
The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn

The story revolves around Wei Wuxian, a former hero who falls from grace due to his controversial practices of cultivating demonic arts. After being betrayed and killed by those he once trusted, he unexpectedly reawakens years later in a younger form, possessing only fragments of his past memories. Wei Wuxian embarks on a journey to unravel the mysteries surrounding his past and the events that led to his downfall. Along the way, he reunites with his old friend Lan Wangji, a dignified and unwavering disciple of the Cloud Recesses sect. Together, they delve into a complex web of intrigue and deception, piecing together clues and revelations that gradually reveal the truth behind Wei Wuxian's fate. The narrative alternates between Wei Wuxian's present-day adventures and flashbacks to his past life, providing insights into his character development and the relationships he forged with various characters. The story is filled with emotional highs and lows, ranging from intense battles and suspenseful mysteries to tender moments of camaraderie and romance. The novel's writing style is engaging and humorous, making it a captivating read. The intricate plot, rich characters, and emotional depth of the story contribute to its popularity and enduring appeal. The worldbuilding is also impressive, creating a vivid and immersive fantasy setting that readers can easily envision. In addition to the original novel, "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn" has also been adapted into an animated series and a live-action drama series titled "The Untamed" (Chenqing Ling), both of which have garnered immense popularity among viewers. These adaptations further expand the story's reach and allow more people to experience the magic and wonder of "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn."

Levi37 · Fantasie
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119 Chs

Conceal brilliance-IV

Wei WuXian said: "Coffins are naturally used to place dead people. I guess that what was originally buried here should be the body of Jin Guangyao's mother, Meng Shi. He came here tonight just to take away his mother's body and put it together." Those who traveled as far as Japan."

Lan Xichen was stunned and silent, and Nie Huaisang said "Ah" suddenly, "Yes, it sounds very reasonable."

Wei Wuxian continued, "What do you think the man would do with the body of Jin Guangyao's mother after he dug it up?"

Nie Huaisang said: "Brother Wei, why do you keep asking me? No matter how much you ask, I don't know just because I don't know?"

After a pause, he said: "But..."

Nie Huaisang slowly combed his hair that was soaked by the heavy rain and said, "I think since this person hates Jin Guangyao so much, he should be merciless and extremely cruel to the things he regards as life."

Wei WuXian asked, "For example, dismembering the body with five horses and abandoning the body in several places, just like what was done to Lord Chifeng?"

Nie Huaisang was shocked and took a few steps back, saying: "This, this, this... this is too poisonous..."

Wei Wuxian stared at him for a while, and finally looked away.

Speculation is just speculation after all, no one has any evidence.

Nie Huaisang's face was full of confusion and helplessness at this moment, maybe he was pretending. He doesn't want to admit that he treats others as pawns and treats their lives as nothing, or that his plan is more than that. He wants to hide his true identity to do more things and achieve higher goals; or it may not be that complicated at all, sending letters, There was someone else who killed the cat and combined Nie Mingjue's body and head. Nie Huaisang was a real puss.

Maybe Jin Guangyao's last few words were simply lies he made up after Nie Huaisang called him out on his sneak attack attempt, with the intention of disturbing Lan Xichen's mind and taking the opportunity to drag him to death. After all, Jin Guangyao is a notorious liar. It is not surprising that he lies whenever and wherever he wants.

As for why he changed his mind at the last moment and pushed Lan Xichen away, who can know what he was thinking?

The veins on the back of Lan Xichen's hand on his forehead bulged, and he said in a muffled voice: "...What exactly did he want? I thought I understood him very well before, but then I found that I didn't. Before tonight, I thought I understood him again, but... I don't understand anymore."

No one could answer him, Lan Xichen said in confusion: "What on earth does he want to do?"

However, even he, who is closest to Jin Guangyao, doesn't know, and it is even less likely that others will have the answer.

After a while of silence, Wei WuXian said: "Let's not just stand around. Send a few people out to find someone, and leave a few people to stay here and watch this thing. This coffin and these strings will not work. How long can the law seal Chifeng Zun?"

