
The Long lost Echo

All stories have a beginning and an end; after all, everything that is will cease to be, and everything that was will never be again. Most times, the flow is simple and linear; we start at the beginning and slowly drift towards the end. But not this time. This time, we will start at the end. Well, not the END, but an ending still. You see, while it is true that a good book will always find its bittersweet terminus, it is also true that we can only truly start a new book after we complete the one we are reading. This is a tale about finding closure even when we don't want to forget. Well then, with that said, let us begin.

Og01d_Arievilo · Fantasy
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4 Chs

chapter 1



I awaken from my peaceful slumber to find myself embraced by a blanket of nothingness.

"Where am I?"

I try to ask, still confused, but no sound comes out.

I then start panicking and try to breathe, but there is no air.

I desperately attempt to touch my throat, only to find I have no hands.

The fear overwhelms me.

"I don't want to die! I don't want to die! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!"

Suddenly, amidst all the chaos and madness, I am hit by a wave of memories.


That is my name.

I was part of the last desperate struggle to save our world and was sealed along the rift to warn the future of what is to come.

If I am waking up, then that means the seal is becoming undone.

How long has it been since that day? Decades? Or centuries? How will I warn the people? Will they believe me?I have to make them believe; it's my duty.

I will not let all the sacrifices we made be in vain.

All the death and sorrow.

For those who fell without any chance to defend themselves and for those who fell so that they could light the way forward.

For the ones who stood with me all the way to the end and for those who fell along the path we traveled.

For Her...

I will not fail! I cannot fail! I will not...

As the memories flood my consciousness, I recall the faces of my comrades, their unwavering resolve, the sacrifices made in the name of a fragile hope. The battles were brutal, the losses immense, but we pressed on, driven by a shared purpose.Images of the rift flash before my mind—the moment of sealing, the ethereal energy enveloping me, binding our fates together. The air crackled with magical intensity as i embraced my destiny, not knowing when or if i would awaken again.

Now, in this void, questions gnaw at me. Is the world we sought to save still standing? Has time eroded the memories of our struggles, rendering them mere whispers in the wind? The weight of uncertainty hangs heavy.

As I grapple with these thoughts, a determination takes root within me.

I must find a way to convey our tale, to ensure that the sacrifices made during all those years resonate through the ages. The void may be my current reality, but I sense that it is a fleeting respite."I will find a way," I whisper into the nothingness, a vow to echo through the void.

The need to communicate, to leave an indelible mark on the tapestry of time, propels me forward. I feel myself fading away. I am going back to slumber. I can feel that the next time I wake, it will be for good.

Holding those feelings in my heart, I let oblivion embrace me once more. The cold void surrounds me, and as I drift away, the memories of the battles fought and the companions lost echo in the emptiness.

The weight of my duty and the hope for a future that may listen to my warning linger, even as I succumb to the emptiness .