
The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn

The story revolves around Wei Wuxian, a former hero who falls from grace due to his controversial practices of cultivating demonic arts. After being betrayed and killed by those he once trusted, he unexpectedly reawakens years later in a younger form, possessing only fragments of his past memories. Wei Wuxian embarks on a journey to unravel the mysteries surrounding his past and the events that led to his downfall. Along the way, he reunites with his old friend Lan Wangji, a dignified and unwavering disciple of the Cloud Recesses sect. Together, they delve into a complex web of intrigue and deception, piecing together clues and revelations that gradually reveal the truth behind Wei Wuxian's fate. The narrative alternates between Wei Wuxian's present-day adventures and flashbacks to his past life, providing insights into his character development and the relationships he forged with various characters. The story is filled with emotional highs and lows, ranging from intense battles and suspenseful mysteries to tender moments of camaraderie and romance. The novel's writing style is engaging and humorous, making it a captivating read. The intricate plot, rich characters, and emotional depth of the story contribute to its popularity and enduring appeal. The worldbuilding is also impressive, creating a vivid and immersive fantasy setting that readers can easily envision. In addition to the original novel, "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn" has also been adapted into an animated series and a live-action drama series titled "The Untamed" (Chenqing Ling), both of which have garnered immense popularity among viewers. These adaptations further expand the story's reach and allow more people to experience the magic and wonder of "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn."

Levi37 · Fantasie
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119 Chs

Extremely brave-I

There are many lakes in Yunmeng. The immortal mansion "Lotus Pier" of the Yunmeng Jiang clan, the largest immortal family stationed here, was built on the lake.

Starting from the pier of Lianhuawu, after rowing along the water for a short time, there is a large lotus pond called Lianhua Lake, which is probably hundreds of miles away. The green leaves are broad and the pink lotuses are tinged, touching the shoulders and wiping the heads. The lake breeze blows, the flowers sway and the leaves tremble, as if they are nodding frequently. Amid the freshness and beauty, there is still a bit of naivety.

Lotus Pier is not as otherworldly as other fairy mansions. The gate is tightly closed and ordinary people are not allowed to set foot within a few miles. There are often vendors selling lotus seeds, water chestnuts, and various pastries on the wide pier in front of the gate. The vendors were squatting and it was very lively. Children from nearby families could also sneak into the school grounds of Lotus Pier with sniffles and peek at the sword practice. Even if they were discovered, they would not be scolded, and occasionally they could play with the Jiang family children.

When Wei Wuxian was young, he often shot kites by the Lotus Lake.

Jiang Cheng stared closely at his kite, glancing at Wei Wuxian's kite from time to time. Wei Wuxian's kite was flying very high, but he still had no intention of drawing the bow. He put his right hand between his eyebrows and raised his head and smiled, as if he felt that it was still not far enough.

Seeing that the kite was almost flying out of the distance that he was confident of hitting, Jiang Cheng gritted his teeth, nocked the arrow and pulled the string, and the white feather shot out with a whoosh. The kite painted in the shape of a one-eyed monster was struck by an arrow and fell down. Jiang Cheng raised his eyebrows and said, "I'm hit!"

Immediately, he said: "Your shot has flown so far, can you still shoot it?"

Wei Wuxian said, "What do you think?"

Only then did he draw out an arrow and aim intently. When the bow string is fully drawn, he suddenly lets go.


Jiang Cheng frowned again and snorted. A group of teenagers put away their bows and ran to pick up kites and rank them. The one who ends up closest is the worst. Every time, the sixth-ranked junior is the one who comes last. As usual, he will be laughed at. He is also very shameless and doesn't care. Wei Wuxian's kite fell farthest, and next to him was the second-placed Jiang Cheng's kite. Neither of them bothered to pick it up. A group of teenagers rushed into the nine-curved lotus corridor built on the water and were playing around on the eaves and walls. Suddenly, two graceful young women appeared.

Both were dressed as armed maids, and both wore short swords. The tall maid among them held a kite and an arrow, stood in front of them, and said coldly: "Whose is this?"

When all the young men saw these two women, they felt terrible in their hearts. Wei Wuxian touched his chin, stood up and said, "Mine."

Another maid hummed: "You are honest."

