
Extra 13: We are Pirates ~! (37)

Luffy continued to advance towards where Ace was, leaving behind all the enemies and allies that were now facing each other, only to see how the last obstacle was in sight next to his older brother - "Old man!"

"Luffy, you had to show up at this place" - Garp said as he sighed regretfully.

"Why!" - Luffy exclaimed angrily - "Why didn't you do anything to save Ace!"

Garp didn't answer, he just stood his ground, even though inside the guilt was eating him alive.

He had promised Roger that he would keep his son safe, he did the same with his mother, but things had taken a 180° turn in a matter of seconds.

Garp didn't know how the [World Government] had learned Ace's true identity, but what he did know was that they wouldn't leave loose ends.

Roger had been a pain in the ass to them, and they didn't want to see anyone inherit his mantle.

"You're not going to stop me, old man" - Luffy said earnestly as he activated his [Gear 2] - "I'm going to save Ace even if I have to beat you unconscious."

"Sorry, Luffy, but it all ends here and now" - Garp replied seriously as he imbued his fists with Haki - "Come, it's time for you to show this old man how much you've matured."

* * * * *

"Why didn't you go with the others?" - Sengoku asked as he frowned, seeing how Aokiji was watching everything from a distance.

"Because I'm waiting" - Aokiji answered earnestly - "If I've learned anything, it's that something always happens at times like this."

Sengoku didn't answer, he just kept silent as he felt a bad feeling.

Slowly, he looked up at the sky and noticed how it began to light up from a sea of flames.

"Impossible!" - Sengoku exclaimed in terror when he saw this, for the clouds of fire meant only one thing - "What is he doing here!"

Sengoku had received the report of how he and the red-haired man were fighting thousands of miles away from here, it made no sense that they had arrived so quickly.

The Marines and pirates slowly looked up and saw how a huge blue creature was bearing down on them.

"Impossible, what's he doing here!" - Doflamingo exclaimed in terror as he recognized what was happening - "Wait, he's falling with someone!"

The battle had come to a halt with the events that were transpiring.

[Shirohige] was watching this seriously, after all, he never thought Kaido would appear after asking Shanks to block him, but it seemed he had underestimated the abilities of the strongest creature in the world.

"Not what I was thinking, but we arrived anyway! Ha ha ha ha!" - the sound of a hoarse, distorted voice echoed through the place as the huge blue oriental dragon, raised its head fiercely - "Kaido has arrived!"

"What the fuck is another one of the Yonko doing in this place!" - Akainu exclaimed coldly as he watched in terror as the flames Kaido was releasing, were consuming the bodies of his subordinates, though at the same time he was doing it to the pirates.

"No, it's not just one" - said Kisaru as he appeared next to his friend, only to point in the direction where Kaido was, and see how a red-haired, one-armed man was walking in his direction - "[Akagami] is also here."

"Shanks!" - Luffy exclaimed with excitement at the sight of his role model.

"Hey, Luffy, I'll talk with you later, I have something to do" - Shanks said as he looked at the young man he met so many years ago, only to frown as he saw how Kaido was returning to his human form - "This didn't go as I thought"

"Things don't always go the way we wish, young Shanks" - [Shirohige] said as he looked at the apprentice of his former rival - "But I don't think this is the time for this."

"I agree, this is a good opportunity to annihilate 3 of the 4 Yonko!" - Akainu exclaimed, not noticing how everyone was looking at him like he was an idiot.

Having one Yonko as an enemy was already a problem, having 3 in the same place was a recipe for a nuclear bomb.

"[Shirohige]! It's been a while since we last saw each other!" - Kaido exclaimed with a wild grin on his face - "Let's see how much strength you still maintain!"

"I don't have time for games, Kaido" - said Edward Newgate with a scowl, only to look apprehensively at the white-haired man - "With this, our fight is going to have to come to an abrupt end!"

"I know, but I found a more interesting opponent" - said Kurama calmly as he walked over to Kaido with a cheerful expression on his face.

