
The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn

The story revolves around Wei Wuxian, a former hero who falls from grace due to his controversial practices of cultivating demonic arts. After being betrayed and killed by those he once trusted, he unexpectedly reawakens years later in a younger form, possessing only fragments of his past memories. Wei Wuxian embarks on a journey to unravel the mysteries surrounding his past and the events that led to his downfall. Along the way, he reunites with his old friend Lan Wangji, a dignified and unwavering disciple of the Cloud Recesses sect. Together, they delve into a complex web of intrigue and deception, piecing together clues and revelations that gradually reveal the truth behind Wei Wuxian's fate. The narrative alternates between Wei Wuxian's present-day adventures and flashbacks to his past life, providing insights into his character development and the relationships he forged with various characters. The story is filled with emotional highs and lows, ranging from intense battles and suspenseful mysteries to tender moments of camaraderie and romance. The novel's writing style is engaging and humorous, making it a captivating read. The intricate plot, rich characters, and emotional depth of the story contribute to its popularity and enduring appeal. The worldbuilding is also impressive, creating a vivid and immersive fantasy setting that readers can easily envision. In addition to the original novel, "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn" has also been adapted into an animated series and a live-action drama series titled "The Untamed" (Chenqing Ling), both of which have garnered immense popularity among viewers. These adaptations further expand the story's reach and allow more people to experience the magic and wonder of "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn."

Levi37 · Fantasie
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119 Chs

Elegant coquettish-III

Later, Wei Wuxian thought about it and found out that he and Lan Wangji had a bad relationship. The origins could be traced back to the three months when he and Jiang Cheng came to the Gusu Lan Sect to study together when he was fifteen.

The Gusu Lan family has a highly respected elder, Lan Qiren, who is recognized among the family as having three major characteristics: pedantic, stubborn, and strict teachers producing good students. Although the first two points made many people stay away from him and even secretly dislike him, the last one made them want to send their children to be taught by him. He has brought out many outstanding Lan family children, and those who have been educated in his hall for a year or two, even if they are useless when they go in, they usually look like shit when they come out, at least their appearance and etiquette are far better than before. In comparison, how many parents were so excited that they burst into tears when they took back their sons.

In this regard, Wei Wuxian expressed his position: "Am I enough of a human being now?"

Jiang Cheng said with great foresight, "You will definitely become a shame in his teaching career."

Back then, in addition to the Yunmeng Jiang family, there were many young masters from other families, all of whom were sent here by their parents to study. These young masters are all only fifteen or sixteen years old, and they often interact with each other from aristocratic families. Not to mention being close, at least they are familiar faces. Everyone knew that although Wei Wuxian did not have the surname Jiang, he was the son of an old friend and the chief disciple of Jiang Fengmian, the head of the Jiang family in Yunmeng. He was treated as his own. In addition, young people often don't care about their origin and bloodline as much as their elders. Soon, Wei Wuxian was The fight was heated, and within a few words the brothers started shouting wildly. Someone asked: "Isn't your Jiang's Lotus Pier much more fun than here?"

Wei WuXian smiled and said, "Whether it's fun or not depends on how you play. There are definitely not as many rules as here, and you don't have to get up so early."

Gusu Lan's work is done at the time of Mao and rests at the time of Hai, so there is no delay. Someone else asked: "When do you get up? What do you do every day?"

Jiang Cheng hummed, "He? He's working now and resting when he's ugly. When he gets up, he doesn't practice sword practice and meditates. Instead, he rows a boat, swims in the water, picks lotus pods, and hunts pheasants."

Wei WuXian said, "No matter how many pheasants I shoot, I'm still number one."

A young man said: "I'm going to Yunmeng to study next year! Don't let anyone stop me!"

A basin of cold water was poured on him: "No one will stop you. Your elder brother will just break your legs."

The young man immediately withered. This is Nie Huaisang, the second son of the Nie family in Qinghe. His elder brother Nie Mingjue has a vigorous and resolute style and is well-known among hundreds of families. Although the two brothers were not born from the same mother, they had a close relationship. Nie Mingjue taught his younger brother extremely strictly and was particularly concerned about his homework. Therefore, although Nie Huaisang respected his elder brother, he was most afraid of Nie Mingjue mentioning his schoolwork.

Wei WuXian said, "Actually, Gusu is quite fun."

Nie Huaisang said: "Brother Wei, please listen to my sincere advice. Yunshen is no better than Lotus Pier. When you come to Gusu, remember there is a person you should not provoke."

Wei WuXian said, "Who? Lan Qiren?"

