Soon, the girls and I arrived at Inarishika Village. The walk took quite a bit and had to have at least been a couple kilometers, but thanks to the forest's restorative qualities, we didn't feel tired at all. In fact, when we finally reached the wooden gates of the village, we almost felt a bit sad at having our relaxation time in nature cut short.
Still, we had a mission to complete, a goal to fulfill. Until that was complete, we couldn't afford to rest.
As we approached the village, however, we came across a strange sight. There were no guards at the gates, and what's more, the entire town was pretty much silent, especially when compared to the liveliness and cheerfulness of the previous one, Hirokita Village.
"… Something's off," I muttered.
"Gee, thanks, genius." Lin Luo rolled her eyes, then drew her godly blade of lightning in preparation for any danger, but Mei Gui shot her a glare.