
The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn

The story revolves around Wei Wuxian, a former hero who falls from grace due to his controversial practices of cultivating demonic arts. After being betrayed and killed by those he once trusted, he unexpectedly reawakens years later in a younger form, possessing only fragments of his past memories. Wei Wuxian embarks on a journey to unravel the mysteries surrounding his past and the events that led to his downfall. Along the way, he reunites with his old friend Lan Wangji, a dignified and unwavering disciple of the Cloud Recesses sect. Together, they delve into a complex web of intrigue and deception, piecing together clues and revelations that gradually reveal the truth behind Wei Wuxian's fate. The narrative alternates between Wei Wuxian's present-day adventures and flashbacks to his past life, providing insights into his character development and the relationships he forged with various characters. The story is filled with emotional highs and lows, ranging from intense battles and suspenseful mysteries to tender moments of camaraderie and romance. The novel's writing style is engaging and humorous, making it a captivating read. The intricate plot, rich characters, and emotional depth of the story contribute to its popularity and enduring appeal. The worldbuilding is also impressive, creating a vivid and immersive fantasy setting that readers can easily envision. In addition to the original novel, "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn" has also been adapted into an animated series and a live-action drama series titled "The Untamed" (Chenqing Ling), both of which have garnered immense popularity among viewers. These adaptations further expand the story's reach and allow more people to experience the magic and wonder of "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn."

Levi37 · Fantasie
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119 Chs


Jiang Cheng added, "Lend me your dog."

Jin Ling came out of his daze, hesitated for a moment, and then blew a whistle as Jiang Cheng glanced at her with two sharp, lightning-like eyes. The black-maned spirit dog jumped over in three steps. Wei Wuxian's body was as stiff as a piece of iron, and he could only let people drag him with one hand, step by step.

Jiang Cheng found an empty room and threw Wei Wuxian in his hand. The door closed behind him, and the black-maned greyhound came in and sat beside the door. Wei Wuxian stared at it tightly, guarding against it attacking at the next moment. Recalling how he had been controlled by others in a short period of time, he realized that Jiang Cheng knew exactly how to treat him.

Jiang Cheng slowly sat down at the table and poured himself a cup of tea.

For a long while, both sides were silent. The cup of tea was steaming. Before he could take a sip, he suddenly threw it to the ground.

Jiang Cheng twitched his lips slightly and said, "You - don't you have anything to say to me?"

Growing up, Jiang Cheng didn't know how many times he had seen Wei Wuxian running in front of his dog's mouth. It was okay to be harsh with others, but he couldn't quibble with someone who knew everything about him. This is a more difficult test than the Zidian test.

Wei Wuxian said sincerely, "I don't know what to say to you."

Jiang Cheng said softly: "You really don't know how to repent."

They used to talk to each other, often trying to undermine each other and taunt each other. Wei Wuxian said without thinking, "You are also generally unimproved."

Jiang Cheng laughed angrily: "Okay, then let's see who is the one who has made no progress?"

He sat still at the table, and after a drink, the black-maned spirit dog stood up immediately!

Being in the same room already made Wei Wuxian break out in cold sweat. Seeing this vicious dog, which was half a man tall, with exposed fangs, and sharp ears, was instantly close at hand. His low growling could be heard in his ears. He moved from the soles of his feet to the The top of my head was numb. He couldn't remember many things about his wanderings as a child. The only thing he remembered was the panic of being chased all the way, and the heartbreaking pain of canine teeth and claws piercing into his flesh. The fear buried deep in my heart at that time could not be overcome or diluted no matter what.

Suddenly, Jiang Cheng looked sideways and asked, "Who is your name?"

Wei Wuxian's three souls and seven souls were completely lost. He didn't even remember whether he had called someone just now. It wasn't until Jiang Cheng rebuked the black-maned spirit dog that he barely regained his consciousness. He was stunned for a moment and turned his head suddenly. . Jiang Cheng left his seat. There was a riding crop slanted on his waist. He put his hand on it and leaned down to look at Wei Wuxian's face. After a moment of pause, he straightened up and said, "Speaking of which, I forgot to ask you, when did your relationship with Lan Wangji become so good?"

Wei Wuxian immediately understood whose name he had accidentally blurted out just now.

Jiang Cheng smiled solemnly and said, "Last time at Dafan Mountain, he went to that extent to protect you. You really wonder why."

After a moment, he changed his mind again: "That's not right. It's not necessarily you who Lan Wangji is protecting. After all, the Gusu Lan Sect will remember any good things you have done with your loyal dog. Everyone likes him and praises him How can such an upright person tolerate you? Maybe he has some relationship with the body you stole."

