
The magicians odyssey

This is a story about a magician on a journey towards achieving true strength ,in a world of magic and adventure,who will travel the world on his great adventure and meet many people and make many enemy's along the way .

know_one_7828 · Fantasie
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8 Chs

The first night: part two

As they all looked up at the night sky, they were astonished every last one of them at what they saw, casting a lunar eclipse, was a strange structure that was unrecognizable.

"What.. ,what do you think it is ,an emperor ship? "says an adventurer in awe.

"It can't be, i have never seen a ship that big before"says another.

"So, it could be a Storm cloud".

"You must be joking!.., there is no storm that small "says others.

And so, they continued to question the nature of the structure for about several minutes.

"ALRIGHT.., EVERYONE LISTEN !"says an someone in a stern and gritty voice.

They all went quiet as a man in armour stepped forward from the crowd, not a single sound as he looked at them with his cold eye, they all knew who he was.., darr ar zamen , the head warrior of noor.

"What is it head warrior, do you know what we are dealing with here"says an adventurer

"No..,to be honest I do not know what it is or why it's here but I intend to find out! " darr says as he looked up.

"Now listen! ,if you go to the go to the shipyard a few cargo boats should be there".

"I and the other city warrior's have been ordered to stand guard in case it was sent here by an enemy country and..."

"and the city would like to hire us adventurers to investigate that thing up there, am i correct!? "Azir interrupt's.

"....Yes!, as azir said, the city is willing to pay you generously for this service.

" ..but let me warn you ...,whatever happens to any of you up there will be of no concern to the city.., And also if you do not return in three hours,it will deemed to be a threat and shall be shot down by the cannons ,so I suggest you go at your own risk".

"Well I don't know about the others, but it seems like it could be interesting "azir says with a grin as he dashed towards the shipyard at the southern walls.

The others at first start to return to their house, but few stayed behind.

"Well, we can't be outdone by the mad one.. now can't we"says an adventurer.

"You are right, at least not when the city is paying!"says another," as they also leave for the shipyard.

"Well.., let us hope things work out in the end"says darr as he left to prepare for the night.

Along the southern walls was the side entrance of the city , within the management building at the side of wall, azir and the other adventurers already hired a couple of old boats used for traveling across the desert, and got on, and a little while later the vessel started to assend into the air as it's rune's lit up.

The ship went further up in the air, so far above the city that it became nearly invisible in the night sky, as it went went closer to the structure.., azir smile suddenly grew bigger and his eyes widened with astonishment for what he saw.

The structure was nether a ship nor a storm cloud..., it was a small circular island about a quarter of the size of Noor, and near it's edge was a very large palace made of black stone crowned with a white dome with a large hole in it, and encircled by small bars.

All the adventurers are caught- speechless and amazed..,after a while of circulating the island the boat then landed right in front of this palace in it's courtyard, they all got of and went to the palace.., the ground appeared to have been paved with grey tiles as azir and the other adventurers made there way to the black doors.

"I wonder, where ..in.. the world did this palace came from!?"said azir as he touched the giant wooden doors in awe.

"Who knows.., it might be from some distant kingdom like darr said ?" answered an adventure.

"Or maybe..,it might not be of dakani at all! ".

"Huh!..,Well i guess we're not going to find out standing here"says azir as he tries to open the doors..,but it is too heavy to move.

He continues to try but the doors does not budge.., so he signals the others to help and they all try for a couple of minutes but it does not move not even a little bit.

"WHY.. won't.. these.. doors.. MOVE!?"says someone as they continued and tried, but it didn't work still.., then they all stop.

Well this is not getting anywhere"azir says in annoyance,as he then steps back and pulls out his sword.

"Everyone ,MOVE!" he yelled, and they all ran from the doors..,he then pointed his sword at the doors.., and quickly it created a rotating vortex of wind that eventually got faster and bigger.., and a blast was used to break down the doors.

Behind the doors of the palace was a large room ,which would be the main Hall because of it's size, it was almost as large as the tomb for giants, and was covered in red tiles , and lifted by dozens of grey pillars and due to the light stones that were placed in them,it gave the place the illusion that it went on forever.

As the adventurers walked pass the broken down doors, they see the now shattered wedge that was placed on it.

"So that is why!..sigh..., the door was locked"a man exclaimed in annoyance.

"Well that explains it..., but that also means it what i think it means"says azir

"That we would never have been able to open that door!..?"says the first man

"What no,that it was locked from the inside"says kalif

"Well if someone is waiting for us let us not disappoint them"says azir in an excited manner.

They're trip down the room continued till they reached the end ,which was a large throne room who's celling was broken and blue thrones were all broken in half ..,they serched around for some time and find a stair case that led downwards and continued to search.

"Did anyone find anything?"says someone

"No, nothing".


Nothing at all"says them all.

"So i guess we take the stairs"azir remarks as he goes.

And so they carry-on like this, the staircase leads to a long passage way that had several rooms at the sides, but all were empty and the farther they went the more complicated the building got, till the point where they're original path was gone completely.

"Hey azir.., have you noticed that we haven't found anyone here"kalif said with an anxious look.

"Yes, also i think we might be lost"azir says with a pondering look.

"Sigh...i taught as much.., aah! , maybe I should have stayed at home!"exclaimed kalif.

"But something is still bothering me"azir remarks.


"The reason we came here was because the obelisk was active "azirremarks.

"Yes why do you ask".

"I mean why was it active ..,the only thing it tracks are large sources of magic and there's nothing here".

"Who knows something might show U__".

In a sudden flash... faster than anybody could react ..,kalif was gone, impaled trough the chest by a large spike , that emerging trough a wall , and was pulled into the darkness of a room, and the others still in shock, prepare for their new encounter.

Well change of plans, it looks like I'll be releasing new chapter's every week so please stay with me here.

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