
The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn

The story revolves around Wei Wuxian, a former hero who falls from grace due to his controversial practices of cultivating demonic arts. After being betrayed and killed by those he once trusted, he unexpectedly reawakens years later in a younger form, possessing only fragments of his past memories. Wei Wuxian embarks on a journey to unravel the mysteries surrounding his past and the events that led to his downfall. Along the way, he reunites with his old friend Lan Wangji, a dignified and unwavering disciple of the Cloud Recesses sect. Together, they delve into a complex web of intrigue and deception, piecing together clues and revelations that gradually reveal the truth behind Wei Wuxian's fate. The narrative alternates between Wei Wuxian's present-day adventures and flashbacks to his past life, providing insights into his character development and the relationships he forged with various characters. The story is filled with emotional highs and lows, ranging from intense battles and suspenseful mysteries to tender moments of camaraderie and romance. The novel's writing style is engaging and humorous, making it a captivating read. The intricate plot, rich characters, and emotional depth of the story contribute to its popularity and enduring appeal. The worldbuilding is also impressive, creating a vivid and immersive fantasy setting that readers can easily envision. In addition to the original novel, "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn" has also been adapted into an animated series and a live-action drama series titled "The Untamed" (Chenqing Ling), both of which have garnered immense popularity among viewers. These adaptations further expand the story's reach and allow more people to experience the magic and wonder of "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn."

Levi37 · Fantasie
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119 Chs

Evil friend

Xue Yang was sitting at a small wooden table in a street stall, with one leg curled up on the bench, eating a bowl of rice wine glutinous rice balls.

He clinked the spoon in the bowl. He was very satisfied with the meal at first, but in the end, he suddenly realized that the glutinous rice balls were very glutinous and the rice wine was not sweet enough.

Xue Yang stood up and kicked the stall over.

The stall owner was busy hurriedly and was stunned by his kick.

He watched helplessly as the young man suddenly committed an attack. After kicking him, he turned around and left with a smile without saying a word. It took him a while to react, and he chased after him and cursed: "What are you doing!"

Xue Yang said: "Smash the stall."

The stall owner was so angry that he said: "You are sick! You are crazy!"

Xue Yang was indifferent, and the stall owner continued to point at his nose and curse: "You little bastard! You don't pay for my food, how dare you destroy the stall?! I..."

Xue Yang moved his right thumb slightly and unsheathed the sword on his waist.

The sword was shining brightly, and he patted the face of the owner of the stall with the calamity-preventing sword. He said softly and sweetly: "The glutinous rice balls are delicious. Put more sugar next time."

After saying that, he turned around and continued walking forward.

The owner of the stall was frightened and dared not speak out in anger. He stared blankly at him walking a long way away, and suddenly he felt aggrieved and angry.

After a while, he burst out with a roar: "...Why do you do this in broad daylight for no reason? Why do you do it!"

Xue Yang waved his hands without looking back and said: "No reason, many things in this world are unprovoked. This is called a sudden disaster. Goodbye!"

He walked briskly out of a few streets. After a while, a person came up behind him, walking with his hands behind his back, keeping up with his pace at a leisurely pace.

Jin Guangyao sighed: "I just turned around, and you created such a mess for me. Originally, I only had to pay for a bowl of glutinous rice balls, but now I have to pay for tables, chairs, benches, pots and pans." "

Xue Yang said: "How much money are you short of?"

Jin Guangyao said: "Not bad."

Xue Yang said: "Then why are you sighing?"

Jin Guangyao said: "I think you should be able to afford this amount of money. Why can't you try to be a normal guest once in a while?"

Xue Yang said: "I never need money to buy anything I want in Kuizhou. Just like this."

As he spoke, he pulled out a candied haws on a stick from the vendor selling candied haws on the roadside.

It was probably the first time that the vendor saw such a shameless person, and he was dumbfounded. Xue Yang said while biting, "Besides, can't you set up a small stall and set it up?"

Jin Guangyao smiled and said: "You little hooligan. You can set up a stall if you want. I won't care if you burn down the whole street. Just do one thing, don't wear the Venus Snow Wave robe, cover your face, don't let anyone Knowing who did it makes it difficult for me."

