
The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn

The story revolves around Wei Wuxian, a former hero who falls from grace due to his controversial practices of cultivating demonic arts. After being betrayed and killed by those he once trusted, he unexpectedly reawakens years later in a younger form, possessing only fragments of his past memories. Wei Wuxian embarks on a journey to unravel the mysteries surrounding his past and the events that led to his downfall. Along the way, he reunites with his old friend Lan Wangji, a dignified and unwavering disciple of the Cloud Recesses sect. Together, they delve into a complex web of intrigue and deception, piecing together clues and revelations that gradually reveal the truth behind Wei Wuxian's fate. The narrative alternates between Wei Wuxian's present-day adventures and flashbacks to his past life, providing insights into his character development and the relationships he forged with various characters. The story is filled with emotional highs and lows, ranging from intense battles and suspenseful mysteries to tender moments of camaraderie and romance. The novel's writing style is engaging and humorous, making it a captivating read. The intricate plot, rich characters, and emotional depth of the story contribute to its popularity and enduring appeal. The worldbuilding is also impressive, creating a vivid and immersive fantasy setting that readers can easily envision. In addition to the original novel, "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn" has also been adapted into an animated series and a live-action drama series titled "The Untamed" (Chenqing Ling), both of which have garnered immense popularity among viewers. These adaptations further expand the story's reach and allow more people to experience the magic and wonder of "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn."

Levi37 · Fantasie
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119 Chs

Family dinner-I

Lan Wangji said to Wei Wuxian, "Wait for me."

Wei WuXian said, "How about I go in with you?"

Shaking his head, Lan Wangji said, "If you go in, he will be even more angry."

Wei Wuxian thought about it, and it was true. When Lan Qiren saw him, he looked like he was about to get sick. He was out of breath more than usual, so it would be best to teach him to be out of sight and out of mind.

Lan Wangji looked at him, as if about to speak, and Wei Wuxian immediately said, "Okay, I understand. Don't move fast, don't make noise, don't do anything, right? Don't worry, I will definitely come back with you this time. Be careful and careful in everything, and don't break any of the family rules on your family training stone. Try your best."

Lan Wangji said without hesitation: "It's okay. It's a crime..."

Wei Wuxian said keenly, "Huh?"

Lan Wangji seemed to realize that there was something wrong with what he just blurted out. He turned his head for a moment, then turned back and said solemnly: "...No."

Wei Wuxian said blankly, "What did you just say you were guilty of?"

Lan Wangji knew that he was asking questions knowingly, so he repeated with a straight face: "Wait for me outside."

Wei Wuxian waved his hand and said, "Just wait, you're so fierce. I'll go play with your rabbit."

So Lan Wangji went alone to greet Lan Qiren's spitting, while Wei Wuxian was dragged along by Little Apple. Little Apple seemed to be extremely excited since entering the Cloud Recesses. He was so full of energy that Wei Wuxian couldn't even hold it back, so he pulled it onto the lush green grass.

There are more than a hundred fat snowballs clustered quietly in the grass, with pink three-petal mouths pinching each other, and occasionally shaking their long ears, which are pink. Little Apple held her head high and squeezed among them, finding her own place.

Wei Wuxian squatted on the ground, grabbed a rabbit at random, and while scratching its belly, he thought to himself: "Were there so many when I came here last time? Is this a male or a female? Oh... it's a male. "

Thinking of this, Wei Wuxian realized that he had never paid attention to whether Little Apple was a woman or a man. So I couldn't help but glance over there. But before he could take a closer look, he suddenly heard a movement and turned around to look.

A petite girl was holding a small basket. She was not sure whether she should step forward, but when she saw Wei Wuxian suddenly turning back to look at her, she was at a loss for a moment, her face flushed with embarrassment.

This girl was wearing the school uniform of the Gusu Lan Sect, and she was also wearing a forehead wisp neatly. Wei Wuxian thought to himself, "This is incredible! I'm going to meet a living person!"

This is a female nun. A female cultivator from the Gusu Lan Sect.

For a family like the Gusu Lan family, which is famous for its rigidity, it goes without saying that there are rules such as the distinction between men and women, and the rules of accepting, accepting, and not being intimate with men. They have been chatting in the ears of their disciples 10,000 times since they were young, just like chanting sutras. The study areas and rest areas for male and female cultivators are strictly separated. They do not step outside the boundaries and rarely stray out of their own areas. Even when going out for night hunting, men and women are basically separated, either all men or all women. Generally, there is no situation of mixed men and women traveling together. It is so stereotyped that it is outrageous. When Wei Wuxian was studying in Yunshenchu, he had rarely seen girls here, and he was deeply doubtful as to whether there really were female cultivators in Yunshenxue. A few times, he seemed to hear the sound of female nuns reading, and he wanted to chase after them out of curiosity, but he was immediately spotted by patrolling disciples with sharp eyes and ears, who called Lan Wangji. After doing this several times, Wei Wuxian's enthusiasm was exhausted and he had no intention of exploring anymore.

