
The Long lost Echo

All stories have a beginning and an end; after all, everything that is will cease to be, and everything that was will never be again. Most times, the flow is simple and linear; we start at the beginning and slowly drift towards the end. But not this time. This time, we will start at the end. Well, not the END, but an ending still. You see, while it is true that a good book will always find its bittersweet terminus, it is also true that we can only truly start a new book after we complete the one we are reading. This is a tale about finding closure even when we don't want to forget. Well then, with that said, let us begin.

Og01d_Arievilo · Fantasie
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4 Chs

chapter 2

It happened on a sun-drenched day in Spring.

A gentle breeze wafted through the air, causing the grass blades to sway rhythmically. The vibrant colors of blooming flowers adorned every corner, while the melodious tunes of chirping birds filled the atmosphere, chasing away the remnants of the night.

In the heart of it all lay the quaint town of Aiglatson, slowly stirring from its slumber. As the first rays of sunlight painted the cobblestone streets, anticipation hung thick in the air. Today was no ordinary day—it was a day of celebration, eagerly awaited by the townsfolk.

The streets of Aiglatson were transformed into a picturesque scene, akin to a canvas painted by the hands of Spring Herself. Every building, every lamppost, was adorned with festive ornaments, and not a single window or door lacked a meticulously arranged bouquet of flowers.

The villagers had poured their hearts into decorating their beloved town, each display more enchanting than the last.

Nestled within the town's embrace stood the ancient castle, its weathered stones steeped in history and grandeur. As Spring breathed new life into the land, the old fortress seemed to awaken from its slumber. Laughter echoed through its corridors, mingling with the sweet scent of blossoms carried by the breeze.

Within the castle's courtyard, a bustling spectacle unfolded. Stalls lined the cobblestone pathways, their wares enticing passersby with colorful displays. Tourists mingled with locals, their laughter and chatter adding to the joyful ambiance. Performers captivated audiences with their talents, their lively acts drawing applause and cheers from the gathered crowd.

Amidst it all, the memorial stood as a beacon of remembrance and celebration. The towering crystal at its center, typically veiled in a solemn hue, now sparkled with an array of colors. Adorned with flowers, gifts, and trinkets from visitors near and far, it served as a symbol of unity and hope.

People from all corners of the globe flocked to Aiglatson each year, drawn by the promise of Spring's embrace and the festivities it brought. They came to bid farewell to winter's chill and to usher in a new season filled with warmth and possibility.

Yet, amidst the revelry and merriment, the true meaning of the tradition remained shrouded in mystery. Few remembered its origins, and even fewer understood its significance.