
The lightning Descendant

The sudden appearance of The Cursed~ flesh-eating monsters nearly led humanity to the brink of extinction. When all hope was lost, about 40% of humans gained superpowers. As for the remaining 60%, they were left powerless. Meet Travis our main protagonist, a member of the powerless 60%, who found it impossible to defend himself—until that day. While cleaning his grandpa's old storage closet, he found a mysterious book. A mysterious book that contained the soul of an ancient expert. Who tells him that he can make him the strongest... Could the expert really give him a superpowers to change his path and enter the esteemed 40%? Follow Travis on his exciting adventure to seek power! Tags: #romance,#weaktostrong,#adventure,#comedy,#entertainment,#superpowers,#faceslapping ,#rarebloodline, #action, #war, [Disclaimer: Restricted. The book cover isn't mine. Found it on google. ] Patreon link: https://www.patreon.com/The_little_boy

The_little_boy · Fantasy
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125 Chs

All Planned Out

Later the same day...

Director's office...

"The main reason why I called you here today is that your son was reported by a teacher to me for being disrespectful. I think you should talk to him. The teacher requested a one-week suspension. However, due to my investigation of the matter, I learned that the teacher rather agitated the child first which led to the child's rebellion and therefore, he wouldn't be suspended. However, rebuking a teacher in class is totally disrespectful. You should talk to him.", Mr James said to the middle-aged couple sitting in front of him.

The couple had a high resemblance to Travis. Especially the middle-aged man. From a glance, you could tell that he was Travis' father. As for the middle-aged woman, even though she didn't have a high resemblance to Travis' she had the same bright blue eyes that Travis had.

"Mr James, thank you for the chance you've given our child. We will definitely talk to him so that this doesn't happen again", Travis' father replied with a smile on his face.

"Okay. Make sure that never happens again or else he would be suspended next time. ", Mr James replied.

"Okay. I will make sure that it never happens again. If there is nothing else to discuss we will be on our way", Travis' father said as he stood up and extended his hand for a handshake.

"Mr Tale, I hope to see you at the parents and guardian meeting this Saturday", Mr James stood up and shook Travis' father's hand.

"Okay, let's go", Mr Tale turned and said to the middle-aged woman who had not spoken a single word till now.

"Mhhm", the middle-aged woman replied. The pair then exited the room.


Class A...

"I can't believe that we had to sit through the magic theory too. It's boring! The only reason why I participate in that class is basically because of the exams that we have to partake in!" Jim lazily stretched as the siren for closing rang.

"You are really lazy, aren't you? Every subject is important. You will never know when you need the lesson," Travis said, standing up from his chair.

"So you mean Mrs Rose's subject is also important?" Jim asked with an amused smile on his face.

"Yes. Definitely. It is important. It's just that the teacher isn't good which spoils the whole subject," Travis said.

"Uh? I think you are right. It's just that the teacher is bad. I get it now," Jim nodded his head. He began parking his items to head home.

"Let's go home!", Travis said as he exited the classroom door.

"Hey! Wait for me!", Jim said as he hurriedly followed Travis, making their way home.


"Hey, Travis don't you think what you did was too risky? Mrs Rose has a very bad temper you know.", Jim said worryingly as they walked towards their home.

"Jim! You have to start behaving like a brave person. You must not be a coward. I know that what I did was risky but I still did it. It was about time that Mrs Rose stopped treating us like trash.", Travis said to Jim.

"I wonder how you can keep your calm after what you have done", Jim said, shaking his head. He was too confused. Didn't Travis know the problem they were in now? Or he thought that he would be able to win against someone like Mrs Rose who the director greatly favoured?

"It's because I know that I would not be punished," Travis replied with a smile.

"Huh?! What do you mean?" Jim asked with his brows creased together.

"Knowing Mrs Rose's personality, She will definitely report to the Director. However, the first thing the director would ask her would be, 'Did you do anything to him?' and She would definitely say no!" Travis said.

"Huh?! How is that going to save you from trouble? Won't you get into trouble that way?" Jim asked confusedly. He still couldn't wrap his head around Travis stupidity.

"Hmm, You really think so?" Travis asked with a mischievous smile.

"Yes. What is with that creepy smile on your face?" Jim asked Travis with his eyebrows raised.

"It's because I got everything under my control," Travis said.

"Everything under control? How? I still don't understand," Jim said with a bewildered face.

"Okay then listen carefully, With the director's character, he will investigate the case and he would know the truth then. However, he wouldn't tell Mrs Rose. And to please Mrs Rose, He would then set up a meeting with my parents and he will tell them that a teacher agitated me and I retorted rudely."

"He will then tell my parents that he won't punish me because the teacher agitated me first.", Travis explained in a more detailed manner still bearing his mischievous smile.

"But that won't save you from the wrath of your parents!" Jim said with a chuckle as if he was laughing at Travis' stupidity.

He knew that what Travis said in the first part was true so he no knew why Travis was behaving so confident earlier. But that was totally different from Travis' parents as he knew that there was no way that his parents would spare him from doing such a stupid thing.

"Yes. It would. If my parents get to know that I was only agitated by a teacher and that was the main reason why I rebuked her, they wouldn't punish me," Travis said, "it's simple common sense."

"What the f*ck! How did you know all this? You are simply amazing!" Jim said in surprise. Even though he knew that Travis was very smart, he never knew he was this smart!

"You are surprised, right? Even before I decided to punish Mrs Rose for her act of favouritism, I had it all planned out", Travis said with a smile on his face.

"Man, You are awesome! Totally awesome," Jim said excitedly.

"Let's hurry up else we will be late,"Travis merely smiled and said.

"Okay," Jim replied.


"Mom, I am home!", Travis said when he entered the house. The house they lived in was a medium-sized one. Even with that size, the whole family could sleep in the kitchen and everyone would feel absolutely comfortable.

"Hello Dear, how was today?", Travis' mother who was currently cooking asked from the kitchen.

"It was fine.", Travis replied.

"Yay! Big brother is back. Big brother I miss youuu~", a beautiful young girl around the age of six happily said as she jumped into Travis' embrace.

"Hey, Silva! How have you doing?", Travis asked the little girl after he picked her up.

"I am fine! I really miss you!", Silva said.

Silva was Travis' younger sister. She was born seven years ago. However, unlike Travis, Silva had a superpower. A very powerful one. She had the telekinesis superpower. She could control anything with her mind power. Even though it was very weak since it was in its early stages, it would undoubtedly become one of the most powerful superpowers in the future.

"Big Brother! I can now control the cups at home! See!", Silva said to Travis excitedly before activating her superpower.

A light glimmer of pink appeared around her head as she activated her powers. A glass cup which was on the sink started to float slowly towards her as she focuses her attention on it. However,


The glass cup fell to the floor and cracked into many pieces when it reached halfway. "Big Brother did you see that? Even though I can't fully control the cups, I can raise it!", Silva said happily.

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