But now, it was the first time for him to bump into a living female cultivator in Yun Shen. Live! Female nun!

Wei Wuxian straightened up suddenly, his eyes shining. Just as he was about to walk over involuntarily, Little Apple stood up straight, almost knocked him away, and rushed to the girl's side.

Wei Wuxian: "?"

After it reached the girl, he lowered his head meekly and took the initiative to put his donkey head and ears under her hands.

Wei Wuxian: "???"

The girl looked at Wei Wuxian with a red face, stunned for a moment, not knowing what to say. Wei Wuxian narrowed his eyes, vaguely feeling that she looked familiar. For a moment, he suddenly remembered that wasn't this the round-faced girl he met on the road just after coming out of Mojiazhuang, and who he had met briefly in Dafan Mountain?

Even if she is a complete stranger, he can immediately warm her up with a playful chat, let alone a girl with a good personality who he has met several times. He immediately waved to her and said, "It's you!"

The girl was obviously impressed by him, whether she had washed her face or not. After squirming for a while, he wrung his hands holding the basket and muttered: "It's me..."

Wei Wuxian threw away the rabbit that he touched to determine the gender, put his hands behind his back, and took two steps towards her. He caught a glimpse of the carrots and vegetables in her basket, and smiled: "Come to feed the rabbit?"

The girl nodded. Lan Wangji happened to be away right now, and Wei Wuxian had nothing to do, so he became interested and asked, "Do you want my help?"

The girl didn't know what to do, so she nodded in the end, and Wei Wuxian took out a radish, and the two of them squatted down on the grass. Little Apple put her head into the basket and rummaged around, but didn't find any apples. She reluctantly took out a carrot and gnawed it.

The carrots in the basket were very fresh. Wei Wuxian bit off a piece first, then brought it to the rabbit's mouth and asked, "Have you been feeding these rabbits?"

The young girl said: "No... I just came here to feed him recently... When Hanguang-Jun was here, it was Hanguang-Jun who took care of him. When he was not there, it was Master Lan SiZhui and the others who took care of him. If they are not here either, then we will take care of him." Come and help..."

Wei WuXian thought to himself, "How does Lan Zhan feed rabbits? How old did he start raising rabbits? Did he come here with a small basket like this?"

Dispelling some overly cute images from his mind, Wei Wuxian asked again, "Are you now a disciple of the Gusu Lan Sect?"

The girl said shyly: "Yeah."

Wei WuXian said, "The Gusu Lan Sect is pretty good. When did it happen?"

The girl stroked the white fluffy rabbit and said, "Not long after that time at Dafan Mountain..."

At this moment, both of them heard the faint sound of boots stepping on the green grass. Wei Wuxian looked back, and sure enough, Lan Wangji was walking this way.

The girl was in a hurry, and immediately stood up, bowing respectfully, "Hanguang-Jun."

Lan Wangji nodded slightly, but Wei Wuxian was still sitting on the grass, looking at him with a smile. The girl seemed to be very afraid of Lan Wangji - it was normal. There was no junior at this age who was not afraid of Lan Wangji. She picked up her skirt and ran away in a panic. Wei Wuxian called out several times from behind: "Girl, little sister! Your basket! Hey, Little Apple! Little Apple is back! Why are you running after me, Little Apple!"

No one or the donkey was stopped by him, so Wei Wuxian could only pluck the few radishes left in the basket and said to Lan Wangji, "Lan Zhan, you scared her away."

If Lan Wangji didn't want others to hear his footsteps, how could he let both of them hear them?

Wei Wuxian smiled and held out a carrot to him, saying, "Would you like to eat? You feed the rabbit, and I'll feed you."

"..." Lan Wangji looked down at him and said, "Get up."

Wei Wuxian threw the carrot back, stretched out a hand lazily, and said, "Pull me."

After a moment of pause, Lan Wangji reached out to pull him, but Wei Wuxian suddenly exerted force on his hand and pulled him down.

The territory was occupied by strange people, and a group of rabbits were running aimlessly around two people stacked on the ground as if facing a formidable enemy. The few that were particularly familiar with Lan Wangji actually stood up and lay on top of him, as if they were worried about why their master would suddenly collapse. Lan Wangji gently drove them away and said calmly: "I don't know where Yun Shen is, it's the seventh motto of the Shi family, don't disturb the female cultivators."

Wei WuXian said, "You said it would be okay if I offended you."

Lan Wangji said, "I didn't."

