
The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn

The story revolves around Wei Wuxian, a former hero who falls from grace due to his controversial practices of cultivating demonic arts. After being betrayed and killed by those he once trusted, he unexpectedly reawakens years later in a younger form, possessing only fragments of his past memories. Wei Wuxian embarks on a journey to unravel the mysteries surrounding his past and the events that led to his downfall. Along the way, he reunites with his old friend Lan Wangji, a dignified and unwavering disciple of the Cloud Recesses sect. Together, they delve into a complex web of intrigue and deception, piecing together clues and revelations that gradually reveal the truth behind Wei Wuxian's fate. The narrative alternates between Wei Wuxian's present-day adventures and flashbacks to his past life, providing insights into his character development and the relationships he forged with various characters. The story is filled with emotional highs and lows, ranging from intense battles and suspenseful mysteries to tender moments of camaraderie and romance. The novel's writing style is engaging and humorous, making it a captivating read. The intricate plot, rich characters, and emotional depth of the story contribute to its popularity and enduring appeal. The worldbuilding is also impressive, creating a vivid and immersive fantasy setting that readers can easily envision. In addition to the original novel, "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn" has also been adapted into an animated series and a live-action drama series titled "The Untamed" (Chenqing Ling), both of which have garnered immense popularity among viewers. These adaptations further expand the story's reach and allow more people to experience the magic and wonder of "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn."

Levi37 · Fantasie
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119 Chs

Elegant coquettish-IV

Lan Wangji did not look at Wei Wuxian. He nodded and said in a low voice: "The first is to save people, the second is to suppress them, and the third is to destroy them. First, I think of my parents, wives and children, and fulfill my wishes during my lifetime. Get rid of obsessions; if they don't work, suppress them; if the crime is extremely heinous and the resentment persists, then eradicate it by rooting it out and not allow it to survive. When doing Taoism, you should strictly follow this order and make no mistakes."

Everyone let out a long breath and thanked God in their hearts. Fortunately, the old man ordered Lan Wangji, otherwise when it was their turn, they would inevitably miss one or two or the order would be wrong. Lan Qiren nodded with satisfaction and said: "Every word is correct." After a pause, he added: "Whether it is cultivation or a person, you need to be so down-to-earth. If it is because of having a few unsavory animals in your home, Mountain spirits and ghosts, who are complacent and arrogant if they have some false reputation, are stubborn and reckless, and will bring shame on themselves sooner or later."

Wei Wuxian raised his eyebrows, glanced at Lan Wangji's side face, and thought to himself, "So this old man came to me. He asked his good students to study together because he wanted me to look good."

He said: "I have doubts."

Lan Qiren said: "Speak."

Wei WuXian said: "Although we put 'transformation' as the first priority, 'transformation' is often impossible. 'To achieve one's lifetime wishes and get rid of obsessions' is easy to say, if this obsession is Getting a new pair of clothes is fine, but what if you want to avenge a whole family of murderers?"

Lan Wangji said: "So the main thing is to convert, supplemented by suppression, and extermination if necessary."

Wei Wuxian smiled slightly and said, "What a waste of natural resources." After a pause, Fang said, "It's not that I didn't know the answer just now, I was just considering the fourth way."

Lan Qiren said: "I have never heard of any fourth rule."

Wei WuXian said: "It is inevitable that this executioner died a violent death and turned into a vicious corpse. Since he beheaded more than a hundred people during his lifetime, why not dig the graves of these hundreds of people, arouse their resentment, slay hundreds of heads, and fight with this vicious corpse... …"

Lan Wangji finally turned to look at him, but his eyebrows were slightly furrowed and his expression was very cold. Lan Qiren's beard trembled and he shouted: "I don't know how high the sky is!"

Everyone in the orchid room was shocked, and Lan Qiren stood up suddenly: "The purpose of subduing demons, eliminating ghosts and destroying evil spirits is to save people! Not only do you not think about the way to save people, but you also want to arouse their resentment? Putting the cart before the horse and ignoring human relations! "

Wei Wuxian said: "There are some things that are useless after all, so why not make use of them? Yu the Great also knew that blocking floods is the worst policy, and sparing them is the best policy. Suppression is blocking, so isn't it the worst policy..." Lan Qiren threw a book over, He dodged away without changing his expression, and continued to talk nonsense: "Spiritual energy is also Qi, and resentment is also Qi. Spiritual energy is stored in the Dan Mansion, and it can be used by others. Why can't resentment be used by others?"

Another book flew over to Lan Qiren, and he said sternly: "Then I'll ask you again! How do you ensure that these grievances are used for you instead of harming others?"