As if to confirm his judgment, loud noises came from the coffin again, with a nameless anger that made Nie Huaisang tremble. Wei Wuxian glanced at him and said, "Did you see that? We need to immediately change to a stronger coffin, dig a deep hole, and bury it again. It won't be opened for at least a hundred years. Once opened, the ghost will never leave. , there will be endless troubles..."

Before he could finish speaking, a loud and deep bark suddenly came from the distance.

Wei Wuxian's expression suddenly changed. Jin Ling managed to cheer up and said, "Fairy!"

The thunder has passed, and the pouring rain has turned into a light drizzle. The deepest night has passed, and the sky is getting brighter.

The wet black-maned spirit dog spread its legs, and a black wind blew in, rushing towards Jin Ling. A pair of round dog eyes were wet, and he stood up with his front paws off the ground, laying on Jin Ling's legs and whining. Wei Wuxian saw its bright red long tongue sticking out from between its snow-white teeth, licking Jin Ling's hand continuously. His face turned white, his eyes straightened, and he opened his mouth, feeling as if his soul was about to turn into a ball of blue smoke from his mouth. Flying into the sky. Lan Wangji silently blocked him behind him, separating his sight from the fairy.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of people surrounded the Guanyin Temple, with swords drawn in their hands, and their expressions were alert, as if they were preparing for a massacre. However, when the first few people who rushed into the temple saw the scene in front of them clearly, they were all stunned. Those who were lying down were all dead; those who were not dead were half-lying or lying down, standing or not. All in all, the ground was littered with corpses and in disarray.

The two people rushing forward holding swords, on the left is the chief executive of the Yunmeng Jiang Sect, and on the right is Lan Qiren. Lan Qiren's face was full of surprise and before he could ask any questions, the first thing he saw was Lan Wangji, who was almost the same as Wei Wuxian. In an instant, he forgot to ask anything. His face was filled with anger, his long eyebrows stood upright, he let out a few breaths, and his beard trembled and flew upward. The chief quickly stepped forward to help Jiang Cheng and said: "Sect Master, are you okay..." Lan Qiren raised his sword and shouted: "Wei..."

Before he could finish drinking, several figures in white rushed out from behind him, shouting one after another: "Hanguang-Jun!"

"Senior Wei!"

"Senior Ancestor!"

Lan Qiren was bumped by the last boy and almost fell over. He said with smoke coming from his Qiqiao: "No running fast! No loud noises allowed!"

Except for Lan Wangji who called him "uncle", no one paid him any attention. Lan SiZhui grabbed Lan WangJi's sleeve with his left hand and Wei Wuxian's arm with his right hand, and said happily: "That's great! Hanguang Jun, Senior Wei, you are all fine. Seeing how anxious the fairy was, we thought you were in trouble. It's a very difficult situation."

Lan Jingyi said: "SiZhui, you are confused. How could there be a situation that Hanguang-Jun cannot solve? I have long said that you are worrying blindly."

"Jingyi, it seems you were the one worrying about me along the way."

"Go away! Stop talking nonsense."

From the corner of his eye, Lan SiZhui caught sight of Wen Ning, who was finally able to get up from the ground. He immediately grabbed him too, stuffed him into a circle of teenagers, and talked about the future.

It turned out that after the fairy bit Su She, she ran all the way and found a family affiliated with the Yunmeng Jiang family stationed near the town, barking in front of the door. The young master of the family saw the special collar, gold mark and family crest on its neck, and knew that this was a spiritual dog with a good background. The owner must be of noble status, and there were blood stains on its teeth, claws and fur, which clearly showed that it had passed through There was a fight, fearing that the master was in danger, so he did not dare to neglect, and immediately sent his sword to Lotus Pier to inform the real boss of this area, the Yunmeng Jiang clan. The officer immediately recognized that this was Young Master Jin Ling's spirit dog Fairy, and immediately sent people to rescue him.

