
Chapter 59 Shrillest highs and lowest lows

Cedric POV

I don't leave Hendrix's side, not for a single second. I can't, I'm too haunted by what happened last night.

Hendrix and Rain both sleep soundly in my big bed. Melbourne comes in from time to time to check up on them, but I can't seem to relax. There's an itch in my spine that won't go away, a pang in my brain that flickers to life whenever I remember the delivery.

Maybe I should have researched child delivery more, because I had no idea what was coming, and I was not prepared for it. I'm scared. There was blood, there was so much blood. The bone chilling fear that something was wrong still clings to me. I thought at certain moments that Hendrix was going to die, that I would lose her.

What if something is still wrong and we just don't know it? Rain is so small, what if she stops breathing? What if I hold her wrong? What if Hendrix has complications afterward because of her frail human body?