
The Limitless Fighter

Ryota Ichirou wakes up with selective memories of his past in a black void. After an unknown amount of time passes he gets a chance to change his future forever. Self Insert, Overpowered OC/MC, Six Eyes/Limitless, No Romance, Fanfic/What-If, Extremely Power Hungry OC/MC, Chaotic Neutral OC/MC, Verse Jumper, Will Get OP Fast. Current Universe: My Hero Academia. Order of Universes: Naruto, Jujitsu Kaisen, DxD, One Piece, Solo Leveling, Dragon Ball, Marvel, Bleach, Demon Slayer.

A_FanficWriter · Anime und Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 1: Prologue

~Third Person P.O.V~

'How long can one be alone with his thoughts?' Ryota Ichirou thought in his mind.

The pitch black void had been degrading his sanity every minute he stayed in there. He'd give anything for a single person to just talk to him to repair just a bit of his sanity.

'I just really want to do SOMETHING!' Ichirou yelled in his mind as he was going to go insane if something didn't change.

Achievement: Desperate Act!

Reward: 3 Wishes

'Holy! Like in those Isekai animes and fanfiction? There's absolutely no way this is real. But, at the chance it is real I should probably ask it if its real.' Ichirou thought sensibly.

"Excuse me but I have to ask, are you real?" Ichirou said, hoping the answer is yes to finally escape the hellhole that'd trapped him for so long.

You don't have to worry; I'm real. Now what are your 3 wishes?

'Damn. Well I'll have to think this out and make sure that when I make a wish, I get the maximum potential from it.' Ichirou thought logically.

"What're the limits to the wishes?" Ichirou asked to get a feel on what wishes to make.

That depends on what you ask but there's a baseline of what you can't do. For example you're not allows to wish for omnipotence, more wishes, infinite wishes, to change the rules of these limitations, and things of the sort. If you go about the limit I'll tell you.

'Okay. Well I feel I should try going into a new world. I'm sure if the limits are like this then there should be no problem of a wish like this.'

'But the thing is, what world should I go to? I should ask if I the fictional world are even accessible in the first place.' Ichirou thought.

"Is there any limit on transmigrating to fictional world that don't exist in my old world like Percy Jackson or Harry Potter?" Ichirou said in curiosity.

No. There is no limit in that particular realm of wishes.

'Perfect. I feel like I should go to a anime due to the large amount of them. I do not want to be weak. I have a great chance to become nearly anything I want to be.' Ichirou thought in giddy excitement.

'But,' Ichirou calmed himself down and thought about it, 'I should into a universe that will be easy to grow in. Not in something like Bleach or if I decide not to go into an anime world, the fucking Marvel Universe. Maybe My Hero Academia? All For One won't be to much of a problem and I can get One For All while I'm at it. I'd probably use it for Gearshift when I get to the level of mastery that I'll need to use it.' 

"Okay. My first is to be reborn in the My Hero Academia universe when around when Izuku Midoriya was born with the potential of being able to grow at an extremely fast pace in any area of expertise." Ichirou said calmly.

Wish Granted!

'Now, I'll have to give myself a power strong enough to thrive in the MHA universe. A strong defense with a powerful offense and little to no weaknesses. Well, the power that I'm thinking about doesn't have many weaknesses besides the Inverted Spear of Heaven, Sukuna's Dimensional Slash, and Attacks that can go Lightspeed or Faster. The Limitless and Six Eyes are quite overpowered and don't have any weaknesses in MHA. Plus it'll be reliable if I can automate the Infinity like Gojo did.' 

"I wish to have an an large amount of cursed energy bigger than Yuta's with my cursed technique being the Limitless with the Six Eyes." 

Wish Granted!

'Now, what would be my last wish. This one has to be the most important of them all.' Ichirou thought.

'Maybe I should go for a power that'll me a lot in the long run.' Ichirou thought, trying to think of a power that'll really help him.

'I got it!'

"For my final wish, I wish to have the power of being able to be undetectable for any and all ways for example, digital footprints, being spied on and more." 

Smart. Wish Granted. Do you have any last words before you go to My Hero Academia?

"None," Ichirou said in confidence.

Then you'll be off!

The last thing that Ichirou saw was a flash of white before everything went black.

Hello! Sorry if its a bit short. I'll be uploading chapters once a week on Friday and their length will be around 1-3 thousand words. I hope you enjoy.

(I accept any constructive critisism!) (With Limits.)

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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