He threw the money to the vendor, and Xue Yang spat out a mouthful of hawthorn kernels. He squinted and saw a small patch of purple-green color on Jin Guangyao's forehead that was not hidden, and he laughed and said, "What did you do?"

Jin Guangyao glanced at him with a hint of reproach, held up his hat, hid the bruise, and said, "It's hard to explain in words."

Xue Yang said: "Did Nie Mingjue beat him?"

Jin Guangyao said: "Do you think, if he had done it, I would still be standing here talking to you?"

Xue Yang was convinced.

The two of them left Lanling City and came to a strange building in the wilderness.

This building is not gorgeous. Entering the high wall, there is a row of dark long houses. In front of the longhouse is a square, surrounded by a chest-high iron fence. The fence is covered with red, yellow and yellow charms. There are some strange equipment in the square, such as iron cages, guillotines, and nail boards, and there are also some ragged "people" walking slowly through them.

These "people" all had livid complexions and empty eyes. They walked aimlessly in the open space, bumping into each other from time to time, and making strange whistling sounds from their mouths.

Corpse Refinery.

Back then, Jin Guangshan was very worried about the Yin Tiger Talisman. He tried many insinuations and tried all kinds of tricks, but Wei Wuxian was unwilling to take the hard way and gave him a lot of trouble. He thought to himself, if you can do it, others can't? I don't believe that you, Wei Ying, are the only one in the world who has such ability. One day you will be surpassed by others, trampled under your feet and laughed at by future generations. At that time, let's see if you can still be arrogant?

Therefore, Jin Guangshan recruited those strangers who imitated Wei Wuxian and practiced ghost ways for his own use. He spent a lot of money and materials on these people, ordered them to secretly study and analyze the structure of the Yinhu Talisman, and began to copy and reduction. Among them, there are only a few who have achieved success in their studies, and the one who has gone farthest is actually the youngest Xue Yang, who was recommended by Jin Guangyao.

Jin Guangshan was overjoyed and made him a guest minister, giving him great rights and freedom. The corpse refining ground was a piece of land that Jin Guangyao specially requested to be granted to Xue Yang for him to study in secret, that is, to mess around without any scruples.

When I arrived in front of the corpse refining field, there were two vicious corpses fighting in the center of the field.

These two corpses were completely different from other walking corpses. They were fully clothed, with whites of their eyes rolled up. They were holding weapons and struck each other with sparks. There were two chairs in front of the iron railing, and they both sat down at the same time. Jin Guangyao straightened his collar, and a trembling walking corpse moved over and brought a cup of tea.

Xue Yang said: "Tea."

Jin Guangyao took a look and saw a strange purple-red substance sitting at the bottom of the tea cup. It was swollen due to the soaking. He didn't know what it was.

He smiled and pushed the tea cup over and said, "Thank you."

Xue Yang pushed the tea cup back and said affectionately: "This is the tea I secretly made myself, why don't you drink it?"

Jin Guangyao pushed the tea cup back again and said kindly: "Just because you secretly made it yourself, I don't dare to drink it."

Xue Yang raised an eyebrow and turned to continue watching the fierce corpses fighting each other.

The fight between the two vicious corpses became more and more fierce. They were using their swords and claws at the same time, and their flesh and blood were flying everywhere. The dull look on his face became more and more intense. After a while, he suddenly snapped his fingers and made a gesture.

The two murderous corpses immediately twitched and turned their swords upside down, cutting off their heads. The remaining headless body flopped to the ground, still trembling.

Jin Guangyao said: "Didn't you hit it just right?"

Xue Yang said: "It's too slow."

Jin Guangyao said: "Much faster than the two we saw last time."

Xue Yang stretched out his black-gloved hand, pointed out a finger, shook it, and said, "It depends on what you are comparing yourself to. This kind of thing, let alone competing with Wen Ning, even playing the flute with Wei Wuxian Even the ordinary ferocious zombies that move are incapable of taking action."

Jin Guangyao smiled and said, "Why are you in such a hurry? I'm not in a hurry. Take your time and tell me what you need. By the way."

He took something out of his sleeve and handed it to Xue Yang: "Maybe you need this?"

