"Seven years" - Kurama muttered with a frown - "You know, we could have taken care of everything in just seconds if you hadn't intervened."
"Really?" - Mavis asked in surprise.
"Yes, but we didn't because we would have destroyed the world" - replied Lucoa with a frown - "Breaking your spell would have caused us to destroy one of the main law lines of this dimension, and that would cause a chain reaction."
"Ugh" - Mavis let out a groan of discomfort at her unnecessary efforts.
Kurama was about to say something else when he saw a brown flash fly towards him.
Without a second thought, he stretched out his arms and braced for impact.
"Kurama ~!" - Tohru exclaimed as she began to cry - "I've missed you so much ~!"
"I'm fine too, Tohru" - said Lucoa as she opened one of her eyes, but her expression changed when she saw how a presence she immediately recognized, was approaching at full speed - "She's here?"
Tohru gave him an embarrassed smile, but her expression also changed as she saw how Iruru was looking carefully at Kurama - "Interesting, now that you're free, I can't feel a hint of your power, that's an impressive control"
"Thank you" - Kurama replied as he narrowed his eyes because he could feel that there was something weird with this "girl of his son's age" - "But leaving that aside, I'm surprised to see so much chaos in one person."
Mavis recoiled because the aura of that strange girl with huge breasts and red hair, was much worse than that of Zeref and Acnalogia together.
"Hmm" - Iruru looked in Mavis' direction while narrowing her eyes because she could smell a strong scent of harmony in the place, but she couldn't manage to find exactly where.
Mavis felt her body freeze before letting out a sigh of relief as she saw how the danger had passed.
"Anyway, my name is Iruru, and I want to check something" - Iruru said as a huge, sadistic smile appeared on her face - "Let's fight!"
"No" - Kurama replied without thinking.
"Huh?" - Iruru didn't expect this answer, though it wasn't like she was asking the white-haired man for permission, so she quickly jumped at him while extending her claws.
Kurama frowned as he deflected the attack with utmost ease, only to see Iruru smile excitedly.
"I knew it!" - Iruru exclaimed as she let out a laugh - "Let me keep enjoying this!"
Kurama gave her a bored look as he continued to block the strange dragoness' attacks, not noticing how Iruru's elation continued to grow.
"Etto, why does that girl have such big breasts for her size?" - Mavis asked jealously as she watched Kurama continue to block her opponent's attacks.
"I had that curiosity too, so one day I asked her" - Tohru replied while shaking her head - "She told me that it's because her organ to release fire, was much bigger than average, that's why her breasts are that size."
"Oh, makes sense, I guess" - Mavis replied while frowning - "And how old is she?"
"We're about the same age, but she chose that smaller appearance because it's easier to make sneak attacks" - Tohru answered while frowning - "Though if she wanted to, she could grow up, but according to her words, she's already used to that shape"
"Another question" - Mavis muttered seriously - "Do all dragons have large breasts?"
Tohru gave a blank look to the first guild master of [Fairy Tail] because she honestly didn't expect this question - "No, it's something more of a personal choice in most cases, there are rare cases like Iruru or Lucoa who are forced to have a huge bust because of their elemental organs"
"I see" - nodded Mavis as she looked at her small body, then at Iruru, who had a similar figure, with the only difference that her breasts were equal or bigger than her head - "That doesn't stop me from being jealous."
"Oh, that's something that many of our race feel, although for other reasons" - Tohru replied while shrugging her shoulders - "The bigger the organ that produces fire, the more potential we have, that's why having big breasts is synonymous with status in our tribe"
"Wait, didn't you say girls didn't need to have big breasts because it was personal choice?" - Mavis asked with a frown.
"Yes, but that doesn't take away from the fact that my words are true" - Tohru replied as she shrugged once again.
"Hmm, now that you mention it, I feel a little bad too" - Lucoa muttered while touching her cheek.
"Your pity only causes more hurt for flat girls like me!" - Mavis exclaimed with feminine fury as she started smacking Lucoa's huge breasts with her fingertips.
Tohru gave the blonde girl a blank look as Lucoa began to frown.
"Would you stop doing that?" - Lucoa asked with a frown.
"Give me a few more minutes, so I can de-stress, maybe then your breasts will deflate" - Mavis replied, only to fly off as a green tail collided with her face - "Ugh."
"I don't like people who I don't approve of, touching me" - Lucoa said with a frown - "Especially my breasts which are my husband's property"
"Ugh" - Mavis stood up silently as she sighed regretfully.
"If it's any consolation, these breasts cause me enormous back pain when I'm in my human form" - Lucoa said as she shook her head.
"Don't talk to me about the inconveniences of large-breasted women!" - Mavis exclaimed as she ruffled her body like a cat that just had its tail stepped on - "That kind of talk just makes us flat women feel like you are gloating about your huge chest!"
"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean it that way" - Lucoa replied as she scratched her cheek - "I'm just speaking the truth."
"I know, but it sounds bad, at least to us" - muttered Mavis as she folded her arms, only to freeze when she saw how easy she did it - ". . ."
"Wow, even I can feel the feeling of defeat" - muttered Tohru as she watched a dark aura surround the little guild master's body - "Are you okay?"
"Yes, I'm fine" - answered Mavis with a vacant look.
"You're not fine, I could tell you looked like you wanted to die!" - Tohru exclaimed in terror.
"Even if I wanted to, I can't die, I'm immortal as long as my body is sealed" - replied Mavis with a small sad smile - "So don't worry, I'm fine, I'm used to it".
"Now I feel horrible" - muttered Lucoa regretfully while her breasts bounced uncontrollably.
"Stop doing that, it looks like you're doing it on purpose!" - Tohru exclaimed, while Mavis was still depressed.
* * *
"Why aren't you attacking me!" - Iruru exclaimed, with a frown as she saw how the attacks she threw, were ineffective.
"As you wish" - replied Kurama as he delivered a firm blow to the girl's chest, though if he was honest, it wasn't as if there was no other side to hit when half of her anatomy was those mountains.
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Remember that this story is translated with MT and edited with [Gramarly].