
Of Doom and Hope

"Sir, satellite feed detected a mass of daemons amassing in the forty-third sector; shall we send a reaction force?" said one of my staff.

"Do so, lieutenant" He replied before taking a sip of his coffee. The current situation still does not feel real to him.

He had been there when the blasted daemons arrived on Earth. He was there in the thick of things, fighting with his men for the survival of humanity.

After their last defeat, they could only run away to an underground bunker, he thought he would not see the light of day again. Daemons had overrun the world, and their weapons were not enough to stop them.

He had cursed at the gods and to this day continues to do so, for the cruelty they had to suffer. While humanity as a whole has not been an exemplar specie, it still didn't deserve this kind of brutality, many innocents have died that day, some greater than the saints of the churches of old and some are still untarnished, just born but shortly died due to war.

The first to die in the invasion were the faithful, the nutcase, and those awaiting salvation. They, after seeing the daemons had laid their heads on the chopping block spouting words of the oncoming raptures. In a way, he was glad that the religious ones were the first to go and that most of the logical ones survived.

No matter what the church of the old say, faith won't save you from the daemons and the gods won't save us, so it was up to us to survive. In a sense faith in religion died that day and now, against all odds, humanity turned to the trusted and reliable Science for survival.

They made use of the functioning Satellite up top to coordinate attacks, through great leadership and understanding of what the threat is presented, what left of humanity has slowly been able to survive and thrive in the wasteland above, some have even started to fight back.

Their big break came when out of nowhere the traveler arrived, a being of science and with him, is his Iron tide. The unstoppable force, the undying ones.

The daemons, who they thought powerful, died in droves to the sophisticated weaponry of the iron tide! This showed humanity the next path. The next evolution and the path to Salvation!

In the years to come, the remaining survivor of Earth was gathered and brought back to the US mainland, where the great Citadel awaits. It was here that the humans banded together and it was there, that they would lead their counter-attack to the daemon kind.

For the first time in years, humanity finally was safe! And they, the old war dogs had finally had the fighting chance they needed to cull the daemons and retake what's theirs!

The next few years were nothing sort of excellent, new technologies was given by the traveler, unlimited energy, robotics, space flight, and even biological immortality! All this to finally push back the wretched scums!

And now, the great enemy is on its final leg, hoping for a last hail marry attempt at destroying us, but now, no more! This won't be a fight; this will be an eradication! to free our Earth of the filth that is the daemon kind! They shall RIP AND TEAR THEM UNTIL IT'S DONE!


Sundering fire power racks the open field of the great plains as artillery strikes after the other tears through the gathered daemons. While his machine army fought off the surviving ones into melee combat.

The humans; with tremendous their firepower, harrassed them in high vantage point. He expect the daemons to fall by midnight and if not, a couple missile were ready to be deployed. The humans of this Earth gave their all, hatred and scorn lessened for every bullet spent and bodies dropped.

This was unnecessary fight of course, since the Dark lord's demise is just around the corner but while that might be the case, the lingering hatred of humanity wouldn't be satiated.

He knew, they at least needed the fight to be at peace, to not let this hatred turn into bitterness. So he was going to give them this.

He had done his part already and the foundations were laid. It is up to the humans of this world to come out stronger from this.

It is now time for him to leave. He had left the. all his knowledge, on the data banks underneath the Citadel. Each with varying degrees of requirements needed to achieve before unlocking, even the theoretical knowledge of dimensional travel was their's to grab.

He would also leave them his army, controlled by a fully sapient AI general copied from his own; who answered only to the elected Council.

He too has also received a tremendous boon from this dimension. UAC's technology was advanced in some part and has taken stuff that he knew in a different light.

Though his most prize, was the knowledge stored in the Doom fortress. While advance for this universe, it was relatively easy to copy its data cache. The stored data were many, unfortunately some function outside of science but nonetheless they were his new source of imaginative ideas.

He shared much of what he had copy to the doom humans, the night sentinel's technology as a great boon to their recover.

Anyways, the time has come. It's time for him to go.


At the successful defeat of the Dark Lord, all the denizens outside of hell vanish into oblivion. They had achieved their victory but it was then that they notice that the traveler had already left. Nonetheless they strive forward, vowing to never let this invasion happen again and to be kept in mind of their precious life.

In the years to come a statue of the traveler was erected on the Citadel. The humans would go on and discover his gift, advancing their knowledge of the universe.

and maybe someday...they too like the feared Doom Slayer, invade hell for a much deserve revenge.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is challenging, cheer me up!

Creation is complex, cheer me up!


for those who wanna support me in my endeavor. It would really help me out.

CenturionGuardcreators' thoughts