
Extra 12: I choose you! (18)

"I recommend you take your opponent seriously, Mewtwo" - said Kurama seriously - "Mew can use every Pokémon move in the world, so you never know what kind of attack it will throw."

[I'll take that into account] - said Mewtwo while squinting his eyes - [Now, come, let's see which of the two is the stronger].

"Mew!" - Mew was starting to get annoyed, after all, this Pokémon kept saying things she didn't understand - "Mewwwwwww!"

Mewtwo's eyes widened in surprise as he saw Mew's Psychic power explode and knock him back.

For the first time during their confrontation, Mew was demonstrating its latent power, the same power that Mewtwo inherited.

"Mew!" - Mew roared as its eyes glowed as it went into battle mode - "Mew!"

[Ok, I get it] - said Mewtwo as he felt a huge pressure on his shoulders, after all, he never thought Mew would be so powerful, although, in hindsight, she should be if he was born thanks to her DNA.

"Mew!" - The small pink Pokémon exclaimed as it created a powerful wave of dark energy.

"Oh, that's [Dark Pulse]" - said Kurama as he winced as he watched Mewtwo recoil after receiving the [Sinister] type attack - "That had to hurt."

[ . . . ] - Mewtwo was silent as he used the [Recover] move to restore some of his health, after all, that attack was super effective.

"Mew?" - Mew watched her clone in surprise because normally that level of attack should have been more than enough, but it seemed that her suspicions about Mewtwo's strength, were accurate.

The Pokémon in front of her was extremely strong and resilient.

"Mew! Mew mew mew mew!" - Mew said as it looked at its clone.

[Do you want to meet me?" said Mewtwo with surprise - [Know who I am?]

"Mew!" - Mew nodded as he levitated around Mewtwo, only to hug him on the head.

[ . . . ] - Mewtwo was silent as he felt the affection of his original.

"From what I can sense, Mew sees you as his son, even though he can't reproduce naturally" - Kurama replied as Mewtwo continued to remain silent.

"Mew mew!" - Mew nodded as he floated around and nodded.

[I don't understand] - muttered Mewtwo as he frowned - [Why are you acting this way when we were just about to fight].

"Mew?" - Mew cocked his head in confusion as he looked at Kurama for help.

"Don't look at me, Mewtwo is not the best Pokémon to talk about emotions" - Kurama replied as he shook his head, only to notice how Mewtwo was looking at them silently.

"Mew mew" - nodded Mew as it started dancing around Mewtwo with a motherly aura.

[This is awkward] - muttered Mewtwo as he looked at Kurama for help - [It's a look similar to the one your partner has with your human cub].

"Son" - Kurama corrected as a small smile appeared on his lips - "And technically Mew is your mother, though not in an orthodox way."

[ . . . ] - Mewtwo was silent again as he nodded weakly, after all, Kurama's words were technically true.

He was born because of Mew, that was a truth that could not be refuted, though more than a son, he considered himself a brother.

"Is that Mew?" - Oak asked, who had come to leave an errand for Kurama, only to be surprised to see the Neo-Species Pokémon.

"Mew?" - Mew looked at Oak before disappearing from the spot.

"Every time I run into you, I discover something new" - Oak said as he shook his head - "In this case, that you have the strange Pokémon Mew in your vicinity."

"Believe me, I was surprised too when I discovered that she was nearby" - Kurama replied as he looked around, only to notice how a small laugh echoed in the place as Mew's silhouette appeared on Kurama's shoulder.

"I never thought I'd see Mew so close" - Oak said as he tried to get closer, only to watch as Mew again disappeared - "From what I see, it doesn't seem to be happy with the idea of being around strangers, which leads me to wonder why it shouldn't be in your vicinity."

"I think it's because of Mewtwo's presence" - Kurama replied calmly as he pointed at his partner - "As I informed you, he's a clone created by [Team Rocket] with Mew's DNA, so it's not that surprising that she felt the connection."

"She?" - Oak asked curiously because Mew shouldn't have a gender.