At that time, the Gusu Lan family was about to leave Lotus Pier, but Lan Qiren was blocked by the fairy. It jumped up, bit off a narrow piece of white fabric from the hem of Lan Sizhui's clothes, and put it on its head with its paws, as if it wanted to make a loop of white fabric around its head, and then lie down on the ground and pretend to be dead. Lan Qiren was confused, but Lan Sizhui suddenly realized: "Sir, does it look like it is imitating our family's forehead wiping? Does it want to tell us that Hanguang-Jun or the Lan family are also in danger?"

Therefore, the Yunmeng Jiang Sect, the Gusu Lan Sect, and several other families that had not yet left gathered their manpower and came to the rescue.

Lan Jingyi clicked her tongue and praised: "It keeps barking like a fairy. I didn't expect it to be such a spiritual dog!"

But no matter how immortal or spiritual he is, to Wei Wuxian, it is still a dog, the most terrifying thing in the world. Even with Lan Wangji standing in front of him, he is still covered in hair. Ever since the juniors from the Lan family came in, Jin Ling had been secretly peeking over there, watching them noisily surrounding Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji. Seeing that Wei Wuxian's face was getting paler, he patted the fairy's butt. He whispered: "Fairy, you go out first."

The fairy shook her head and tail and continued to lick him. Jin Ling scolded: "Get out of here, don't you listen to me?"

The fairy looked at him sadly, swung her tail and ran out of the temple. Wei Wuxian was relieved. Jin Ling wanted to go over there but was too embarrassed to do so. While he was hesitating, Lan SiZhui suddenly saw Wei Wuxian's waist. He was stunned for a moment and said, "...Senior Wei?"

Wei Wuxian said, "Huh? What?"

Lan SiZhui said in a daze: "You...can you let me take a look at this flute?"

Wei Wuxian took it off and said, "What's wrong with this flute?"

Lan SiZhui took the flute with both hands and frowned slightly, with a confused look on his face. Lan Wangji looked at him, while Wei Wuxian looked at Lan Wangji and said, "What's wrong with your Sizhui? Do you like my flute?"

Lan Jingyi said in shock: "Eh? Your broken flute that was tone-deaf has finally been lost? This new flute is very good!"

Little did he know that this "very good" new flute was the legendary ghost flute "Chen Qing" that he had always wanted to see. He was just secretly happy: "Great! Now at least he will It doesn't look too embarrassing to Hanguangjun when he plays with him. Oh my god! His original flute was really ugly and unpleasant!"

Lan Wangji said, "SiZhui."

Only then did Lan SiZhui come back to his senses. He handed the Chen Qing back to Wei Wuxian with both hands and said, "Senior Wei."

Wei Wuxian took the flute and remembered that it was brought by Jiang Cheng. He turned to the other side and said casually, "Thank you." He expressed his sincerity and said, "This, I...just keep it?"

Jiang Cheng glanced at him and said, "It was originally yours."

After hesitating for a moment, his lips moved slightly, as if he wanted to say something else, but Wei Wuxian had already turned to Lan Wangji. Seeing this, Jiang Cheng also fell silent.

Among the people present, some were cleaning the scene, some were tightening the seal on the coffin, some were considering how to safely move it, and some were angry. Lan Qiren said angrily: "Xichen, what's wrong with you!"

Lan Xichen pressed his forehead, his brows filled with unspeakable gloom, and said tiredly: "...Uncle, I beg you. Stop asking. Really. I really don't want to say anything right now."

Lan Qiren had never seen Lan Xichen, whom he had brought up, be so restless and ungrateful. Look at him, and then look at Lan Wangji who is surrounded with Wei Wuxian over there. The more he looks at it, the more angry he becomes. He just feels that neither of these two originally flawless and proud disciples is under his control, and both of them are making people unconscious. Heartbroken.

The coffin containing Nie Mingjue and Jin Guangyao was not only extremely heavy, but also required great care, so it was several family heads who volunteered to carry it. When a family head saw the face of the Guanyin statue, he was startled at first, and then he seemed to have discovered something new and directed others to look at it: "Look at this face! Does it look like Jin Guangyao?"

