
Initiation Mission! How old is Tora ?!

A new day had come to Konohagakure no Sato and Kurama were walking to training camp 8 to meet Hinata, Ino and their Sensei Kurenai. It was 9 AM when he arrived at the place where they would gather and since there was still a long time for the others to arrive, he stretched under a tree and fell asleep. Half an hour later, Hinata and Ino arrived at the place and smiled when they saw the boy sleeping under the tree.

"Should we wake him up?" - Hinata asked.

"No ..." - Ino denied - "He may still be getting used to moving, remember that only yesterday he left the hospital"

It took another 10 minutes for a person to appear on training camp 7. She was a beautiful woman with black hair up to her shoulders, red eyes with a ring around her pupil, her lips were painted with a red similar to her eyes. She was wearing a red mesh armor blouse with only the right sleeve visible that could not hide her curves. Overall, this is a very broad material that resembles bandages with a pattern on it similar to those of rose thorns. 9 out of 10 men will say that she is beautiful and the last one will say that he is more of minors or that he is a friend of Orochimaru.

Kurama felt the presence of Kurenai as soon as she reached the training ground, so he opened his eyes. When he did, he had to admit that she was really beautiful. He had seen her yesterday but was still delighted by the delicacy of her features.

The two Genin got upset when they noticed the boy's expression but quickly calmed down.

Kurenai found it funny but quickly shook his head - "It's good to see each other again, Kurama-kun"

"The feeling is mutual, Kurenai Sensei" - nodded the redhead.

"You already know each other but it is a tradition that the groups present themselves so that there is a better unity" - Kurenai said while looking at her Genin - "So I will start, my name is Kurenai Yuhi, I like to drink some glasses of Sake under the moonlight, what I dislike are the traitors, those who don't keep their promises and the perverts ... "

"My name is Hinata Hyuga ..." - said the girl with pearly eyes - "I like flowers, train, my friends and ..."

Here the pearl eyes pause, I look at Kurama and blush to put her hands on her face - "... and ... K-Ku-Ku ... KURAMA-KUN!"

She finished speaking and passed out with her red face while smoke came out of her head, the funny thing is that she could not even say what she disliked. The blonde saw her friend, shook her head and said - "My name is Ino Yamanaka, I like flowers, fashion and most of all Kuro-kun ~"

She said this while winking at Kurama but he only smiled at her. He knew that the girls felt something for him but he didn't know how to answer them at least until a few days ago.

"What I don't like are the perverts, the ones who don't take their ninja career seriously and the cocky ones" - Ino was a little upset that the boy she liked didn't blush but couldn't do anything, just thinking that she would have to be a little more active.

Kurenai saw the aptitude of the two girls and nodded - "They have potential and because of the information that Hiruzen-sama gave me, I know they were tortured ... trained by Kushina-sensei ..."

"Okay, you're next Foxy" - Said the sensei as she stared at Kurama.

"Ok, my name is Kurama Uzumaki, I like ramen, train and ..." - said the redhead but he was undecided on whether to give the information or not.

"If you are thinking about whether to report on your status as a participant in the CRA, then you don't have to worry" - Kurenai said seriously - "Hiruzen-sama has already informed all Clan Heads and Jonin Sensei about the issue"

"Etto ... Kurenai Sensei ... what is the CRA?" - Hinata asked who had just woken up.

"I am honestly not comfortable talking about this, so I better leave the explanation to Kurama-kun" - replied the red-eyed Kunoichi - "I'm sorry I can't give you the answer you are looking for"

"The Clans Restoration Act or CRA for short is an Act that is only possible if a Clan is on the verge of extinction" - said the redhead - "It allows the survivor to have more than one partner to have more offspring"

The two Genin blushed when they heard about the offspring although they had to admit that the part where the redhead could now have more than one partner was something that relieved them. They were best friends and had trained together for years, so they didn't want to make each other suffer, that's why they had decided to join forces and see if Kurama could accept them both but now that the redhead was on a program like the CRA, it was no longer necessary to worry about whether or not to accept them.

"As an extra fact, the Uchiha clan does not apply to this law because there are 3 active men" - added Kurenai.

"But returning to the subject, the CRA is not known because ... let's say it's not the best law made" - sighed the redhead - "The law has a SERIOUS problem ... and that is being women ..."

