
The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn

The story revolves around Wei Wuxian, a former hero who falls from grace due to his controversial practices of cultivating demonic arts. After being betrayed and killed by those he once trusted, he unexpectedly reawakens years later in a younger form, possessing only fragments of his past memories. Wei Wuxian embarks on a journey to unravel the mysteries surrounding his past and the events that led to his downfall. Along the way, he reunites with his old friend Lan Wangji, a dignified and unwavering disciple of the Cloud Recesses sect. Together, they delve into a complex web of intrigue and deception, piecing together clues and revelations that gradually reveal the truth behind Wei Wuxian's fate. The narrative alternates between Wei Wuxian's present-day adventures and flashbacks to his past life, providing insights into his character development and the relationships he forged with various characters. The story is filled with emotional highs and lows, ranging from intense battles and suspenseful mysteries to tender moments of camaraderie and romance. The novel's writing style is engaging and humorous, making it a captivating read. The intricate plot, rich characters, and emotional depth of the story contribute to its popularity and enduring appeal. The worldbuilding is also impressive, creating a vivid and immersive fantasy setting that readers can easily envision. In addition to the original novel, "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn" has also been adapted into an animated series and a live-action drama series titled "The Untamed" (Chenqing Ling), both of which have garnered immense popularity among viewers. These adaptations further expand the story's reach and allow more people to experience the magic and wonder of "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn."

Levi37 · Fantasie
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119 Chs


The next morning, Wei Wuxian rarely woke up earlier than Lan Wangji. My legs were shaking all day long.

 They took out the tapir incense burner and tossed it over and over for a while. Wei Wuxian took it apart and put it back in its original state, but he still couldn't discover the mystery behind it.

 Wei Wuxian sat on the bank of books and said attentively: "It's not the problem with the incense, it must be the problem with the incense burner. This thing is really amazing. Being immersed in the scene, even if it's empathy, the effect is almost the same. Yes. Isn't it recorded in your library?"

 Lan Wangji shook his head.

 Since he shook his head, it means that there is really no previous record of it. Wei Wuxian said: "Forget it, the incense burner has expired, so why not put it away for now and don't let anyone touch it by mistake. If a master of weaponry comes to visit in the future, just take it out and ask."

 They all thought that the incense burner had expired, but unexpectedly, something unexpected happened.

 Late at night, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji fell asleep together as usual after a storm in the quiet room.

 After a while, he opened his eyes and found himself lying under the magnolia tree outside the library again.

 The sunlight filtered through the flower branches and shone on his face. Wei Wuxian squinted his eyes, raised his hands to cover his face, and slowly sat up.

 This time, Lan Wangji was no longer around.

 Wei Wuxian put his right hand to his lips and shouted, "Lan Zhan!"

 No one answered. Wei Wuxian wondered: "It seems that the effectiveness of the incense burner has not yet expired. But where did Lan Zhan go? Am I the only one affected by the remaining magic power of the incense burner?"

 In front of the magnolia tree, there is a white stone path. A group of Gusulan disciples wearing white clothes and wiping their foreheads pass by in twos and threes carrying books. They seem to be about to go to morning classes. No one glances at Wei Wuxian and still can't see him. Wei Wuxian turned to the library and took a look. Lan Wangji was not in it, neither the big one nor the small one, so he went downstairs again and wandered aimlessly in Yunshen.

 Not long after, he suddenly heard the faint voices of two teenagers talking in low voices. After getting closer, the voice of one of the young people turned out to be very familiar: "...No one was raised in Yunshen's unknown situation before. It is against the rules to do so."

 After a moment of silence, another young man said dullly: "I know. But... I have made a promise and cannot break it."

 Wei Wuxian's heart moved and he looked quietly. Sure enough, it was Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji who were standing on a green lawn talking.

 It was a spring day, and the breeze was blowing. The young man's Lan family jade was like the flawless jade in the mirror. They were all dressed in plain clothes like snow, with wide sleeves and wiping foreheads fluttering, like a scroll. At this time, Lan Wangji also looked about fifteen or sixteen years old. His brows were slightly furrowed, as if he was troubled. What he held in his hand was a white rabbit with a twitching pink nose. There was also a white rabbit at his feet, with its long ears raised. The gentleman stood up and picked up his boots, as if he wanted to climb up.

 Lan Xichen asked: "How can a joke between teenagers be considered a serious commitment? Is it really because of this?"

 Lan Wangji lowered his eyes and said nothing.

 Lan Xichen smiled and said, "Okay, then if my uncle asks, you have to explain it to him. These days, you spend a little more time on them."

 Lan Wangji nodded solemnly and said, "Thank you, brother." After a pause, he added, "...it won't affect your studies."

 Lan Xichen said: "I know Wangji you don't know how to do it. However, you must not tell your uncle who gave them to you. Otherwise he will get very angry and ask you to give them away anyway."

 Hearing this, Lan Wangji seemed to hug the rabbit in his arms a little tighter. Lan Xichen smiled, raised his hand, touched the white rabbit's pink nose with his fingertips, and then left.

