
Chapter 60 No longer alone

Cedric POV

Watching Hendrix get ready is sheer torture, anxiety springing to life in my chest as she pulls a dress over her head and choosers a pair of shoes. She grins from ear to ear. I have to sit by and let it goodbye.

Rain sleeps soundly in her crib across the room, not a peep to be heard out of her. It could change in a second, and that's what's so scary about her. My mate is leaving, just for the afternoon, but that's enough to terrify me.

"You know where the diapers are, the milk I pumped is in the fridge, bottles in the cabinet. I think you're ready." She teases me, fluffing her hair in the mirror while I nod silently, wondering what to do. I consider for the hundredth time if I should command her to stay. I just know that I can't. She's been locked up in this house for weeks. She needs this.