
The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn

The story revolves around Wei Wuxian, a former hero who falls from grace due to his controversial practices of cultivating demonic arts. After being betrayed and killed by those he once trusted, he unexpectedly reawakens years later in a younger form, possessing only fragments of his past memories. Wei Wuxian embarks on a journey to unravel the mysteries surrounding his past and the events that led to his downfall. Along the way, he reunites with his old friend Lan Wangji, a dignified and unwavering disciple of the Cloud Recesses sect. Together, they delve into a complex web of intrigue and deception, piecing together clues and revelations that gradually reveal the truth behind Wei Wuxian's fate. The narrative alternates between Wei Wuxian's present-day adventures and flashbacks to his past life, providing insights into his character development and the relationships he forged with various characters. The story is filled with emotional highs and lows, ranging from intense battles and suspenseful mysteries to tender moments of camaraderie and romance. The novel's writing style is engaging and humorous, making it a captivating read. The intricate plot, rich characters, and emotional depth of the story contribute to its popularity and enduring appeal. The worldbuilding is also impressive, creating a vivid and immersive fantasy setting that readers can easily envision. In addition to the original novel, "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn" has also been adapted into an animated series and a live-action drama series titled "The Untamed" (Chenqing Ling), both of which have garnered immense popularity among viewers. These adaptations further expand the story's reach and allow more people to experience the magic and wonder of "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn."

Levi37 · Fantasie
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119 Chs

Hate life-III

This string was too thin and was coated with a special coloring material, making it almost invisible to the naked eye. In addition, Wei Wuxian was so distracted just now that he had no intention of paying attention to anything else, so he put it on his Crucial.

Wei Wuxian said: "Lan Zhan, don't! Don't retreat!"

But Lan Wangji immediately took five steps back without hesitation. Jin Guangyao said: "Great. Next, please put Bichen back into the sheath."

With a clang, Lan Wangji immediately followed suit. Wei Wuxian said angrily, "Don't push yourself too far!"

Jin Guangyao said: "Is this what I call overreaching? Next, I will ask Hanguang-Jun to seal his spiritual veins by himself. What do you call this?"

Wei Wuxian said angrily, "You…"

Before he finished speaking, there was a sharp pain in his throat as his flesh was being cut, and liquid slid down his neck. Lan Wangji turned pale, and Jin Guangyao said, "How could he not listen to me? Mr. Wei, don't even think about it. , His life hangs in my hands."

Lan Wangji said word by word: "Don't touch him."

Jin Guangyao said: "Then Hanguang-Jun knows what to do."

After a moment, Lan Wangji said, "Okay."

Lan Xichen sighed. He raised his hand and locked his spiritual veins twice.

Jin Guangyao smiled slightly and said softly: "This is really..."

Lan Wangji stared at them and said, "Let him go."

Wei Wuxian said, "Lan Zhan! I, I have something to tell you."

Jin Guangyao said, "Let's talk about it later."

Wei WuXian said, "No, it's very urgent."

Jin Guangyao said, "That's okay."

He was just saying it casually, but Wei Wuxian suddenly said, "That's true."

After saying that, Wei Wuxian shouted at the top of his lungs: "Lan Zhan! Lan Wangji! Hanguang-Jun! I, I really wanted to sleep with you just now!"




Jin Guangyao loosened his hand and pulled away the strings. As soon as he felt the slight pain in his neck disappear, Wei Wuxian couldn't wait to rush towards Lan Wangji.

His earth-shattering confession just now was like thunder that struck through his body. Lan Wangji had not yet reacted, and a trace of confusion and confusion appeared on his usually calm face. This was not the first time that Wei Wuxian had his arms around his waist and held him tightly, but this time, Lan Wangji's body seemed to have turned into a heavy piece of wood, so stiff that he didn't even know where to put his hands. Wei Wuxian said, "Lan Zhan, did you hear clearly what I just said?!"

Lan Wangji's lips moved, and after a moment, he said, "You..."

He has always spoken concisely, concisely and neatly. He has never been interrupted, but at this moment, he was extremely hesitant. After a moment, he said again: "You just said..."

It seems that he wants to repeat it to make sure he heard it correctly. But those words were indeed too difficult for Lan Wangji to say. Wei Wuxian immediately prepared to say it again without hesitation: "I said that I really want to be with you..."


Lan Xichen stood aside, his right hand clenched into a fist and brought to his lips. After thinking for a moment, he sighed: "... Mr. Wei, the time and occasion are really right for you to say this."

Wei Wuxian apologized without any sincerity: "I'm really sorry, Sect Leader Lan, but I really can't wait any longer."

