"Entei, Raikou, Suicune" - muttered Ash as he started thinking about what those Pokémon would look like and how strong they were.
"Anyway, it's time for me to leave" - Kurama said as he shook his head.
"Weren't you going to watch me fight, dad?" - Ash asked as he looked at his father with a frown.
"Sorry, I was planning on watching Brook's last battle, but seeing as it's you, Ash, I think I'm going to skip it" - replied Kurama as he shook his head.
"Why?!" - Ash exclaimed as he frowned.
"Because I want it to be a surprise" - replied Kurama with a smile - "I want you to show me how strong you are when you get to the Indigo Plateau."
"Huh?" - Ash was surprised when he saw this, more so when he heard his father's words - "Are you going to participate?"
"You could say yes" - Kurama nodded with a huge smile - "Let's just say I'm going to be one of the Elite 4 challengers."
"!" - Misty and Brook were surprised when they heard this, after all, they knew how strong the Elite 4 members were.
"Ok, I think this would be all for now" - Kurama said as he looked at the youngsters - "I hope you fulfill your dreams or at least get so far that you feel you don't regret having started your journey."
"OK!" - Ash, Misty, and Brook exclaimed firmly.
"Well, I have to be on my way, I still have to 'talk' to certain girls who aren't doing their job" - said Kurama as he gave Misty a wink - "See you in the future, I'm sure of it."
Ash nodded as he watched his father silently walk away.
"I didn't know Kurama was your father, Ash" - Misty said as she looked at her companion - "I guess there's something new to learn with each passing day."
"Anyway, come on, we still have to fight for your first medal" - Brook said as he started to think about the fact that maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to travel along with Ash and Misty, after all, one was the son of the man he idolized, and the other was a Gym Leader of Cerulean City.
* * * * *
Two days had passed since Kurama had parted ways with Ash and the others, and he was currently leaving Mount Moon.
During his little trip, he slaughtered a few Team Rocket members he had encountered, and in the process captured a rare Shiny Druddigon, which was strange because there shouldn't be a Pokémon like this in Kanto.
Kurama was currently walking calmly in the direction of Cerulean City so he could check on the Gym, but his expression changed when he saw a red sports car speeding past him.
"Who's the fucking genius that gives a 10-year-old a car!" - Kurama exclaimed as he frowned as he saw how the person driving the vehicle, was nothing more than a 10-year-old boy accompanied by what appeared to be a group of cheerleaders much older than him, maybe about 8 years apart.
"That voice!" - exclaimed the driver as he stopped his car and looked back - "Kurama-san!"
"Gary" - said Kurama as he frowned as he recognized Professor Oak's grandson - "I see you're living the good life while causing trouble for others."
"Hiiii ~!" - Gary started to tremble when he heard the albino's cold voice, after all, if there was anyone he was afraid of, it was none other than Kurama because he was hard on him, though at the same time he respected him with all his heart.
Gary lost his parents when he was a child and only had his older sister and grandfather, but the problem was that his older sister was studying to be a Pokémon stylist, his grandfather spent much of his time in the lab, leaving Gary alone, or at least that was until Ash, his friend and rival, told him he could come to dinner with them.
It was there that he met Kurama, who would later become his teacher as a trainer, and at the same time, a father figure he wished to overcome, ironically, this made him and Ash more alike than he thought.
"I hope you have a good reason for doing that kind of stupid stuff, young man" - Kurama said while squinting his eyes as he watched his son's best friend - "Or I swear I'll have a long talk with your grandfather".
"Oh, come on, old man" - said Gary as he frowned - "I'm just enjoying my trip."
"With your sister's friends?" - Kurama asked while raising an eyebrow as he saw how all the cheerleaders were looking at him with dreamy eyes, after all, the man in front of them was not only handsome but also strong, kind, and popular with women all over Kanto.
"My sister told me that it was the only way she would let me go on a trip alone" - Gary muttered while sighing regretfully. He wasn't interested in any of the women next to him because one, he was just a boy not yet entering his teens, and two, they were like sisters to him.
"I see" - nodded Kurama as he looked at the girls - "Thanks for taking care of this idiot kid."
"Hey!" - Gary exclaimed with annoyance, although he wasn't as annoyed as he was showing, after all, the albino was showing his concern for him - "Seriously, you're not my father, man."
"True, but you're like a son to me, so don't do anything stupid" - Kurama answered seriously.
"Ok, I'll keep that in mind" - muttered Gary as he sighed regretfully. He was ready to start driving, only this time, much more calmly when he heard something that surprised him.
"By the way, I'm going to participate in the Indigo Plateau, so I hope you become as strong as you can" - said Kurama with a smile.
"Seriously?!" - Gary exclaimed with surprise and excitement.
"I don't gain anything by lying to you, brat" - replied Kurama with a huge smile - "I'll be looking forward to fighting you and Ash!"
"Don't even think about it, old man" - said Gary with disdain - "I'll be the one to defeat you".
"I'll be looking forward to it" - replied Kurama as he continued on his way.
"He's so handsome ~" - said one of the cheerleaders as she passionately watched the albino walk - "Too bad he's a father."
"Actually, I wouldn't mind being a stepmother so young if it's because of Kurama-sama ~" - said another cheerleader as the others nodded.
Kurama was known as someone kind and loving, even his wife had said so in some interviews they had done of him.
"We'd better move on" - said Gary as he shook his head. He had planned on challenging the Cerulean City Gym, but now that he knew Kurama was going to be in the league, he would train with everything he had to be a worthy rival for his father figure.
* * * * *
"I guess it's time" - Kurama said as he signaled the ticket agent to let him pass, which wasn't much of a problem because she recognized him almost immediately - "Oh I forgot, don't tell them I'm here because this is a secret mission entrusted by the Pokémon League."
"OK!" - The ticket agent exclaimed as he watched the albino enter the Gym.
Kurama looked around, only to frown as he saw the long line of challengers.
He continued to move forward until he reached the stage, and watched as three cute girls were putting on a water show alongside their Pokémon.
"How long have you guys been waiting?" - Kurama asked as he looked at one of the challengers, only to notice how he widened his eyes in surprise.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Gym Leader Kurama!" - exclaimed the young man excitedly - "Could you sign this Pokeball for me?"
"Uh, sure" - replied Kurama as he shrugged and signed the young man's Pokeball, only to watch as the others lined up to ask him to do the same with theirs - ". . ."
"Answering your question, I've at least been here for a week" - the first boy replied as he frowned - "The leaders of this gym told me I would have to wait until their show, but this has been repeated for the last 6 days."
"Ok, you guys too?" - Kurama asked as he raised an eyebrow noticing how the others nodded - "Ok, I don't need any more information."
Kurama slowly walked over to the sisters so he could give them a little chastisement.
"Thank you so much for coming!" - One of the girls said, but her expression changed when she saw how Kurama was walking in their direction - "Oh."
"I hope they have a little time to talk because the league has heard certain rumors about a Gym that hasn't been working properly" - Kurama said while narrowing his eyes.
"Ugh" - the three sisters looked at each other fearfully because it was obvious that the League was not happy with their performance.
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Remember that this story is translated with MT and slightly edited with Grammarly.