"From what I've managed to find out, Legendary Pokémon do possess gender, just unlike normal Pokémon, they don't reproduce in the same way, that's why there's the belief that they are asexual" - Kurama replied as Mew nodded and nuzzled his cheek against the human's cheek.

Mew was a little puzzled by Kurama's presence, but after meeting Mewtwo, she understood why the human-made her vigilant, after all, a Pokémon with an aura similar to his, was roaming around him.

"That information is interesting" - Oak said as his eyes glittered slightly - "This explains a lot of things, it also changes the approach we have with Legendary Pokémon."

"By the way, this can be checked if you use Latios and Latias as a base" - Kurama added as he explained how these two Eon Pokémon, could breed as long as it's not their "sibling", a strange situation because normally this shouldn't be a problem.

"Oh, that makes sense" - nodded Oak as he started to think - "Maybe I'm thinking things too conventionally."

"It's possible" - nodded Kurama as Mew disappeared again.

"Huh? You're back, honey?" - Delia asked in surprise when she saw Kurama.

"Yes, and we have something to talk about" - said Kurama as he looked at his wife calmly, then looked at Oak - "Anyway, what did you come here for, Oak?"

"Oh, right, I lost my attention when I saw Mew" - said Oak while scratching his cheek - "I just got a message from one of my colleagues, Professor Rowan to be more precise."

"The Pokémon professor from Sinnoh?" - Kurama asked in surprise - "What happened to him?"

"His latest information points out that someone is trying to break the balance between the three legendary lakes" - Oak answered seriously.

"And what does that have to do with me?" - Kurama asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"He needs someone who can understand Pokémon, and you're the one" - Oak answered seriously.

"I'm sure Riley can fulfill that job, after all, he's one of the few [Aura Guardians] I know" - replied Kurama as he folded his arms.

"Riley is busy with his apprentice's training, that's why he can't fulfill the job" - Oak replied while scratching his cheek.

"I understand, I guess I'll go" - sighed Kurama while shaking his head - "Mind you, you have to tell me when I have to go".

"At the end of the Pokémon League" - Oak answered seriously.

"You know very well that I have my schedule tight" - replied Kurama with a frown - "After the league, I have to go to Kurt's to get him to inform me about the GS Ball."

"After that, I have to go back to the [Orange Islands]" - Kurama added as he looked at Delia - "Ivy said she needed to talk to me about something important, she said it had to do with her research on the marine habitat"

"Interesting, do you think you can tell me more about it?" - Oak asked with interest, after all, Ivy was a prodigy in the marine ecosystem field.

"Sorry" - replied Kurama as he shrugged his shoulders.

"No, don't worry about it, it was rude of me to try to butt in on a colleague's research" - Oak replied with a slightly forced smile - "Anyway, I expect you to let me know when you can go to Sinnoh."

"Ok, I'll inform you when I have the time" - nodded Kurama as he signaled his wife to follow him because they needed to talk.

Delia asked Oak if he wanted to stay for dinner with them, but seeing how the professor said he was a bit busy, she decided to just say goodbye to her old friend and follow her husband.

Kurama quickly explained to her what had happened with Lusamine, as well as apologizing for leaving her in such a bad state after their nights of passion.

Delia blushed at these words as she said it was no problem, although inside she could only sigh because there were times when her bottom still ached from the overexertion she had done earlier.

Kurama also explained to her how he would go to Alola after at most 6 months together with them so they could meet the rest of the family.

Delia was silent for a few seconds before she nodded firmly, after all, she knew she could no longer hide the truth.

Kurama was a little confused when he noticed the change in Delia's expression, but he quickly understood the reason for this when he heard the woman's confession.

Delia began to cry as she spoke her truth, of how she had lied to him about Ash, and about her being his wife.

Kurama could only respond in one way, by hugging her and telling her that everything was all right.


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Remember that this story is translated with MT and slightly edited with Grammarly.

GenoXXcreators' thoughts