 After he left, Lan Wangji stood thoughtfully for a while. The white rabbit flicked its ears in his arms from time to time, looking very comfortable. The one at his feet was getting more and more eager. Lan Wangji glanced down, bent down and picked it up. He put both white rabbits in his arms and stroked them gently. The movements of his hands were completely different from his expression. of gentleness.

 Wei Wuxian was so itchy that he walked out from behind the tree, wanting to get closer to Little Lan Wangji. Unexpectedly, Lan Wangji let go of the white rabbit in his arms, and the aura around him suddenly changed. He turned around suddenly and saw who the person was. His eyes were piercing for a moment, and he immediately froze: "...You?!"

 He was shocked, but Wei Wuxian was even more shocked than him, and asked curiously, "Can you see me?"

 This is really strange. Logically speaking, people in dreams cannot see themselves. But Lan Wangji still stared at him and said, "Of course I can see it. Are you... Wei Ying?"

 The young man in front of him looked to be in his twenties, definitely more than fifteen years old, but he did indeed have the same face as Wei Wuxian. Lan Wangji had difficulty determining the identity of the person coming and was extremely vigilant. If he was wearing a sword at this moment, Bichen would have already unsheathed it. Wei Wuxian reacted very quickly and said seriously: "It's me!"

 When he answered like this, Lan Wangji looked even more wary and took two steps back. Wei Wuxian looked hurt and said, "Lan Zhan, I went through all the trouble to find you, how could you do this to me?"

 Lan Wangji said, "Are you...really Wei Ying?"

 Wei WuXian said, "Of course."

 Lan Wangji asked, "Why do you look different?"

 Wei Wuxian said: "This is a long story. The truth is, I am indeed Wei Wuxian, but the Wei Wuxian seven years later. Seven years later, I discovered an incredible magic weapon that can Traveling back in time and space, I was studying it carefully, and accidentally touched it, and now I'm back!"

 This statement was so ridiculous that it was almost childish. Lan Wangji said coldly: "How to prove it?"

 Wei Wuxian said, "How do you want to prove it? I know everything about you. The rabbit you were holding in your arms just now and the one at your feet were gifts from me? You accepted them so unwillingly at the time, and now you You are not willing to support me even if your brother asks you not to support him. Do you like him?"

 Hearing this, Lan Wangji's expression changed slightly, he hesitated to speak, and said: "I..."

 Wei Wuxian took two more steps toward him, opened his arms, and said with a smile, "What's wrong with you? Are you shy?"

 Seeing his strange behavior, Lan Wangji looked wary as if facing a formidable enemy, and took several steps back. Wei Wuxian hadn't seen Lan Wangji treat him like this for a long time. He was laughing in his heart and pretending to be angry on his face: "What do you mean? What are you hiding from? You Lan Zhan, you have been a couple with me for ten years. , If you fall out, you won't recognize anyone!"

 As soon as this sentence came out, Lan Wangji's handsome face, as ice-like as snow, instantly cracked.

 He said:

 "You and I?"

 "...ten years?"


 The six words were divided into several paragraphs with great difficulty before they were all spoken. Wei Wuxian seemed to suddenly realize: "Oh, I forgot, you don't know yet. Calculating this time, it seems that we have just met not long ago? Did I just leave Yun Shen? It doesn't matter, I will quietly go first Let me tell you, in a few years, we will become Taoist couples soon."

 Lan Wangji: "... Taoist companion?"

 Wei Wuxian said proudly, "Yes! The kind that requires dual cultivation every day. Three matchmakers and six bright matchmakers are marrying each other, and we have worshiped heaven and earth."

 Lan Wangji was so angry that his chest heaved slightly. After a while, a few words popped out between his teeth: "...nonsense!"

 Wei WuXian said: "If I say a few more words, you will know if I am talking nonsense. You like to hug me tightly when you sleep, and you must hold me close to you, otherwise you will not be able to sleep; you always I always kiss for a long time every time, and when it ends, you like to bite me lightly before breaking away; Oh, by the way, you also like to bite me when you are doing something else, and I have never..."

 From the moment he said "Hold me tight", Lan Wangji's expression became unbearable, and became more and more intense as he went on. He seemed to want to cover his ears to block out these dirty words, so he slapped them away with his palm, Said: "Nonsense!"

 Wei Wuxian dodged away and said, "It's nonsense again, another word! Besides, how do you know I'm talking nonsense? Isn't that the case with you?"

 Lan Wangji said word by word: "I...have never been kissed...how can I know what I like when...!"

 Wei Wuxian thought for a moment and said, "That's right. You've never kissed anyone at your age. Naturally, you don't know how you like it when you're a relative. How about you try it now?"

 "..." Lan Wangji was so angry with him that he even forgot to summon his disciples to catch this suspicious person, and instead took action repeatedly, directly taking his pulse. But he was still young at this time, and Wei Wuxian was much faster than him, so he easily avoided it. He still had some time to spare, so he spotted an opening and pinched somewhere on his arm. Lan Wangji hesitated and took advantage of this opportunity. , Wei Wuxian kissed him on the cheek.