When others looked at it, they all marveled: "It really is his face! Why would Jin Guangyao make such a thing?"

Sect Master Yao said: "Proclaiming yourself a god is arrogant and arrogant."

"That's really arrogant. Hahaha."

Wei Wuxian thought to himself, that's not necessarily the case.

Jin Guangyao's mother was regarded as the most despicable prostitute, so he insisted on carving a statue of Guanyin in her likeness, which would be worshiped by thousands of people and offered incense.

But it makes no sense to say this now. No one knows better than Wei Wuxian, no one will care, and no one will believe him. Everything related to Jin Guangyao will be subject to the most malicious speculation, and it will be widely circulated among the people.

Soon, this coffin will be sealed into a larger and stronger coffin, nailed with seventy-two peach wood nails, buried deep in the ground, a warning monument erected, and suppressed at the foot of a certain mountain.

The things sealed inside will never be reincarnated under heavy restrictions and thousands of curses.

Nie Huaisang leaned against the door and watched as several family heads carried the coffin out of the threshold of the Guanyin Temple. He lowered his head and patted the dirty dirt at the hem of his clothes. He seemed to have seen something and was convinced. Wei Wuxian also looked over. . What fell to the ground was Jin Guangyao's hat.

Nie Huaisang bent down and picked it up, then walked leisurely out the door.

The fairy was waiting outside for her master and became impatient, so she howled twice. Hearing this voice, Jin Ling suddenly remembered that it was Jin Guangyao who carried the fairy when it was a clumsy puppy that was no higher than his knees.

He was only a few years old at the time. He got into a fight with other children on Jinlin Terrace, but he was not happy when he won. He threw things in the room and cried loudly. The maids and servants did not dare to approach him for fear of being thrown away by him. middle. His little uncle came out with a smile and asked, Aling, what's going on? He immediately smashed five or six vases at Jin Guangyao's feet. Jin Guangyao said: "Oh, it's so fierce, I'm scared to death." He shook his head and walked away as if he was very scared.

The next day, Jin Ling was so angry that he didn't go out or eat. Jin Guangyao was hanging around the door of his room. Jin Ling leaned against the door and shouted, "Don't bother me." Suddenly, a little puppy's howl came from outside the door.

He opened the door, and Jin Guangyao was squatting in front of the door, holding a black-haired puppy with round eyes and shiny eyes in his arms. He raised his head and smiled at him: "I found such a gadget, I don't know what to call it." , Arling, do you want to give it a name?"

That smile was gentle and genuine. Jin Ling couldn't believe that Jin Guangyao was faking it.

Suddenly, tears rolled down from his eyes again.

Jin Ling always thought that crying was a sign of weakness and scorned it, but apart from bursting into tears, there was no other way to vent the pain and anger in his heart.

I don't know what's going on, but it seems like he can't blame anyone, and he can't hate anyone. Wei Wuxian, Jin Guangyao, Wen Ning, each one is more or less responsible for the death of his parents. He has reasons to hate each one, but it seems that each one has such and such reasons that make him hate them. stand up. But if he didn't hate them, who else could he hate? Did he deserve to lose his parents as a child? Could it be that not only was he unable to avenge himself, he could not take action, but he could not even hate purely, thoroughly and unscrupulously?

I always feel unwilling. I always feel wronged. I wish I could have died together a hundred times.

Seeing him staring at the coffin and crying silently, Sect Leader Yao said, "Young Master Jin, why are you crying? Crying for Jin Guangyao?"

Seeing that Jin Ling didn't speak, Sect Master Yao said in a reproachful tone as an elder scolding his junior: "Why are you crying? Put away your tears. People like your uncle are not worthy of crying for him. Young Master, I'm not telling you, you can't do this So weak? This is the kindness of a woman. You have to know what is right and what is wrong, and you should correct yourself..."

