
The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn

The story revolves around Wei Wuxian, a former hero who falls from grace due to his controversial practices of cultivating demonic arts. After being betrayed and killed by those he once trusted, he unexpectedly reawakens years later in a younger form, possessing only fragments of his past memories. Wei Wuxian embarks on a journey to unravel the mysteries surrounding his past and the events that led to his downfall. Along the way, he reunites with his old friend Lan Wangji, a dignified and unwavering disciple of the Cloud Recesses sect. Together, they delve into a complex web of intrigue and deception, piecing together clues and revelations that gradually reveal the truth behind Wei Wuxian's fate. The narrative alternates between Wei Wuxian's present-day adventures and flashbacks to his past life, providing insights into his character development and the relationships he forged with various characters. The story is filled with emotional highs and lows, ranging from intense battles and suspenseful mysteries to tender moments of camaraderie and romance. The novel's writing style is engaging and humorous, making it a captivating read. The intricate plot, rich characters, and emotional depth of the story contribute to its popularity and enduring appeal. The worldbuilding is also impressive, creating a vivid and immersive fantasy setting that readers can easily envision. In addition to the original novel, "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn" has also been adapted into an animated series and a live-action drama series titled "The Untamed" (Chenqing Ling), both of which have garnered immense popularity among viewers. These adaptations further expand the story's reach and allow more people to experience the magic and wonder of "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn."

Levi37 · Fantasie
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119 Chs

Beloved female friend-I

He originally didn't expect Lan Wangji to really accompany him, so he raised his head and drank the glass of wine. Unexpectedly, Lan Wangji looked at him in silence for a while, then suddenly rolled up his sleeves, reached out his hand, poured himself a glass of wine, settled on it, raised the glass and drank it slowly.

Wei Wuxian was surprised and said, "Hanguang-Jun, you are too considerate, are you really going to drink with me?"

The last time we drank, Wei Wuxian didn't pay close attention to his expression, but this time he paid special attention.

Lan Wangji kept his eyes closed when drinking, frowning slightly, finishing the glass, pursed his lips imperceptibly, and then opened his eyes. There will also be a shallow layer of water appearing in the eyes.

Wei Wuxian raised his chin at the table and began to count silently in his mind. Sure enough, at the eighth count, Lan Wangji put down his wine glass, held his forehead, closed his eyes - and fell asleep.

Wei Wuxian was completely convinced: he really slept first and then got drunk!

An inexplicable desire to try came to his heart, and he drank the remaining wine in the flask. He stood up and walked around the private room with his hands behind his back. After a while, he walked up to Lan Wangji, bent down and whispered in his ear. Bian asked softly: "Lan Zhan?"

Shouldn't. Wei Wuxian asked again, "Brother Wangji?"

Lan Wangji rested his forehead with his right hand, breathing very steadily and gently.

The face and the hand holding the forehead are all white and flawless, like beautiful jade.

The faint scent of sandalwood exuding from his body was originally cold and somewhat desolate. However, at this moment, the sandalwood was filled with alcohol, and the cold fragrance was filled with a hint of warmth, as if mixed with a hint of drunken sweetness, which turned out to be slightly intoxicating.

Wei Wuxian got closer, and the fragrance lingered in his breath. Involuntarily, he leaned lower, closer to him, and vaguely thought: "It's strange... how come it seems like this?" A little hot?"

In the fragrance of wine and sandalwood, his face was getting closer and closer, but he didn't realize it, and his voice became deeper. With a bit of frivolity, he murmured: "Lan Er... brother..."

Suddenly, a faint voice came: "Young Master..."

Wei Wuxian's face was already close to Lan Wangji's, and the word "brother" at the bottom of his tongue was about to come out of his mouth. He woke up when he heard the sound, his soles slipped, and he almost fell down.

He immediately blocked Lan Wangji behind him and turned to face the wooden window from which the sound came.

The wooden window was knocked carefully, and a small voice floated in along the crack of the window: "Master..."

Only then did Wei Wuxian realize that his heart was beating a little too fast, and he thought something strange to himself. He calmed down, walked over, and immediately put up the window. I saw a man in black hooking himself to the eaves, hanging upside down outside the window, and was about to knock again. Wei Wuxian suddenly opened the window and hit him on the head. He let out a soft cry, held the window sash with both hands, and faced Wei Wuxian.

A gust of cold night wind blew through the window. Wen Ning opened his eyes, and his eyes were no longer dead white, but now had a pair of quiet black pupils.

The two of them were like this, one standing and the other hanging upside down, looking at each other for a long time.