 After the kiss, Wei Wuxian let go of Lan Wangji's arm and loosened the grip.

 But Lan Wangji was stunned in place, unable to recover for a long time, and his whole body was sluggish.

 "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha..."

 Wei Wuxian woke up from his dream with a smile.

 He laughed so hard that he almost fell off the couch, but luckily Lan Wangji kept holding his arms around his waist. He smiled like this, and Youzi trembled all over after waking up, which made Lan Wangji also wake up from his deep sleep, and the two of them sat up together.

 Lan Wangji lowered his head, stretched out a hand, gently pressed his temples, and said, "Just now, I..."

 Wei Wuxian continued, "Just now, did you have a dream that when you were fifteen, you met me in my twenties?"

 "..." Lan Wangji looked at him steadily and said, "The incense burner."

 Wei Wuxian nodded and said, "I thought I was more affected by the residue of the incense burner than I was before I fell asleep, but who knew that it was actually you who was more affected."

 The situation tonight is different from last time. The young man Lan Zhan in the dream just now was transformed by Lan Wangji himself.

 Dreamers often don't know that they are dreaming, so Lan Wangji in the dream really thought that he was only fifteen years old. It was originally a serious dream. He went for a walk and raised rabbits early in the morning, but he was bumped into by Wei Wuxian who sneaked into his dream to cause trouble. He caught him and teased him.

 Wei Wuxian said: "I can't survive anymore. Lan Zhan, you hold the rabbit and don't let go, for fear that your brother and uncle won't let you raise it. You love me so much. Hahahahaha..."

 Lan Wangji said helplessly: "...It's late at night, don't disturb others with your laughter."

 Wei WuXian said: "How come we don't make too much noise every night? Why do you wake up so early? If you wake up any later, I will drag you to the hill behind your house to do bad things. Give it to fifteen-year-old Xiaolan Er Brother, please eat meat, hahahaha..."

 Lan Wangji watched him rolling around, but finally said nothing. After sitting upright for a while, he suddenly stretched out his hand, held Wei Wuxian down, and pushed him forward.

 The two of them thought that after the second night, the magic power of the incense burner would have dissipated. Unexpectedly, on the third night, Wei Wuxian woke up in Lan Wangji's dream again.

 He was dressed in black and walked leisurely on the white stone path where the clouds were deep. His red tassels swayed with his steps. After a while, the sound of reading came.

 That direction is Lanshi. Wei Wuxian swaggered outside and saw several Lan family disciples studying in the evening. Lan Qiren was not there, and Lan Wangji was still in charge of supervision.

 The Lan Wangji in the dream tonight still looks like a young man, but he is about the same age as the one Wei Wuxian saw at the bottom of the Xuanwu Cave. He is about seventeen or eighteen years old, with handsome features and the appearance of a famous man, but he still has a youthful air. The youthful spirit. Sit in front of the hall and concentrate your attention. Someone came up to ask questions when he was studying. He glanced at him and was able to answer immediately. His solemn expression was in sharp contrast with the youthful aura.

 Wei Wuxian leaned against the pillar outside the orchid room, looked at it for a while, then quietly flew up to the eaves, and put the Chen Qing to his lips.

 In the orchid room, Lan Wangji was slightly startled. A young man asked: "Sir, what's the matter?"

 Lan Wangji asked: "Who is playing the flute at this time?"

 The young men looked at each other. After a moment, a person said: "Didn't you hear the sound of the flute?"

 Hearing this, Lan Wangji looked slightly stern, stood up and held his sword to go out, just as Wei Wuxian put away his flute, jumped up, and landed lightly and skillfully on the eaves of another house.

 Lan Wangji noticed something strange and shouted in a low voice: "Who is coming!"

 Two clear whistles slipped from the bottom of Wei Wuxian's tongue. The voice was dozens of feet away, and he said with a smile, "It's your husband!"

 Hearing this voice, Lan Wangji's expression changed and he said uncertainly: "Wei Ying?"

 Wei Wuxian didn't answer, so Lan Wangji pulled out Bichen from his back and chased after him. After a few leaps and bounds, Wei Wuxian landed on a high wall somewhere in the depths of the clouds, and stood up on a piece of black tile. Lan Wangji also landed less than two feet away from him. Bichen held it diagonally in his hand, wiping his forehead, sleeves, and robes as they fluttered violently in the night wind, with an air of immortality.

 Wei Wuxian put his hands behind his back and smiled: "What a handsome person, what a handsome skill. Such a beautiful scene, if I can have a pot of handsome emperor smiling, that would be perfect."

 Lan Wangji looked at him steadily for a long time and said, "Wei Ying, you came uninvited and visited Yunshen I don't know what to do at night. What are you doing?"

 Wei WuXian said, "What do you think?"

 "..." Lan Wangji said: "Boring!"