They separated to both sides, and a woman in purple wearing a sword came out from behind.

This woman has a fair complexion and is quite beautiful. Her eyebrows are beautiful, but she has a sharp look. The corners of his lips seemed to be hooked but not hooked, and he was naturally sarcastic, just like Jiang Cheng. The waist is slender, the purple clothes are elegant, the face and the right hand on the sword hilt are like cold jade, and there is a ring decorated with amethyst on the index finger of the right hand.

When Jiang Cheng saw her, he smiled and called, "Auntie."

The other teenagers said respectfully: "Mrs. Yu."

Mrs. Yu is Jiang Cheng's mother, Yu Ziyuan. Of course, she is also Jiang Fengmian's wife, who was once his fellow practitioner. Logically speaking, she should be called Mrs. Jiang, but for some reason, everyone always calls her Mrs. Yu. Some people speculate that Mrs. Yu has a strong personality and doesn't like to bear her husband's surname. The couple had no objections to this.

Mrs. Yu was born in the famous Meishan Yu family. She was the third in the family and was also known as Lady Yu. She had a name in Xuanmen called "Purple Spider", which could frighten a group of people. When he was young, he had a cold and stern temperament and didn't like to deal with others. He was not lovable when dealing with others. After marrying Jiang Fengmian, he often spent time away from home and didn't like staying in the Jiang family's Lotus Pier. Moreover, her residence in Lianhuawu was separate from Jiang Fengmian's, occupying an exclusive area where only she and a group of family members she brought from the Yu family lived. These two young women, Jin Zhu and Yin Zhu, are her confidants and never leave her side.

Mrs. Yu glanced at Jiang Cheng and said, "Are you playing crazy again? Come here and show me."

Jiang Cheng came next to her, Madam Yu pinched his arm with her slender fingers, slapped him on the shoulder, and lectured him: "My cultivation has not improved at all. I am almost seventeen years old, and I still look like an ignorant child." , all you want to do is fool around with people all day long. Are you like others? Others will end up in who knows which gutter in the future, but you will be the head of the Jiang family in the future!"

Jiang Cheng was shaken by her slap, and he lowered his head and did not dare to defend himself. Wei Wuxian knew that, needless to say, this was another overt and covert scolding of himself. A junior brother on the side quietly stuck out his tongue at him, and Wei Wuxian raised an eyebrow at him. Mrs. Yu said: "Wei Ying, what are you doing?"

Wei Wuxian stood up as usual, and Mrs. Yu scolded: "It's like this again! If you don't want to make progress, don't drag Jiang Cheng to fool around with you and lead him astray."

Wei Wuxian was surprised: "Don't I want to make progress? Aren't I the most motivated person in Lotus Pier?"

Young people are not very tolerant and they just want to refute a few words. Upon hearing this, Madam Yu's brows showed an evil look, and Jiang Cheng hurriedly said: "Wei Wuxian, shut up!"

He turned to Mrs. Yu and said, "We want to stay in Lotus Pier and shoot kites, but no one can go out now? The Wen family has designated all night hunting areas as their territory. Even if I want to go out for night hunting, There's no place to start. Isn't this what you and your father promised you to stay at home and not go out to cause trouble or compete with the Wen family for prey?"

Mrs. Yu sneered: "I'm afraid you have to go out if you don't want to go out this time."

Jiang Cheng was puzzled, but Mrs. Yu ignored them and walked through the corridor with her head held high. The two maids behind him glared at Wei Wuxian fiercely and followed their master away.

In the evening, they realized what "you have to go out even if you don't want to" means.

It turns out that the Qishan Wen family sent a special envoy to deliver a message. The Wen family requested that each family send at least twenty of their children to Qishan within three days on the grounds that other aristocratic families were incompetent in teaching and wasting their talents, and they would send dedicated personnel to teach them personally.

Jiang Cheng said in astonishment: "Can someone from the Wen family really say something like this? How shameless!"

Wei WuXian said, "You think you are the leader of hundreds of families and the sun in the sky. This is not the first time that the Wen family has been shameless. Taking advantage of the family's great power, last year they stopped allowing other families to hunt at night. How many prey have they robbed? How much territory does it occupy?"

