
Extra 13: We are Pirates ~! (39)

"What part of all this, do you think is justice!" - Garp roared as he looked around and noticed the expression of the marines - "Look at them, the corpses of our allies, the pain in their gazes, the utter chaos, and to top it all off, your attitude in attacking your superior! Where do you see justice here!"

"They are necessary sacrifices for the greater good!" - Akainu exclaimed as he narrowed his eyes - "They knew they might die, and they did it for justice!"

"It's impossible to talk to you because you're crazy!" - Garp exclaimed as his body darkened while using Haki - "There's no need to continue this, I'm going to stop you once and for all!"

"Opposing me is opposing the justice of the Navy" - Akainu growled as the temperature of the place, increased considerably.

"You can only talk about justice as if you were an old and spoiled [Den Den Mushi]" - said Garp as he took firm steps towards the unhinged admiral - "Come, you brat, show this naval hero what you're made of!"

"That I will, Garp, that I will" - said Akainu as he jumped against Garp with a lunatic look.

"Grandpa" - muttered Luffy as he watched his grandfather start fighting that monster.

"The old man can handle Akainu" - said Ace with a smile, even though he was still chained - "He's so strong he could fight Oyaji and come out alive".

"I know, he's strong" - nodded Luffy firmly - "Especially his fist."

"Right, that fist is terrifying" - said Ace as he let out a laugh, only to see his chains open as if by magic - "Huh?"

"How did you get loose, Ace?" - Luffy asked in surprise.

"I haven't the slightest fucking idea" - Ace replied as he ignited his fists and encircled his flaming body - "But I'm thankful, I'm no longer a fucking princess waiting to be rescued."

"What's wrong with that?" - Luffy asked confused - "I saved a princess and she wasn't upset."

"It was a figure of speech, Luffy" - replied Ace as he gave a blank look to his younger brother - "Don't change."

"I don't plan to" - Luffy replied with a smile.

Ace was about to say something else when he unconsciously watched how Kurama was fighting Kaido, only to be surprised at the thought of a possibility - "Was he the one who helped me?"

The young pirate quickly shook his head, only to look in [Shirohige's] direction, and see how he was now fighting not only against Kisaru but against a person he immediately recognized - "That bastard!"

Ace's fury was understandable, after all, in the distance was none other than the man who had captured him and used him as a ticket to join the [Shichibukai] - "Teach!"

* * * * *

"I didn't expect this to turn out so badly for my plans" - said [Kurohige], Marshall D. Teach as he frowned as he saw how not only was Edward Newgate alive, but he seemed to have gotten a few years younger - "So I won't be able to get his fruit"

"We can always wait, Captain" - said a thin brown-haired man who was wearing glasses where one of the lenses was shaped like a scope. He was carrying a sniper rifle and was showing a serene attitude.

"I don't think we can wait for long, not when our group is gaining so much attention" - said a man who was wearing a Marine uniform - "I can feel [Shirohige's] hostility, that means they detected us"

"Right" - said Teach as he clicked his tongue - "Thanks for pointing out the obvious, Shiryu"

"It's my duty as one of your crew, Captain" - Shiryu replied sarcastically as he rearranged his marine clothes and pulled out a cigar - "But seriously speaking, I think we'd better do something or we'll not only have [Shirohige] as an enemy but also the marines and everyone else in this crazy war"

"He has a point," said a tall, portly woman, "What is it we're going to do, Captain?"

But before he could say anything else, the loud voice of Edward Newgate, echoed through the place - "I see you've come home, you brat! Come to have your father punish you for all you've done!"

Teach fell silent as he saw how everyone was watching in his direction, only to frown as he noticed how the level of hostility towards his group, increased considerably.

"As you would expect from the old man" - said an unconcerned voice. He was an extremely tall man, three times the height of a normal person, portly and with a strong pink complexion, he had a huge nose and an expression that seemed to show he was drunk - "Better give your orders, Captain or things will get ugly for us."

"I know" - snorted Teach as he narrowed his eyes - "Come on, it's time for us to join the party and no mercy!"

"Mercy? Do you think we went down on the 6th floor out of mercy?" - asked the only woman in the group - "What do you take us for, Captain?"

"I meant it in joking mode, my fair lady, Catarina Devon" - said Teach with a huge smile while the others shook their heads.

"Teach!" - Marco exclaimed as he appeared in front of the group of pirates with a hostile look on his face - "I finally have you in front of me!"

"Hello, Marco, it's been a good time!" - Teach exclaimed with a huge grin, only to fly off as he took the strong punch from his opponent.

"Don't even think this is over!" - Marco exclaimed fiercely as he flew in the direction where Teach was, only to be stopped by a bullet that passed just inches from his face - ". . ."

"I'm sorry, but I can't allow you to keep attacking our captain, and I think my comrades feel the same way" - Van Agur said neutrally as his comrades stood at attention - "I see I'm right"

"Well, Oyaji wants to see Teach again, so we'll take them to him" - said another of [Shirohige's] officers as they all stood in front of the group.

"Marco, we'll take care of this, you go where Teach is and beat him up before we take him in front of Oyaji" - said another one of the officers as they prepared to fight.

"This sure is a good first battle, don't you think so too?" - Shiryu asked as a huge smile appeared on his face.

"You have a point, it's not every day we can say we destroyed the pirates of one of the [Yonko]" - replied Catalina as she cracked her knuckles - "Let's see if the barking dog, really bites, or is just on its last legs and barking for attention"

* * * * *

"I don't think you should be fighting us, Kisaru" - Shanks said disdainfully as he watched with concern as Garp and Akainu were fighting - "That bastard, he finally lost his mind!"

Kisaru was speechless when he heard this as he frowned seeing how the naval hero, was fighting against his comrade - ". . ."

"Not to mention that it's obvious that [Kurohige] rescued some prisoners from [Impel Down], which makes him no longer a [Shichibukai]" - Shanks continued calmly.

"What are you getting at?" - Kisaru asked as he frowned.

"That it's a good time to put an end to that bastard, and in the process mend all this shit" - said Shanks while frowning - "Let's face it, this battle has already lost its original meaning, you guys are on the verge of being annihilated, and Ace is safe with Luffy."

"Carry on" - Kisaru said neutrally.

"That's why we'd better agree with us, but Akainu is not willing to dialogue" - replied Shanks while pointing at the rabid sailor.

"I'll think about it" - Kisaru said as he sighed with regret because he knew that now was not the time to be acting like an idiot - "But for now, I ask you to stop attacking our marines, with this at least we can say that you are willing to dialogue."

"Ok, I'll talk with the old man" - nodded Shanks calmly.

5 minutes later, the battle was over thanks to the orders of [Shirohige] and Shanks.

Luffy was walking with a smile next to Ace in the direction where the 2 [Yonko] were, leaving only Marco fighting against Teach, [Shirohige]'s officers against [Kurohige]'s pirates, Garp against Akainu, and finally Kurama against Kaido.

Aokiji was taking care of Sengoku's condition, although his situation was not as good as he wished.

The commander-in-chief of the marine forces had a pale face, barely breathing because Akainu's attack was much more dangerous than they had thought.

His fist had managed to reach one of Sengoku's lungs, and the wound was cauterized by the heat of the admiral's lava.

The doctors on site were doing their best to try to save Sengoku, but there wasn't much they could do.

"It's a pity we have no way to help you," said Doflamingo with a satirical smile on his face, "A pity indeed."


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[The Legend of the Kyubi] Extra 14(4) <--- Available in Pa treon.

Remember that this story is translated with MT and edited with [Gramarly].

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