Wei Wuxian said while hiding, "I haven't thought of it yet!"

Lan Qiren was furious: "If you think about it, all the immortal families will not be able to keep you. Get out!"

Wei Wuxian didn't get what he wanted, so he quickly left.

He wandered around in the cloud recesses for half a day, playing flowers and doing grass. After everyone listened and learned, they finally found him on the eaves of a high wall. Wei Wuxian was sitting on the green tiles at the top of the wall, holding a stick of orchid in his mouth, his right hand supporting his chin, one leg propped up, and the other hanging down, dangling gently. The people below pointed at him and said: "Brother Wei! I admire him. He told you to get out, but you actually did it! Hahahaha..."

"He didn't understand it for a while after you went out, and his face was livid!"

Wei Wuxian bit the grass and shouted down: "I'll answer all the questions and get out of here. What else does he want from me?"

Nie Huaisang said: "Why does Old Man Lan seem to be so harsh on you? He is lighting you up and scolding you."

Jiang Cheng snorted: "He deserves it. What are you talking about? You can just talk about this kind of nonsense at home, but you dare to say it in front of Lan Qiren. You are looking for death!"

Wei WuXian said, "No matter how I answer him, he doesn't like me, so I just say it honestly. And I didn't scold him, I just answered honestly."

Nie Huaisang thought about it for a moment, then revealed a feeling of envy and yearning, and said: "Actually, what Brother Wei said is very interesting. You have to practice spiritual energy by yourself and work hard to form the golden elixir. My talent is so poor that it's like my mother's womb was gnawed by a dog." I don't know how many years it will take to get through it. And the grievances are those of fierce ghosts. If you can use them, how beautiful it would be."

The so-called golden elixir is an elixir formed in a monk's body after he has cultivated to a certain level. It is used to store and circulate spiritual energy. After forming the elixir, one's cultivation level will advance by leaps and bounds. Only then will one be able to become more refined and reach greater heights. Otherwise, one can only be regarded as an inferior monk. If a child from an aristocratic family develops elixirs too late, he or she will lose face if he speaks out about it, but Nie Huaisang doesn't feel ashamed at all. Wei Wuxian also laughed and said, "Right? It's in vain if you don't use it."

Jiang Cheng warned: "That's enough. You have your say, but don't take this evil path."

Wei Wuxian smiled and said, "Why would I take the single-plank bridge in the sewer instead of walking on the beautiful Yangguan Avenue? If it were so easy to walk, someone would have left long ago. Don't worry, that's all he asked, and that's all I said." Hey, are you coming? Take advantage of the fact that there is no curfew and come with me to hunt pheasants."

Jiang Cheng scolded: "Why are you hunting pheasants? Where did the pheasants come from here! You go and copy the "Ya Zheng Collection" first. Lan Qiren asked me to tell you to copy the "Shangyi Chapter" of the "Ya Zheng Collection" three times. , let you learn what the laws of heaven and human relations are."

"Ya Zheng Ji" is the family motto of the Lan family. His family's family motto was too long, so it was revised by Lan Qiren and compiled into a thick collection. "Shangyi Pian" and "Li Ze Pian" accounted for four-fifths of the whole book. Wei Wuxian spat out the piece of grass in his mouth, patted the dust on his boots, and said, "Copy it three times? I can ascend once. I'm not from the Lan family, and I don't plan to join the Lan family. Why should I copy his family motto?" .Do not copy."

Nie Huaisang hurriedly said: "I'll copy it for you! I'll copy it for you!"

Wei WuXian said, "To show courtesy for nothing is to be considered an adulterer or a thief. Tell me, what do you want from me?"

Nie Huaisang said: "That's right. Brother Wei, Old Man Lan has a bad habit. He..."

In the middle of his words, he suddenly fell silent, coughed dryly, unfolded the folding fan and shrank aside. Wei Wuxian knew something was wrong. He turned around and saw that Lan Wangji was standing under a lush ancient tree with the Bichen Sword on his back, looking over here from a distance. He was like a jade tree, covered in mottled leaf shadows and sunlight, but his eyes were not very kind. When he stared at her, he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave. Everyone knew that he had shouted louder in the air just now, and they were afraid that the noise would attract him, so they consciously shut up. However, Wei Wuxian jumped down, went up to him and shouted, "Brother Wangji!"

Lan Wangji turned around and left. Wei Wuxian chased him happily and shouted, "Brother Wangji, wait for me!"

The fluttering white clothes swayed behind the tree and disappeared without a trace in an instant, making it clear that Lan Wangji did not want to talk to him. Wei Wuxian looked at his back and felt annoyed. He turned around and complained, "He ignored me."