Jiang Fengmian sat at the head table and said, "Be careful what you say. Have a meal."

There were only five people in the huge hall, and in front of each of them was a small square table with several plates of food on it. Wei Wuxian lowered his head and moved his chopsticks, but suddenly someone tugged at the corner of his clothes. Turning around, Jiang Yanli handed over a small plate. In the plate were several peeled lotus seeds, which were fat, white, fresh and plump.

Wei Wuxian whispered, "Thank you, senior sister."

Jiang Yanli smiled slightly, and his rather plain face suddenly became a little more vivid. Yu Ziyuan said coldly: "What kind of meal are they going to use? When we arrive in Qishan in a few days, I don't know if there will be any food for them to eat. Why not start eating a few more hungry meals now to get used to it!"

They could not refuse the request made by Qishan Wenshi. Countless precedents prove that if any family dares to disobey their orders, they will be charged with strange charges such as "immortal sect rebellion", "harm of hundreds of families", etc., and on this basis, they will be upright and justified. Earthly annihilation.

Jiang Fengmian said quietly: "Why are you so anxious? No matter what happens in the future, we still have to eat today."

Mrs. Yu endured it again and again, and slapped the table and said: "Am I anxious? I am right to be anxious! How can you still look so tepid? You didn't hear what the people sent by the Wen family said. Really? A maidservant dares to show off in front of me! Among the twenty children sent, there must also be direct children of the family. What does direct children of the family mean? At least one of Acheng and Ali must be among them! What are you sending here for? Enlightenment? How do other people teach their own children, and it's their turn to intervene?! This is sending someone over to manipulate them and serve as a hostage for them!"

Jiang Cheng said: "Mom, don't be angry, I'll just go."

Mrs. Yu scolded: "Of course you go! Could it be that you let your sister go? Look at her, she is still peeling lotus seeds happily. A Li, stop peeling them, who are you peeling them for? You are the master, Not someone else's servant!"

When he heard the word "house servant," Wei Wuxian didn't care. He ate all the lotus seeds on the plate in one go, chewing until his mouth was filled with a refreshing sweetness. Jiang Fengmian raised his head slightly and said, "Sanniang."

Mrs. Yu said: "Did I say something wrong? Servant? Are you not happy to hear this word? Jiang Fengmian, let me ask you, are you planning to let him go this time?"

Jiang Fengmian said: "It depends on him. If he wants to go, he can go."

Wei Wuxian raised his hand and said, "I want to go."

Mrs. Yu sneered and said: "That's great. If you want to go, you can go. Even if you don't want to go, you can definitely not go. Why does A Cheng have to go? Raising a son for others has led to this. Sect Leader Jiang, you are really a great person. !"

There was resentment in her heart, and she just wanted to vent her anger, which was completely unreasonable. The others quietly let her vent her anger. Jiang Fengmian said: "Sister, you are tired. Go back and have a rest." Jiang Cheng sat there, looked up at her, and said: "Mother." Mrs. Yu stood up and mocked: "What did you ask me to do? ? Just like your father, let me say a few words less? You are a fool. I told you a long time ago. You will never be able to compare with the person sitting next to you in your life. Your cultivation level cannot be compared to that of night hunting. ? Even a kite can't compare! There's nothing you can do. Who makes your mother inferior to other people's mothers? If you can't compare, you can't compare. Your mother is unfair to you. She told you so many times not to fool around with him, but you still talk to him. How can I I gave birth to a son like you!"

She walked out, leaving Jiang Cheng sitting where he was, his face turning green and white. Jiang Yanli quietly placed a plate of peeled lotus seeds next to his food table.

After sitting for a while, Jiang Fengmian said: "I will count eighteen more people tonight, and you will set off together tomorrow."

Jiang Cheng nodded, hesitating not knowing what to say. He had never known how to communicate with his father, but Wei Wuxian was very good at it. After drinking the soup, he said, "Uncle Jiang, don't you have anything to give us?"

Jiang Fengmian smiled slightly and said, "I have already given you what I want to give you. The sword is at your side and the training is in your heart."

Wei WuXian said, "Oh! 'You do it when you know it's impossible', right?"

Jiang Cheng immediately warned: "This doesn't mean that you insist on causing trouble even though you know you are going to cause trouble!"

