
The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn

The story revolves around Wei Wuxian, a former hero who falls from grace due to his controversial practices of cultivating demonic arts. After being betrayed and killed by those he once trusted, he unexpectedly reawakens years later in a younger form, possessing only fragments of his past memories. Wei Wuxian embarks on a journey to unravel the mysteries surrounding his past and the events that led to his downfall. Along the way, he reunites with his old friend Lan Wangji, a dignified and unwavering disciple of the Cloud Recesses sect. Together, they delve into a complex web of intrigue and deception, piecing together clues and revelations that gradually reveal the truth behind Wei Wuxian's fate. The narrative alternates between Wei Wuxian's present-day adventures and flashbacks to his past life, providing insights into his character development and the relationships he forged with various characters. The story is filled with emotional highs and lows, ranging from intense battles and suspenseful mysteries to tender moments of camaraderie and romance. The novel's writing style is engaging and humorous, making it a captivating read. The intricate plot, rich characters, and emotional depth of the story contribute to its popularity and enduring appeal. The worldbuilding is also impressive, creating a vivid and immersive fantasy setting that readers can easily envision. In addition to the original novel, "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn" has also been adapted into an animated series and a live-action drama series titled "The Untamed" (Chenqing Ling), both of which have garnered immense popularity among viewers. These adaptations further expand the story's reach and allow more people to experience the magic and wonder of "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn."

Levi37 · Fantasie
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119 Chs

About to leave-II

Mrs. Jin raised her eyebrows and scolded: "Zixun!"

Upon hearing this, Wei Wuxian's smile suddenly disappeared.

He said: "Tutor?"

He slowly turned back and said, "The evil devil is going astray?"

Lan Wangji said in a deep voice, "Wei Ying."

Jin Zixun and others also noticed the unusual atmosphere and looked at him with bated breath. Wei Wuxian smiled again and said, "You want to know why I don't wear a sword? It doesn't hurt to tell you."

He turned around and said word by word: "Because I just want you to know that even without a sword, I can conquer the world with just the 'devil's evil ways' that you call me, leaving all of you behind."

As soon as this sentence came out, almost everyone present was stunned.

No member of the aristocratic family has ever dared to say such extremely arrogant words in front of so many people. After a long while, Jin Zixun finally came to his senses and shouted: "Wei Wuxian! You are just the son of a domestic servant, but you are too arrogant!!!"

Upon hearing those four words, Lan Wangji's eyes narrowed, Wei Wuxian's pupils shrank suddenly, and his right hand seemed to be about to support Chen Qing. Just when the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder, and it was about to explode, someone suddenly said: "Axian!"

Hearing this voice, Wei Wuxian felt relieved and turned around, "Senior sister?"

Jiang Yanli waved to him and said, "Axian, stand behind me."

Wei Wuxian was startled, but before he could make a move, Madam Jin hurriedly took her hand and said, "Ali, don't get involved in their affairs." Jiang Yanli smiled apologetically at Madam Jin, stepped forward and blocked her. In front of Wei Wuxian, he bowed to Jin Zixun and others.

Jin Zixun and others didn't know how to respond. Some people returned the gift sparsely, while others didn't. Jiang Yanli spoke softly to Jin Zixun: "Master Jin, what you just said is that Ah Xian took 30% of the prey in Baifeng Mountain by himself. He was unruly and too arrogant. I... ...I have never heard of such a thing. I think it has indeed caused trouble to you, so I apologize to you on his behalf."

After saying that, he bowed again, which seemed to be a serious apology. Wei Wuxian said, "Senior sister!"

Jiang Yanli refused to stand up, looked at him, and shook his head imperceptibly. Wei Wuxian could only clench his fists and say nothing.

Jin Zixuan stared at this side from a distance with a complicated expression. Jin Zixun and others did not hide the proud expressions on their faces at all, they were extremely happy.

Jin Zixun laughed and said: "Miss Jiang is really generous and decent, and understands the truth. What your junior brother did was indeed very wrong, and it did cause a lot of trouble. But since you know that it is wrong, for the sake of Miss Jiang and Sect Leader Jiang In terms of face, there is no need to apologize, the Yunmeng Jiang family and the Lanling Jin family are already brothers and sisters."