Xue Yang flipped through the pages and suddenly sat up from the chair, asking, "Wei Wuxian's manuscript?"

Jin Guangyao said: "Not bad."

Xue Yang lowered his head to read through it, his eyes bright. After a while, he raised his head and said, "Is this really his handwritten manuscript? Was it written when he was nineteen years old?"

Jin Guangyao said: "Of course. Everyone wanted them, so they grabbed them all and collected them all. It took me a lot of effort."

Xue Yang cursed in a low voice, the excitement in his eyes getting stronger. After flipping through it, he said: "It's not complete."

Jin Guangyao said: "There was a lot of fire and fighting on the mass graves. It would be great to find these remnants. Just take a look."

Xue Yang said: "Where's his flute? Can you get Chen Qing to do it?"

Jin Guangyao spread his hands and said, "If Chen Qing fails, Jiang Wanyin will take it away."

Xue Yang said: "Doesn't he hate Wei Wuxian the most? Why do you want to plead with me? Didn't you also grab Wei Wuxian's sword? Give him the sword and the flute in exchange for it. Wei Wuxian has long abandoned the sword and doesn't use it anymore, so he can return it casually. Once the sword is sealed, no one can pull it out, and it has no use other than displaying it for you."

Jin Guangyao said: "Master Xue is very good at forcing others to do things difficult. Do you think I haven't tried it? Nothing is that simple. Jiang Wanyin has gone crazy now. He still thinks Wei Wuxian is not dead. If Wei Wuxian comes back, Maybe he won't get his sword, but he will definitely get Chen Qing. Therefore, he will definitely not hand over Chen Qing. If I say a few more words, he will fall out."

Xue Yang chuckled twice and said, "Mad dog."

At this time, two disciples of the Lanling Jin Sect dragged up a monk with disheveled hair.

Jin Guangyao said: "Don't you want to refine the evil corpse again? Just in time, I have sent you the materials."

The monk's eyes were red and tearing, and You was struggling hard. His eyes almost burst out of fire when he looked at Jin Guangyao. Xue Yang asked: "Who is this?"

Jin Guangyao said without changing his expression: "Of course the person I sent to you is a sinner."

Hearing this, the monk pounced hard, spitting out the cloth that blocked his mouth with a mouthful of blood, and said: "Jin Guangyao! You are such a heinous thief who is worse than a pig or a dog, do you have the nerve to call me a sinner? I What crime was committed?!"

He spoke every word like a sharp nail, wishing that every word could be nailed through Jin Guangyao. Xue Yang sneered and said, "What's going on?"

The monk was grabbed by the person behind him like a dog chain. Jin Guangyao waved his hand and said, "Block it."

Xue Yang said, "Why are you blocking me? Let me listen? How come your crimes are so evil that they are worse than a pig or a dog? He barked like a dog and I couldn't understand what he was saying."

Jin Guangyao said in a slightly reproachful tone: "Young Master He Su is also a famous person. How could you be so disrespectful in addressing him?"

The monk sneered and said, "I have fallen into your hands and am your prey. Why are you still pretending?"

Jin Guangyao said with a pleasant expression: "You don't have to look at me like this, I have nothing to do. The election of the Immortal Governor is the general trend, why bother fanning the flames and causing war everywhere? I have warned you repeatedly, but you insist on not listening, and now it is irreversible. , I also feel regret and pain in my heart..."

He Sudao: "What is the general trend? Why is it fanning the flames? Jin Guangshan wants to establish the position of Immortal Governor, just because he wants to imitate the dominance of the Wen family in Qishan. Do you think that everyone in the world is ignorant? You framed me like this just because of me Told the truth!"

Jin Guangyao smiled and said nothing. He Su said again: "When you really succeed, all the Xuanmen sects will see clearly the true face of your Lanling Jin family. Do you think that by killing one of me, you can rest easy from now on? What a mistake! I, the He family of Tingshan, are capable people." We have come together in large numbers, and from now on we will work together and never succumb to you, another warm dog in skin!"

Hearing this, Jin Guangyao narrowed his eyes slightly and raised the corners of his lips, showing his usual gentle and approachable face. He Su's heart skipped a beat when he saw this. At this moment, there was a commotion outside the charnel house, mixed with the cries of women and children.