"What happens to them?" - Ino asked.

"A fate worse than death ..." - Kurenai said with disgust. She did not want to talk but it was better for a woman to tell them, so it would have a greater impact - "They are used as breeding machines. Their only purpose is to give birth and when they do, their children are taken away and they are returned to the process of pregnancy"

"!" - The girls turned pale at the words of their sensei.

"The only salvation that women who enter this program have ..." - Kurenai said while she was silent for a few moments - "It's death ..."

"Kaasan told me that she had had bad experiences with the CRA" - Kurama said while letting out a sigh - "After all, she was the last Uzumaki woman and those of the Civilian Council, wanted to possess her to increase their political power ..."

"That's why I didn't know whether to accept the option that Hiruzen Jiji had given me" - Kurama said while looking at the girls - "That's why I decided to ask Kaasan to give me her opinion and after talking about it for a few minutes, we decided that it was the best option ... so they could not demand anything since I, being an Uzumaki I am in the program "

"What made you decide to enter the CRA?" - Kurenai asked with a frown.

"First being able to protect Kaasan" - Kurama replied but his voice quickly changed to one of shame - "And second ... my indecision ..."

"What do you mean?" - Kurenai asked with a clear annoyance in his tone.

"I did not know what to do" - sighed the redhead - "I will not go into details because I feel it is not necessary but let's say that my situation was somewhat ... peculiar ..."

"There were some people who are too important for me but I couldn't choose just one of them" - the boy could only look at the floor with a distressed expression - "If I chose one, the others would suffer from my decision, that's why I didn't it knows what to do..."

Kurenai just shook her head as she gave the boy a neutral look. Women didn't like undecided men but at least she had to give the boy credit, he was being honest.

"They ... the girls you don't want to disappoint ... did they accept the idea of entering the CRA with you?" - Kurenai asked seriously.

"Yes ..." - the boy nodded - "I asked your opinion before giving my answer to Ero Jiji"

Kurenai nodded at the boy's words, at least he had respected the decision of others.

"I'm not the one to get into your life, less when they accepted of their own accord" - sighed the red-eyed kunoichi - "But as a woman, I only ask you not to hurt them"

"I don't plan on doing it" - the redhead smiled - "They are too important for me"

Kurenai just gave him a smile - "Better continue with your presentation"

"Ok" - the boy nodded - "I guess now comes what I don't like ... and those would be the perverts, the weak who do nothing to remedy it and the power-hungry"

"I guess that would be all" - Kurenai nodded as he looked at his squad - "Hiruzen-sama asked me to inform him about my first impression of you, among other things, so for now I retire, but first ... I congratulate you for ascending to Genin "

"Hai!" - shouted the three Genin.

"They can retire" - that said, Kurenai disappeared in a Shunshin.

"Girls ... how about we talk a little?" - the redhead asked as they both nodded and followed him.

The three Genin walked to the village as they talked about what had happened. Kurama explained some extra details about the CRA and who was one of the girls.

Neither kunoichi was surprised when they heard that it was Anko and it was at that moment that the two promised themselves that they would not lose the battle for the boy's heart.

After that, Kurama took them to their homes and decided to return to the training camp to burn some energy, after all, he had been days without being able to move a muscle and needed some movement.

* * * * * * * *

Kurama returned home when the sun was setting. Kushina was not surprised by this, so she just gave him a small smile and told him to go to bathe.

Kurama did it without thinking twice but when he was about to knock on the doorknob, he started to get a severe headache - "Ugh ..."

Slowly fragments of memory invaded his mind along with images he did not understand.

"Nami ... no Kuni ..." - the boy murmured as the pain intensified. He felt like this was something important but the more he tried to remember it, the worse was the migraine.

"Kuro-chan?" - Kushina asked when she saw that the young man had stopped - "Are you alright?"

"It's nothing ..." - replied the young redhead - "Just a little headache ..."

"Better take your bath ... maybe you get rid of it" - Kushina said with a smile.

"I will" - Kurama smiled as he entered the bathroom.

After taking a shower, Kurama went to the dining room to have dinner with Kushina. The two were talking about what had happened on the day and how Mikoto had come to see if he was at home.

Kurama felt a little bad knowing that he had ignored the Uchiha but after a few words from Kushina and let him know that she would return tomorrow, he calmed down.

