


I started hearing muffled voices and I dont think I can recognise any.

Oh I recognise MKs voice

"Is she gonna be okay ?" He asked

"I think she fainted due to the shock of something , shes lucky she didn't go into coma or partial stroke." Someone who I assume was the doctor said .

I slowly opened my eyes as MK rushed to my side urging the doctor to come have a look at me.

"Shes alright but will be discharged tomorrow so we can keep a close observation on her.

"Alright thanks a lot doctor " MK said as the doctor exited the room to give us time to talk.

I dont really remember much , I remember waking up with a hangover and finding Zeke in my room then me going out with MK for breakfast.

"Uhm MK why am I here again." I asked

" you see , you fainted after receiving a phone call from your mum I think " he said

Omg I remember now as I started crying.

"Hey what's wrong Nessa why you crying?" Mk said showing concern.

"My mum is dead" I blurted out in tears.

"Omg I'm so sorry what happened " he asked

I shouldn't have become a detective then maybe I wouldn't have been involved with the case .

And mum wouldn't have died what will Karen think of me now.

"The person killing people here in Newyork?" I said with so much anger.

" how you sure its him" MK said

"Tf you asking me how I know , he freaking threatened me to stay away from the case or risk losing a loved one but I didn't listen.

Now mum is dead" I said bursting into tears.

" I'm so so sorry Ness I'm really sorry " MK said

I couldn't find the courage to call Karen , I just turned and layed down facing the wall and backing MK as I silently cried my self to sleep.


I woke up and by the time on my phone its past 1pm . I'm still feeling tired from crying my eyes out.

" hey can I get water " I said to the nurse as my voice came out raspy

" sure I'll be back in a minute " she said as she exited the room.

In a few minutes she walked back with a glass of water .

I drank slowly and then returned the cup to her.

"How you feeling miss?" She asked

" I'll be fine " I replied cause I know very well that I'm no where near fine.

" where is the guy that came here with me?" I asked her about MK

" yeah he left not long ago I think he said something about going to tell your boss about what happened , he promised to be back In the evening " she said

"Okay thanks " I replied as she walked out of the room.

I wonder how Karen will react when she hears about this, is she gonna hate me , will she think it's my fault , will she blame me ,or maybe she would never forgive me and wont talk to me for the rest of her live.

Speaking of Karen.

The door suddenly open as she walked in . I'm freaking dead.


I strolled out of the airport with my suitcase.

Haha its good to be home, home sweet home.

I already miss Macy and the rest but hell I miss Nessa .

I boarded a taxis to take me home as I was scrolling through my phone a call came in

"Hello I'm MK Nessa's colleague well she fainted after receiving a phone and is in the hospital, I got your number from her emergency contact list and I decided to tell you" a Male voice said into the phone.

Oh God what happened to Nessa

"What hospital "I asked

"Its Morex hospital "I replied I didn't need to hear anything more

'' uhm sir please instead of driving me home please take me to Morex hospital " I said to the middle aged man driving the taxi.

"Alright miss" he said as he turned

I just hope nothing bad is wrong with Nessa.

After what felt like for hours which was actually 30minutes we finally got to the hospital.

I gave the man some cash without waiting for my change I grabbed my suitcase and practically ran into the hospital.

I walked to the nurse at the desk

"How can I help you miss" she asked

"I want to see my sister that was rushed in here " I said

"Ok what's her name?" She asked

"Detective Vanessa Morris"i said eagerly waiting for her to search her system.

"Take your right into the hall , shes in room 207"the nurse said finally.

As I hurriedly dragged my suitcase and walked down the hall searching for room 207 .

Ah finally here it is I opened the door to meet her sitting on the bed as I scanned through the room and found no one else here .

"Hey Nessa how are you doing "I asked as I moved towards her bed

"I'm good " she said but her face said otherwise.

"What phone call did you receive?" I asked

And she burst into tears .

Oh God what's happening

" why you crying Nessa what happened?" I asked All at once.


"What happened to mum"i asked as my heart skipped a bit not in a good way of cause.


" Nesaa you scaring me what happened" I said as i was already in tears my self seeing Nessa crying

"Mum is dead I'm sorry" she said finally

I felt my whole world crumbling as I moved back slowly. It's a lie maybe it's a prank , mum can't die like this its definitely a prank ,its not through.

"Karen I'm so sorry "I hear Nessa say amidst tears and several hiccups.

I slowly slid down the wall as I felt the tears .

My world has shattered.


So sad what an emotional chapter.

What do you think will happen next ,

comment time thoughts.

And please rate my book