When Bichen's attack came, Wei Wuxian easily dodged it. Although the seventeen or eighteen-year-old Lan Wangji was already very skilled, he could not pose much of a threat to the current Wei Wuxian. After a few back and forth, he found a chance and took a talisman on his heart. Lan Wangji's body froze and he couldn't move. Wei Wuxian hugged him and ran straight towards the mountain behind Yun Shen.

 Wei Wuxian found a dense orchid bush in the back mountain, where he placed Lan Wangji, leaning on a white stone and saying, "What are you going to do?"

 Wei Wuxian pinched his face and said seriously: "Rape."

 Lan Wangji couldn't tell if he was joking, his face turned pale, and he said in a deep voice: "Wei Ying, you...don't act recklessly."

 Wei Wuxian smiled and said, "You know who I am, I just like to mess around." After saying that, he reached out his hand under Lan Wangji's layers of tight white clothes and pinched his key parts. A handful.

 This pinch was neither light nor heavy, very skillful, and Lan Wangji's expression suddenly became very strange.

 The corners of his lips twitched and he pursed his lips tightly, but he finally suppressed the change in his expression and forced himself to remain calm. Unexpectedly, Wei Wuxian took the next step and untied his belt, then took off his lower garments in a few clicks. He weighed the heavy penis that was completely inconsistent with Lan Wangji's handsome face, and praised him sincerely: "Hanguang-Jun, you are really so talented since you were a child."

 After saying that, he flicked the pillar lightly and deftly. With his private parts being played with like this, Lan Wangji looked as if he was so angry that he was about to vomit blood and die. He didn't have the time to think about who Hanguang-Jun was, and said sternly: "Wei Ying!!!"

 Wei WuXian chuckled, "You scream, even if your throat is broken, no one will come to save you."

 Lan Wangji was about to speak, but he saw that after Wei Wuxian finished laughing, he tucked a strand of hair behind his ear and buried his head in his mouth.

 Lan Wangji's eyes were filled with shock, completely in disbelief, and his whole body was stiff.

 Lan Wangji, who is seventeen or eighteen years old, is full of youthful energy, but the size of his penis is still not to be underestimated. Wei Wuxian slowly took the long pillar into his mouth. Before he could swallow it all, he felt the smooth front end pushing against the wall of his throat. The shaft of the pillar was thick and hot, and the strong beating of the veins on the inner wall of the mouth could be felt, and the cheeks were also bulging because they were filled with foreign objects. Although it was quite difficult to swallow, he patiently moved the remaining piece deeper into his throat.

 Wei Wuxian was very familiar with Lan Wangji's thing. He sucked and licked with all his strength, making slurping sounds, as if he was concentrating on tasting the delicious food. Even though Lan Wangji's face was naturally white and impervious to blush, he was already neck-deep at this time. Red ears and shortness of breath. Wei Wuxian struggled to swallow for a long time, his cheeks were sore from being stretched out, but he still couldn't wait for release. He wondered what was going on, so that his oral skills could not be dealt with by the seventeen-year-old Lan Wangji, and he raised his eyes. Look, Lan Wangji looked forbearing. The penis is clearly as hard as iron, but it insists on not leaking, as if it is trying to hold on to some bottom line.

 He was amused in his heart, and the desire to do evil arose again. He repeatedly licked the small ring on the top of the thick glans with his wet tongue. After several deep throats, Lan Wangji finally couldn't hold back and released.

 The semen was extremely thick, and the musky smell filled his throat. Wei Wuxian straightened up, coughed twice, wiped the corners of his mouth with the back of his hand, and swallowed all the semen as he had done every time. After Lan Wangji was released, he didn't know whether it was a physical reaction after the climax or caused by shame, anger and embarrassment. He stared at Wei Wuxian with red eyes and said nothing.

 Seeing this humiliated look, Wei Wuxian's heart softened. He kissed him tenderly on the cheek and said, "Okay, I was wrong. I shouldn't have bullied you."

 As he spoke, he wiped two fingers on Lan Wangji's newly released penis, took back his hand, untied his belt, and took off his lower clothes.

 Wei Wuxian has slender legs, his thighs are as white as jade, his lines are graceful and powerful, and his pair of buttocks are round and straight, giving him a perfect view. Lan Wangji was leaning on the white stone. At this angle, he could clearly see the hidden parts of Wei Wuxian's lower body.

 Wei Wuxian knelt in the orchid grass, turned around, turned his back to Lan Wangji, lay on the ground, and put his fingers stained with white turbidity under his body. The secret hole was hidden in the deep slit of the buttocks. Wei Wuxian slightly opened his buttocks, and then he could get a glimpse of the tiny pink color inside. The hole was very soft and well-behaved. It was originally closed tightly, but Wei Wuxian used two slender fingers to smear the white turbidity that Lan Wangji had ejaculated on the hole. After rubbing it gently for a moment, it opened a little, shyly and timidly. Swallowed the fingertips. Wei Wuxian slowly but firmly moved his fingers to the base, and then started thrusting. After working on it for a while, the pumping speed increased slightly and the front end also lifted slightly.

