


Hey who watch wrestling matches, you know there is smack down, WWE and royal rumble.

You get that rumble part right ? Yahhhhhh

That's the perfect word to describe the sound coming from my tummy right now.

Considering I didn't eat yesterday both lunch and dinner.

I brushed my teeth and went down the stairs only for me to see Karen eaten cereals, oh she can get hungry, what happened to 'im not hungry ' thatcshe was busy ranting yesterday.

I wonder how she got cereals, mum has a collection of it so it isn't easy to find.

I freaking miss mum.

I by passed Karen without a word cause I'm still mad at her .

I made pancakes and coffee, I deliberately left some for her to eat as I went upstairs to get ready for the day.

I took my bathe and got dressed as I booked a ride to the church I did see Karen on my way out may be shes upstairs. Anyways.

"Goodday father" I said as soon as I had noticed the priest walk in

"Goodday dearly beloved you look so familiar " he said trying to be remember me

"Well I'm Nessa,dont know if that name rings a bell but I use to live here with Mrs kay and her daughter Karen. I was the child she adopted"

"Oh dear how have you been"

"I've been food father. Well as you must have heard, shes dead " I said choking on my spit damn it's so had to say

"Accept my condolence "

"Thanks " I replied sniffing cause this shot is so emotional right now.

"So when is the funeral?" He asked

" tomorrow, I know how committed mum was to the God and to the church that's why I came to you "

"That's alright dear so tomorrow it is I'll see you at the cemetery by 9 "

"Ok thanks father"

"Again accept my condolence I pray her soul rest in peace. Amen" he said doing the sign of the cross.

I booked a ride home ahhh it's so tiring without my car here I just hope and pray to God that MK dont ruin my car. Typical MK.

I Got home to meet Karen in the sitting room yeah I can't deal with this .

"We need to talk Nessa " she said as she held my hand

"Alright "

I sat close to her waiting for her to speak

"I'm sorry Nessa for speaking that way with you yesterday, you are all I've got Nessa " she said

I couldn't find words so I just hugged her instead.

"Its alright "

"Where did you go?" She asked

"I went to the church to see the priest, the funeral is tomorrow " I said

" okay that's good I guess we need to tell the neighbour's and mum friends to come attend the funeral, not that we have friends here" she said agreeing to what I had said.

We went to the neighbour's and informed them about the funeral tomorrow

"Our condolences to you both"

"Thanks " we both replied to Mrs amaya and her husband who had been wonderful friends to us and mum for long.

We got back to our house and started calling some of her frequently contacted friends as some of them cried over the phone with Karen shedding a few tears.


I and Karen where both dressed in all black, alot of persons came , mum classmates, neighbour's, her co workers and so on . The priest started the ceremony and it got to a point Karen and I went to place our flowers on top of the coffin or casket what ever it is called I dont care right now . Then we watched as they began to lower it into the ground.

"May her soul rest in peace" the priest said

"Amen " everyone chorused.

It was done we wont see mum again.

We got home and sat down looking at each other, cause there is nothing more to say . I was beyond shattered and I couldn't even cry anymore. My phone rang bringing me out of my thoughts

"Hey MK " I said into the phone after looking at the callers ID

"Hey Nessa how are you feeling " he asked

'' I'll be fine I believe so, I'll be fine when I find the f**king killer "

"Oh Nessa dont be too hard on your self we are all here to help besides what about her funeral " he said obviously referring mum

"Yeah it was today " I said trying to keep my emotions in check

" so sorry just take care of your self and say hi to Karen for me" he said

"I'll bye" I said ending the call

" MK says hi" I said to Karen

" ok"

"I'll go take a nap I announced " as I walked to my room and fell on my bed sleep overwhelming me Immediately.


I woke up and by the time on my phone its 4pm

What!!!! I slept 6 freaking hours . Huh well you can't blame me I was really tired.

I went to Karen's door and knocked before stepping inside .

"Hey I want to talk to you" i said sitting on her bed. She wasn't really doing anything though just going through her phone.

"Yeah "

"So I was suggesting that you lay low for the time being and go somewhere else instead of coming to Newyork " I said in one breadth

"What you saying Nessa why " she asked

" I don't want anything to happen to you because of me the case is still ongoing " I said

" ohh" she said finally realising it

"Yeah you se……" I was about to say before Karen's phone rang cutting me off

" hey mimi "

Oh it's probably her boss

After a few minutes she ended the call smiling

"Oh my God Nessa" she said as she hugged me

" what's the excitement for ?" I asked

" my boss Mimi just called and said I had been transferred to New Zealand and also promoted as the managing director off her branch there because of the good work I did over there " she said shouting

"That's f**king good news wow I'm so happy for you " I said hugging her.

"Yeah it is so you'll leave alone now " she said suddenly sad

" nah that's not a problem as long as you are safe, we'll talk on phone as face time too" I said cheering her up .

" this calls for a drink " she said as she dragged me to the living room.

At last I know she'll be safe , moreover I'll make sure she has someone watching her . I can't loose Karen not now , not ever.