Nie Huaisang said: "It's not that old man. What you need to be careful about is his most popular disciple, named Lan Zhan."

Wei Wuxian asked, "The Lan Zhan of Lan's Double Jewel? Lan Wangji?"

The two sons of the head of the Gusu Lan family, Lan Huan and Lan Zhan, have always enjoyed the reputation of being the Lan family's twins. When they reached the age of fourteen, they were used as role models by their elders to compete with their own children. Being the most prominent among the younger generation, one cannot help but outshine others. Nie Huaisang said: "There is another Lan Zhan, that one. My god, he is about the same age as you and me, but he doesn't have the vitality of a teenager at all. He is rigid and stern, even worse than his uncle."

Wei Wuxian said "Oh" and asked, "Is he a pretty handsome boy?"

Jiang Cheng sneered and said, "Gusu Lan family, who is ugly? His family even refuses to accept students with irregular facial features, so why don't you find someone with mediocre looks to show me."

Wei Wuxian emphasized: "Exceptionally handsome." He gestured to his head: "He is dressed in white, with a band across his forehead, and carries a silver sword on his back. He is pretty, but has a straight face, as if he is wearing sackcloth and wearing mourning."

"..." Nie Huaisang affirmed: "That's him!" After a pause, he said: "But he has been in retreat recently. You just came here yesterday. When did you see him?"

 "last night."

"Last night...last night?!" Jiang Cheng was stunned: "I don't know where there is a curfew in Yunshen. Where did you meet him? Why didn't I know?"

Wei Wuxian pointed: "There."

He was referring to a high eaves.

Everyone was speechless. Jiang Cheng's head was pounding, and he gritted his teeth and said, "You got me into trouble when I first came here! What's going on?"

Wei Wuxian smiled and said, "It's nothing. Didn't we pass by the 'Tianzixiao' restaurant when we came here? I tossed and turned last night and couldn't bear it anymore, so I went down the mountain to the city and brought back two jars. This one is in Yun There is no need to drink in dreams."

Jiang Cheng: "What about the wine?"

Wei Wuxian: "I just climbed over the edge of the wall and was caught before I even had one foot in."

A young man said: "Brother Wei, you are really lucky. I'm afraid he just came out of prison and was patrolling at night, and you were caught by him."

Jiang Cheng said, "No one is allowed in until the end of the night, so how could he let you in?"

Wei WuXian spread his hands and said, "That's why he didn't let me in. He insisted on pulling out the leg I was walking in with. You said how to do it, so he walked up lightly and asked me what I was holding. What is it?"

Jiang Cheng felt a headache and had a bad premonition: "What did you say?"

Wei Wuxian said, "'The Emperor laughs! Share it with you, can you pretend you haven't seen me? '"

Jiang Cheng sighed: "...Drinking is prohibited in Yunshen. The crime is aggravated."

Wei WuXian said, "That's what he told me too. So I asked: 'Why don't you tell me what's wrong with your family?' He seemed a little angry and wanted me to see the disciplinary stone in front of the mountain. To be honest , there are more than 3,000 articles, and they are still written in seal script. Who will read them. Have you read them? Have you read them? Anyway, I haven't read them. What's there to be angry about?"

"That's right!" Everyone felt the same and complained about all the unbelievable rules in Yun Shenzhen. They hated each other: "Whose family has more than 3,000 non-repetitive rules. What about 'No killing within the territory, no private fights?'" , Don't be promiscuous, don't go out at night, don't make noise, don't walk fast, forget about it. There are also 'don't laugh for no reason, don't sit in a bad posture, don't eat more than three bowls'…" Wei Wuxian said hurriedly: "What, private fights are also prohibited?"

Jiang Cheng: "...Forbidden. Don't tell me that you fought with him."

Wei Wuxian: "I beat him. I even knocked over a jar of Emperor's Smile."

Everyone clapped their legs and shouted that it was a pity.

Anyway, the situation couldn't be worse, so Jiang Cheng's focus shifted: "Didn't you bring two jars, and there is another jar?"


Jiang Cheng: "Where did you drink?"

"I drank in front of him. I said: 'Okay, Yunshenzhidao has a ban on alcohol, so if I don't go in and drink standing on the wall, it doesn't count as breaking the ban.' I drank it all in one gulp in front of him. "


"Then the fight started."

"Brother Wei." Nie Huaisang said, "You are so arrogant."

Wei Wuxian said, "Lan Zhan is very skilled."