He almost laughed arrogantly. Wei Wuxian's heart surged with anger, and the joints of his clenched fists cracked. Just as he was about to speak, Jiang Yanli bowed, straightened up, and said seriously: "But, even though I have never participated in a hunt, there is one thing. But I do know that—throughout the ages, I have never heard of a rule that prohibits one person from hunting too much."

The proud smiles on the faces of the people in the circle froze before they stopped.

Jiang Yanli said: "So, you said A-Xian didn't abide by the rules. Which rule did he not abide by?"

This time, it was Wei Wuxian's turn to laugh out loud.

Jin Zixun's face turned blue, but he didn't refute. There were two reasons. First, he had never seen Jiang Yanli stand up and speak out, so he had difficulty knowing how to respond. Both Mrs. Jin and Jiang Cheng valued Jiang Yanli very highly, so he did not dare to rush into him casually. Second, he wanted to pursue the case. Get up - I really can't find this rule!

At this time, someone in the crowd couldn't help it. At such times, Sect Master Yao is always the first to jump out. He said: "Miss Jiang, you are wrong to say that. Although some rules are not written down, everyone knows them in their hearts and abides by them. rule."

One person shouted: "How many prey are there in total in Baifeng Mountain? Are there five hundred? How many people participated in the hunt? More than five thousand! He had already taken over the head, but he took so many prey with malicious means alone. What should others do?"

Wei Wuxian sneered and was about to speak when Jiang Yanli stopped him and whispered, "Stop talking."

One person said dissatisfied: "Yes, otherwise I wouldn't have caught one until now!"

Jiang Yanli said: "But...it's not his fault that others can't hunt him."

The man choked, and she continued: "Isn't hunting just about strength? Even if there are no more ghosts, aren't there still demons and monsters left? Even if he doesn't take the one third, he doesn't even participate in the hunt. Yes, people who can't hunt are still not hunted. Although the method used by A Xian is different from others, it is also a skill he has cultivated. You can't say that he is just because others don't have access to the one-third of the prey. It must be the devil's crooked way."

Many of those who followed Jin Zixun's hesitation were as pale as Jin Zixun. They were worried about Jiang Yanli's identity and did not dare to refute her directly.

Jiang Yanli added: "Besides, a hunt is a hunt, so why should I blame my tutor? Ah Xian is a descendant of my Yunmeng Jiang family. He grew up with my sister and brother, and we are more in love than brothers. I blurted out to him." 'Son of a domestic servant', I cannot accept it. Therefore..."

She straightened her back and said loudly: "I hope that Young Master Jin Zixun can apologize to Wei Wuxian of the Yunmengjiang Sect!"

If it were not Jiang Yanli who said this at this moment, but just anyone else, I'm afraid Jin Zixun would have slapped him away. His face was blue and he remained silent. Jiang Yanli also stared at him quietly, never changing his gaze. Mrs. Jin said: "A Li, whatever you do so seriously is just a trivial matter, so don't be angry."

Jiang Yanli said softly: "Madam, A-Xian is my younger brother. For others to insult him, it is not a small matter for me."

Mrs. Jin glanced at Jin Zixun and snorted: "Zixun, did you hear that?"

Jin Zixun said: "Auntie!"

If he wanted to apologize to Wei Wuxian, that was absolutely impossible. How could Mrs. Jin not know his character? But the situation was already unpleasant. Thinking that Jin Zixun would definitely make a lot of noise when he returned to Jinlintai after apologizing, he became even more upset. He wanted to press his neck and make him apologize quickly. At this moment, two sword lights flew towards them, and it was Jin Guangyao and Lan Xichen who came.

Lan Wangji said: "Brother."

Lan Xichen wondered: "Wangji, why are you here?"

Jin Guangyao said, "Everyone, what's going on here?"

As soon as he arrived, both of them instantly found an outlet for their pent-up anger. As soon as Jin Guangyao landed on the ground, Mrs. Jin scolded: "You are still laughing! How can you still have the nerve to laugh after such a big thing happened! This is the hunting party you organized, trash!"

