
Extra 16: Gate (9)

The group of Piña, quickly arrived at the palace, and honestly did not know what to say.

"If I'm honest, I expected better" - said Shandi while looking at the mansion, which was very different from the emperor's castle.

"We've told Kurama-sama to modify his home, but he doesn't seem to want to stick out too much" - replied Tyuule while clicking her tongue - "Anyway, let's go inside, let's not keep Kurama-sama waiting any longer."

The group entered the mansion, only to feel how the world seemed to change with just a few steps.

"Unbelievable" - Bozes muttered as she saw how different the interior of the house was, which seemed to be designed in an ancient, oriental style.

"I know, a lot of people have the same reaction" - replied Tyuule as she nodded at the aesthetic wonder that was the home of her god and master - "Anyway, please follow me."

The group continued to move through the corridors, until they came to a sort of room with a window to the outside, something that surprised them because the scenery did not seem to be that of the city of [Samsara], but rather a courtyard with many flowers and strange trees.

"Welcome to my home, as you can see, it is in a different dimension" - said Kurama with a little smile - "The entrance is a simple medium to connect you to this little existential plane"

"It's beautiful" - replied Piña while looking around - "This all seems new to the world, it's as if a new culture has arrived at the continent."

Kurama just smiled in response as he motioned them all to sit down.

Tyuule quickly walked to his side and took one of the cushions around and knelt down on it.

Piña and the others were surprised at this, but when they tried it, they noticed how uncomfortable it was.

"Relax, you don't have to use my customs" - Kurama said with amusement as he snapped his fingers and made a table with a few chairs appear.

Half of the girls, accepted Kurama's kindness, but the men, Piña, and Bozes, decided to keep using the cushions as a sign of respect.

Kurama shook his head before looking at the group - "I know why you have come, even the real reason behind it all, but I'm still going to ask you, what is it that you wish?"

"We have come to learn a little more about your city and your new culture, as well as to try to form a closer relationship" - Piña answered with embarrassment because it was obvious that the god had overheard their conversation as they walked to the entrance.

"It's good to speak the truth" - nodded Kurama as he started to think - "I can let you stay as long as you want, [Samsara] has its doors open for everyone who has problems or wants a second chance."

"As for creating a closer relationship between [Samsara] and the empire, I honestly don't know what to answer" - Kurama continued as he shook his head - "It's too abrupt, besides, if I'm honest, I don't have much interest with expanding the scope of my hands when it comes to women"

"I understand" - nodded Piña as she looked at her group - "We appreciate your hospitality despite the tension that exists between our two parties"

"Don't mention it, I can see there is still hope for the empire, that's why I wish you luck" - smiled Kurama as he gave her permission to leave.

"See you later, Kurama-sama" - said Piña as she nodded and left together with her subordinates.

"Tyuule, escort them towards the exit" - said Kurama as he stood up and left through the door leading to the courtyard.

Piña and the others, were quickly led to the door, but before they could leave, Tyuule stopped them.

"Is something wrong, Tyuule-dono?" - Pineapple asked in surprise.

"Yes, I want to make something clear before you try anything" - Tyuule answered while narrowing her eyes - "I hope you don't take advantage of Kurama-sama's kindness, because if so, then you will not only have to worry about us, the [Rabbit Warriors], but also about all the races that inhabit this city."

"Is that a threat?" - Grey asked as he frowned.

"No, it's a promise" - answered Tyuule as she narrowed her eyes - "Many people have tried to establish a relationship with Kurama-sama over the past few weeks, all with intentions of power or endless riches, but they have all ended up the same."

"How?" - Piña asked curiously.

"Outside [Samsara], with nothing to drop dead with and a banned from allowing them to enter" - replied Tyuule with a frown - "Personally, I would have liked for them to die, but Kurama-sama is too kind and would not allow people who are trying to have a new beginning, to get blood on their hands because of him."

Piña was silent before nodding calmly and retreating.

"I hope with that, she ponders things a little better because I wasn't lying" - Tyuule muttered as she shrugged - "The people of this town, they are extremely protective of Kurama-sama because he is their savior, and honestly, I can't blame them."

* * * * *

"Now that we have the free time to be able to explore the city, I have to admit that it's beautiful" - muttered Piña as she looked around, only to see how the streets were clean, people were laughing happily, shopping without worry, or talking to each other as if they were lifelong friends.

"Security is also impressive, although I am surprised that some known criminals are in the security forces" - Grey replied with a frown - "Isn't this asking for security to be corrupt?"

"I would have accepted your words as irrefutable truth if I had heard them a week ago, but I can assure you that those men are serious about their work, they have even dismantled a few organizations that were starting to appear in the city" - replied a female voice.

The group turned around and looked at the woman.

"Mizari?" - Norma asked with surprise because he hadn't expected to see the leader of one of the many brothels in the capital, and as for why he knew her, well, he and some friends had been clients of her facility - "I didn't know you had moved locations."

"Hello" - Mizari replied as she shrugged - "Actually, I've changed jobs, I now have a much more important position."

"Norma, who is she?" - Pineapple asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"W-Well, she's..." - Norma muttered as she scratched her cheek.

"My name is Mizari, former prostitute" - replied Mizari calmly as she ignored the surprised looks from the women, although that explained why she had an aura of seduction when she moved her body - "Although I don't work that line of business anymore, neither do my girls, in fact, I'm pretty sure there are no prostitutes in [Samsara]"

"There aren't?" - Norma asked with surprise.

"Exactly, many of us entered this line of business for reasons beyond our control, others just wished to leave this past behind" - replied Mizari with a frown - "Anyway, I didn't come here to talk about our decisions, I just want to warn you one thing"

"Another warning?" - Piña asked with a frown.

"No, more than a warning, it's a friendly advice" - replied Mizari while shaking her head - "It's simple, don't go near the [Naraka] zone."

"[Naraka] zone?" - repeated Piña while raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, it's the place where all the criminals are locked up."

"Criminals?" - Gray repeated with a frown.

"I mean the criminals who didn't accept the laws of [Samsara] and despite giving them a second chance, they continued with their evil deeds" - replied Mizari while snorting with disdain - "I can tell you some more things, but it's going to cost you"

"You're an informant now?" - Norma asked with surprise.

"Something like that, although apart from the money, I'm also going to collect information from you, and relax, nothing confidential" - replied Mizari with a huge smile.

"Ok, we have a deal" - nodded Piña calmly, as long as she didn't ask for secrets of the empire, she found that it was a good deal.

"Alright, let's go to that restaurant over there" - smiled Mizari as she walked in silence.

Norma looked at the woman with fire in his eyes because every movement of the former prostitute, was seductive.

"Eyes up, we're on duty" - Gray said as he gave a firm smack on the back of his apprentice's head.

"Sorry" - muttered Norma as he noticed how the girls were giving him a cold stare.

When they arrived, they saw how the restaurant was bursting, but quickly noticed how Mizari was calling them from a door in the distance.

Piña and her group quickly reached their side and entered, only to see a room furnished and ready for them to take their orders.

"Room for important people" - Mizari said with a small smile - "You can order whatever you want, it's on me, but we'd better get right down to business. You guys can ask first."

"I want to know a little more about the city" - declared Piña while looking at the former prostitute.

"It's simple, the city of [Samsara], it's known among us as the city of reincarnation, here it doesn't matter your past life, when you set foot inside, you have the possibility to have a new life" - replied Mizari with a small smile - "That's an interesting description for the city of the god of reincarnation, isn't it?"


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[The Legend of the Kyubi] Extra 16(24) <--- Available in Pa treon.

Remember that this story is translated with MT and edited with [Gramarly].

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