 When the sound of soaking water came, Wei Wuxian added a third finger and took a gentle breath. It seemed that he couldn't take it anymore. He did what he could, and his twitching slowed down a little.

 In the darkness of the night, these details were originally not obvious, but Lan Wangji's five senses were sensitive and his eyesight was even better. He could not look away as he watched this extremely lewd scene unfold so close to him.

 When in love, Wei Wuxian likes to reach the climax with Lan Wangji, so in order to avoid ejaculation too early, he deliberately avoids the key points in the body when expanding. But Lan Wangji had been taking care of the sensitive points of his body, and he was never satisfied. His inner walls were extremely twisted, and he was contracting in waves as if he was dissatisfied. Sometimes, if his fingers didn't touch that point, his buttocks would move down involuntarily. Shen, put that point on your finger. After such close encounters several times, Wei Wuxian's legs felt a little weak and trembling, and he could hardly kneel down. He quickly removed his fingers, calmed down for a moment, and looked back. The memory machine caught his eye unpreparedly and closed it immediately. eyes.

 Wei Wuxian smiled and said, "Hey, Lan Zhan, what are you doing, silently reciting the Lan family's family motto?"

 Being guessed by him, Lan Wangji's eyelashes trembled, as if he wanted to open his eyes, but he finally held back.

 Wei Wuxian said lazily: "Look at me, what are you afraid of? I won't do anything bad to you."

 His voice was originally pleasant, but when he said this, his tone was lazy and frivolous, like a little hook, but Lan Wangji seemed to be determined not to look, listen, or speak. He resolutely ignored him and remained unmoved. Wei WuXian asked, "Are you really so hard-hearted that you don't want to look at me?"

 After a few more flirtations, seeing that Lan Wangji refused to open his eyes no matter what, Wei Wuxian raised his eyebrows and said, "Well, in that case, you don't mind if I lend you Bichen for a while?"

 As he said that, he took Bichen, who had fallen aside.

 Lan Wangji immediately opened his eyes and shouted sternly: "What do you want to do!"

 Wei WuXian said, "What do you think I want to do?"

 Lan Wangji said: "...I don't know!"

 Wei Wuxian: "Since you don't know what I want to do, why are you so nervous?"

 Lan Wangji: "Me! I..."

 Wei Wuxian stared at him with a smile. He held Bichen in his hand and shook it. He lowered his eyes and kissed Bichen's sword hilt gently. Then he poked out a bright red tip of his tongue and touched it lightly on the sword hilt. Licking carefully.

 Bichen's sword body is like ice and snow, transparent and clear, but the hilt is made of pure silver smelted through secret methods. It is extremely heavy and has dignified and simple carvings. This picture is really very coquettish. Lan Wangji seemed greatly stimulated and said, "Let go of Bichen!"

 Wei Wuxian asked, "Why?"

 Lan Wangji said: "That's my sword! You can't use it...use it..."

 Wei Wuxian wondered, "I know this is your sword. I just like it a little bit, so I just played with it. What do you think I'm going to do with it?"

 "..." Lan Wangji was speechless for a moment.

 Wei Wuxian laughed and said, "Hahahahahahahaha Lan Zhan, what are you thinking about? You are thinking too dirty!"

 Seeing that he not only deliberately denied it, but also slapped him in the face, Lan Wangji looked very excited. Wei Wuxian teased him for a while, then he was satisfied, and then said, "If you want me to move your sword, how about using yourself instead, okay?"

 Lan Wangji couldn't say "good", but he couldn't let Lan Wangji play with him with his sword, making it difficult to answer. Wei Wuxian knelt on the ground, with his back straight, and crawled on top of him on his knees, coaxing: "If you say 'good', I will return the sword to you, and we will do fun things with you. OK?"

 After a while, Lan Wangji spoke two words between his teeth: "...not good!"

 Wei Wuxian raised his eyebrows and said, "Yeah. That's what you said."

 He stepped back from Lan Wangji, sat across from him, spread his legs with a smile, and said, "Then just watch me and Bichen play."

 Such a shameless posture with his legs spread wide allowed Lan Wangji to have an unobstructed view of the private parts of his lower body.

 The two white arms were slightly separated due to the wide opening movement, revealing the pink secret hole between the legs. After the expansion just now, the hole is already a little red and swollen, but it is moisturized and even more delicate. Wei Wuxian turned Bichen's sword upside down and pointed the hilt at the entrance of the secret cave. He took a gentle breath and exerted a little force. The delicate folds were instantly stretched open, sucking the front end of Bichen's sword hilt, and pushing in a small part at once.

 The hilt of Bichen's sword was as cold as a piece of steel, making Wei Wuxian shiver from the cold. His intestines contracted even more violently due to the cold, and even a small section of the sword's hilt was spit out. Wei Wuxian immediately tightened his grip on Bichen, pushed it into his body harder, and slowly thrust into himself.