"Yes." Nie Huaisang said: "It seems that he really hates you, Brother Wei, just like Lan Wangji... No, he has never been so rude."

Wei WuXian said, "Is this annoying? I wanted to admit my mistake to him."

Jiang Cheng laughed at him: "It's too late to admit your mistake now! He must be like his uncle. He thinks you are evil and corrupt, and he disdains you."

Wei Wuxian didn't take it seriously and said in a playful voice, "If you don't pay attention, don't pay attention. Isn't he beautiful?" After thinking about it again, he was indeed beautiful, and he put aside the desire to curl his lips with relief.

Three days later, Wei Wuxian realized what Lan Qiren's bad habit was.

The content of Lan Qiren's lectures was extremely lengthy, and all of them had to be tested in dictation. The changes of several generations of cultivating families, division of spheres of influence, famous quotes, family genealogy...

When listening, it is like listening to a book from heaven; when silent, one sells oneself into slavery. Nie Huaisang helped Wei Wuxian copy "Shangyi Chapter" twice. Before the exam, he begged: "Brother Wei, please, Brother Wei, this is my third year in Suzhou. If I still can't get a grade of B, my eldest brother really knows how to do it." Break my legs! What is the difference between direct and collateral lines? We, the children of aristocratic families, can't even figure out our own kinship. If we express anything beyond two levels, we just casually call aunts and uncles. Who has extra? Use your brain to remember other people's things!"

The result of the cheat sheets flying all over the sky was that Lan Wangji suddenly burst out during the trial and captured several leaders of the rebellion. Lan Qiren was furious and wrote to all the major families to complain. He was filled with hatred: Although the children of this group of aristocratic families could not sit still, at least no one took the lead, and their buttocks were barely touching their calves. But when Wei Ying came, the boys who were evil-minded but not courageous were encouraged by him, and they went out and drank at night, and the unhealthy tendencies gradually grew. This Wei Ying was indeed as he expected, the greatest danger in the world!

Jiang Fengmian responded: "Ying has always been like this. Mr. Laolan took the trouble to discipline him."

So Wei Wuxian was punished again.

At first he didn't take it seriously. Not just copying books, he never lacks people to help him copy. Unexpectedly, this time, Nie Huaisang said: "Brother Wei, there is nothing I can do to help you. Just take your time and endure it yourself."

Wei Wuxian asked, "What?"

Nie Huaisang said: "Old...Mr. Lan said that this time the "Shangyi Pian" and the "Ritual Pian" will be copied together."

"The Pian of Rites" is the most complicated of the twelve chapters of Lan's Family Instructions. The quotations from the scriptures are long and smelly, and there are too many uncommon words. It is boring to copy it once, but you can get promoted immediately after copying it ten times. Nie Huaisang said: "He also said that during the punishment period, no one else is allowed to hang out with you or copy for you."

Wei WuXian wondered: "How does he know if I am copying or not? How can he still ask people to keep an eye on me to see if I can copy?"

Jiang Cheng said, "That's exactly it."

"..." Wei Wuxian said, "What did you say?"

Jiang Cheng said: "He asked you not to go out every day. You go to the Lan family's library to read, and you sit in front of the wall and think about it for a month. Of course, someone is watching you. As for who it is, I don't need to say more, right?"

In the library pavilion.

A green mat and a wooden case. Two candlesticks, two people. Sitting upright at one end, Wei Wuxian had copied more than ten pages of "Chapter of Rites" at the other end. He was dizzy and bored, so he abandoned his pen to take a breather and looked at the opposite side.

When he was in Yunmeng, there were many girls in the Jiang family who envied him for being able to come and learn from Lan Wangji. They said that the Gusu Lan family has produced handsome men from generation to generation, and the twin brothers of the Lan family in this generation are even more extraordinary. . Wei Wuxian didn't have time to take a closer look at his face before, but now that he did, he thought wildly: "It's quite good-looking. There's nothing wrong with his appearance and manners. I just really want those girls to come and see it with their own eyes. If I spend the whole day A person with a deep hatred and a cold eyebrow is like a mourning concubine. No matter how beautiful his face is, he cannot save this person."

Lan Wangji was re-copying the ancient books in the Lan family library that were very old and inconvenient for outsiders to see. He wrote slowly, with straight and clear handwriting. Wei Wuxian couldn't help but praise it sincerely: "Great calligraphy! Top quality."

Lan Wangji remained unmoved.

It was rare for Wei Wuxian to keep his mouth shut for so long. He was so depressed that he thought to himself, "This man is so boring. If I have to sit opposite him for several hours every day for a month, wouldn't this cost me my life?"

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but lean forward.