Jin Guangyao also seemed like he couldn't wait any longer. He turned around and said, "Haven't you dug it yet?"

A monk said: "Sect Master, you buried it too deep..."

Jin Guangyao's face turned blue and white, extremely ugly. Even so, he did not scold his subordinates and only said: "Speed up!"

Before he finished speaking, a pale lightning flashed across the sky, and a moment later, thunder broke out. Jin Guangyao looked at the sky, his face darkened. After a while, thin slanting raindrops floated in the air. Wei Wuxian grabbed Lan Wangji and was still trying to burst out the thousands of words that were filling his chest. The cold rain fell on his face, making him calm down a little.

Jin Guangyao said to Lan Xichen: "Second brother, it's raining. Go into the temple to take shelter."

Even though Lan Xichen was already under his control, he was still polite to Lan Xichen and didn't treat him harshly. Everything he got along with was the same as before, but he was extra polite. Even if he had a temper, it would be difficult to get angry with him. As the saying goes, don't hit the smiling person. What's more, Lan Xichen is a person with no temper. Jin Guangyao was the first to cross the threshold and enter the main hall, followed by others. Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji had been here during the day. The interior of the main hall is spacious and quite grand. The red walls and gold paint are all in good condition, and it can be seen that someone has taken good care of it from time to time. Those monks and monks were digging in the soil behind the main hall. I don't know how deep they dug, but they still couldn't dig out the things that Jin Guangyao had buried. Wei Wuxian accidentally looked up and was stunned.

The Avalokitesvara statue enshrined on the altar has picturesque features. Compared with the ordinary Avalokitesvara statue, it is less kind-hearted and more delicate and beautiful. What made him slightly startled was that this statue of Guanyin actually had a vaguely kind face, like a human being. Isn't it just Jin Guangyao on the side?

At first glance, it looks okay, but when compared with Jin Guangyao next to him, he looks more and more similar, almost fifty-six points similar. Wei Wuxian thought to himself: "Is Jin Guangyao such a narcissistic person? It's not enough to sit in the immortal capital where he governs hundreds of families, but he also has to have a statue made in his own likeness to receive thousands of people's kneeling and offering incense? Or is this? What kind of evil magic do I not know about?"

Lan Wangji's voice suddenly sounded in his ears: "Sit down."

Wei Wuxian's thoughts were immediately brought back. Lan Wangji found four futons in the temple, two were given to Lan Xichen and Jin Ling, and two were left for him and Wei Wuxian. But for some reason, both Lan Xichen and Jin Ling moved the futons far away from here, and they were looking into the distance at the same time.

Jin Guangyao and others have gone around to the back of the hall to inspect the digging situation. Wei Wuxian pulled Lan Wangji and sat down on the futon. I don't know if he was still in a trance, but Lan Wangji was pulled by him for a moment before he could sit upright. Wei Wuxian calmed down slightly and stared at Lan Wangji's face.

He lowered his eyes, showing no emotion. Wei Wuxian knew that based on those few words just now, Lan Wangji might not believe him yet. He didn't believe that it was human nature to be laughed at and insulted for so long by someone who had a lot of evil deeds but had no idea about it. Thinking of this, Wei Wuxian's chest felt tight and he was trembling with heartache. He didn't dare to think about it further. All I know is that I need to give him a few more strong doses of medicine.

He said: "Lan Zhan, you, look at me."

His voice was still a little tight, so Lan Wangji said, "Yeah."

Taking a deep breath, Wei Wuxian whispered: "...My memory is really bad. There are many things that happened in the past that I can't remember. Including that night, what happened in those few days What it was about, I don't remember at all."

Hearing this, Lan Wangji opened his eyes slightly.

Wei Wuxian suddenly stretched out his hands, grabbed his shoulders tightly, and continued: "But! But from now on, I will remember everything you said and did to me, and I will never forget a single thing. !"


Wei Wuxian said, "You are very kind. I like you."


"Or to put it another way. I like you, love you, want you, can't leave you, do whatever you want."


"I want to spend the rest of my life hunting with you at night."


Wei Wuxian raised three fingers together, pointing to the sky and the ground, pointing to his heart: "I still want to go to bed with you every day. I swear I'm not just on a whim, nor am I teasing you like I did before, nor is it because I'm grateful to you. Anyway, nothing else. There is no mess at all, I really just like you so much that I want to go to bed with you. I don't want anyone but you, not you. You can do whatever you want to me, love comes wherever it comes, I I like them all, as long as you are willing to be with me..."

Before he finished speaking, a gust of wind suddenly roared in and extinguished the rows of candles in the Guanyin Temple.