His words were harsh and sinister, and every sentence seemed to be a compliment but actually meant something different. Wei Wuxian couldn't stand listening anymore and said, "Watch your words."

Jiang Cheng said: "I never pay attention to this, don't you remember?"

Wei WuXian scoffed, "That's true."

Jiang Cheng snorted: "You have the nerve to ask me to pay attention to my words. Do you remember, last time we were in Dafan Mountain, did you pay attention to your words towards Jin Ling?"

Wei Wuxian's expression froze.

Jiang Cheng turned around, his expression became cheerful again, and he sneered: "You are good at scolding 'mother is born without mother's father', you are really good at scolding. It's all because of you that Jin Ling was poked in the spine like this today." . You old man and noble man often forget things, forget what you said, forget the oath you swore, but don't forget how his parents died!"

Wei Wuxian suddenly raised his head: "I didn't forget! I just..."

"It's just" the back, but I don't know what to pick up anyway.

Jiang Cheng said: "Just what? Can't tell? It doesn't matter. You can go back to Lotus Pier, kneel in front of my parents' souls, and speak slowly."

Wei Wuxian calmed down his mind, and his thoughts began to race, thinking of ways to escape. Although he dreamed of returning to Lotus Pier, what he wanted to return to was not the completely changed Lotus Pier!

Suddenly, a burst of rapid footsteps approached, and the door was banged. Jin Ling shouted outside: "Uncle!"

Jiang Cheng raised his voice and said, "I told you to stay here, why are you here!"

Jin Ling said: "Uncle, I have something very important to tell you."

Jiang Cheng asked, "Is there something important that you have to say now after I scolded you for refusing to say it for a long time?"

Jin Ling said angrily: "It's because you kept scolding me just now that I didn't say anything! Do you want to listen? If you don't listen, I won't say anything!"

Jiang Cheng opened the door angrily and said, "Say it, get out of here!"

As soon as the wooden door opened, Jin Ling stepped in. He had changed into a new white school uniform and said, "I did encounter something very difficult today. I feel like I met Wen Ning!"

Jiang Cheng's brows twitched, his hand suddenly pressed on the sword, and his expression was solemn: "When? Where is it!"

Jin Ling said: "Just this afternoon. About a few dozen miles to the south, there is a dilapidated house. I went there because I heard there was a vision there, but who knew there was a murderous corpse hidden inside."

Jin Ling's words were serious, but to Wei Wuxian's ears, they were all lies. He knew best where Jin Ling was this afternoon. Moreover, once Wen Ning hides, unless he takes the initiative to summon him, it will not be so easy for a junior to discover his whereabouts.

Jiang Cheng said, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Jin Ling said: "I can't be sure. The vicious corpse moved very fast. He ran away as soon as I entered. I only saw a blurry back. But I heard the sound of the iron chains on his body in Dafan Mountain last time, so I guessed it. It can't be him. If you don't scold me, I'll tell you as soon as I get back. If he runs away now and you don't catch him, then you have your own bad temper to blame, not me." He also thought. When he poked his head in, Jiang Cheng was so angry that he slammed the door in front of him and said through the door: "I'll settle the score with you later, get out of here!"

Jin Ling said "Oh" and the footsteps faded away. Seeing Jiang Cheng turn around, Wei Wuxian hurriedly made a complicated expression that was a mixture of "shocked", "the secret was exposed", and "what should I do now that Wen Ning has been discovered?" Jin Ling was quite smart, knowing that Jiang Cheng hated Wen Ning the most, so he lied based on his ideas and told them very smoothly. Jiang Cheng knew that the Yiling Patriarch and the Ghost General often went together to cause trouble. He had already suspected that Wen Ning was nearby. After hearing Jin Ling's words, he was already convinced by six points. With Wei Wuxian's cooperative expression, he was convinced by another two points. Furthermore, when he heard Wen Ning's name, he became furious and furious, leaving no room for doubt. His chest was about to explode with rage, he raised his whip and slapped it on the ground beside Wei Wuxian. He said with great hatred, "You really carry this obedient dog everywhere you go!"

Wei WuXian said, "He is already dead, and I have died once too. What else do you want?"

Jiang Cheng pointed a whip at him and said, "What? Even if he dies a thousand or ten thousand times, it won't be able to erase the hatred in my heart! He didn't succeed back then, that's good! I'll kill him myself today. I'll go and kill him right away." He burned him, crushed his bones, and scattered his ashes before you!"

