"We have our methods, Piña-sama" - Kuro replied calmly while handing her the strange box - "Anyway, I just came to deliver this to you, if you want to use it, it's up to you."
Piña tried to stop her to ask more about the possible leak of more confidential information, but the woman had disappeared as fast as she had appeared, as if she was a ghost.
"Piña-sama" - muttered Grey with a frown.
"I know, the claws of [Samsara] are getting dangerously close to the main core of the empire" - said Piña with a frown as she looked at the box - "But now the question is, why are they informing us about this? Wouldn't it be better if they didn't inform us about this, which is easily deducible?"
"Maybe they want to be honest with us?" - Norma asked as she raised an eyebrow.
"It's possible" - muttered Piña as she pondered - "Now the question is, how do we find the spy?"
"Maybe there isn't even a spy, maybe they found this information in another much more dangerous method, for example, by infiltrating the palace" - Grey added seriously, after all, he had seen the infiltration capabilities of [Samsara's] secret group. The women in that group were practically invisible, and you only knew they were around when they spoke.
"Putting aside our concerns, what is inside the box?" - asked Bozes as she pointed to the most important detail of the whole situation.
Piña quickly opened the strange box and saw a talisman of sorts next to a note - "Let's see, it says here that it's a communication talisman, one of the new items from the information department, with this we'll be able to send a direct message to [Samsara]"
"Just a message?" - Norma asked with a frown.
"That's all we need" - replied Pineapple seriously - "Remember that Kurama-sama can create portals and travel through them together with his troops."
"Which is terrifying" - Grey added seriously - "No matter how kind Kurama-sama is, having an ability as destructive as that when he has an army under his command is a constant nightmare for every kingdom that is his enemy"
"Good thing we're not his enemies" - sighed Bozes as the others nodded.
"For now" - muttered Piña as she shook her head - "No one knows what will happen in the future."
"Kurama-sama has been quite considerate in forgiving the empire's actions, but that doesn't mean he will continue to do so in the future" - added Grey as he nodded at his princess' words.
"That's what I think, and I heard that the weapons of those men in green, are interesting" - nodded Piña while tilting her head.
"Do you want to use those weapons to try to fight against [Samsara]?" - Bozes asked with surprise because she didn't expect such a drastic change in their leader.
"What?! No!" - exclaimed Piña with a red face - "I'm not saying it because of that, but because this way we will be able to defend ourselves more easily."
"But not everyone will use it for defense" - Beefeater replied with a frown - "Piña-sama, I know you have the best intentions, but not everyone is the same as you."
Piña was silent before shaking her head - "I know, but this is important to us."
Bozes was silent as she frowned, but said nothing to refute her leader's words, though that didn't mean she was happy with the situation.
Beefeater was also a bit skeptical because she didn't find it a good idea for them to be hostile against Kurama, not only because the white-haired man was handsome, but because his troops were monsters in every sense of the word. They were loyal, savage and seemed to be waiting for any situation, so they could attack the empire for everything they had done to them.
* * * * *
"This place is more peaceful than we thought" - Itami said while reading a manga he had brought with him for his rest hours - "The general situation is similar to the times of the three warring kingdoms in Chinese history."
"Yes, multiple empires, kingdoms or cities strong enough to join the battle, although the empire is still in the highest point of the continent" - replied a man with slightly tanned skin and muscular body - "The problem is that from what we have heard, [Samsara] is a neutral territory like the Vatican, all because that place is where pilgrims go to talk to their gods"
"I'm not one of those religious people, but according to the information we have gathered, the gods do inhabit that city, or at least they are much more attentive, that's why [Samsara] became the headquarters of the different religions of the special zone" - said a woman of short stature, brown hair and seductive body, although you could tell she was a little wild by the huge smile she had on her face.
"I didn't think you were so interested in [Samsara], Shino-chan" - said a pretty woman with black hair and eyes of the same color. She had a slightly smaller body than her companion, but she still had quite above average curves, and a body trained by her work as a military doctor.
"She's probably interested in [Samsara] because of her god" - said a black-haired man as he let out a laugh. He was walking around carrying an assault rifle with utmost care, as if he were her lover - "Don't you think so too, Mari-san?"
"Hmm, I hadn't thought about it" - Mari Kurokawa muttered as she tilted her head - "After all, she was the only one of us besides Captain Itami. By the way, what's he like?"
"I heard from our superiors that he's a pretty boy" - replied Tetsuya, the man with the rifle while shrugging his shoulders - "How true is this, Captain?"
"He could be considered to be as handsome as the male protagonist of a Shojo manga" - replied Itami while recalling the god of [Samsara] - "You know, handsome man, well-trained body, tall, model-like features."
"And heterochromatic eyes that looked like they wanted to steal your soul" - Shino added as her teammates looked at her with surprise.
"Did someone finally manage to conquer the crazy mare Shino?" - Tetsuya asked as he let out a laugh - "Now I want to see how handsome this man is to steal the heart of one of the most masculine women I've ever met."
Shino frowned when she heard this because even though she didn't act feminine, it didn't mean she didn't long for a boyfriend, though the requirements were a bit harsh. She had dated, but these always involved sparring matches at some local dojo, if they failed to defeat her, or at least put up a fight, she would simply cast them aside, no matter how handsome they were, that was why she was interested in the white haired god, because he had shown tremendous power and was handsome, that made him a good prospect as a boyfriend if things went well.
"Tetsuya" - Mari growled in irritation.
"Oh, sorry" - said Tetsuya as he moved his hands erratically.
"Don't worry, I know I'm not the most feminine woman, but it's annoying to be reminded of it" - snorted Shino as she stretched in her seat and looked at the roof of the vehicle they were in - "By the way, how strong do you think those gods are?"
"If what Kurama-dono said is true, then they are as dangerous as a walking nuclear bomb" - replied Itami with a frown - "More so if they are immune to our weapons."
"Honestly, I don't think those gods are immune, at least not all of them" - added Akira Tomita while shrugging his shoulders.
"It's possible, but Kurama-dono was quite sure of himself, and I couldn't sense a hint of a lie in his words" - Itami said while frowning - "Though it's possible he was just speaking for himself"
"That's what I thought. Maybe Kurama-dono is the strongest god in this world, and if so, then we better not get on his bad side" - nodded Akira as the others looked at each other - "By the way, am I the only one who feels a bit strange with this god having such a Japanese name?"
"No, I find it strange too" - replied Itami as he started to think - "Even his face is slightly Japanese."
"Maybe he was reborn in this world, like in one of those Isekai stories?" - Shino asked as the others looked at each other, confused by these words, at least all but Itami who was widening his eyes, surprised by this proposition.
"It's an interesting theory, which can't be ruled out, after all, he spoke outdated, but understandable Japanese" - muttered Itami as he pondered.
"Or it's possible that it's just a coincidence, after all, this is not an anime" - said Mari while shaking her head.
"You really think so?" - Itami asked while raising an eyebrow - "Remember that we're in a world where there are elves, mythical beasts, dragons and magic can be used, that sounds pretty anime to me."
"Right, I forgot that "little" detail" - muttered Mari as the others let out a laugh.
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Remember that this story is translated with MT and edited with [Gramarly].