Unknowingly, the drizzle turned into a heavy rain, and the swaying and clattering lanterns outside the Guanyin Temple had already been extinguished by the rain. The surroundings suddenly fell into darkness.

Wei Wuxian could no longer make a sound. In the darkness, Lan Wangji hugged him tightly and blocked his mouth.

Lan Wangji's breathing was messy and rapid. He spoke in a hoarse voice next to Wei Wuxian's ear: "…I am happy with you…"

Wei Wuxian hugged him tightly and said, "Yes!"

Lan Wangji said: "...I love you, I want you..."

Wei Wuxian said loudly, "Yes!"

Lan Wangji said: "I can't leave you... I don't want anyone but you... I can't do it without you!"

He repeated what Wei Wuxian had said to him over and over again, his voice trembling along with his body, and he even gave Wei Wuxian the illusion that he was about to cry.

With every word he spoke, his hand on Wei Wuxian's waist tightened. Wei Wuxian was in pain from being restrained, but the arms around his back were getting tighter and tighter, almost making him breathless, but he was still enjoying it and wished he could push harder.

Can't see anything clearly.

But their chests were close to each other, and their hearts could not escape. Wei Wuxian clearly felt Lan Wangji's heart beating crazily, the burning heat that was about to burst out of his heart, and the feeling that fell on his neck and disappeared silently. He didn't know if it was an illusion. A little teardrop.

At this time, a burst of fast footsteps entered the front hall, and Jin Guangyao, who had just gone to the back of the hall to inspect, returned with a few monks. The two monks braved the strong wind, one on the left and the other on the right. They used all their strength to close the temple door again and bolt it heavily. Jin Guangyao took out a fire talisman, blew it gently, and the talisman ignited. He used it to light the red candle again, and a faint yellow flame became the only light in the lonely temple at night. Suddenly, there were two clear knocking sounds from outside the door.

Someone knocked on the door. Everyone in the temple cheered up and looked out the door. The two monks who closed the door silently pointed their swords at the door as if they were facing a formidable enemy. Jin Guangyao said calmly: "Who is it?"

A person outside the door said: "Sect Master, it's me!"

Su She's voice.

Jin Guangyao made a gesture, and the two monks pulled the bolt of the door, and Su She entered with a gust of wind and rain.

The light of the row of red candles was almost affected by the storm, flickering brightly and dimly, and the two monks immediately closed the door again. Su She's whole body was soaked by the heavy rain, his face was stern, his lips were purple from the cold, he was holding a sword in his right hand and a person in his left hand. After entering the door, just as he was about to leave this person behind, he saw Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji, who were still sitting on two futons on one side.

Su She had just suffered a big loss from these two people not long ago. His expression changed immediately, and he immediately drew his sword and looked at Jin Guangyao. Seeing his nonchalant look, he knew that these two people must be under control at this moment, so he calmed down.

Jin Guangyao asked: "What's going on?"

Su She said: "I met him on the way. I thought he might be useful, so I caught him easily."

Jin Guangyao came closer, looked down, and said, "Did you hurt him?"

Su She said: "No injury. I fainted from fright." He threw the man in his hand to the ground. Jin Guangyao said: "Minshan, don't be so harsh, he won't be able to help being scared and won't throw you."

Su She hurriedly said: "Yes." Then he lifted up the person he had just thrown away and carefully placed it next to Lan Xichen. Lan Xichen kept staring at this man, and when he brushed the wet and messy hair from his face, he saw that the man who fainted from fright was indeed Nie Huaisang. He should have been stopped by Su She on his way back to Qinghe after recuperating at Lotus Pier.

He raised his head and said, "Why did you detain Huaisang?"

Jin Guangyao said: "Having an extra family head in hand will always make others more fearful. But don't worry, second brother, you know how I treated Huaisang in the past. When the time comes, I will definitely let you go without any harm." Leave."

Lan Xichen said calmly: "Should I believe you?"

Jin Guangyao said: "Do as you like. Believe it or not, there's nothing you can do about it, second brother."

At this time, Su She turned his cold eyes to Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji.

He chuckled and said: "Hanguang-Jun, ancestor of Yiling, I really didn't expect that we would meet again so soon. And the situation has been completely reversed. How is it, how does it feel?"

Lan Wangji said nothing. He never paid attention to such meaningless provocations. Wei Wuxian thought to himself, where is the reverse? You were fleeing at the mass graves, aren't you also fleeing now?

But Su She had probably been holding it in for many years, and he could talk to himself with great resentment without being stimulated by others. He looked at Lan Wangji and said sarcastically: "At this point, you are still putting on such a calm air that you think you are. How long are you going to serve it?"

