



"so what you gonna do , the detective already has a lead on you, not just one but several leads" my assistant said.

"And where were you when she stated getting those leads huh? Where the f^^k were you?" I barked.

I am beyond pissed right now , who does she think she is to try to unravel this case , who does she think she is to stop me . All humans must pay and no one is going to stop me.

"So what are you going to do about the girl " my assistant asked

"Oh yeah I know the perfect thing to do , and trust me its gonna bring her down. Prepare for i am going to LA . I wanna pay someone a not so friendly visit."I said smirking

"At least that will keep her off the case for a while what a good plan you have the " my assistant said

"Now you get it so run along " I yelled

Oh what a great meal awaits me. Hah.



I watched as Karen slid down the wall with endless tears flowing from her eyes .

As I repeatedly told her I am sorry , even though am only indirectly at fault .

I felt the need to hold her , so I did the most craziest thing I've ever done

I ripped of the plaster connecting the drip to my veins as blood erupted out due to the fore you used in ripping it off . I didn't care as I walked slowly and hugged Karen

"Oh my God Nesaa what have you done why will you take that off do you want me to loose you too huh" she kept on yelling

Suddenly MK rushed in , I think he might have been called by the nurse since the nurse is awee that I had woken up already.

"Nessa oh my God I'm gonna get the doctor "he said as he hurriedly dashed out

Soon the doctor arrived as they led me to the bed and took care of my bleeding hand . Karen stood up also and stood my me .

When everything had subsided MK left cause he had to ho back to the office ,I couldn't still get discharged leaving me with Karen.

Karen was no longer crying but I can tell shes hurt inwardly.

"We need to go to LA tomorrow morning as soon as you are realised, mum need to be buried "Karen Said as she held my hand

"Yeah I'll ask MK to book the flight " I said as she nodded.

Whoever this person is must know whole lot about me and I need to keep Karen safe.

I just can't bare to lose her after losing mum , I just can't.

Evening came and the nurses told Karen to go home as visiting hours are over .

Karen tried throughing a tantrum but was silent after being threatened to be thrown out by the security

"Dont worry about me Karen, just go pack few of our things and when I'm discharged tomorrow we'll both go to the airport from here." I said

" goodnight Nessa " Karen said as she hugged me before she went out.


"Mum how are you?"I said

"Oh my baby how are you , how is Karen?"

"We're good mum "

Suddenly she started fading away into the darkness as I yelled out for her .

From the darkness a voice said

"This is your cue to leave the case "

And I screamed


"Hey Nessa calm down it's a dream its just a dream , you are here it's just a dream " Karen said

I opened my eyes to see it was already morning,

"Good morning " I said to Karen

" morning Nessa would you like to eat anything before we leave , our flight is by 10 this morning and by the time it's just 8:30" Karen said taking a glance at her watch

"Yeah but not here , I here the hospital food is terrible " I said trying to crack a joke which obviously Karen is not laughing to

"Nessa I know you trying to act as if everything is okay, but it's okay not to be okay " she said not smiling and that was enough to silence me.

My phone rang

"Hello I'm I speaking with Dectetive Vanessa " a voice said into the phone

Oh yeah I know who calls me my full name Shawn.

"Yes sir " I replied

" Good , I heard about the death of your mum from Marvis accept my condolence" shawn said

" thanks uhm I'll be off work for about a week , I'm going to perform the burial of my mum " I said

"Sure do have a nice day" he said as he ended the call.

"Uhhh Karen did you come with my car?" I asked

As MK had told me yesterday that he drove my car home

"Yeaah I did " she said

"Alright please call MK with my phone to take us to the airport while i go change and sign out " I said as she nodded

This hospital is really suffocating. Considering I have a lot of bad bad memories of a hospital when I was young.

I had finished changing from the hospital gown and got back in my Jean and shirt .

The nurse came in

"Hey are you feeling better, if you not you can stay a day more" she asked

" yeah I'm good I'll be leaving soon " I announced

"Alright do sign out and pay the Bill's at the front desk" she said das she went out.

Karen dragged our bags out while I carried my purse. We got to the front desk and I gave the Nurse there my card for the payment. We finished there and went outside to wait for MK.

"Finally Nessa you are back hope you okay though" MK said with concern

"Yeah I'm good " I said

"Hey you must be Karen yeah?"

"Yes I am " Karen replied

"So you leaving now right?" He said directing the question to me

"Yeah I am "

"Alright lets go " he said as Karen through him the keys .

We were on our way to the airport.