
The Limitless Fighter

Ryota Ichirou wakes up with selective memories of his past in a black void. After an unknown amount of time passes he gets a chance to change his future forever. Self Insert, Overpowered OC/MC, Six Eyes/Limitless, No Romance, Fanfic/What-If, Extremely Power Hungry OC/MC, Chaotic Neutral OC/MC, Verse Jumper, Will Get OP Fast. Current Universe: My Hero Academia. Order of Universes: Naruto, Jujitsu Kaisen, DxD, One Piece, Solo Leveling, Dragon Ball, Marvel, Bleach, Demon Slayer.

A_FanficWriter · Anime und Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 6: Slime Villain Incident

~Third Person POV~

"Woah! Bakugo we starting just like that! Usually you'd challenge me a fight, I accept, I beat your ass then you insult my friend you bastard!" Ichirou said coldly.

'I've never liked Bakugo. If it was up to me I'd steal Bakugo's quirk with no remorse.' Ichirou thought in distain.

"Oh shut the fuck up you useless extra!" Bakugo snarled in rage.

Before another one of Ichirou's and Bakugo's could happen the teacher walked into the room causing everyone to teleport to their seats. (For Ichirou, Literally)

"Well class I have these profession applicant forms here so we can see what you'll be when you grow up but I can already tell you all want to be heroes!" The teacher shouted loudly, getting the class hyped and then causing them to use their quirks.

"Hey teach! Don't lump me in with these losers." Bakugo said in confidence.

"They'll be lucky to end up as sidekicks to some busted D-lister. While I'll go to UA, and become the richest and most powerful hero to exist!" Bakugo said both annoying and shocking his classmates.

"He's going to UA?!"

"Doesn't it have a 0.2% acceptance rate!?"

"Well I mean Bakugo does a powerful quirk..."

"Ichirou would probably be better though. How can the villains do anything if they can't even use their power in the first place to cause trouble?"

"Doesn't he have to touch them? That would kinda weaken him a lot don't you think?"

"I heard he's trained in Martial Arts, Swordsmanship, and Marksmanship!"

Then the teacher talked in the buzzing rumors, "Hey Midoriya, don't you want to go to UA as well?!" The teacher said with a smug smile on his face awaiting the humiliation that Midoriya would most certainly get.

Almost immediately the class irrupted into roars and howls of laughter.

"Deku thinks he can be a hero??!"


"Your way to useless to be a hero!"

"At least Ichirou trains his body, all you do is study!"

As Izuku was beginning to curl in on his desk, Bakugo couldn't let that slide as he slams he palm on the desk.

"You useless Deku! Your even worst then these rejects! You don't have a quirk!" Bakugo shouted loudly in anger.

"B-but Kacchan, they allowed quirkless applicants to apply for years know. If I try hard enough I can become a hero..." Midoriya said lightly; being scared.

"Shut the fuck up you dickwad! You'll never be a hero!" Bakugo said in an evil tone.

Before the situation could escalate further, the teacher stopped it.

"Sit down Bakugo.... Quirk Usage is not allowed in class..." The teacher said lazily, clearly not caring about Midoriya well-being.

"Now this will be about review m-kay?"


-Time Skip: End of School-

~First Person POV~

'Finally class is over. I'll watch Izuku from a far. When the slime villain attacks for a 2nd time, I'll destroy it for the chance I get One For All normally so that I can talk to the vestiges. Or I'll actually have to steal it.' I thought.

As I teleport to the building where withered All Might and Midoriya first meet. In the distance I could see a yellow spec flying towards my building with an extremely unnoticeable green spec along with it.

'There they are!' I thought in excite before teleporting to a closer building and enhancing my sense to overheard them.

'They said the same thing like in canon. Now I have to teleport to where the main fight happens after Bakugo kicks the soda can,' I thought before hearing a loud explosion.

'That's my que,' I thought before teleporting to the scene.


As the slime villain was causing mayhem and destruction in a city block I teleported there.

'I can see All Might and Midoriya from here. As soon as I see Midoriya move, I'll make a move.' I thought.

Then as Midoriya was about to run, I sent a repulsing force at him, stopping his from moving his limbs and giving be ample time to attack.

I then run to the fire, causing a wave of surprise across both the heroes and civilians. 

Then I yell out a single word.

"Cursed Technique Lapse: BLUE!" I shouted as a blue energy ball appeared in my hands. As I shot the ball, the slimes sludge was being sucked into the blue vortex. 

Then I used the power of attraction to pull Bakugo towards me; After that I sent the blue into a nearby 2 liter soda bottle, defeating the sludge villain with ease.

I then put Bakugo down and walked into the crowd.

Like I said, there is going to be a lot more chapters. Since my 10 day break inbetween chapter 2 and 3 I have chapter 8 half way done. So much much MUCH later down the road I might make a patreon but not now since this is only the 6th chapter and I've only been here for about a month.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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