 The intestines are layered and tightly held, and the hilt is engraved with rugged and primitive patterns. The feeling of scratching in the corridor can drive people crazy. After scraping a certain point in his body, Wei Wuxian let out a low groan and folded his legs slightly. He felt dizzy and his scalp was numb. His front end was full of energy and he had already raised it high.

 From Lan Wangji's side, this was an incredibly lewd scene. Wei Wuxian lay in front of him, and took the initiative to open his legs. The secret hole in his lower body held his Bichen. The hilt of the sword was hard and cold, and the hole was delicate and red and swollen from being poked. It was very pitiful. Even so, Wei Wuxian was still working hard to move it in and out of his body, his movements getting faster and faster, and his thrusts getting smoother and smoother. He was breathing lightly, looking at him with wet eyes, and shouted: "Lan Zhan..."

 "Lan Zhan..."

 These calls had a nasal sound, like pleading with him, or like whispers blurted out when he was confused and infatuated. No matter which one it was, it was enough to make people confused and fascinated. Lan Wangji was unable to close his eyes or look away, staring at his face like a man possessed, staring at him struggling and twisting under Bichen's molestation, staring at He fucked himself until his whole body trembled and his finger joints cracked.

 Wei Wuxian, on the other hand, was completely unaware of the abnormality on his side. He was being fucked hard by Bichen, and his legs unknowingly moved closer and closer until they were tightly clamped. Bite tighter. Wei Wuxian let out a breath, feeling that his arms and legs were weak. He lay on his side on the ground, and was about to rest for a while. Suddenly, his knees were tightly grasped by a pair of hands like iron hoops, and his legs were violently grasped. open.

 Wei Wuxian opened his eyes, and Lan Wangji's frighteningly red eyes met his directly, filled with unknown flames. He held Bichen, pulled it out, and threw it away. When the sword hilt came out of his body, Wei Wuxian groaned, which sounded like he was dissatisfied.

 Lan Wangji shouted angrily: "Shameless!!!"

 He pressed Wei Wuxian to the ground, and his hideous lower body, which turned purple with anger, pushed directly into the clouds. As soon as Fu entered the port, he started pounding hard without stopping.

 As soon as he barged in, Wei Wuxian's legs wrapped around his waist, and he hugged his neck in an extremely cooperative manner, his posture extremely obedient. However, after being fucked for a few times, I felt a little bit too much. Lan Wangji's movements were too rough, and every move seemed to knock his whole body away, causing a dull pain in his buttocks and tailbone. Wei Wuxian shouted: "Be gentle! Second brother, be gentle... "

 It was so good that Wei Wuxian had forgotten that he was now older than Lan Wangji in the dream, but at this moment he blurted out "Second Brother", which not only did not make Lan Wangji calm down in the slightest, but made him even more angry. He was fierce, as if he wanted to punish Wei Wuxian by splitting his butt into eight pieces. Wei Wuxian raised his neck, took a hard breath amid the violent thrusts, and said, "So... hot!"

 The Bichen Sword exuded cold air all over his body, and the hilt of the sword he had just held in his body made Wei Wuxian's intestines softer and softer, but slightly cold. Lan Wangji's penis was thicker and hotter than Bichen's sword hilt. Therefore, every time Lan Wangji thrust forward at this moment, it was like a ball of fire burning into his belly, making Wei Wuxian want to roll on the floor. However, after he had been molesting himself for a long time, coupled with Lan Wangji's rough movements, his body had become limp and lost its independence, and he could only tremble under Lan Wangji's thrusts. At this moment, no matter how much higher his cultivation level was than Lan Wangji, he couldn't resist. He couldn't bear the heat anymore, so he could only dodge and twist his waist to escape, but Lan Wangji grabbed his waist tightly and hit him with several deeper impacts, making him silent.

 Lan Wangji whispered in his ear and asked, "Who is your husband!"

 Wei Wuxian was still too dazed to react at first, but Lan Wangji asked again. A blow from his body almost sent his body and soul flying out of the sky, and he hurriedly said: "You! You! It's you, you are Husband..."

 He asked for it all.

Wei Wuxian gritted his teeth and endured the fucking for a while, the cold tunnel was heated by the friction, and then he gradually felt better. The head of the penis was sharp and angular, thrusting wildly inside his body, while the intestines were slippery and soft, sucking endlessly, twisting and twisting irregularly. The point inside his body was repeatedly pushed and scratched by the slightly curved long pillar, and Wei Wuxian immediately went crazy with pleasure, but he pretended to be weak from being fucked hard, while being pushed along with Lan Wangji's powerful rhythm. Up and down, while grabbing his arm, he whined: "...Second brother...Lan Zhan...please be gentle, please, I hurt...it seems to be bleeding..."

 The place where the two were connected was indeed smooth, and the sound of the sizzling water became louder and louder. Upon hearing this, Lan Wangji immediately lowered his head and looked at the place where the two of them were connected, and immediately shuddered slightly. Wei Wuxian hummed, "Is it bleeding?"

 Lan Wangji took a deep breath and said, "No?"

 Wei WuXian asked, "No? What is that?"

 Lan Wangji said in a low voice: "The water is out."

