
The Visit

"Wow!", Travis' eyebrows drew together and a vertical wrinkle appeared between his eyebrows, showing his surprise.

"Big brother I am awesome right?", seeing her brother's surprised expression, Silva became more energetic as she patted her chest.

"Yes! Silva is very awesome! If Silva keeps on training, she can raise a car with her power!", Travis continued to praise her.

"Hehe", hearing her brother's praises Silva let out a cute chuckle. One could tell that she was very proud of her achievement and hearing her brother's compliments made her even more proud.

"Now go and continue your training else you will lose your superpower.", Travis said to Silva as he placed her down.

"Okay! Silva will train hard!", Silva said with assurance as she ran to her room.

Travis then proceeded to walk to his room, but he was stopped by his mother.

"Travis can you wait for a second?" Travis's mom said as she cleaned her hands with a napkin.

"Yes mom....", Travis said as he picked an apple from a bowl on the dining table munching on it.

"What happened at school today? I heard that you quarrelled with your teacher today. What happened?" Mrs Tale asked.

"It's kind of a long story. I will tell you at dinner", Travis said doing his best to avoid eye contact.

Mrs Rose continued to look at Travis for some time before releasing a huge sigh.

"Hmmm, okay Darling.", Mrs Tale said sighing helplessly.

'Sigh, I am really lucky,' Travis thought as he stood up.

"Go call your father and your sister. It's time for dinner," Mrs Tale said to Travis.

"Em, okay!", Travis said to his mother before exiting the dining hall. How is it so late? She just wants to discuss my problem faster. Who takes in dinning at 4:00?


The dining hall...

"Travis...", Mrs Rose said.

"Mhm?", Travis, raised who had food in his mouth, his head and looked at his mum.

"I thought you said you would tell me something at dinner.", Mrs Tales said with a smile on his face.

"Oh yeah. I nearly forgot," Travis said after swallowing the food in his mouth.

"About that. The main reason why that happened was basically that my teacher called me trash," Travis gave a short explanation of what happened.

"Oh. I see. I knew you wouldn't talk back to a teacher without a proper reason. However, don't let this happen again!" Mr Tale said, his tone heavy and threatening.

Hearing that, Travis' heart trembled. He knew that his father was a good man but he would show his dark side whenever it was worst.

And that side of him was really really bad. Even with that, Travis forcibly cooled his heart down and said to his father,

"Sure dad! It won't happen again!"

"Good. Now continue eating before your food runs cold," Mr Tale said.

"Okay!", Travis said as he proceeded to eat. He wanted them to move from this topic as soon as possible.

"Oh. I nearly forgot. Travis, Gramps said that you should drop by tomorrow," said Mrs Tale.

"Huh? Grandpa? It has been a long time since I last heard from him. How is he?", Travis asked.

"He is fine. You will see him tomorrow," Mrs Tale said.

"But Why would he want to stay alone? I don't get it.", Travis said whiles shaking his head.

"No one knows.", Mrs Tale said helplessly. There was nothing she could gen do about it.


Next Day...

"I can't bear it! It's too boring! What will teaching us magical abilities do to us? I don't get it.", Jim said lazily as they walked out of the school's main gate.

"About that, I always say, "Every subject is important! It depends on who teaches it" ", Travis said.

"Come on, give me a break.", Jim said lazily.

"I won't be going home with you today. Gramps called me over.", Travis said.

"Huh? Gramps? How many months has it been since I last saw him?", Jim thought as he placed his hands on his chin.

"It has been a long time though. I want to see how he is feeling so I will go.", Travis said to Jim.

"Hmm, I don't even know why he decided to stay alone. It doesn't make sense.", Jim said.

"Yeah, I know! But there is nothing we can do about it.", Travis said helplessly remembering his mother's plight.

"I got to go. See ya!", Travis said to Jim before taking another path which was different from his usual route.

Travis' grandfather, Mr Leo stayed not far away from Travis' school. So it didn't take Travis a long time to get to his house. It was a run-down mansion with a very archaic design. Even though it looked very weak on the surface, It was actually very strong.

His parents used to stay in this mansion too. However, after grandma died, they relocated to Travis' current home. Only one person didn't move out. And that was Mr Leo.

He was stubborn about leaving his house. At first, Travis' parents tried to convince him to relocate to another house. However, they stopped when they noticed that Mr Leo was adamant about moving out.

"Hey Gramps, I am here!", Travis said as he entered his grandfather's room.

His Grandfather lived in a very large room. The house was always clean due to the maids that were hired each week by Travis' parents. Mr Leo also had a personal maid called Esther who was in charge of his feeding.

"Hey my son, How are you?" an old man with grey hair asked in a hoarse voice. That old man was none other than Mr Leo.

" Gramps, I heard that you wanted me to come over, Why did you call me over?!"

Travis asked with a smile on his face. Travis was very fond of his grandfather. He always told him stories about his youthful adventures when he was young.

His grandfather was actually an archaeologist and an adventurer. He travelled all over the world looking for treasures which he kept in a special storage room.

No one was allowed into this storage room. Even Travis only went there once. His grandfather liked almost everything except for one thing. Reading. That was what he disliked. He thought books were for young children to read.

"Yeah, I wanted you to clean my storage room for me. After that, you can take anything you want there.", His grandfather said with a smile.

"What?! Are you for real? Why didn't you let Esther clean it up for you?", Travis asked. He was in total shock.

"Silly. Esther isn't my relative and I just can't let her do it for me. And I am too old to do It myself. So I thought, why don't I let Travis do it? After all, you are the one I am most fond of!", Mr Leo said with an easygoing smile.

"Okay, then I will get going!", Travis said as he walked out of the room. He didn't want to miss the chance.

"Be careful!", Travis heard his grandfather's voice coming from the room as he closed the door.

"I will!", Travis said before heading to the storage room wondering why his grandfather would warn him about something like this...

The moment Travis entered the storage room, he immediately gasped. That was because the storage room was too dirty, so dirty that even he who had high tolerance to dirt couldn't help but feel sick.

The storage room was a large hall which had many shells each filled with treasures. From the looks of it, it would take Travis some time to finish.

Four hours later...

"I am almost done! ", Travis said as he looked around him.

"Only one shelf left!", Travis said as he headed for the next shelf.

"Wait, there is only one Treasure on this shelf? It must be an important treasure or else it won't be placed in a single shell alone! Let me take a look!", Travis said excitedly as he looked at the last shelf.

Huh?! Why is there a book in my grandfather's storage room? I thought he only kept his old possessions here.

" At least I know that he hates books so why is one here? Forget it I will just dump it.", Travis said as he looked at the book in his hand.

Travis thought he was going to see a very great treasure. However, not only was the treasure on the shelf a book, but It was also one without anything in it. It was blank.

"Huh? Why is the book shining or am I dreaming?" Travis asked when he noticed the book producing bright white light in his hands.

"Wait! what is happening?" Travis said bewildered as the light began to glow brighter and brighter until...


A loud shout echoed throughout the storage room. And as for who that scream belonged to, it was none other than Travis!

This is the part that it starts to get intresting.

The_little_boycreators' thoughts