Wei Wuxian said, "Come down."

Wen Ning suddenly lost his grip on the eaves and fell down, falling hard to the ground downstairs.

Wei Wuxian wiped the non-existent cold sweat from his forehead.

He thought to himself: "This place has been chosen so well!"

Fortunately, I chose this wine shop. For the sake of tranquility, the wooden window in the private room faces not the pedestrian street, but a small forest. Wei Wuxian picked up the pole and propped up the wooden window, leaned out of the window and looked down. Wen Ning's body was so heavy that it made a human-shaped pit on the ground. He was lying in the pit, but his eyes were still staring at him.

Wei Wuxian lowered his voice and shouted to him: "I'm asking you to come down, not asking you to go down. 'Come', do you understand?"

Wen Ning raised her neck and looked at him, climbed up from the pit, patted the dirt on her body, and said hurriedly: "Oh. I'm here."

After saying that, he hugged the pillar again and prepared to climb up along it. Wei Wuxian said, "Stop! You are right there. I will go find you."

He returned to Lan Wangji, lay down in his ear and said, "Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan, you must get some sleep. I'll be back soon. Will you be good?"

After he finished speaking, his hands felt a little itchy and he couldn't help but lift Lan Wangji's eyelashes with his fingertips.

Lan Wangji's long eyelashes trembled slightly as he teased her, his brows furrowed slightly, and he felt a little uneasy. Wei Wuxian retracted his claws, jumped out of the window, rose and fell on the branches and leaves at the corners of the eaves, and landed on the ground. As soon as he turned around, Wen Ning knelt down in front of him.

Wei Wuxian asked, "What are you doing?"

Wen Ning said nothing and lowered his head. Wei Wuxian said, "Do you have to talk to me like this?"

Wen Ning whispered: "Master, I'm sorry."

Wei WuXian said, "Alright."

After saying that, he also knelt down in front of Wen Ning. Wen Ning was startled and hurriedly kowtowed to him. Wei Wuxian also kowtowed to him immediately. Wen Ning jumped up in fright, and Wei Wuxian stood up, dusted off his hem, and said, "Isn't it a good idea to speak with your back straight like this?"

Wen Ning lowered his head and did not dare to speak. Wei WuXian asked, "When did you regain your consciousness?"

Wen Ning said, "Just now."

Wei WuXian said, "Do you still remember what happened when the skull was nailed to your head?"

Wen Ning said, "Some remember...some don't."

Wei Wuxian asked, "What do you remember?"

Wen Ning said: "I remember being tied up with chains in a dark place. It seems like someone comes to check on me occasionally."

Wei WuXian said, "Do you remember who it is?"

Wen Ning said, "I don't remember. I just know someone hammered something into my head."

Wei Wuxian said: "It should be Xue Yang. He also used skull nails to control Song Lan. He used to be a guest of the Lanling Jin Sect, but I don't know whether he did this on his own or under the instruction of the Lanling Jin Sect. "Yes." After thinking for a while, he added: "It should be the instruction of the Lanling Jin clan. At that time, it was announced to the outside world that you had been crushed to ashes. If the Lanling Jin clan had not interfered with it, he would not have been able to hide it alone."

"What happened next? How did you go to Dafan Mountain?"

Wen Ning said: "Later, I don't know how long it took, but I suddenly heard clapping, and when I heard you say, 'I'm not awake yet,' Master, I... broke off the chains and rushed out..."

That was the order Wei Wuxian gave to the three murderous corpses when he was in Mojiazhuang.

In the past, the ancestor of Yiling issued countless orders to the ghost general, so he also heard the first order issued by Wei Wuxian after his return to the world.

So, in a state of chaos, Wen Ning began to follow the guidance of similar people and Wei Wuxian's instructions to find him. The Lanling Jin family also knew that the secret hiding of the ghost general should not be made public, otherwise breaking the news would not only damage the family's reputation, but also cause panic, so even if Wen Ning ran away, they would not dare to pursue the wanted man with great fanfare and would restrain themselves. Wen Ning wandered all the way, and finally caught up with Wei Wuxian's flute call at Dafan Mountain and successfully reunited.

Wei Wuxian sighed and said, "Your 'I don't know how long it's been' means it's been more than ten years."

After a pause, he said: "But it's pretty much the same here. Do you want me to tell you something about what happened over the years?"

Wen Ning said, "I've heard some about it."

Wei Wuxian said, "What did you hear?"

Wen Ning said: "I heard that the mass graves are gone, and the people... are all gone."