He Su turned around suddenly and saw a group of monks from the Lanling Jin Sect dragging in sixty or seventy people in uniform uniforms. This group of people included men and women, old and young. They were all frightened, and some were crying and crying. A girl and a boy were tied up. They knelt on the ground and screamed at He Su: "Brother!"

He Su was stunned with shock, his face turned as pale as a sheet of paper, and said: "Jin Guangyao! What do you want to do?! You can just kill me, why would you involve my entire clan?!"

Jin Guangyao lowered his head and straightened his sleeves, and said with a smile: "Didn't you remind me just now? Even if I kill you, I won't be able to rest easy from now on. Tingshan He family has many capable people, and from now on, we will work together and never give in." ——I was so frightened that I thought about it all, so I had to do this."

He Su seemed to have a fist stuffed into his throat, and was speechless. After a while, he said angrily: "You destroyed my clan for no reason, are you really not afraid of being criticized?! Are you not afraid of what will happen if Lord Chifeng finds out? !"

Hearing him mention Nie Mingjue, Jin Guangyao raised his eyebrows, and Xue Yang almost turned over in his chair with laughter. Jin Guangyao glanced at him, then turned back and said calmly: "You can't say that. You, the He family in Tingshan, were a rebellious criminal. You used all the strength of your family to secretly assassinate Sect Master Jin, but you were caught on the spot. How can you call this unprovoked?"

Several people over there cried: "Brother! He lied! We didn't, we didn't!"

He Sudao: "That's nonsense! Keep your dog eyes open and take a closer look! There is a nine-year-old child here! An old man who can't even walk! How can they commit trouble?! Why would they assassinate your father when they are so good?! "

Jin Guangyao said: "Of course it's because Mr. He Su made a mistake and killed people first, and they don't accept it."

Only then did He Su remember what crime he was sent to this ghostly place for, and said: "It's all a false accusation! I didn't kill you, a monk of the Lanling Jin Sect, at all! I've never seen the person who died. Yes! It doesn't matter whether he is a monk from your family or not! I...I..."

He was stuck for a while and collapsed: "I...I don't know what's going on at all, I don't know at all!"

However, no one in this place would listen to his excuse. Sitting in front of him were two extremely vicious men who already regarded him as a dead person, enjoying his dying struggle. Jin Guangyao smiled and leaned back, waving his hands and saying: "Block it, block it."

Knowing that he would definitely die, He Su's face was full of despair, he gritted his teeth and roared: "Jin Guangyao! You will be punished eventually! Your father will die among the prostitutes sooner or later, and you, the son of a prostitute, will not have a better end. go!!!"

Xue Yang was listening to it with laughter and relish. Suddenly, a black shadow flashed, a silver light flashed across, and He Su covered his mouth and screamed loudly.

Blood spurted all over the floor, and the He Su tribesmen over there cried and cursed. The scene became a mess, but no matter how chaotic it was, they were still firmly controlled. Xue Yang stood in front of He Su who fell to the ground. He took a piece of bloody stuff and threw it in his hand. He snapped his fingers at the two zombies beside him and said, "Put them in a cage."

Jin Guangyao said: "You directly locked him up?"

Xue Yang turned around, twitched the corner of his mouth, and said, "Wei Wuxian has never practiced with a living person, but I would like to give it a try."

The two walking corpses obeyed his order, dragged He Su's legs, who were still screaming, and threw them into the iron cage in the corpse refining field. Seeing their brother banging his head against the iron bars crazily in the cage, several boys and girls jumped on him and howled loudly. The cry was sharp and harsh. Jin Guangyao raised a hand and rubbed his temples, as if he wanted to take a sip of tea to calm down the shock. However, he lowered his head and saw the swollen purple-red thing at the bottom of the eye cup. Then he looked up to see what was being thrown in Xue Yang's hands. Playing with the piece of tongue, he thought for a moment and said, "Is this what you use to make tea?"

Xue Yang said: "I have a big jar, do you want it?"


Jin Guangyao said: "No need, you clean up. Let me pick someone up, and then go have tea somewhere else."

