
The Limitless Fighter

Ryota Ichirou wakes up with selective memories of his past in a black void. After an unknown amount of time passes he gets a chance to change his future forever. Self Insert, Overpowered OC/MC, Six Eyes/Limitless, No Romance, Fanfic/What-If, Extremely Power Hungry OC/MC, Chaotic Neutral OC/MC, Verse Jumper, Will Get OP Fast. Current Universe: My Hero Academia. Order of Universes: Naruto, Jujitsu Kaisen, DxD, One Piece, Solo Leveling, Dragon Ball, Marvel, Bleach, Demon Slayer.

A_FanficWriter · Anime und Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 2: An Early Start

~First Person POV~

After the flash of light, the first thing that I saw were blurry lights in a seemingly white room.

I tried moving my mouth to speak but nothing came out. I felt hands wrap around me as I turned my head and I saw a woman with black, straight hair, dark onyx eyes and a face of an angel.

'This is my mother,' I thought in happiness.

I then saw her mouth more seemingly talking to someone. 'Probably the nurse.' Then a large man with silver white hair, a muscular frame, a gruff and 'manly' face with sky blue eyes. 

'Its pretty hard to make out their faces due to my horrible eyesight in my state of being an infant.' I thought.

'This is probably my father.' 

Then my dad picked me up and had a big smile on his face. 'Now what do I do now? Training and things of the sort come to mind but right now I'm way to young for that. Maybe I can try to unlock my cursed energy.' I thought.

~Third Person POV~

Misota Inikoto and Misota Toshito were on cloud nine. Inikoto had just given birth to their first child and they were deciding a name for him.

"Toshi, what should we name him?" Inikoto asked her husband of 2 and half years Toshito. 

"Hmm... We should name him Toshito Jr!" 

"Okay Toshi, that is a horrible name and even the baby is subconsciously disagreeing with you." Inikoto said. As she was saying that the baby (Ichirou) had shook his head as if he could hear what they were saying.

"We should name him Itachi!" Inikoto said in a happy tone from referencing Naruto.

"No. Absolutely not. We're not making our son's name an ANIME reference." Toshito said in a dramatic manner.

"Well do you have any ideas?" Inikoto said calmly.

"Well, how about Taemanai it means first-born son! His name will show that he'll have an first in anything he'll pursue in life!" Toshito said in confidence for his son.

"Wow you actually decided on a good name." Inikoto said in surprise.

"Now what is that supposed to mean!" Toshito said, feeling like he had gotten disrespected for his taste in names.

As the parents continued talking about their child, Ichirou was thinking of ways to train and awaken his cursed energy.

'The best way to awaken and manipulate cursed energy is by controlling one's negative emotions. Humans naturally leak cursed energy so if I can feel for it and stop it from leaking, then I'll have at least a small grasp of cursed energy. And due to the Six Eyes, I have atomic control over cursed energy so it'll be much easily to control it.' Ichirou thought, thinking about how to get stronger in this state.

'The Six Eyes give precise control over cursed energy which is extremely important to use Limitless in the way the Gojo does. It also gives great perception. Let me try it.' Ichirou then focused on the negative emotions that he had. The sadness, grief, anger, and insanity of being in that void filled him. Then Ichirou tried to feel the cursed energy leaking from him. Then he felt it. The negative emotions leaking from him. He focused on his emotions and his inner energy. He slowly stopped the leaking from coming out of his body. 

'Yes! I did it! That is just the first step of becoming a Jujitsu Sorcerer! I just can't wait to use Red, Blue, and Purple!' Ichirou thought in happiness.

While Ichirou was learning to control his cursed energy, his parents had gotten discharged, and were driving home.

As they drove home, Ichirou couldn't but feel tired. His eyes slowly closed and he fell asleep.

"Hey Toshito, Ichirou's sleeping!" Inikoto said in a happy tone.

"Hold on Inikoto; let him sleep." Toshito said.

Well I couldn't help my self. I just had to update the story early since I had a lot of energy and really wanted to update the story.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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