If we had given them a hundred courage in the past when the head of the Lanling Jin family was still the Immortal Governor who unified hundreds of families, these heads of other sects would never have dared to regard themselves as elders and teach the children of the Jin family. At this time, Jin Guangyao is dead, and the Lanling Jin Sect has no one to support it, and its reputation is almost completely ruined. It is estimated that he will never be able to get up again in the future, so come here if you dare. Jin Ling's mind was already filled with thousands of thoughts and mixed feelings. Listening to Sect Leader Yao's instructions, a burst of anger surged into his heart and he yelled: "I just want to cry! Who are you? Who do you think you are? Even I can't cry." Do you want to take care of it?!"

Sect Master Yao didn't expect to be yelled at because he failed to teach him a lesson. He immediately lowered his face and others whispered to him: "Forget it, don't worry about the child."

He then put away his anger and snorted coldly, saying: "Of course. Oh, why bother with a young boy who doesn't know right from wrong and doesn't know right from wrong?"

Lan Qiren took care of the coffin and loaded it into the car. He looked back and said in shock: "Where is Wangji?"

He had just planned to take Lan Wangji back to Yunshen and have a long talk with him for one hundred and twenty days. If that didn't work, he would lock him up for a while, but he would have disappeared in the blink of an eye. He walked around a few times and raised his voice: "Wangji is here!"

Lan Jingyi said: "Just now I said that we brought Little Apple and tied it up outside the temple. Hanguang-Jun took...brought...to see Little Apple together."

Lan Qiren asked: "What then?"

What happens next? Needless to say. Outside the Guanyin Temple, where are the shadows of Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji, and Wen Ning?

Lan Qiren looked at Lan Xichen, who was slowly following behind him and was still distracted, sighed heavily, and walked away. Lan Jingyi looked around and asked in shock: "SiZhui? What happened? When did SiZhui disappear?"

When Jin Ling heard that Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji were missing, he hurried out and almost tripped on the threshold of the Guanyin Temple. However, no matter how anxious he is, he can't catch up with these two people. The fairy whirled around him happily, laughing and sticking out her tongue. Jiang Cheng stood under a towering tree in the Guanyin Temple, looked at him, and said coldly: "Wipe your face."

Jin Ling wiped his eyes hard, wiped his face, and ran back: "Where is the person?"

Jiang Cheng said, "Let's go."

Jin Ling lost his voice and said, "You just let them go?"

Jiang Cheng sarcastically said, "What else? Stay for dinner? Say thank you and then say sorry?"

Jin Ling became anxious, pointed at him and said, "No wonder he left, it's all because of you! Uncle, why are you so annoying!"

Hearing this, Jiang Cheng raised his hands angrily and cursed, "Is this the way you talk to your elders? Are you looking for a beating?"

Jin Ling shrank his neck, and the fairy also pinched her tail. Jiang Cheng's slap did not land on the back of his head, but was withdrawn feebly.

He said irritably: "Shut up. Jin Ling. Shut up. Let's go back. Everyone go back to their own places."

Jin Ling was stunned, hesitated for a moment, and then shut up obediently.

With his head hanging down, he walked a few steps side by side with Jiang Cheng. He then raised his head and said, "Uncle, did you have something to say just now?"

Jiang Cheng said, "What? No."

Jin Ling said, "Just now! What I saw was that you wanted to talk to Wei Wuxian, but then you stopped talking."

After a long silence, Jiang Cheng shook his head and said, "There's nothing to say."

What to say?

Said, I was not caught by the Wen family because I insisted on returning to Lotus Pier to retrieve the bodies of my parents.

In the small town we passed through on the way to escape, when you went to buy dry food, a group of Wen family monks caught up with you.

I found out early and left where I was sitting and hid on the street corner without being caught. However, they were patrolling the street and soon they would bump into you buying dry food.

So I ran out and lured them away.

However, just like Wei Wuxian who was unable to tell him the truth when he gave him the golden elixir, Jiang Cheng cannot tell him the truth now.