"You're going to die, Brother Wei! Lan Zhan has never suffered such a loss, and he is probably targeting you. Be careful. Although Lan Zhan doesn't study with us, he is punished in the Lan family!"

Wei Wuxian was not afraid and waved his hand: "What are you afraid of! Didn't you say that Lan Zhan was a child prodigy since he was a child? With such a precocious intelligence, he must have learned all the things his uncle taught him. He practices in seclusion all day long. How can he have time to stare at me. I …"

Before they finished speaking, everyone walked around a leaky window wall and saw a young man in white sitting in the orchid room. His long hair was tied up and his forehead was wiped. His aura was like frost, and he glanced at them coldly.

The dozen or so mouths seemed to have been silenced. They silently entered the orchid room, silently picked their seats and sat down, silently vacating the desks around Lan Wangji.

Jiang Cheng patted Wei Wuxian on the shoulder and whispered, "I'm targeting you. Just wish yourself well."

Wei Wuxian turned his head just enough to see Lan Wangji's side face. Her eyelashes are long and slender, and she is extremely handsome and elegant. She sits extremely upright and looks straight ahead. He wanted to talk, but Lan Qiren walked into Lan's room at this moment.

Lan Qiren is tall and thin, with a straight waist. Although he has a long black beard, he is definitely not old; judging from the Gusu Lan clan's tradition of producing beautiful men from generation to generation, he is definitely not ugly either. It's a pity that he has a pedantic and rigid air about him, so calling him an old man would not be disobedient. He came in holding a scroll, opened it and rolled it all over the floor. He actually took the scroll and started talking about the Lan family rules. All the young people present turned pale when they heard this. Wei Wuxian was bored in his heart, his eyes were flying around, and he flew to Lan Wangji's side face. Seeing that his expression was absolutely focused and serious, he couldn't help but admire him: "He can listen so seriously to such a boring thing! "

Suddenly, Lan Qiren in front of him threw the scroll down and sneered: "It's carved on the stone wall, no one can read it. That's why I recited it one by one to see who else would violate the ban with the excuse of not knowing. Since there are still people who are absent-minded. Then Okay, I'll talk about something else."

Although this sentence made sense to everyone in this orchid room, Wei Wuxian intuitively felt that this was a warning directed at him. Sure enough, Lan Qiren said: "Wei Ying."

Wei Wuxian said, "Yes."

"Let me ask you, are monsters and ghosts the same thing?"

Wei WuXian smiled and said, "No."

"Why not? How to distinguish?"

"Monsters are transformed into non-human living things; demons are transformed into living things; ghosts are transformed into dead things; monsters are transformed into non-human dead things."

"It's easy to confuse 'demon' and 'weird'. Can you give me an example to distinguish them?"

"It's easy to say." Wei Wuxian pointed to the lush green trees outside the orchid room and said, "The arm is like a living tree. It has been stained with the scent of books for hundreds of years. It has been cultivated into an essence, transformed into consciousness, and is used to cause trouble and disturb people. This is a 'demon'. If I I took an axe, cut it in half and left only a dead tree stump, and then cultivated it into a spirit, which is called a 'weird'."

"What kind of business did the ancestors of the Nie family in Qinghe do?"


"The emblem of the Lanling Jin family is white peony. Which brand of white peony is it?"

"Venus Snow Waves."

"Who is the first person in the world of cultivation who has prospered his family but declined his sect?"

"The ancestor of the Wen family in Qishan is Wen Mao."

He was answering so fluently that other people here felt their hearts go up and down. They felt lucky and prayed that he would not get into trouble. Please keep answering and don't let Lan Qiren have the opportunity to irritate others. Lan Qiren said, "As a descendant of the Yunmeng Jiang family, I should be familiar with these things by heart, and there is nothing to be proud of if you answer them correctly. Let me ask you again, there is an executioner today, with parents, wives and children, who beheaded more than a hundred people during his lifetime. He died in the market and his body was left exposed for seven days. He was filled with resentment and committed evil. What should he do?"

This time, Wei Wuxian didn't answer right away. Others just thought he was in trouble, and they were all a little uneasy. Lan Qiren scolded: "Look at what he is doing, you think about it too. Don't turn the book!"

Everyone hurriedly took their hands away from the books they were about to rummage, and they also started to face difficulties: He died suddenly in the market, and his body was exposed for seven days. It was a serious ghost and a murderous corpse. It was very difficult to deal with. This old man Lan must not take the time to answer it by himself. That's good. Seeing that Wei Wuxian didn't answer for a while, Lan Qiren just said thoughtfully, "Wangji, how about you tell him."