


"Nessa I'm gonna miss you so much MK "said fake crying as Karen looked at him shaking her head .

"Oh stop being dramatic it's just gonna be a week" I said

"Even if, and oh have you heard anything from that snobbish boy?" He asked .

"Who ?" I asked

"Ezekiel "he said

Immediately he said it my heart skipped a bit

Gross much

"No why?" I asked

"Nothing I just asked

let me explain better, we had gotten to the airport 10 minutes earlier.

waiting for our airplane to come on board as MK kept on whining about how he was gonna miss me which earns him a glare from Karen.

MK left as he needed to be at the office

"Seems MK is into you" Karen said nudging my hand

I started laughing hysterically wow she really thought that.

"MK is gay he doesn't like girls rather he like boys" I said

"Ohh" she said amusement evident in her face.

Soon we where already on board

"Announcement the plane is about to take off so everyone sit tight and make sure you sit belt is intact and refrain for moving around till you are told you can do so."

LA here we come. It's so gonna be a long week I just hope it doesn't have much drama, oh boy was I wrong.


We landed LA and ordered a ride home as our house here in LA is a little far from the airport.

Immediately we entered the house Karen broke down in tears, the memories where too much . The house was damn silent the keys were given to us by our neighbour .

Karen went upstairs and banged the door shut .I feel so sorry and guilty at the same time .

I just wish I could find the killer sooner than later.

Then I saw a picture on the wall ,it was a pic of the three of us mum, Karen and me.

I think we were 18 then it was our high school graduation.

I vividly remember That day


"Mum we gonna be late " I yelled as

"Just one more pic baby ,you dont graduate high school twice " she said fussing around

After the pictures we got to the graduation hall a little late , fashionably late according to mum . The principal started calling out our names as we went to the make shift stage . And i and Karen kept on cringing any time mum yells

"Those are my babies yeah!!!!they made it " as this caused some other parents to stare


God I miss mum she took care of me even though I wasn't her child.


That day when I stood helplessly in tears as my parents were being rolled out in a stretcher , no one paid attention to me .

But mum was passing by and she gave me a cookie and told me not to cry anymore that she's gonna take care of me .

She took me home to her daughter and told us we are both sisters and I could never be grateful for that .

She had tried to seek justice for my parents but she didn't have enough money to push the case forward. And since then she had taken care of me.


I cried as I went through my memory lane .

I went up the stairs and knocked on Karen's door ,I went in to see her sitting

"Hey how are you feeling?" I asked her

And she gave me a tight smile

"Do you know how mum died, I mean how did she die?"she asked and I froze , I mean that anonymous person said it all but I refuse to believe. Maybe she was sick or something which I know its totally wrong.

Before I could answer her phone rang

"Hello yes this is Karen "

"Yes I and my sister got home now "

"Alright we await you"

She finally ended the call

"Its the police they are on their way here to have a word with us " she said even without me asking


We both went downstairs to get a drink as the police arrived few minutes later.

"When last did you speak to her" he asked Karen

"Last week while I was still in New Zealand for work"

"Yeah and me too last week " I added

"Well according to the autopsy no injuries just a bite mark , no blood found her blood had been drained" he said as Karen held her hands over her mouth and muffled a few words obviously in shock

" I fucking New it that bastard killed my mum that fucking bastard I'm gonna hunt you down" I yelled

"Do you by any chance know anything about her death?" The police man asked

"I'm Detective Vanessa I work for the FBI In Newyork to he precise in Newyork these same thing had been happening and I'm the case was handed over to me , I kept on receiving threat notes from the person " I said finally in one breath

"That's…. that's…. infact I'm shot of words I mean I didn't know you were a detective "

"Nessa why didn't you tell me "Karen said not in a friendly way, shes beyond pissed.

"Why didn't you tell me about what was going on" she questioned

"I didn't know the person meant his threat "

"What if you had been killed and not mum" she said

"Don't worry about me "

"Thank you for your Time sir" I said as I gave him a hand shake and see him off to the door.

"Nessa our life is in danger " Karen said

"I know that I have something planned out" I said

"Let's get something to eat" I said

"I'm not hungry "

"Why not"

"Because I'm not hungry "

"Oh come on you have barely eaten anything since yesterday "

"That's because I'm not hungry "

"Tf can't you see that I'm trying here Karen, I'm trying to be strong for the both of us but you aren't making it any easier for me" I yelled at last

And that shut her up .

"Infact I've lost my appetite " I said going to my room.