Lan Wangji remained silent. Lan Xichen said: "Sect Master Su, we should not have treated you badly when you were studying under my Gusu Lan family, so why should we target Wangji like this?"

Su She said: "How dare I target Mr. Lan, who has been so talented since he was a child? I just can't stand the way he always thinks he is great."

Although this was not the first time that Wei Wuxian knew that a person's hatred could come without any reason, he couldn't help but feel confused for a moment and said, "Did Hanguang-Jun ever say that he thought he was great? If I remember correctly, Gu Doesn't Su Lan's family motto include 'Prohibition of arrogance and pride'?"

Jin Ling said: "How do you know the content of Gusu Lan's family training?"

Wei Wuxian touched his chin and said, "You'll remember this if you don't copy it too much."

Jin Ling blurted out, "It's okay, why are you copying Gusu Lan's family motto? You're not..." He wanted to say, "You're not from their family," but before he finished speaking, he realized something was wrong and stopped talking. Face. Wei WuXian smiled and said, "Is it possible that Lord Hanguang has had a cold face since he was a child, and that's why Sect Master Su thinks this way? If so, then Lord Hanguang really died unjustly. He clearly treats everyone like this. Face. Sect Master Su, you should be glad that you did not study in the Yunmeng Jiang Sect."

Su She said coldly: "Why?"

Wei WuXian said, "Otherwise you would have been pissed off by me. When I was a child, I sincerely felt that I was an astonishing genius every day. It was so damn amazing. And I not only felt that in my heart, I also said it everywhere."

Su She's veins popped out on his forehead and he said, "Shut up!" He seemed about to hit him with a palm, but Lan Wangji hugged Wei Wuxian into his arms and protected him firmly with his arms. Su She hesitated for a moment, hesitating whether to take action or not. Wei Wuxian immediately poked his head out from behind Lan Wangji and said, "It's better not to take action, Sect Leader Su, Lianfangzun still respects Lord Zewu. You If I hurt Lord Hanguang, do you think Lianfangzun would be happy or not?"

Su She was originally inclined to stop because of this, but when Wei Wuxian said it, he felt particularly aggrieved. In the end, he was unwilling to give up, so he wanted to make some more sarcastic remarks: "I didn't expect that the Yiling ancestor who was frightened by both Yin and Yang in the legend would also be afraid of death!"

Wei Wuxian said without any shame, "Easy to say. But I'm not afraid of death, I just don't want to die yet."

Su She sneered and said, "It's extremely ridiculous to talk about words. Is there any difference between being afraid of death and not wanting to die?"

Wei Wuxian nestled in Lan Wangji's arms and said, "Of course there is a difference. For example, if I don't want to get up from Lan Zhan now, and I am afraid of getting up from Lan Zhan, can this be the same thing?"

After thinking for a while, he added: "I'm sorry, I take it back. I feel like it's almost the same thing."

Su She's face turned green. Wei Wuxian's original intention was to make him angry, but at this moment, a soft laugh suddenly came from above him.

It was a very soft sound, almost making people suspect that they heard it wrongly.

But Wei Wuxian suddenly raised his head, and he really saw, at the corner of Lan Wangji's mouth, a faint smile that hadn't had time to dissipate, like sunshine reflecting snow. At this time, not only Su She, but also Lan Xichen and Jin Ling were stunned.

As we all know, Hanguang Jun always has a cold, unsmiling, and lifeless face. Almost no one has seen him smile, even if it is just a slight curl of the corners of his mouth. No one expected to see his smile in such a scene.

Wei Wuxian's eyes instantly opened wide and round.

After a long while, he swallowed, his Adam's apple rolled up and down, and said: "Lan Zhan, you..."

At this moment, there was another knocking sound outside the Guanyin Hall.

Su She drew out his sword, held it in his hand, and said warily: "Who?!"

No one answered, and the door suddenly fell apart!

In the wind and rain that broke through the door, a purple lightning with flowing spiritual light hit Su She's chest head-on, knocking him backwards. Su She hit a mahogany column hard and spurted out a mouthful of blood on the spot. The two monks guarding the temple gate were also hit by the aftermath and fell to the ground. A figure in purple stepped across the threshold and stepped steadily into the hall.

It was windy and rainy outside the temple, but this man was not very wet, but the purple color of his clothes was slightly darker. He held an oil-paper umbrella in his left hand, raindrops pattered on the umbrella, water splashed, and the cold light of purple electricity in his right hand was still flashing wildly. The look on his face was even more gloomy than on this thunderstorm night.