The atmosphere at the table became lively.

The next day, before leaving, Jiang Fengmian only said one more sentence after explaining the necessary matters, "The children of the Yunmeng Jiang family are not so fragile that they cannot withstand the slightest storm from the outside world."

Jiang Yanli sent them one after another, stuffing each person's arms with all kinds of dry food, for fear that they would not have enough to eat in Qishan. Twenty teenagers, carrying heavy loads of food, set out from Lotus Pier and arrived at the designated Education Department location in Qishan before the date set by Wen.

A lot of children from aristocratic families, big and small, came here scatteredly. They were all juniors. Many of the hundreds of people were acquaintances or familiar faces. They were either in groups of three or five, or in groups of seven or eight, chatting in low voices, and none of them looked very good. It seemed that they had all been summoned in a less than polite way. After scanning the area, Wei WuXian said, "There are indeed people from Gusu as well."

I don't know why, but the young men sent by the Gusu Lan Sect all look quite haggard. Lan Wangji's face was particularly pale, but he still had that cold and distant expression. He stood alone with the Bichen Sword on his back, surrounded by a deserted environment. Wei Wuxian wanted to go up and greet him, but Jiang Cheng warned him: "Don't cause trouble!" He had to give up.

Suddenly, someone from the front shouted an order, ordering the disciples of the family to gather in formation in front of a high platform. Several disciples of the Wen family came up and scolded: "Quiet! Don't talk!"

The man on the stage was not much older than them, he looked about eighteen or nineteen years old, he was arrogant, and his appearance could barely be considered "handsome". But like his hair, it felt inexplicably greasy. This person is none other than Wen Chao, the youngest son of the Wen family head in Qishan.

Wen Chao loves to show off, and on many occasions he has to show off in front of everyone, so his appearance is not unfamiliar to everyone. There were two people standing behind him, one on the left and one on the right. On the left is a graceful and beautiful girl with willow eyebrows, big eyes, and fiery red lips. The only flaw is that there is a black mole on the top of her mouth. It was born in the wrong place and makes people want to dig it out. On the right is a man who looks to be in his twenties or thirties, tall and broad-shouldered, with an indifferent expression and a cold demeanor.

Wen Chao stood on the high ground on the slope, looking down at the crowd, seeming to be in high spirits, waving his hand and saying: "Start now, hand over your swords one by one!"

The crowd was in commotion. Someone protested: "Cultivators never leave their swords, why do we need to hand over our immortal swords?"

Wen Chao said: "Who spoke just now? Whose family? Stand up for yourself!"

The person who spoke just now did not dare to speak. The audience became quiet again, and Wen Chao was satisfied and said: "It is because there are still children from aristocratic families like you who don't understand etiquette, obedience, and respect, and you have such bad roots, that I am determined to educate you. You are so ignorant and fearless now. If you are not corrected as soon as possible, in the future, no one will try to challenge authority and climb on top of the Wen family!"

She knew clearly that he had bad intentions in asking for the sword, but now that the Wen family in Qishan was at its peak, every family was walking on thin ice and did not dare to resist in the slightest. They were afraid that if they made him dissatisfied, they would be accused of some crime that would affect the whole family, so they had to swallow their anger.

Jiang Cheng held Wei Wuxian down, and Wei Wuxian whispered, "Why are you holding me down?"

Jiang Cheng snorted, "I'm afraid you'll mess around."

Wei WuXian said, "You are overthinking. Although this man is greasy and disgusting, even if I want to beat him up, I will not choose this time to cause trouble to our family. Don't worry."

Jiang Cheng said, "You want to put a sack on him again? I'm afraid that won't work. Have you seen the man next to Wen Chao?"

Wei WuXian said, "I see it. His cultivation level is high, but his appearance is not good enough. It seems he is a late bloomer."

Jiang Cheng said: "That man's name is Wen Zhuliu, and he has a nickname called 'Alchemy Shou'. He is Wen Chao's attendant and specially protects him. Don't mess with him."

Wei WuXian asked, "'Alchemy hand'?"

Jiang Cheng said: "That's right. His hands are terrible, and they help others do evil. He helped Wen before..."