Jin Guangyao has always had such a smiling face, but unexpectedly he was scolded so much when he first arrived. He quickly suppressed his smile and said honestly: "Mother, what happened?"

Mrs. Jin glanced at her and said, "What's wrong? You can't see for yourself? Aren't you very good at observing people's emotions?"

Jin Guangyao was silent, and Jin Zixun said: "One-third of the prey in the entire Baifeng Mountain hunting ground is gone, what else do these five thousand people hunt?!" He took the opportunity to confuse Wei Wuxian's apology. , but before he could scold him again, Lan Xichen said: "Lianfangzun is already planning to expand the hunting grounds. Everyone, please be patient."

When Lord Zewu spoke, Jin Zixun knew that his words were inappropriate and he could not get angry at Jin Guangyao anymore. He threw his bow and arrow to the ground and sneered: "This hunting is simply a farce! That's all. It doesn't matter if you don't want to participate. I'm quitting. ."

Jin Guangyao was startled and said: "Zixun, the arrangements will be made soon. We will wait for at most half an hour..."

Sect Leader Yao also said: "Master Jin, there is no need!" Jin Zixun said: "There is no fairness in hunting anymore, why are you waiting? I won't accompany you!" After that, he led his monks to leave with their swords. Jin Guangyao hurriedly stepped forward to persuade. Some were clamoring to follow Jin Zixun, while others were unwilling to give up. They were hesitant and suddenly became a mess. Jiang Yanli shook his head and said to Mrs. Jin, "Mrs. Jin, I'm causing trouble for you."

Mrs. Jin waved her hand and said, "What did you tell me to cause trouble? If you want to scold that silly boy Zixun, feel free to scold him. I don't care about him. If you don't feel relieved, I'll beat him for you."

Jiang Yanli said: "No, no, no... then, I'll go back first."

Mrs. Jin hurriedly said: "Let's go back to the hunting platform? I'll ask Zixuan to take us back."

As she spoke, she kept winking at Jin Zixuan, who had been standing in the distance for a long time. Jiang Yanli whispered, "No need. I have something to tell A-Xian. He can just send me back."

Mrs. Jin raised her eyebrows and looked at Wei Wuxian for a few times. Her eyes were slightly wary, as if she was slightly unhappy, and she said, "How can you two young men and women stay together all the time when no one is watching?"

Jiang Yanli said: "Axian is my younger brother."

Mrs. Jin said: "A-Li, please don't be angry. Tell me what stupid thing this stinky, tough boy has done, and I'll ask him to make an apology to you."

Jiang Yanli shook his head and said, "There's really no need. Mrs. Jin. Don't force him."

Mrs. Jin said anxiously: "How can you force it? You can't force it!"

Wei WuXian nodded and said, "Please stay with me for a little longer, Mrs. Jin."

He and Jiang Yanli bowed slightly and turned around to leave. Mrs. Jin desperately dragged Jiang Yanli's hand to prevent her from leaving. While they were pulling and tugging, Jin Zixuan suddenly ran out and shouted: "Jiang girl!!!"

Wei Wuxian pretended not to hear, pulled Jiang Yanli and said, "Senior sister, hurry up."

Jin Zixuan shouted again: "No, Miss Jiang!!!"

Now there was no way he could pretend not to have heard anything, so Wei Wuxian had no choice but to turn back with Jiang Yanli. Even Jin Zixun and others who were making noises over there were also attracted. Everyone was wondering what Jin Zixun meant when he said "no". Jin Zixuan took a few steps forward, as if he wanted to catch up, but stopped again, standing far away, taking a few breaths, and veins popped out on his forehead.

After a long while, he suddenly shouted: "No, Miss Jiang! It's not my mother! It's not what she meant! No forcing, I won't force it at all!!"

After holding it in for a moment, he roared: "It's me! It's me! It's me who wants you to come!!!"

Jiang Yanli: "..."

Wei Wuxian: "…"

Mrs. Jin: "..."

Jin Zixun: "..."

After shouting these few words, Jin Zixuan's fair face instantly turned into a bright red that was almost bleeding.

He staggered back a few steps, holding on to a tree before he stood firm. He looked up and was stunned, as if he had just realized that there were many people here, and then remembered what he had said in front of so many people. , was stunned for a long time, then suddenly reacted, yelled, and ran away.

