Those present remained silent as they watched as the Jonin who had the boy by the throat began to convulse from the pressure.
"I think you made your point, Foxy-kun," Anko said seriously. While she was enjoying seeing the suffering of that insufferable man, she did not want Kurama's relationship with Konoha to be even more strained.
"Ok..." - replied the redheaded young man as he threw the now unconscious Jonin to the ground and stopped releasing his chakra. The other Jonin could only breathe a sigh of relief as they saw how pale his partner was.
"What just happened?" - Sakura asked in surprise. She did not understand what was happening, all of this was thanks to the great control Kurama had. He had managed to concentrate all of the Chakra releases against Anko's Jonin, without letting the Genin feel an ounce of his chakra.
"I don't know" - denied Hinata and Ino.
A deep silence invaded the place while the atmosphere became tenser and tenser.
"I recommend that you go to the Hokage and inform him about Orochimaru, Anko-chan," said Kurama calmly as he looked at the snake-charmer, "I know you want to go after that bastard, but you can't see him, not when he is in this state"
". . ." - Anko just sighed with regret but still nodded - " Okay...I'll go immediately and inform Hiruzen-sama, you guys will be in charge of this exam in the meantime."
I'll go immediately and inform Hiruzen-sama, you guys will be in charge of this exam in the meantime."
"H-Hai!" - the Jonin immediately nodded as a forced smile appeared on their faces.
"As for this idiot... he'd better not show up in front of me anymore, or I swear he'll have a special seat at the IT" - that said, Anko disappeared from the scene.
Kurama stopped paying attention to the Jonin, so he walked over to where the other Genins were - " Let's go"
"Ok..." - said Sakura while she still didn't understand what had happened.
Kurama did not go deeper into the situation, he only created a Moku Bunshin and took Kiba and Sasuke firmly because the Uchiha was moving back and forth - "When we are in a safer place, I will start with the sealing process"
"Thank you" - said Sakura while she followed the Genin of team 8.
* * * * *
"Orochimaru-sama..." - Kabuto said with surprise at how his master was paler than usual if that were possible.
"Don't say anything, Kabuto..." - said the Renegade Sannin as he hissed in pain - "I want them to start with phase 2 of the plan"
"Ok..." - nodded the 'Genin of Konoha'.
"I will be recovering from my injuries, I do not want you to interrupt me unless it is extremely important" - that said, Orochimaru disappeared from the forest of death to an unknown destination.
". . ." - Kabuto only adjusted his glasses as he frowned. He never thought his master would end up so badly in this supposedly simple mission.
After a few minutes, he pulled out a whistle and blew it, only to have a black-haired girl appear in front of him after a few minutes.
"Have you summoned us, Kabuto-sama?" - said the girl from Oto as she looked at the silver-haired young man.
"Where are Dozu and Zaku?" - Kabuto asked with a scowl at the mere sight of the only woman of the group.
"You should know what they are doing by now," Kin replied with disgust.
"Oh..." - Kabuto only shook his head - "Then I will go and inform them of the situation myself"
". . ." - Kin was only silence as he watched Orochimaru's right-hand man go to his companions. She still didn't understand how her clan had decided to join Orochimaru, especially since they knew of the 'rules' he had with his forces - "There are times when I think being captured by our enemies isn't so bad..."
She just shook her head while thinking about these things - "Maybe I should do something about it... who am I kidding... before I try anything, the fucking seal that the deviant snake put on me is going to melt my brain... although..."
* * * * *
It was already night and Konoha's group was resting inside a cave.
Sakura was taking care of her teammates while team 8 was preparing the food. Kurama was at this moment putting seals around their camp.
"Ugh..." - But it was at this time that Kiba started to complain about the pain.
"Baka Inu!" - Sakura exclaimed excitedly.
"Shut up, pink board..." - Kiba muttered as he slowly opened his eyes. He felt like his entire body was paralyzed but at least the pain was manageable.
"For the first time in my life, I am glad to hear those words," Sakura said with a smile on her face as a small tear ran down her cheek.
"Did you finally accept that your tits will not grow?" - asked the Inuzuka, only to feel how his whole body started to hurt because Sakura was giving small blows to the most sensitive points of his body - "Why was that?! Don't you see that I'm in shit?!"
"That was for insulting me too much!" - Sakura shouted as her eyes sharpened.
"Okay... I admit that I got carried away..." - muttered the young Inuzuka as he shook his head - "What happened while I was unconscious?"
"Orochimaru managed to put some kind of seal on Sasuke-kun and now he's unconscious..." - Sakura murmured as she started to cry uncontrollably - "If it wasn't for Kurama arriving at the right time and helping us, I wouldn't know how we would have ended up..."
". . ." - Kiba only clenched his fist in anger. He felt helpless, and this was a normal thing to see that they couldn't do anything against their enemy - "I... I don't want to go through this again..."
"I know how you feel..." - Sakura murmured with regret. She felt the worst of the three in this regard, after all, she had helped in almost nothing during the battle while her two companions did all the work.
"We had better change the subject... Where are we?" Kiba asked as he sighed ruefully.
"We are heading for the central tower," replied the pink-haired girl. "Kurama is escorting us so that we can get help"
"I see..." - The young Inuzuka's expression got worse when he heard this but he didn't say anything to complain. It was obvious that in their current situation, they would not be able to pass the test, so accepting the help of Team 8 was the best option. His pride was hurt more than ever but he wouldn't put it ahead of the benefits of the whole team.
"I see you are better than I thought," said Kurama as he appeared in front of the boys.
"Redhead..." - murmured Kiba as he gave him a troubled look.
"I know how you feel and I think I know a way to help you" - said the redhead with a half-smile - "But it has its price..."
"Tell me..." - the Inuzuka murmured firmly.
"I can help you recover, to the point that tomorrow you will be as good as new," said Kurama as his expression grew serious - "It is something I have been working on with the help of Kaasan..."
"Go straight to the point," Kiba said with a frown.
"Ok" - the redheaded man nodded - "Actually, what I'm going to do is pretty simple... I just need to get my chakra around your whole body for an hour, although obviously, I'm going to concentrate more chakra on the most damaged parts"
"What is the price" - said the Inuzuka seriously.
"Pain" - answered Kurama with a wild smile that brought a chill to the brown-haired boy - "An unimaginable pain because my Chakra is toxic. While I can make it non-corrosive and harmless to the body of an ordinary human, it doesn't change your dark nature, so when I use my Chakra on you, you will begin to feel as if I am tearing out your nerves... one by one"
Kiba only swallowed when he heard this but slowly nodded - "Ok... I'll do it..."
Kurama only smiled at her while giving Sakura a look - "I'm sorry to ask you to leave... because this will not be nice"
". . ." - Sakura was silent for a few seconds and then nodded.
"Well? Shall we begin?" asked the redhead with a small smile on his face.
"You are enjoying this... aren't you?" - asked the Inuzuka with a frown.
"Why would I enjoy it?" - Asked Kurama with an innocent look - "Right... I forgot to tell you this... the pain will continue all night because a little bit of my Chakra will remain inside your body to accelerate the regeneration process"
"Now I feel that perhaps waiting to heal naturally is not so bad," Kiba muttered, only to feel as if someone is tearing at his flesh.
"I am sorry to tell you that there is no turning back now," Kurama said with a happy smile.
"At least tell me when you will start!" - Kiba shouted as he began to squirm from the deep pain he felt.
"I thought if I did it by surprise, it wouldn't hurt so much," the redheaded man answered seriously.
"Well, it doesn't work!" - roared the Inuzuka as it felt like it was being slowly dismembered - "ARGH!"
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