He seemed to have remembered something, adjusted his hat, and accidentally touched the hidden bruise on his forehead. Xue Yang gloated: "What's going on with your head full of hair?"

Jin Guangyao said, "I've already said it, it's hard to explain in just one sentence."

Jin Guangshan left everything to Jin Guangyao all day long. He went around drinking and drinking and stayed out all night, which made Mrs. Jin furious at Jinlintai. In the past, when Jin Zixuan was around, he could still act as a mediator for his parents. Now, between the two of them, There was no room for change. Every time Jin Guangshan went out to fool around with women, he would ask Jin Guangyao to cover for him and make excuses. When Mrs. Jin couldn't get him, she would grab Jin Guangyao and unleash her anger. Today she would smash an incense burner and tomorrow she would pour a cup of tea. If Jin Guangyao can live safely in Lintai for a few more days, he has to personally go to various Qinlou and Chu houses to take Jin Guangshan back on time.

Having done this kind of thing so many times, Jin Guangyao already knows where to find Jin Guangshan as soon as possible. After finding a gorgeous small building, Jin Guangyao walked in with his hands behind his back. The host in the lobby came up to greet him with a flattering smile, but Jin Guangyao raised his hand to say no. Xue Yang took an apple from a guest's table, followed Jin Guangyao slowly upstairs, wiped it on his chest and started to nibble on it. Not long after, the coquettish laughter of Jin Guangshan and a woman came from upstairs, and there was more than one woman. Yingying said, "Sect Master, do you think my painting is good? The flowers painted on me look like Are you alive?" "What's so great about being able to draw? Master, what do you think of my handwriting?"

Jin Guangyao has long been accustomed to it, knowing when to show up and when not to show up. He gestured to Xue Yang and stopped moving forward. Xue Yang clicked his tongue, looking very impatient. Just as he was about to go downstairs to wait, he suddenly heard Jin Guangshan say in a rough voice: "Isn't it enough for a girl to play with flowers and plants, put on scented powder, and make herself pretty? What should I write? It's so frustrating." of."

Those women originally wanted to please Jin Guangshan, but with these words, the atmosphere upstairs became awkward for a moment. Jin Guangyao's figure also froze slightly.

After a while, someone laughed and said: "But, I heard that the talented fireworks girl from Yunmeng was famous for her poetry and songs, and she turned all living beings upside down!"

Jin Guangshanxian was very drunk, and his drunkenness could be heard in his words.

He said with a loud tongue: "You can't say that. Now I have discovered that it is not good for women to do as little as they can. Women who have read some books always think that they are higher than other women and have many demands. , Unrealistic thinking is the most troublesome."

Xue Yang stood in front of a window, leaned back, rested his arms on the window, and looked at the scenery outside while eating an apple. And Jin Guangyao's smile seemed to grow on his face, fixed, his eyebrows and eyes curved, motionless.

In the attic, the girls responded with smiles. Jin Guangshan remembered something from the past and said to himself: "If I redeem her body and find Lan Ling, I don't know how to pester her. Just stay where you are." You may be able to stay popular for a few more years, and you won't have to worry about food and clothing for the rest of your life. You have to have a son for whatever you do, the son of a prostitute, that's what you hope for..."

A woman said: "Sect Master Jin, who are you talking about? What son?"

Jin Guangshan said calmly: "Son? Alas, I won't mention it anymore."

"Okay, I won't mention it if I don't want to mention it!"

"Since Sect Master Jin doesn't like us writing or drawing, then we won't write or draw. How about doing something else?"

Jin Guangyao stood holding a stick of incense in the stairwell, and Xue Yang also looked at the scenery of the stick of incense, and the sound of laughter upstairs gradually fell silent.

After a moment, Jin Guangyao turned around calmly and began to walk downstairs slowly. Seeing this, Xue Yang threw the apple core out of the window and followed it unsteadily.

The two of them walked on the street for a while, and after a while, Xue Yang suddenly laughed rudely.

He said: "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha..."

Jin Guangyao stamped his feet and said coldly: "Why are you laughing?"

Xue Yang laughed and said, "You really should have found a mirror and looked at your face just now. Your smile was so ugly. It was so fucking fake and disgusting."