In fact, what Wei Wuxian originally wanted to tell him were some innocuous anecdotes, such as the fact that the Lan family's house rules changed from 3,000 to 4,000. Unexpectedly, Wen Ning felt so heavy when he opened his mouth and couldn't help but keep silent.

But it was heavy, and Wen Ning's tone was not sad, as if he had known it would be like this. In fact, this was indeed the case. As early as more than ten years ago, the worst outcome had been predicted countless times.

After a moment of silence, Wei Wuxian said, "What else did you hear?"

Wen Ning said softly: "Sect Master Jiang Cheng led people to surround and suppress the mass graves. I'll kill you."

Wei Wuxian said, "I have to clarify, he didn't kill me. I died of the backlash."

Wen Ning finally raised his eyes and looked directly at him, saying, "But Sect Leader Jiang clearly..."

Wei WuXian said, "It's impossible for a person to walk on a single-plank bridge safely for the rest of his life. There's nothing we can do about it."

Wen Ning seemed to want to sigh, but he had no reason to sigh. Wei Wuxian said, "Okay, let's not mention him anymore. Have you heard anything else?"

"Yes." Wen Ning looked at him: "Mr. Wei, you died miserably."

"..." Seeing his miserable expression, Wei Wuxian said, "Oh, you haven't heard any good news at all?"

Wen Ning frowned and said, "Yes. Really not at all."

"..." Wei Wuxian was speechless.

At this time, there was a loud sound of breaking porcelain in the lobby on the first floor. Lan SiZhui's voice then sounded: "Weren't we talking about Xue Yang before? Why are we making a fuss about this?"

Jin Ling said angrily: "We are talking about Xue Yang, am I wrong? What did Xue Yang do? He is a scum that is worse than a beast. Wei Ying is even more disgusting than him! What do you mean by 'cannot generalize'? This evil way If they remain in the world, they are a scourge, and they should all be killed, dead, and exterminated!"

Wen Ning moved, and Wei Wuxian waved his hand to signal him to stay still. Lan Jingyi also joined in, shouting: "Why are you so angry? Si Zhui didn't say Wei Wuxian shouldn't be killed. He just said that not all those who practice the ghost path are people like Xue Yang. You Is it necessary to throw things around? I haven't eaten that yet..."

Jin Ling sneered and said, "Didn't he also say, 'Whoever created this way may not have thought about using it to do evil'? Who is 'the one who created this way'? Tell me who else besides Wei Ying!" It's really puzzling. Your Gusu Lan family is also a prominent family in the immortal sect. Many of your family members died at the hands of Wei Ying, right? Was it a headache to kill the walking zombies and his gang of minions? Why do you, Lan Yuan Such a strange stance when speaking? Listening to what you just said, could it be that you still want to excuse Wei Ying!"

Lan Yuan is Lan Sizhui's name. He defended: "I don't mean to excuse him. I just suggest that you don't jump to conclusions before you know the whole story. It should be noted that before coming to Yicheng, many people asserted that Chang Ping of the Chang family in Yueyang is Xiaoxing. Was Taoist Master Chen killed for revenge? But what is the truth?"

Jin Ling said: "No one has seen whether Chang Ping was killed by Taoist Priest Xiao Xingchen. Everyone is just guessing. What kind of conclusion is that? But Wei Ying intercepted and killed him with Qi Dao, and the bloodbath lasted for a long time. After two battles, How many monks lost their lives at his hands, Wen Ning and the Yinhu Talisman! This is the fact that countless people see. They cannot quibble or deny! And he instigated Wen Ning to kill my father and me. Mother, I will never forget this!"

If there was any color on Wen Ning's face, it must have completely faded away by now.

He whispered: "...Miss Jiang's son?"

Wei Wuxian remained motionless.

Jin Ling added: "My uncle grew up with him. My grandfather regarded him as his own son, and my grandmother was not bad to him. But what about him? As a result, Lotus Pier once became a magical nest for the Wen family's mob, which caused Yun The Mengjiang clan was torn apart, causing both my grandparents and parents to die, and now only my uncle is left! He was responsible for his own evil, causing trouble and eventually died with no body intact! What else is unclear about the ins and outs of this? What else can be excused? of!"

He was so aggressive that Lan SiZhui didn't say a word. After a while, another young man said: "Okay, why are we arguing about this? Let's not mention it, okay? We are eating, and the dishes are getting cold."

Listening to the voice, it was the "passionate seed" whom Wei Wuxian had ridiculed. Another person echoed: "Zizhen is right, stop arguing. Sizhui means he didn't pay attention to what he said. How can he expect so much from a casual sentence. Mr. Jin, sit down and let's eat together."