After a long moment of silence, Mrs. Jin became furious and said: "You idiot! Why are you running away!"

She grabbed Jiang Yanli and said, "Ali, let's continue talking on the hunting platform later! I'll catch him first!" Then she left, leading a group of monks to hurriedly rise with their swords, towards Jin Zixuan He chased and shouted in the direction of escape. Wei Wuxian never expected such a development. Being made such a fuss about, he couldn't help but laugh and cry, saying, "What the hell is he doing! Senior sister, let's go."

Jiang Yanli was stunned and nodded. Wei Wuxian waved to Lan Wangji and said, "Lan Zhan, let's go."

Lan Wangji nodded slightly and said nothing, silently staring at his and Jiang Yanli's backs slowly disappearing into the forest. Over there, Jin Guangyao finally couldn't stop Jin Zixun and others. A group of people complained about Yu Jian's departure. Most of the crowd that had originally gathered was reduced in an instant, and the rest were not lively after watching. It is also gradually spreading out. Jin Guangyao wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with a wry smile: "This is really..."

Lan Xichen patted him on the shoulder and said, "What happened today is not your fault."

Jin Guangyao sighed, pinched his brows, and said, "I'm afraid I won't be able to finish it in an hour."

Lan Xichen asked: "Why?"

Jin Guangyao said: "In fact, not only did Mr. Wei take a third of the prey, but the eldest brother also swept away almost half of the monster prey."

Hearing this, Lan Xichen smiled and said, "You are indeed the eldest brother." Lan Wangji was thoughtful. Jin Guangyao said with a headache: "So the scope of the hunting ground may have to be expanded."

Lan Xichen said: "Then let's get started now."

Jin Guangyao said apologetically: "I'm sorry, second brother, you are here to participate in the hunt, so I have to trouble you to come over and help me temporarily."

Lan Xichen smiled: "It doesn't matter. Wangji, should we go first, or should you come and help?"

Lan Wangji silently summoned Bichen and said, "Help."

After they Yu Jian left, there were only a few people left in the woods, still chatting. Not long after, a man strode out of the forest. Seeing this, he was slightly startled.

The person coming was none other than Jiang Cheng. He heard people discussing in Baifeng Mountain that the sword lights of Lan Wangji and Jin Zixuan appeared in the sky. It seemed that the two men were fighting. He was worried that Jiang Yanli was also with Jin Zixuan and came to check, but he missed the opportunity. Everyone is astigmatized. Jiang Cheng saw that among these people, only Sect Master Yao looked familiar, and said, "Sect Master Yao, what happened here just now?"

Sect Master Yao glanced at him and said meaningfully: "Sect Master Jiang, Wei Wuxian of your sect is really a character."

Jiang Cheng frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

Sect Master Yao laughed and said, "I don't dare to say what I mean. Sect Master Jiang doesn't need to take my words to heart."

Jiang Cheng's face darkened, knowing that the words would not be good. He thought that he would have to settle the accounts with Wei Wuxian later. He had no intention of quarreling with the mysterious person again, so he turned around and walked out of the woods. As he walked, he faintly heard the rustling sound of discussion coming from behind him. He seemed to be keeping it very low for fear of being heard by him, but his five senses were sensitive and he could still hear the words clearly.

A family head said sourly: "Lotus Pier is so popular this time. Almost all the evil corpses and resentful spirits have been summoned to Yunmeng Jiang's camp. I am sure many monks will go to his house."

Sect Leader Yao said, "What can I do? Why don't we have Wei Wuxian in our family?"

"It's not necessarily a good thing to have Wei Wuxian around. I don't want someone like this in my family to cause trouble for me every day."

"This Wei Wuxian is too arrogant... Anyway, as long as he participates in night hunting from now on, I won't go."

One person sneered: "Hey? Going to the Jiang family? Not necessarily. To put it bluntly, weren't you going to go to Wei Wuxian? The Sun Shooting Campaign was all thanks to Wei Wuxian, and the Yunmeng Jiang family became famous. ..."

Jiang Cheng's whole person looked gloomy.

There seemed to be something that cast a lingering shadow on his face and heart.