of flesh-colored thin threads are densely packed. There is a subtle difference in skin color above and below the coil. Apparently, the corpse's legs and his upper body did not belong to the same person.

These two legs were actually sewn on!

Nie Huaisang was dumbfounded. Wei Wuxian asked, "Who chooses the corpses used by the Nie family to sacrifice their swords?"

Nie Huaisang said in a daze: "Generally, the family heads of the past generations selected and hoarded them before they were alive. My eldest brother left early and he didn't save enough, so I helped him select some... As long as the corpses have all the facial features and limbs, I will keep them. Got off. I don't know the rest..."

Who is it that buried this body in troubled waters? If you ask him, you will definitely not know clearly. From the person who provided the corpse to the insiders of the Nie family in Qinghe, there are countless suspects. I'm afraid only by finding all the limbs and assembling the body and soul can we know what happened.

After finally separating the legs from the half-cut male corpse, Wei Wuxian put them into the new Evil-Sealing Qiankun bag and said to Lan Wangji, "It looks like this man was quartered by five horses. Not only was he divided It's such a shame to throw his body around, piece by piece here and there. Let's just pray that he won't be cut into too many pieces."

Although Nie Huaisang still said "goodbye" when bidding farewell this time, looking at the panic on his face, he probably never wanted to "see you again" in this life. The two left Xingluling and returned to the inn. When they reached a safe place, they took out three limbs for careful comparison. Sure enough, the skin color of these legs is the same as that of the severed left limb, and if they are placed close to each other, they will have a strong reaction with each other, trembling endlessly, as if they want to be connected, but there is a part of the body missing in the middle. No way. They must belong to the same person.

Except that this is a tall man with slender limbs, strong physique, and very good cultivation, the rest is still completely unknown and confusing. Fortunately, the ghost hand quickly pointed out the next step: southwest.

Following its guidance, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji came all the way to Yueyang.