"Yes, we all just came out of Yicheng, so we have a life-long friendship...why should we have such an unintentional quarrel."

Jin Ling snorted. Lan SiZhui then spoke, still polite: "I'm sorry, I made a mistake because I didn't think well. Mr. Jin, please sit down. If we continue to argue, it will be bad if we lure Hanguang-Jun down."

Mentioning Hanguang-Jun really had a miraculous effect. Jin Ling stopped humming immediately. There was a sound of tables and benches being moved, and it seemed that they were sitting down. The lobby became noisy again, and the voices of the teenagers were quickly drowned in the interlaced cups, plates, dishes and chopsticks. Wei Wuxian and Wen Ning were still standing quietly in the woods, both with solemn expressions.

In silence, Wen Ning knelt down again silently. It took Wei Wuxian a while to notice his movements, and he waved his hands vaguely, saying, "It's none of your business."

Just as Wen Ning was about to speak, he suddenly looked behind Wei Wuxian and was slightly startled. Wei Wuxian was about to turn around and look, when he saw a man in white walking past him, lifting his foot and kicking Wen Ning on the shoulder.

Wen Ning was kicked until another human-shaped pit was created.

Wei Wuxian quickly grabbed Lan Wangji, who was about to kick him again, and said repeatedly: "Hanguang-Jun, Hanguang-Jun! Calm down your anger!"

It seems that the time to "sleep" has passed and the time to "get drunk" has come. Lan Wangji found it.

This situation is inexplicably familiar, and the historical similarities are really striking. Only this time, Lan Wangji looked more normal than last time, and his boots were not worn backwards. Even when he did something as rough as kicking Wen Ning, his face became more serious, upright, and upright, making it impossible to find any flaws. . After being pulled back by Wei Wuxian, he rolled up his sleeves, nodded, stood there proudly, and stopped kicking as he was told. Wei Wuxian took the time to ask Wen Ning, "How are you?"

Wen Ning said, "I'm fine."

Wei Wuxian said, "Get up if you have nothing to do! Why are you still kneeling down?"

Wen Ning climbed up, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Young Master Lan."

Lan Wangji frowned, covered his ears, turned his back to Wen Ning, faced Wei Wuxian, and blocked his sight with his body.

Wen Ning: "..."

Wei Wuxian said, "You'd better not stand here, Lan Zhan, uh, doesn't really like seeing you."

Wen Ning said: "...What's wrong with Mr. Lan?"

Wei WuXian said, "Nothing. Just drunk."

"Ah?" Wen Ning was confused and seemed unable to accept this fact. After a long while, he finally said: "Then... what should we do?"

Wei WuXian said, "What else can I do? I'll take him into the house and throw him on the bed to sleep."

Lan Wangji said: "Okay."

Wei Wuxian said, "Huh? Aren't you covering your ears? How come you can hear me again?"

This time Lan Wangji didn't answer, and still covered his ears tightly, as if he wasn't the one who interrupted just now. Wei Wuxian couldn't laugh or cry, and said to Wen Ning, "Be careful yourself."

Wen Ning nodded and couldn't help but glance at Lan Wangji again. Just as he was about to retreat, Wei Wuxian stopped him again and said, "Wen Ning. You... or else find a place to hide first."

Wen Ning was startled, and Wei Wuxian said, "You have died twice, so take a good rest."

After he left, Wei Wuxian took away Lan Wangji's hands covering his ears and said, "Okay, let's go. No sound can be heard, and no one can be seen."

Only then did Lan Wangji let go of his hand, staring blankly at him with his pale eyes.

The look in his eyes was too clear and upright, and the desire to do evil surged in Wei Wuxian's heart. Something in his body seemed to be ignited, and he smiled maliciously: "Lan Zhan, what am I asking, what do you answer? I let you Whatever you do, you do?"

Lan Wangji said: "Yeah."

Wei WuXian said, "Take off your forehead wiper."

As expected, Lan Wangji reached behind his head, slowly untied the belt, and took off the white forehead smear embroidered with curling cloud patterns.

Wei Wuxian took this piece of forehead wiping in his hand, turned it over and looked at it carefully, and said, "It's nothing special. I thought it contained some shocking secret. Then why did you So angry?" Could it be that Lan Wangji back then simply hated him and all his actions?

Suddenly, he felt his wrist tighten. Lan Wangji tied his hands with his forehead and began to tie the knot slowly.