"I will see the stars, Kushi-chan" - the redhead smiled as he looked at the beautiful Uzumaki.

"Just remember to come in before you fall asleep" - said matriarch Uzumaki.

"I don't think he's such an idiot" - Kurama snorted but he fell asleep in the open.

* * * * *

"I never sleep on the roof again ..." - Kurama said while the bones in his neck sounded.

"It is not as if the shingles were designed to sleep" - said Kushina while letting out a small laugh.

"I know ..." - Kurama said as he let out a sigh - "Anyway, I better prepare ..."

When it was 9:30 AM, he went to training camp 8 to meet his sensei and teammates. There he waits 5 minutes for them to start arriving.

The first one that arrived was Hinata, then Ino and finally Kurenai. The two Genin were calm and seemed to overwhelm an aura of absolute seriousness.

Kurenai nodded when she saw the girls with a smile on her face as he thought about the potential the Genin had.

"Well, guys!" - Kurenai said as he looked at his pupils - "Now we will go to Hiruzen-sama to start our missions and remember that we are a week behind the other teams so we have to make double efforts"

"Hai!" - Team 8 members said and quickly headed to the Hokage tower.

When they arrived, they notified the secretary so that she could inform Hiruzen that they had already arrived and after waiting a few minutes, they heard a voice inside the office telling them to pass.

"I guess you are coming for their first mission, right?" - Said the Sandaime with a smile.

"Hai, Hiruzen-sama!" - nodded the red-eyed kunoichi.

"Hmm ~ let's see ..." - Hiruzen said while handing them the rank D mission to team 8 - "The first mission the new Genin squads always do is to capture Tora. You could say capture the demon cat and see the time is like an initiation "

"Hey, Ero Jiji! Don't you have something more exciting?" - Kurama said while watching the Hokage.

Hiruzen began to give a tick in the eye when he heard how the redhead said - "Do you know Kurama-kun? I am the Hokage and as such, you should have respect for me"

"Ero Jiji .." - Kurama saw him with disdain - "I know you quite well ..."

"I even know where you keep your collection ..." - Kurama said as he turned his eyes - "Thank you that I still don't tell Biwako baba about where they are because otherwise, she would have burned them"

Hiruzen when listening to Kurama used a Shunshin and was transported to a corner while making a circle with his finger and muttering - "Damn redheads who do not respect authority ..."

Those present, like the Anbu Neko who was in the shadows, looked at the Sandaime thinking - "And he is the strongest man in the village?"

"Ahem! Hiruzen-sama ... Could you give us the mission?" - Kurenai said with a drop of sweat running down her neck.

The Hokage disappeared and was again at his desk - "Here you go, remember that you have to come back to give Tora's capture time ..."

"By the way, the current record is that of Team Minato with 30 minutes and 50 seconds ..." - Hiruzen said with a smile - "Good luck"

After leaving the office, the 3 Genin separated to look for traces of the demon cat or as the inhabitants of Konoha knew him, the Ichibi no Bakaneko.

Kurama found this funny because they were the mixed nicknames of his two brothers.

* * * * * * *

They spent 10 minutes searching when they finally found the happy cat. The only problem was that the small and elusive feline dodged them as if nothing or at least until Kurama got tired of everything and easily caught him with his Mokuton.

It took 25 minutes 10 seconds.

When they delivered the results, the 3 Genin said goodbye to Kurenai and walked to the house of the redhead. Kushina was waiting for them to tell her how their initiation ended, she was surprised when she heard they had the new record.

"When I was young, it took us 45 minutes to capture Tora" - Uzumaki said as she looked at the young ones - "I'm still wondering what they fed him to live so long ..."

Kushina's words left a question in the minds of the three young people - "How old is Tora ?!"


I still don't understand how I can translate so many chapters so quickly ... First I have to review the original text and sincerely rewritten at least the last 10 chapters from 0 because I found that they were too unimpressive. The origin of relations between Kurama and the girls, as well as some reactions, were too simple or too over-acted, just as some dialogues made no sense.

After reading these chapters, I also understood that my protagonist was being an idiot, so I decided to remedy things a bit and I think the situation improved a lot. I would like you to tell me what you think so far.


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And if you understand Spanish, you can read my second story or the original version of this

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