 I don't know since when, the inner side of Wei Wuxian's thighs has become wet with water, flowing all over it, and Lan Wangji's swollen purple-red penis is also wet with water, which can only be brought out from Wei Wuxian's body. of. Wei Wuxian pretended not to believe it and said, "Really? Really?" As he asked, he grabbed Lan Wangji's hand and led him to touch the place where the two were connected. The penis was strong, the blood was gushing, and the hole was stretched to the limit. Lan Wangji touched a piece of greasy liquid and the closely connected flesh. He suddenly withdrew his hand as if he had been pricked by a needle. He took a look and saw that the liquid was transparent. Yes, it is indeed not blood.

 Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji have an incomparable physical fit. When their love is intense, their bodies tend to react naturally, but at this time Wei Wuxian was deliberately teasing. Seeing the corner of his lips curl up, Lan Wangji knew he had been deceived, so he buried his head and charged forward. Wei Wuxian was broken several times by him in one breath, and he hurriedly said: "...Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan, let me go up, let me Is it okay to be up there?"

 Lan Wangji didn't seem to understand what he meant by "up above" and hesitated for a moment. Wei Wuxian hugged him and tried his best to turn over and reverse his position.

 At this time, Lan Wangji was lying flat on the ground, and Wei Wuxian was sitting on top of him, with his buttocks tightly connected to his crotch. In the process of changing positions, the thick and hot penis was still buried deep in Wei Wuxian's back hole. It was not separated for a moment, but stirred subtly in his belly. He narrowed his eyes in comfort. Another slight wave of dizziness.

 Lowering his head, he wondered whether it was an illusion or not, but he always felt that his flat belly was slightly bulged by Lan Wangji's penis, and he couldn't help but reach out and touch his belly. Without touching him twice, Lan Wangji lifted his buttocks and began to force him to move.

 Wei Wuxian was lifted up and down by him. Together, he was so high that only the hard front end with sharp edges remained inside his body. Once it came down, the thing under his crotch was taken to the deepest point, so deep that he couldn't help but frown. , and the rising and falling speed is extremely fast, with almost no breathing space. In the past, every time the two of them had sex, they had to ride each other, because this position was the deepest and Wei Wuxian liked it the most, but now he suffered the consequences for going too deep. In the dream, the seventeen-year-old Lan Wangji was driven crazy by him and couldn't control his strength at all. However, Wei Wuxian was still being fucked to the point where his legs were shaking and he couldn't stand up, let alone the strength to break free. He was in a very embarrassing situation. He could only place his hands on Lan Wangji's firm abdomen and inhale hissingly.

 Although Wei Wuxian had a slim waist and narrow hips, he still had a lot of flesh on his buttocks. Lan Wangji's fingers dug deeply into the flesh of his buttocks and he kneaded it vigorously. After a while, it turned purple. Wei Wuxian was rubbed all over by him and his buttocks were so painful that he couldn't help but push one of his hands away. Unexpectedly, Lan Wangji, who had waved his hand away, seemed to be extremely dissatisfied with this, his eyebrows furrowed, his face darkened, and with a loud "snap", Wei Wuxian's buttocks were slapped hard by him, the sound was extremely loud, Extremely crisp.

 This slap stunned Wei Wuxian for a moment.

 He has never been hit by several people in this place in his life. Even when he was naughty as a child, Mrs. Yu's whip only hit his back and palms. Jiang Fengmian and Jiang Yanli were even more reluctant to hit him. Seeing other children's naughty children being stripped of their pants and spanked, he felt ashamed and humiliated, and he was very proud that he had never been spanked before. But now Lan Wangji broke this precept, and...it was still broken by seventeen-year-old Lan Wangji.

 Suddenly, Wei Wuxian's face turned red and white, and for the first time, he felt some uncontrollable embarrassment in the midst of love.

 The more he thought about it, the less he could think about it. Half of his buttocks were still burning, so he hurriedly shouted: "I won't do it!" He rolled to the side and rolled off Lan Wangji. He dragged his two limp legs and tried his best to move aside. Crawl away, trying to find his pants. Lan Wangji was having sex, and besides, he had just been teased by Wei Wuxian for a long time by pinching, pinching, flicking, kissing, touching, and threatening, and he was filled with unspeakable anger. , suddenly realized that Wei Wuxian was particularly afraid of being spanked on his buttocks, so how could he let him go so easily? With a wave of his hand, Wei Wuxian's pants that had just reached his knees immediately fell apart. Lan Wangji turned him over, locked his wrists behind his back with one hand, and gave the snow-white buttocks another hard blow with the other hand.

 With a "pop" sound, Wei Wuxian's whole body trembled, and he cried out, "It hurts!"

 It's not that it really hurts, but it's so humiliating that it's unbearable. Wei Wuxian never deliberately suppressed his moans when he was in love, so his voice would be slightly hoarse every time he was in love. This sound did not sound like he was really crying out in pain, but rather had a lingering meaning. Hearing the sound, Lan Wangji paused and looked down.