Wei Wuxian asked, "What are you doing?"

He wanted to see what Lan Wangji was going to do, so he let him act on his own. Lan Wangji tied his hands tightly, first tied a loose knot, then after thinking about it, as if it felt inappropriate, he untied it and changed it into a dead knot. After thinking about it again, I still felt it was inappropriate and hit me again.

Behind Gusu Lan's forehead wiping is a hanging ribbon. It flutters freely and freely when moving, which is very beautiful, so it is also very long. Lan Wangji tied seven or eight knots in a row, forming a series of ugly little knots, and then he stopped with satisfaction.

Wei WuXian said, "Hey, do you want this forehead wipe?"

Lan Wangji frowned, held the other end of his forehead, took Wei Wuxian's hand, and raised it to his eyes, as if appreciating his great masterpiece. Wei Wuxian's hand was lifted up by him, and he thought to himself: "I feel like a prisoner... No, why should I play with him like this? Shouldn't I be playing with him?"

Wei Wuxian suddenly woke up and said, "Untie it for me."

Lan Wangji happily stretched out his hand, repeated his old trick, and reached for his collar and belt. Wei Wuxian said, "Not untie this! Untie this on my hand, untie this thing you tied me up with, this one on my forehead."

If Lan Wangji tied his hands and took off all his clothes, the scene would be really scary just thinking about it!

After hearing his request, Lan Wangji frowned again and remained motionless for a while. Wei Wuxian raised his hand to show him and coaxed, "Why don't you just listen to me? Untie this for me. Be good."

Lan Wangji glanced at him and looked away calmly, as if he couldn't understand what he was talking about and needed to think hard for a while. Wei Wuxian yelled, "Oh, I understand! You're very excited when I ask you to tie me up, but you don't understand when I ask you to untie me, right?"

The Lan family's forehead wiping is made of the same material as their clothes. It looks light and elegant, but is actually extremely solid. Lan Wangji was tied tightly and tied with a long series of knots. Wei Wuxian couldn't get free even though he was twisting left and right, thinking to himself: "This is really shooting myself in the foot. Fortunately, it was wiping my forehead and not something else." Something like a fairy rope, otherwise he would have tied me up."

While Lan Wangji was looking into the distance, he was holding on to the band wiping his forehead, pulling and shaking it, as if he was having a great time playing with it. Wei Wuxian begged, "Can you untie me? Hanguang-Jun, how could you, an immortal like you, do such a thing? What are you doing by tying me up? It's so bad, show it to others." What should we do when we arrive? Huh?"

After hearing the last sentence, Lan Wangji pulled him towards the woods.

Wei Wuxian was dragged away by him, staggering as he said, "You, you, wait a moment. I mean it's not good for others to see it, not that I want you to show this to others. Hey! Are you pretending not to listen? Understand? You did it on purpose, right? You only understand what you want to understand, right? Lan Zhan, Lan Wangji!"

Before he finished speaking, Lan Wangji had dragged him out of the woods, back to the street, and re-entered the lobby from the first floor of the restaurant.

A group of juniors were still eating, drinking, and having fun. Although it was a little unpleasant just now, young people always forget unpleasant things immediately. They were enjoying their drinking party, and several bold juniors from the Lan family wanted to drink secretly. Someone kept watching the stairs on the second floor to avoid being discovered by Lan Wangji. No one expected that Lan Wangji would suddenly drag Wei Wuxian with him. They walked in from the door that they were not prepared for, and when they turned around, they were all stunned.

With a bang, Lan Jingyi rushed to hide the wine cup on the table, knocking over several dishes along the way. It had no hiding effect at all, but made the object he wanted to hide more conspicuous. Lan SiZhui stood up and said, "Han, Hanguang-Jun, why did you come in from here again..."

Wei WuXian smiled and said, "Haha, you Hanguang-Jun got too hot, so you came out to enjoy the breeze and made a surprise attack on a whim. No, I really caught you stealing wine."

He prayed in his heart that Lan Zhan had better drag him upstairs without talking to anyone or making any unnecessary movements. As long as he continued to maintain his cold appearance without saying a word, no one would notice that anything was wrong with him.

As soon as he thought this, Lan Wangji pulled him to the table of the juniors.

Lan SiZhui was shocked and said, "HanGuang-Jun, your forehead..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Wei Wuxian's hand.

Lord Hanguang's forehead wiper was tied to Wei Wuxian's wrist.

As if not enough people had noticed this, Lan Wangji held up Wei Wuxian's hand with the bandage used to wipe his forehead, and showed it to everyone.