


We had just finished dinner and I'm in my room now still bothered about how I'm gonna end the case. A knock sounded on my door and I yelled out a come in.The door slowly creaked and MK poked his head into the room.

"Can I come in?" He asked grinning

"Yeah sure " I replied.

"So i might or might not have thought about something " he said rocking on his heels

"Ok hit me let me hear it " i said folding my hands

"So what if we confront zeke i mean what if" he said searching my face for a reaction.

No no we could get hurt something could happen I can't lose anyone.

"It can't happen christ!! Zeke is a vampire….."

"And I'm a werewolf " he yelled as he bared his teeth out.

I heard footsteps run up the stairs as the door banged open

"Whats going on ?"

"What happened to aunty?"

"Get away from my daughter!"

"Calm down y'all I was trying to make a point to Nessa" MK said grinning like he wasn't the one about to wolf out few seconds ago .