Jin Guangyao snorted and said, "What do you know, you little hooligan? No matter how fake or disgusting you are, you still have to laugh."

Xue Yang said lazily: "You asked for it. If anyone dares to call me a son of a bitch, I will find his mother, and I will fuck him hundreds of times before dragging him out and throwing him into a brothel so that others can fuck him hundreds of times." Let's see who is the son of a bitch, how easy it is."

Jin Guangyao also smiled and said, "I don't have your leisurely mood."

Xue Yang said: "You don't have it, but I do. I don't mind doing it for you. Just say it and I'll do it for you, hahahahahaha..."

Jin Guangyao said: "No need, Mr. Xue, please save some energy. Will you be free in a few days?"

Xue Yang said: "Don't you have to do it whether you have time or not?"

Jin Guangyao said: "Help me go to Yunmeng, clean up a place, and make it clean."

Xue Yang said: "As the saying goes, when Xue Yang takes action, he will leave no one behind. Why do you have any misunderstandings about whether I can do it cleanly?"

Jin Guangyao glanced at him and said, "I don't seem to have heard of this common saying?"

At this time, night had already fallen, everything was quiet, and there were few pedestrians. The two of them were walking and talking, and passed by a roadside stall. The stallkeeper was clearing away the small table listlessly. When he looked up, he suddenly shouted and jumped back.

His screams and jumps were so frightening that even Jin Guangyao was slightly startled and quickly put his hand on the hilt of Hensheng's sword at his waist. Once it became clear that he was just an ordinary hawker, he immediately ignored him. But Xue Yang didn't say anything, just stepped up and kicked the stall over.

The stall owner was surprised and frightened, and said, "It's you again?! Why?!"

Xue Yang smiled and said, "Didn't I tell you? No reason."

He was about to kick again when he suddenly felt a sharp pain on the back of his hand. His pupils shrank suddenly and he took a few steps back. When he raised his hand, he saw that several blood-red traces had been drawn out on the back of his hand. When he looked up, a Taoist in black took back the fly whisk. He was looking at him coldly.

This man has a slender figure and a handsome and cold face. He holds a fly whisk and carries a long sword on his back. The sword spikes are fluttering slightly in the night wind. Xue Yang's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he struck out with a palm. The black-clothed Taoist waved his whisk, intending to repel him, but Xue Yang's move was strange and unpredictable. His palm suddenly turned and struck him at the heart instead.

The black-clothed Taoist frowned slightly and ducked out of the way, but he barely managed to get hit on his left arm. It was clear that no skin was hurt, but a frosty color suddenly formed between his brows, as if he was extremely disgusted and unbearable.

This subtle change in expression caught Xue Yang's eyes, and he sneered. Before he could take action again, a snow-white figure suddenly entered the battle. But Jin Guangyao stood in the middle and said, "Look at my thin face, Taoist Master Song Zichen, please stop."

The stall owner had already fled, and the Taoist priest in black said, "Lianfangzun?"

Jin Guangyao said: "It's just that he is not talented."

Song Zichen said: "Why does Lianfangzun want to protect this arrogant person?"

Jin Guangyao smiled bitterly and said helplessly, "Taoist Master Song, this is a guest of my Lanling Jin clan."

Song Zichen said: "Since you are a guest, why would you do such an unfashionable thing?"

Jin Guangyao coughed and said, "Daoist Master Song, you don't know something. He... has a weird temper and is young. Please don't argue with him."

At this time, a clear and gentle voice came, saying: "You are indeed still young."

Like a gleam of moonlight in the night, a white-clothed Taoist with a whisk in his arm and a sword on his back appeared quietly beside the three of them.

This man is tall and tall, with fluttering sword tassels on his clothes. He walks slowly, as if he is stepping on floating clouds. Jin Guangyao bowed and said, "Taoist Priest Xiao Xingchen."

Xiao Xingchen returned the gift and said with a smile: "We said goodbye a few months ago. I don't want to be alone, but I haven't forgotten you."

Jin Guangyao said: "Taoist Priest Xiao Xingchen's movement of Shuanghua shocked the world. It would be strange if I didn't remember it."