The two of them looked straight ahead and spoke in low voices. When they saw Wen's servant approaching with his sword sheathed, they immediately fell silent. Wei Wuxian untied the sword and handed it over. At the same time, he couldn't help but glance at Gusu Lan's side. He originally thought that Lan Wangji would refuse to hand it over. To his surprise, Lan Wangji's face was frighteningly cold, but he still unhooked the sword.

Mrs. Yu's original ridicule turned out to be a prophecy. They received "education" in Qishan, and as expected, they had nothing but water every day. The food that Jiang Yanli had packed all over their bodies had already been taken away, and among these young aristocratic family members, no one had ever eaten grain, so it was not difficult to endure.

The so-called "enlightenment" of the Qishan Wen family is to distribute a "Wenmen Jinghua Lu", which is densely packed with glorious deeds and famous sayings of the Wen family's previous family heads and celebrities. Everyone has a copy and is required to read it, recite it, and keep it in mind at all times. Wen Chao stood tall and delivered a speech in front of everyone every day, asking them to cheer for him in unison and regard him as a role model in every word and deed. When hunting at night, he would bring the children of the family and drive them to run forward, explore and clear the way, attract the attention of monsters and monsters, and fight with all their strength. Then he would come out at the last moment and easily defeat the monsters that were beaten by others. Knock him down, cut off his head, and then go out and brag that this is his own victory. If there was anyone who was particularly displeasing to his eyes, he would pull that person out and scold him in public, making him look like a pig or a dog.

The year before last, he attended the Qishan Wen Family's Talking Conference of Hundreds of Schools. On the day of the archery, Wen Chao also attended the event with Wei Wuxian and others. He fully believed that he would come out on top and took it for granted that others would give way to him. However, of the first three arrows, one hit, one missed, and one missed the paper figurine. He should have left the game immediately, but he refused to leave, and others were embarrassed to criticize him. In the final calculation, the top four with the best results were Wei Wuxian, Lan Xichen, Jin Zixuan, and Lan Wangji. If Lan Wangji hadn't left the game early, his results would have been even better. Wen Chao was greatly embarrassed, so he especially hated these four people. When Lan Xichen failed to come, he grabbed the other three people and scolded them in public every day, making him look very dignified.

The one who feels the most aggrieved is Jin Zixuan. He has been held in the palm of his parents' hands since he was a child. He has never been insulted like this. If other children of the Lanling Jin family hadn't stopped him, and Wen Zhuliu was not a good person, He rushed forward and died with Wen Chao on the first day. Lan Wangji, on the other hand, looked calm and indifferent to all things, as if his soul had left his body. And Wei Wuxian had already been scolded by Madam Yu for several years in Lotus Pier, and he laughed out loud when he came off the stage, not taking his little bit of skill seriously at all.

On this day, everyone was picked up by Wen's servants early in the morning again, and like a flock of poultry, they were driven towards the new night hunting spot.

This night hunting place is called Muxi Mountain.

The deeper you go into the forest, the denser the branches and leaves above your head become, and the more extensive the shadows under your feet become. Apart from the sound of waves in the trees and footsteps, no other sounds could be heard. The chirping of birds, animals and insects was particularly abrupt in the forest.

After a long time, a group of people met a creek. The stream is gurgling, and there are maple leaves drifting in the stream. The sound of the stream was maple-colored, which invisibly diluted the depressing atmosphere a bit, and there was even a slight chuckle coming from the front.

Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng were walking, muttering and cursing Wen Gou in different ways. Unintentionally, he glanced back and saw a man dressed in white. Lan Wangji was not far behind him.

Because he was walking slowly, Lan Wangji fell behind the team. Wei Wuxian had wanted to get close to him several times in the past few days and reminisce about old times, but every time Lan Wangji turned around when he saw him, and Jiang Cheng repeatedly warned him not to flirt. Now that we were so close, we couldn't help but pay more attention. Wei Wuxian suddenly discovered that although Lan Wangji tried his best to walk without any abnormality, he could still see that his right leg landed lighter than his left leg, and he seemed to be unable to exert any force.

Seeing this, Wei Wuxian slowed down, landed next to Lan Wangji, walked side by side with him, and asked, "What's wrong with your leg?"