Kaido looked in the direction of the man walking in his direction with surprise, after all, it was the first time in a long time that someone approached him without an expression of fear.

"Interesting" - murmured Kaido as a huge smile appeared on his face - "I guess you are the [Emperor], the [Jubi no Kami]"

"That's right" - replied Kurama as he released his 10 silver tails and his two fox ears - "I've heard some things about you, Kaido, so I want to see how true it is that you're indestructible"

"I can feel my blood boiling, wanting to face you in battle" - Kaido said as he squinted his eyes - "I can even feel my instincts telling me to escape, so I want to ask you a question. Can you kill me?"

"Do you want to die?" - Kurama asked in surprise.

"I want to re-experience the terror of feeling how my life is on the brink of death" - replied Kaido as his body began to be covered by countless blue scales - "I want to feel how my burning blood, runs through every inch of my body as the thrill of living on the edge flows inside me."

"I understand, it's hard to be on top" - Kurama said as he released a fragment of his power - "If that's what you wish, I promise I'll fulfill your wish, though I'm not sure if you'll be able to resist"

"Resist?" - Kaido repeated with a frown.

"When one is on the limit of the humankind, these acquire enormous pride, that's why when they experience defeat, something breaks in them" - replied Kurama as he disappeared from his location, and reappeared in front of the huge scale-covered man, only to give him a firm punch in the stomach.

Kaido's pupils dilated as he felt his body buckle along with the loss of air- "Gaha!"

Kaido couldn't believe it, for the first time in years, he was experiencing pain once again- "Ku!"

"We're not done yet" - Kurama muttered as he grabbed Kaido's face, who had bent over from lack of oxygen, and slammed it directly into the ground - "Come on, you wished to experience pain, now I'm going to fulfill your fantasies"

Kaido's pupils turned red with fury as he roared fiercely.

He without a second thought moved his hands in Kurama's direction and caught him.

"You bastard, that hurt, but you're a moron for not trying to dodge me" - Kaido said in fury as he used all his power to try to squeeze his victim's body. He only wanted one thing, to pulverize the albino's bones, but to his surprise, he didn't even flinch he felt as if he was trying to squeeze an extremely hard metal - "!"

"Come on, this isn't a good massage, even [Shirohige] did a better job with his fruit" - Kurama said disdainfully as he stretched out his arms, and in the process, loosening his grip on the beast - "That's all?"

". . ." - Kaido stood watching his opponent silently as his eyes widened in surprise - "You're weird."

"I consider myself special" - replied Kurama as he shook his head - "Whatever, let's keep going."

"OK" - nodded Kaido, who had put Shanks aside and was concentrating on a much more interesting opponent.

"This is good for us" - said Shanks as he looked at Edward Newgate - "What do you think, old man?"

"I'm thinking the same thing, now that Kaido and that man are distracting each other, we can use this opening so we can save Ace" - [Shirohige] said seriously.

"I was thinking the same thing, not to mention that I have to tell Luffy a few words, especially giving him a beating for doing something as stupid as coming to this place without thinking about the consequences" - said Shanks seriously.

* * *

"How did everything change so drastically!" - Sengoku exclaimed angrily - "This can't be happening!"

"I told you" - said Aokiji as he walked over to the prisoner.

"What are you planning to do!" - Sengoku exclaimed as he scowled.

"I'm going to try to end this once and for all" - said Aokiji as he shook his head - "If we kill Ace, we will not only be causing [Shirohige]'s fury, but Shanks' as well, that's why I decided to try to mediate this situation."

"If you do something like that, the navy will be reduced to little more than a joke" - Sengoku said neutrally as his body began to grow, and a golden aura surrounded his body.

"If we don't, then there will be no navy left to treat as a joke" - Aokiji replied seriously.


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[The Legend of the Kyubi] Extra 14(2) <--- Available in Pa treon.

Remember that this story is translated with MT and edited with [Gramarly].

GenoXXcreators' thoughts