He slammed the door and walked away. He went to the hall and told Jin Ling: "Keep an eye on the man inside. Don't believe anything he says and don't listen! Don't let him make a sound. If he dares to whistle or blow Dizi, you block his mouth first, and if you can't block it, just chop off his hand and cut off his tongue!"

Wei Wuxian knew in his heart that Jiang Cheng had said these words to him on purpose, to threaten him not to do evil things, and if he didn't bring him along, he would be wary that his colleagues would take the opportunity to manipulate Wen Ning. Jin Ling said nonchalantly: "I know. I can't help but look at the individual. Uncle, what are you doing locked up with that dead Duan Xiu, and what has he done?" Jiang Cheng said: "This is not what you should ask. Remember. Watch out, if you turn around and disappear, I will definitely break your legs!" After asking for a few more specific directions, he took half of the men with him and went after Wen Ning, who didn't exist.

After waiting for a while, Jin Ling's arrogant voice came: "You go over there. You, go and guard the side. You stand at the gate, I will go in to meet him."

All famous disciples dare not disobey, and they must comply one by one. After a moment, the door was opened, and Jin Ling poked his head in, his eyes rolling. Wei Wuxian sat up, raised a finger in front of his lips, walked in gently, put his hand on Zidian, and muttered something in a low voice.

Zidian recognized its owner. Jiang Cheng should have recognized Jin Ling for it. The electric current was instantly absorbed and transformed into a silver ring decorated with amethyst stones, which landed on Jin Ling's white palm.

Jin Ling whispered: "Let's go."

The disciples of the Yunmeng Jiang family were all thrown into disarray by him, and they tiptoed over the window and wall and left. After leaving the inn, there was a silent rush. Running into a forest, Wei Wuxian heard a strange noise behind him. When he looked back, he was heartbroken: "Why is it following?! You tell it to go away!"

Jin Ling gave two short whistles, and the black-maned spirit dog lolled out with its long tongue, whimpered, twitched its pointed ears twice, turned around and ran away dejectedly. He said contemptuously: "It's really worthless. Fairies never bite people, they just look ferocious. This is a highly trained spirit dog that only bites evil spirits. Do you think it is an ordinary dog?"

Wei Wuxian: "Stop it. What did you call it?"

Jin Ling: "Fairy. Its name."

Wei Wuxian: "You give a dog such a name?!"

Jin Ling said confidently: "What's wrong with this name? When he was little, he was called Little Fairy. I can't call him that when he grows up."

Wei Wuxian refused: "No, no, no, the question is not whether you are small or big! - Who did you learn this way of naming from?!" Needless to say, it must be his uncle. At that time, Jiang Cheng also raised several puppies, and they were all named "Jasmine", "Fei Fei", "Xiao Ai" and so on, as if they were famous generals. Jin Ling said: "A man doesn't stick to trivial matters, why are you insisting on this! Come on! Stop, you have offended my uncle, and you have to die half of your life. Now I let you go, and we are even."

Wei WuXian said, "Do you know why your uncle wanted to arrest me?"

Jin Ling said, "I know. He suspects you are Wei Wuxian."

Wei Wuxian thought to himself, "This time it's not just 'suspect', he's got the right person." He then asked, "What about you? Don't you suspect?"

Jin Ling said: "This is not the first time that my uncle has done something like this. He would rather catch the mistake than let it go. But since Zidian can't extract your soul, I will assume that you are not. Besides, the surname is Wei. It's not like you have broken sleeves, but you still dare to pester..."

He didn't say who he was entangled with, but stopped talking with a cold look on his face, and made a gesture to fan the wind to send away the plague: "Anyway, you have nothing to do with the Lanling Jin family from now on! If you want to get sick, don't go to my family! Otherwise, I will forgive you. I can't help you!"

After saying that, Jin Ling turned around and left. After walking a few steps, he turned back and said: "Why are you standing there? Why don't you leave and wait for my uncle to catch you? I tell you, don't think that I will be grateful to you if you save me, and don't expect me to say something disgusting to you. if."

Wei WuXian walked up with his hands behind his back: "Young man, there are two disgusting things that you must say in your life."

Jin Ling said: "Which two sentences?"

Wei WuXian said, "'Thank you' and 'I'm sorry'."

Jin Ling sneered, "I won't tell you what anyone can do to me."

Wei Wuxian said, "One day you will cry and say it."

Jin Ling sighed, and Wei Wuxian suddenly said, "I'm sorry."