Wei WuXian said, "Why are you acting like this? If you haven't finished what you said, it means you haven't said it yet? Where is Lord Hanguang who always keeps his word?"

Lan Wangji said: "'Tiantian'."

Wei Wuxian touched his face and said with pity, "Did your uncle scold you just now? Tell me quickly and let my brother feel sorry for you."

The topic was changed so abruptly and deliberately that Lan Wangji didn't try to expose it and said, "No."

Wei WuXian said, "Really? Then what did he tell you?"

Lan Wangji hugged him calmly and said, "It's nothing. It's not easy to get together. There will be a family banquet tomorrow."

Wei Wuxian smiled and said, "Family banquet? Okay, okay, I will behave well and won't embarrass you." Suddenly thinking of Lan Xichen, he asked, "Where is your brother?"

After a moment of silence, Lan Wangji said, "I'll go see him later."

Mr. Zewu has been in seclusion all day long recently, so Lan Wangji must go to have a long talk with him. Wei Wuxian put his arms around Lan Wangji and patted his back gently. After a while, he said again: "Speaking of which, why didn't I see Sizhui and the others when I came back this time?"

If it were normal, this group of juniors would have gathered around them chattering at the gate of the mountain. Hearing him mention SiZhui and them, Lan WangJi frowned slightly and said, "I'll take you to see them."

When he took Wei Wuxian to find Lan SiZhui, Lan Jingyi and others, the juniors did nothing but shout a few times in joy. It's not that I don't want more action, I just can't.

More than a dozen people stood upside down under the eaves. Everyone took off their outer robes and wore snow-white light clothes, with their heads down and feet up. There were a few pieces of white paper and a square of ink on the ground in front of them. With his left hand on the ground and his right hand holding a pen, he wrote dense black words on the paper with difficulty.

Because they couldn't let Mo Fu fall to the ground, they were all sweating profusely and biting Mo Fu's tail, so they couldn't speak. The so-called "shouting a few times" was just a whimpering with bright eyes.

Looking at these trembling and crumbling bodies, Wei Wuxian asked, "Why do they have to stand upside down?"

Lan Wangji said: "Be punished."

Wei WuXian said, "I know they are being punished. I saw it. What they copied was the Lan family's family motto. I can even memorize the Code of Rites. What did they do to get punished?"

Lan Wangji said quietly: "I will not return to the Cloud Recesses beyond the prescribed time limit."

Wei Wuxian: "Oh."

Lan Wangji: "Night hunting with the ghost general."

Wei Wuxian: "Hey! You guys are so brave."

Lan Wangji said: "The third offense."

Wei Wuxian touched his chin. If he thought like this, he would not be as jealous as Qiu Lan Qiren for punishing them like this. Just doing a handstand penalty is already very easy.

After walking around in front of the group of teenagers, glancing at them a few times and checking them, Lan Wangji said to one of them, "The word is inappropriate."

The young man bit his forehead and said with tears in his eyes: "Yes. Mr. Hanguang. I will copy this again."

The others who were not called just passed the inspection and breathed a sigh of relief. The two of them left the corridor. Wei Wuxian recalled the difficult time when he was punished for copying, and felt sympathy for him. He said, "Just maintaining such an action is difficult enough. If you ask me to stand on my head, I may not be able to do it." Write. Even if I sit down, I may not be able to write properly."

Lan Wangji glanced at him and said, "That's true."

Wei WuXian knew that he had also remembered the days when he was staring at his penalty, and asked, "Did you also do this when you were a kid?"

Lan Wangji said, "Never."

Think about it too. Wei Wuxian thought to himself, Lan Wangji has been a role model among the children of the aristocratic family since he was a child, and his words and deeds are as standard as if they were measured with a ruler. How could he make mistakes? Since you can't make a mistake, how can you be punished?

He smiled and said, "I thought that's how you got your scary arm strength."

Lan Wangji said: "No punishment. But this is how you practice."

Wei WuXian wondered, "If you're not being punished, then why are you standing on your head when you have nothing to do?"

Lan Wangji said without squinting, "You can meditate."

Wei Wuxian leaned close to his ear and asked at the end of his words: "Then what is it that makes the frosty Hanguang-Jun feel uneasy?"

Lan Wangji looked at him but said nothing. Wei Wuxian felt proud and said, "If you say so, you have been practicing your arm strength since you were a child. Does that mean you can do anything while standing on your head?"

Lan Wangji said: "Yeah."

Seeing that his eyes were lowered, as if he was a little shy in his answer, Wei Wuxian became more and more uncensored and asked, "You can fuck me backwards, too?"

Lan Wangji said: "Try."

Wei Wuxian: "Hahahahahaha... what did you say?"

Lan Wangji: "Try tonight."

Wei Wuxian: "…"