Xiao Xingchen smiled slightly, as if he understood Jin Guangyao's tendency to always speak with flattery, and said: "Lianfangzun is overly praised." Then, he turned his eyes to Xue Yang and said: "However, even if he is still young, he has already established his position. As a guest of Jinlintai, it is better to restrain your desires and self-discipline. After all, the Lanling Jin family is a famous family, and you should set an example in all aspects."

His black eyes were shining, bright and soft. He looked at Xue Yang without condemnation. Therefore, although his words were words of advice, they were not objectionable. Jin Guangyao immediately walked up the steps calmly and said, "That's natural."

Xue Yang laughed. Xiao Xingchen didn't get angry when he heard him sneer. He looked at him for a while and then said to himself: "Come on, I think this young man's movements with his hands are quite..."

Song Zichen said coldly: "Vicious."

Hearing this, Xue Yang laughed and said: "You said I'm still young, and how much older are you than me? You said I was vicious, who came up first and gave me a whisk? It's so funny how you two teach people a lesson. ."

As he spoke, he raised the back of his blood-stained hand and shook it. It was clear that he was the one who committed the evil in the first place, but at this moment, he was confusing right and wrong, and he was so confident that Jin Guangyao looked dumbfounded and said to the two Taoists: "Two Taoist priests, this..."

Xiao Xingchen couldn't help laughing and said: "Seriously..."

Xue Yang narrowed his eyes and said, "What is it really? Are you telling me?"

Jin Guangyao said warmly: "Chengmei, just shut up."

Upon hearing that title, Xue Yang's face suddenly darkened. Jin Guangyao said again: "Two Taoist priests, I'm sorry for today. Don't take offense at my thin face."

Song Zichen shook his head. Xiao Xingchen patted his shoulder and said, "Zichen, let's go."

Song Zichen glanced at him and nodded slightly. They both said goodbye to Jin Guangyao and left side by side.

Xue Yang stared at the backs of the two men with sinister eyes, smiled and gritted his teeth and said: "...fucking stinky Taoist priest."

Jin Guangyao wondered: "They didn't care about you, so why are they so angry?"

Xue Yang snorted: "What disgusts me the most is such a person who pretends to be aloof and self-righteous. That Xiao Xingchen is obviously not a few years older than me. He looks like he is nosy. He hates me when he sees it. He even tried to teach me a lesson." There is also a man named Song," he sneered: "But if I slap him in the face, what will he look like? One day, I will dig out his eyes and break his heart to see what else he can do."

Jin Guangyao said: "You have misunderstood this. Taoist Master Song has a slight mysophobia and does not like to be in contact with others. He is not targeting you."

Xue Yang asked: "Who are these two stinky Taoist priests?"

Jin Guangyao said: "We've been making trouble for a long time, but you don't know me? Those are the two people who are in the limelight right now, 'Mingyue Qingfeng Xiao Xingchen, Aoxue Lingshuang Song Zichen'. Haven't you heard of them?"

Xue Yang said: "I haven't heard of it. I don't understand. What the hell."

Jin Guangyao said: "It doesn't matter if you haven't heard of them or you don't understand them. All in all, they are two gentlemen. Just don't mess with them."

Xue Yang said: "Why?"

Jin Guangyao said: "As the saying goes, it is better to offend a villain than a gentleman."

Xue Yang looked at him and said with great suspicion: "Is that what you said?"

Jin Guangyao said: "Of course. If you offend a villain, you can kill him directly to avoid future troubles, and others will applaud you; if you offend a gentleman, it is not easy. This kind of person is the most difficult to deal with, and will chase you and bite you to the death. , if you touch them, you will be criticized by thousands of people. So, stay away from them. Fortunately today, they think you are just a teenager with a bit of domineering attitude, and they don't know what you do every day, otherwise it will be endless. It's over."

Xue Yang sneered and said: "Restrict your hands and feet. I'm not afraid of this kind of person."

Jin Guangyao said: "You are not afraid of me. It is better to have less to worry about than to have more to worry about. Let's go."

They couldn't walk more than a few steps. After a while, the two of them came to a fork in the road. To the right is Jinlin Terrace, and to the left is the Corpse Refining Ground.

They looked at each other, smiled, and parted ways.