Jin Ling was startled: "What?"

Wei Wuxian said, "I'm sorry for what I said to you on Dafan Mountain."

This was not the first time that Jin Ling had been scolded as "born by his mother, not by his mother", but he had never been apologized to in such a serious manner. "I'm sorry" was slapped in the face like this. I don't know what it feels like, but I feel uncomfortable all over.

He waved his hands wildly for a while and hummed: "It's okay. You are not the first person to say this. I am indeed a motherless person. However, I will not be worse than anyone else just because of this! On the contrary, I will call you all Open your eyes and see clearly, I am much better than you all!"

Wei Wuxian smiled slightly and was about to speak when his expression suddenly changed and he said in shock: "Jiang Cheng? You!"

Jin Ling secretly took Zidian and let people go. He originally felt guilty. When he heard the name, he quickly turned around to look. Wei Wuxian took the opportunity to slash his neck with a hand knife. Put Jin Lingping on the ground, pull up his trousers, and examine the evil marks on his legs. I tried many methods but couldn't make it go away. I knew it was a thorny problem. After a while, I sighed.

However, although he cannot resolve some evil curse marks, he can transfer them to himself.

After a while, Jin Ling woke up slowly. He touched his neck, but there was still pain. He was so angry that he drew his sword and jumped up: "How dare you hit me? Even my uncle has never hit me!"

Wei WuXian was surprised: "Really? Doesn't he always say he wants to break your legs?"

Jin Ling said angrily: "He's just talking! What on earth do you want to do, you idiot? I..."

Wei Wuxian held his head and shouted behind him, "Ah! Lord Hanguang!"

Jin Ling was more afraid of Lan Wangji than his uncle. After all, his uncle belonged to his own family, but Hanguang-Jun belonged to someone else's family. He was so frightened that he turned around and ran away, shouting as he ran: "You damn Duanxiu! Damn it!" Madman! I remember! This matter is not over yet!"

Wei Wuxian was laughing so hard behind him that he couldn't breathe. When Jin Ling ran out of sight, his chest felt tight and itchy, and he coughed for a while. His laughter gradually stopped, and he had time to think about something.

Wei Wuxian was carried back by Jiang Fengmian when he was nine years old.

Some of his memories from that time were already blurry, but Jin Ling's mother Jiang Yanli remembered them all and told him a lot.

She said that after her father learned that his parents were defeated and died in the war, he had been looking for the descendants of these old friends. After searching for a long time, we finally found the child in the Yiling area. When I first saw him, he was kneeling on the ground picking up fruit peels thrown away by others.

The winter and spring in Yiling are very cold. This child only wears a single shirt and thin trousers, his knees are worn to pieces, and he wears two shoes that are different and do not fit. He rummaged through the peel when Jiang Fengmian called to him. He still remembered that his name had the word "infant" in it, so he raised his head. When he raised his head, his cheeks were red and cracked due to the cold, but there was a smiling face.

Jiang Yanli said that he was born with a smiling face and a smile. No matter what the sadness is, I won't take it to heart. Be happy no matter what situation you are in. It sounds a little heartless, but that's fine.

Jiang Fengmian fed him a piece of melon, and he let Jiang Fengmian carry him back. Jiang Cheng was only eight or nine years old at that time, and he had several puppies to play with him in Lotus Pier. Jiang Fengmian discovered that Wei Wuxian was afraid of dogs, so he gently asked Jiang Cheng to send the puppies away. Jiang Cheng was very unhappy, lost his temper, threw things, threw things in his face, cried and made a fuss, and finally sent the dog away.

Although he had been hostile to Wei Wuxian for a long time because of this, after the two got acquainted, they went out together to cause harm to everyone. When they met the dog again, Jiang Cheng helped him drive it away, and then faced Wei Wuxian who jumped up to the top of the tree. Xian laughed loudly.

He always thought that Jiang Cheng would be on his side, while Lan Wangji would be on his opposite side. Unexpectedly, the facts were completely reversed.

Wei Wuxian slowly walked to the meeting place agreed with Lan Wangji. There are few lights and no one is walking at night. No need to look around, the figure in white was standing at the end of the long street, head slightly lowered, motionless.

Before Wei Wuxian could say hello, Lan Wangji looked up and saw him. After a moment of confrontation, he walked towards him calmly.

For some reason, Wei Wuxian couldn't help but take a step back.

He seemed to see bright red bloodshot eyes in Lan Wangji's eyes. I have to say... Lan Wangji's expression is really scary.