 Under the palm were the two round and plump buttocks. Due to the two slaps just now, the fair skin turned slightly pink and was intertwined with various rough fingerprints. Due to being forcibly opened and fucked for a long time, the seam of the buttocks was slightly opened, and one could see the red and swollen hole that shrank timidly. It became even more delicate after being filled with blood. It was simply doubtful how he could eat the hilt of Bichen's sword and the terrifying size under his body. of the penis. There were still thin traces of water crisscrossing around the buttocks and thighs.

 Lan Wangji's eyes grew darker and darker as he watched.

 And Wei Wuxian was twisted by him, and he hit Uncle Sheng again, quickly shrinking the back chamber, and making the small mouth work hard to open and close, diverting Lan Wangji's attention, hoping that he would concentrate on doing business and stop interacting with these two pieces of flesh. make life difficult for. Sure enough, Lan Wangji's breathing became heavier behind him, he turned his body over and inserted himself into him again. The entry was extremely smooth, Wei Wuxian was filled to the brim again, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

 Unexpectedly, before he could relax, Lan Wangji slapped him on the buttocks again. Wei Wuxian was trembling all over from being beaten, and his secret hole involuntarily tightened. The mushroom head happened to brush against the sensitive spot, and the front end became more and more stiff and hard, secreting a little bit of white turbidity.

 Next, every time Lan Wangji thrust, he slapped his buttocks. Therefore, every time Wei Wuxian's intestines were tightened when the tip of Lan Wangji's penis reached the fatal point, The front end is also rising more and more. The triple stimulation, layer upon layer, made him feel as if he was in a stormy sea. He whimpered softly: "Don't be like this... Lan Zhan... stop... stop fighting... wake up! Lan Zhan, wake up..."

 He knew that Lan Wangji had always been violent in love, and he had always liked this kind of violence, but to be forced to this point was unprecedented.

 After dozens of slaps in a row, Wei Wuxian's good buttocks were red, hot, slightly swollen, and it was too hot to touch. However, the whole body became more and more sensitive. When Lan Wangji penetrated deep again, , lowered his head to kiss his lips, Wei Wuxian weakly hugged his shoulders, deepened the kiss, and his lower body finally released from exhaustion.

 A stream of milky white turbidity splashed on their lower abdomens. And Lan Wangji followed him closely, releasing all the fluids in his body.

 After hugging each other obediently for a while, Wei Wuxian said in a gravelly voice, "...it hurts..."

 After the second release, Lan Wangji seemed to have finally regained some composure and sanity. He pressed on him and said at a loss: "...Where does it hurt?"

 Wei Wuxian: "…"

 He couldn't say that his butt hurt, so he whispered: "Lan Zhan, please kiss me more..."

 Seeing that he had his eyes lowered and looked uncharacteristically docile, Lan Wangji's fair earlobes turned pink. Yiyan hugged him hard, took his lips in her mouth, and kissed him delicately.

 When the lips parted, Lan Wangji actually bit Wei Wuxian's lower lip gently.

 Then they both woke up.

 Lying on the wooden couch in the quiet room, the two of them stared at each other for a moment with their eyes open, before Lan Wangji hugged Wei Wuxian towards him again.

 Wei Wuxian was held in his arms and kissed for a long time. He looked satisfied and said with narrowed eyes: "Lan Zhan... let me ask you a question. You ejaculate every time. Do you want me to give birth to Mr. Lan for you?" ?"

 In his dream, he was fucked instead of teasing her. When he woke up and saw Lan Wangji, he couldn't help but start talking nonsense again. Lan Wangji was not as easily annoyed as he was before, and simply said: "How can you survive?"

 Wei Wuxian moved his sore arms, rested his head on them, and said, "Oh, if I could have given birth, you would have given birth to a bunch of babies all over the floor if you kept messing with me like this day and night."

 Lan Wangji couldn't bear to hear such obscene words and said, "...Stop talking."

 Wei Wuxian crossed his legs and said with a smile, "Are you shy again? I..." Before he could finish speaking, he suddenly felt Lan Wangji lightly pat his buttocks, and Wei Wuxian almost rolled off the bed, saying :"what are you doing!!!"

 Lan Wangji said, "Take a look."

 Wei Wuxian climbed up, ignoring his trembling legs, and said, "No need, Lan Zhan, I remember what good things you did in your dream. No one has ever treated me like this since I was a child!!! From now on!" You're not allowed to do this either, I'm telling you, if you want to fuck me, then fuck me, I'll open my legs for you to fuck, don't hit anyone!!"

 Lan Wangji pulled him back to the bed and said, "No beating."

 After receiving his promise, Wei Wuxian felt relieved and said, "Hanguang-Jun, you said so."

 Lan Wangji said, "Yeah."

 After three nights of tossing, Wei Wuxian felt sleepy and couldn't go on anymore. He nestled into Lan Wangji's arms again and muttered, "No one has ever treated me like this since I was a child..."

 Lan Wangji touched his hair, kissed his forehead, shook his head and smiled.