
Doomed world

It was no surprise to him what he had arrived at: a world besieged by demons. He had programmed the wormhole drive to scan for dimensions where Earth was in danger, and it had brought him to one where the demons had been destroying for some time, as evidenced by the fallen cities.

A quick scan revealed that these demons were equipped with cybernetics, and a logo on their uniforms indicated that they were from the Union Aerospace Corporation, or UAC.

A dead facility on Mars with a glowing portal beneath it further confirmed his suspicions.

He wasn't sure if his assumption that the human population had been reduced to 40% of its previous size by the time the Doom guy had killed the Dark Lord was correct, but he was determined to save as many people as he could.

He activated the forge on his ship, the Blackstar, and began producing drones by the dozens. Some were sent to search the world for survivors, while others were sent to central North America to establish a beachhead and camp for survivors to gather.

These drones were divided into platoons, each consisting of 10 "Pathfinder" drones and 5 "Sentinel" drones.

The Pathfinder drones were humanoid in shape, with fully dextrous digits and metallic bodies made of a superalloy called a nebulon. They were equipped with Quantum Disruptor rifles, which could disrupt subatomic structures and cause a disintegration effect on their targets.

The Sentinel drones were spherical, made of the same alloy with Omni-gravitational engines that allowed them to fly. They carried micro-missiles with explosive power similar to surface-to-air missiles, as well as hidden Quantum Disruptor turrets for dogfights.

The drones operated as a hivemind, with one Pathfinder acting as a field commander and transmitting combat data to the others in real time, allowing them to adapt their tactics as needed.

There were also specialized drones, such as Armored and Artillery drones, but they were not currently needed.


One platoon of drones was currently headed towards a Baron of Hell that had been chasing two humans on the outskirts of what used to be Italy. The Pathfinder drones moved into position with clear lines of fire, while the Sentinel drones provided overwatch from above. Now they await the prey.


As Mary and her son Tim fled from the pursuing Baron, they stumbled upon a clearing full of robotic soldiers aiming their weapons at them. Terrified and exhausted, Mary pointed her empty pistol at the robots and shouted, "What the frak are you!?" Just as the Baron roared behind her, she and Tim fell to the ground, with Tim crying and Mary becoming hysterical.

She knew the fate that awaited them if they were captured by the demon, and she saw no other option but to run towards the robots, hoping that death at their hands would be a better fate than being eaten alive.


The drones opened fire on the approaching demons, with a few rushing to grab Mary and her son Tim as they lay on the ground, unconscious due to hysteria. The drones' firepower quickly destroyed any demon that came too close. However, the Baron, despite its massive size, managed to dodge every attack with the grace and agility of a skilled dancer.

The drones retreated, switching tactics as the Baron roared in anger and commanded the lesser demons to charge the platoon with reckless abandon.

Despite the drones' superior weaponry, the demons seemed to be endless. A quick scan of the radar revealed that more demons were converging on their position.

"Pathfinder 1 to Sentinel units: initiate missile barrage," the leader quickly ordered.

"Affirmative, Pathfinder 1," came the response.

Hidden compartments on the Sentinel drones opened, and they launched a barrage of missiles that cleared the surrounding demons.

The Baron was caught off guard and took a direct hit to the arm, which blew off a chunk of its flesh. The drones took advantage of the opportunity to attack, unleashing a barrage of disintegrator beams that reduced the demon to a melting goo.

However, rather than fleeing, the surrounding demons became berserk at the death of their leader.

The drones' shots were deadly, but they were overwhelmed by the sheer number of demons. They called for the dropship, with the Sentinel drones providing cover. At the Pathfinder's command, the Sentinel drones launched another missile barrage to clear a space for the dropship to land. The explosion rocked the area, and the dropship was finally able to land.

The Pathfinder and the unconscious Mary and Tim boarded the dropship, with the Sentinel drones providing escort. The demons roared in frustration as the dropship flew away, with a few flying demons attempting to attack but was quickly shot down by the Sentinel escorts. The mission was a success, but it had been a close call. This would change with time and more data but for now, It was a mission success.


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