
The Long lost Echo

All stories have a beginning and an end; after all, everything that is will cease to be, and everything that was will never be again. Most times, the flow is simple and linear; we start at the beginning and slowly drift towards the end. But not this time. This time, we will start at the end. Well, not the END, but an ending still. You see, while it is true that a good book will always find its bittersweet terminus, it is also true that we can only truly start a new book after we complete the one we are reading. This is a tale about finding closure even when we don't want to forget. Well then, with that said, let us begin.

Og01d_Arievilo · Fantasie
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4 Chs


Deep crimson stains the white snow. 

The stars weep with sorrow as the smell of tragedy permeates the air.

 Death and destruction sprawl everywhere the eye can see. Friends, lovers, rivals, and complete strangers-all now rest in Death's lonely embrace. It was the ultimate sacrifice, the last cry of defiance from a dying world, a final spark before the flames of hope extinguish. 

And it had worked! The world was saved, and the battle was won. Against all odds, against fate itself, the heroes prevailed.

 But... the cost was simply too great. Of the 3000 souls that embarked on this madman's gamble, less than 50 survived. Near the heart of the devastation, a stone monument reminiscent of a ruined castle stood, bearing the scars of a magical rift closing and being sealed. The battlefield surrounding it was a grim testament to the struggle, with bodies strewn in abundance. Amidst this desolation, five figures stood in a circle, worn and battered. One of them, looking around at the destruction, asked, "What now?"The others, each bearing the weight of their losses, explained that the seal they had placed should hold for now.

 Yet, a somber truth lingered - the seal would eventually falter, and the invaders would return."It's a burden for the future," someone sighed bitterly.

Another added, "A burden, but not greater than what we've carried."

Suggesting a warning for the future, one spoke of leaving a testament to the horrors witnessed, urging the world to be ready.

 Then, one of them, their resolve evident, proposed a sacrifice. "Seal me within the rift. When the seal weakens, I can break free and warn the world."

Edaduas stood amidst the circle of worn heroes, the air heavy with the aftermath of their victorious yet costly battle.Each member of the group bore the weight of the recent conflict, their faces etched with both exhaustion and grief.

Darian, a burly warrior with a scar running across his cheek, spoke up first. "This is madness, Edaduas. You can't just throw yourself into oblivion. There must be another way to ensure the world's safety."Edaduas met Darian's gaze, his eyes reflecting the weariness of someone who had seen too much. "Darian, you've seen what we've lost. Sometimes the cost of victory demands more than we're willing to pay."Aria, a skilled rogue with a cascade of auburn hair, stepped forward, her voice tinged with concern. "But Edaduas, you could be sealing your fate for eternity. What if there's another way, a way for you to live and still protect the world?"Edaduas shook his head, a bitter smile playing on his lips. "Aria, there's nothing left for me out there. Everyone I held dear is gone. I've outlived my purpose, and I welcome the oblivion."Vivienne, a wise mage with silver eyes, spoke softly, "But what if the seal fails, Edaduas? What if you're trapped in the void forever?"Edaduas's gaze lingered on the distant horizon. "If the seal falters, I'll find a way back. I'll make sure the world knows of the impending danger. This is the only way."As the group exchanged glances, Elowen, a young healer with a determined spirit, hesitated before speaking. "Edaduas, is there no other path we can take? Can't we find a solution together, without sacrificing you as well?"Edaduas placed a hand on Elowen's shoulder, offering a reassuring smile. "Elowen, my dear friend, this is my choice, and I hope you all understand."Caelum, an enigmatic ranger with a hood that concealed much of his face, spoke solemnly, "We'll remember you, Edaduas. Your sacrifice won't be in vain."

As the group gathered for a final embrace, each member exchanged heartfelt goodbyes with Edaduas. The ritual began, and the magical rift responded to their incantations. The air crackled with energy, and the world seemed to hold its breath as the heroes sealed Edaduas within the rift.The last words of the incantation echoed through the air, and the rift closed, leaving the heroes standing in solemn reflection.

Hey !

Thank you for embarking on this journey with me :)

It is my 1st time writing a novel of any kind and english is not my 1st language so be free to let me know if you find any gramatical mistakes , or , if you have any question or suggestion.

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